Saturday, November 19, 2016

Across the Great Divide is Love and Hope

Across the Great Divide

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
Greek author & philosopher in Athens (427 BC - 347 BC) 

We are living in stressful times for so many people.  For some, they feel as though their candidate won, in varying and lesser degrees of true support, all the way to: ‘at least it is not the other one’…and of course, far, far worse is coming out of people’s mouths.

For others, they feel their candidate lost, or was robbed, and I am not here to make a judgment on one or the other, I am only attempting, to find a way across the Great Divide.

I pray, that none of my words find a way to further this division, are not misconstrued, and are taken in the true intention of my heart and words.

This is not about sour grapes, or my own personal feelings, rather it is out of a deep concern for the future, that hangs in the balance for all of us, and certainly our children and their children’s future.

It doesn’t take an empath, to feel what is going on all around us.  The fear is so palpable, and of course, the flip-side of fear, is anger and under that, is sadness.

We have been through one of the most tumultuous elections, I can ever recall in my adult life.  The division that has been created, is so palpable, so many are deciding to take their lives.  Whose life is not so precious?  Water flows within, on our earth and inside each and every one of us.

Water, just like us, is SACRED, it is all natural resources…including the human kind…and to that word, I implore all of us, myself included, to reach to a higher ground…not just to parrot a phrase that has now been abused too.

So, to lay out a bit of groundwork, it seems only necessary, to remind people, a little of the path we have all been walking, together.
This is not meant to bring up the debate, or split hairs, or to ask for any of us, to overturn where we already all are now.
Senator Sanders, was as some information came out, let’s just say, he was not treated so fairly.  Bernie supporters, were told “to move along and get in line.”
The votes were cast, and we all needed to come together now.

Bernie people, felt much like Hillary supporters do now.  Not listened to, their candidate was ‘robbed’ and the election was not ‘fair’…all the way to the postulation that it was ‘rigged’ towards Hillary.
That created a lot of hard feelings, and fractured the base even further.

Each continued action, was seen as another slap in the face, and they were angry, perhaps even still or even more so than ever for some.
This is not to debate that issue, but to bring some sense of ‘empathy’ towards one another.
Hillary supporters, are probably in shock, that their candidate did not win, thus all the protests, and they are also in fear, very real and palpable fear, of what they feel, rightly or wrongly, is a candidate that will take them…US down a very dark road.

Again, this is not to debate, whether or not that is true, but rather, to create some ground for all us to walk upon.

For many, at the very least, it came down to: “Anything but Trump” or “Anything but Hillary”.

We have had an election, the results favored Donald Trump.  People want to argue whether the election was fair, or ‘stolen’ and there is accusations that Vladimir Putin engaged in tampering and election fraud.

So, they feel exactly like the Bernie supporters felt, and many still do.

I have learned, over my walk on this life, that often what comes for me, when my body is shaking so badly inside, that there are either big planet changes, or I am giving birth to information…because they literally feel like ‘birth pangs’…and then we had the New Zealand earthquake and the full moon, and I thought it would dissipate after this, but it has not.

The election, that took place on November 8th, has rocked us all into visceral anger, and fear to support and glee, that some feel they got their ‘outsider’.

The thing is, roughly half the voting population voted for Donald, and the other voted for Hillary…again, not to parse this reality, we are told that Donald won the vote.

People are protesting this, and we see beyond the protests, people rioting, and all kinds of poor behaviour from either faction of voters, be they Trump or for Clinton.

What good will this bring?  Though people may be protesting out of fear of a Trump presidency, and I am not here to debate whether that is founded or not, that protest, is also saying, the other half, the winning candidate, and those who voted for him, don’t know what they are doing, and so , their votes don’t count.

That is what you are telling those people, who, like Hillary voters, believe in their candidate.  We already know all the arguments, we have all seen the disparity of belief’s one way or the other.

This divide and conquer routine, has people who are family and life-long friends, husband and wives, spouses of your choosing, and your right, at each other, and neither is willing to come to the place of meeting with each other.

If we don’t find a way, to come together, and ALLOW THE PROCESS, THAT IS LAW, than we will surely find ourselves, in deep, deep danger.

A President elect Trump, is already thumbing his nose at the United Nations, even going so far as to say; ‘They are right here, in New York’ for what reason, I cannot imagine.  
People have very real feelings about the UN also, including the same fears, that President elect Trump is voicing, and again, that is not to say I am falling on either side of that debate either, but, if we have the UN, step in to our country, and decide for us, because we are not going along with this, it could mean Marshal Law.

This deeply concerns me, having foreigners on deciding our election, when clearly, half the voting population believes in the results.
This can and will, only stoke the fires between the divide, until that river is a boiling and overtakes so many who will not be able to control their anger.

I am not saying I am for President Trump, nor am I saying I am against him.
We have laws to hold him to, we have had an election.
He should be held accountable, and made to obey the laws every president before him had to obey, no special rules, AND THAT IS SOMETHING WE ALL CAN DO, follow the law, and the process thereof, and the ORDER, that can bring.

Otherwise, we are going up in a tinder box.

Please, see the person that voted differently from you, as the same as you, they care too, they are passionate too, they believe what they believe, as strongly as you do, so we need empathy.  We need vigilance, not vigilantes.

We have the choice, to create a common ground to each other, and to some sort of love, and kindness.  A president elect Trump, says he wants to unite this country, let’s give him that chance and hold him to that.

Please do everything you can, as I will too, to dismantle this hatred, this fear we all feel, that is now so very palpable.

I am certainly not perfect by a long shot, nor do I pretend to be, that is always my first argument with Gd, ‘You do realize who you are dealing with, right?’…and of course, the answer, is…”I know the very hair on your head.”

There are Higher Beings/Guardian Angels as I was taught growing up, that do protect and work with us, they always have.  Every tradition has their concept of this, we need to reach to them to pray and to do good works, now more than ever.
I have never been a pious, or ‘holier than though’ kind of person, but a very real one.  I have never been able to really ‘fit into any camp’ and always had a different way of seeing things and feeling things.

Instead of spewing all the hateful rhetoric we have all heard and used to some extent, again, I include myself, I pray, that we can build a bridge back over to each other again.
We all want the same basic things, and we do live in a very disconcerting time, with a lot of fear that has been brought out of its buried underbelly.  (This is Pluto/Hades in astrology or myth, whichever you prefer to help with comprehension).

Please, can we stop the ‘I am right and you are wrong, and my candidate is better than yours, because again, that is how we each feel?
How can the side that won, NOT feel as though their voice is being rejected, their vote is being overturned and questioned?

There is common ground for us, please if you feel you have something to add to this discussion, can we please try and do so, without attacking each other, without the ‘he or she is better’…please.
I will delete and mean or nasty comment, that is not a statement of how we can positively move forward to common ground and being heard.

We don’t need the same old argument, for truly, that debate has happened.

What are the needs of the people, that you feel need to be realized and heard, and how can we go about finding ways to implement those?

What are some actual idea’s, that will help most of us, where do we both need to reach some agreements on, that will benefit the majority, who all feel the hurt, and the pain, of a growing disparity, between those that have and those that feel they do not.  Without making an attack, on any group, what do we all need that will benefit us moving forward?

I pray, that this lands on soft ears and an open heart, from where it was originated by me, it truly is born of my own concern, not to have what I personally want or need, that battle was during the elections, when we all voiced our belief’s, that is what a campaign is all about.

I implore you, to pray and ask for guidance, for all of us, and this country.

Or the chickens will come home to roost, in a most Gd awful way, and it will be way too late by then.

At the same time this is all going on, we have our brothers and sisters, battling for all of us, for clean water for all.
We cannot drink oil…and certainly, our grandchildren will not be able to either.

Please pray and do what you can, reach out if you can, with a loving heart, and ask for guidance, it is there, if one just bows to the divine in this world, that loves us all.


For instance, what ideas do you have, about Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid do you think will benefit the most, and restore the hope that people need right now, rather than believing, they are not cared about, and  loved?

How can we truly help our veterans, and honestly help them, now that they have served?

What service can we all give?

That person, that you see now, as ‘oppositional’ to you, is really your brother or your sister…and we KNOW this, if we just reach a little deeper, and remember who was there for us, at one point or another, even if we disagree in other times.

It certainly wasn’t either candidate…so please, let us not allow this to separate us any further, or we will all ‘see apart’…rather than the strength that comes from being, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

You know what the last thing in Pandora’s Box was?

HOPE, let’s restore the true value of this word, for all.

And God Bless the United States of America and the entire world, because how America goes, so goes the rest of the world.

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