Thursday, January 28, 2021

Howling At The Moon And Taking A Courageous Stand


Full Moon January 28, 2021 9*5’ Leo, at 2:16 PM

This will bring some difficult matters and tensions to a head.  Where does this fall in your chart?  What other planets does this aspect?  This will tell you a lot more about how this might specifically affect you, especially Leo’s between the degrees of 6-12 degrees.

This will square the other fixed cross signs: Taurus and Scorpio.

The sun flies across the seas/heavens at 9* Aquarius.  This then, also brings to ‘light’ the identity or crux of the matter.  Further detachment for the already detached Aquarian, yet giving them a glimpse of who and why they are here now, while also being able to observe the emotional content and purpose so vividly, it may feel as if they can reach right out and touch the sky, the moon now fully reflecting back the depth of the soul.

So, we can see with the other squares going on, Uranus recently having moved direct, will really add to the powerful HEART energy.

On January 26th, the sun squares Uranus at 7:48 AM when the sun is at 6*47’ Aquarius and Uranus will be at 6* Taurus.  (Air and Earth)
Mars is still just a few degrees away from Uranus at 10* Taurus (Taurus is really getting a kick in the pants, which of all the signs, the bull likes to take their time and plod forward methodically with everything well-planned out. They are not happy with ‘unexpected’ Uranus getting the jolt from Mars and striking the match so to speak. Uranus and Mars are sticking the lightening rod into their normal routines and pouring ‘go-go’ juice down their throats whether they like it or not.

With Jupiter pouring his expansive energy into this mix at 9* Aquarius, it is like a pinball, hitting the

walls (the square while simultaneously, Saturn not so far behind at 4* Aquarius) is putting a chokehold on this explosiveness.  Yes, a contradiction to say the least.

Neptune squaring the nodes 19* PIsces and head and tail of the nodes at 18* Gemini and Sagittarius, asking us if we are attaining our dreams, how is our life-plans going?  Be careful not to over imbibe, drug abuse can be highly likely and equally dangerous right now.

Whatever method you have of getting in touch with your heart energy, your spiritual core and feeling loved, try and make sure to make more time for that now.

Spiritual practices that have been neglected, will also call you back during these times.  People and teachers as well as classmates in spiritual or healing modalities can come into your consciousness or you may find them showing up in your dreams.  You may need to circle back to get clarity and a kick-start to better habits and connection to spiritual truths.

The power of the Holy Spirit.

Pluto is still bringing to the surface all the detritus, what has been shoved under the rug and especially the ‘spiritual bypassing’ that has taken place.

Do we need to dwell there?  We need to do whatever everyone is brought to, what our own life-choices as well as our past-lives have in culmination now.  There isn’t a cookie-cutter version for such unique souls.
Pluto conjunct Venus, both at 25* Capricorn will bring up power over/abuse/sexual abuse experiences and concerns.

On display, will be people in positions of power and how the ‘love of power and prestige’ can cause long, dark, shadows to coil around the lost soul.

Oh, Smaug is on full display.

They are not too distantly trailing Saturn at 4* Aquarius.  Saturn wants to implement the laws that govern a society.  Now that he is out of his rulership, he will no doubt try and reign in what Jupiter at 9* Aquarius is magnifying.

This is the ‘airwaves/internet’.

Jupiter also wants to show benevolence, he is the ‘jovial’ one after all.

Pushing into the waning square to Uranus at 6* and Mars at 10* Taurus, will ‘corner some people’.

Mercury stations retrograde the day after the full moon at 26* Aquarius.
He will have you review all that has transpired, agreements and negotiations as well as the commitments and programs that have either already been implemented in the past or are being considered for the future, especially regarding what we believe and how we treat the community/society’s contracts.  He is interested in the new inventions being revealed, some not so openly yet.  But there is ‘experimentation’ going on regarding programs that will have huge effects long into the future.

On February 11th at 2:05PM the new moon will herald the beginning of the Chinese New Year of the OX.
This emphasizes the energy of Taurus the Bull.
This is a GOOD THING.  We need to take it slow, while also taking care.

2/11/2021 Again with the symbolic numbers BROADCASTING LOUD AND CLEAR that we are on the precipice of great change, new beginnings.

We are only at the foothills of a very high mountain now.  Believe me.
Until we are out of the Great USA Fire Eclipse window in April of 2024, we are going to experience major disruptions, disagreements, and turmoil.
On February 17th, we will experience the first of three squares from Saturn to Uranus, with this one when Saturn is at 7* Aquarius to kick these off.
These will bring CHANGES. 

On the April of this year we can expect major changes as the sun begins some powerful squares back to an already scorched mountaintop of Capricorn that has been ‘flat-cut’ and is rumbling deep into our souls. 
This is all creating great uncertainty as our shells are broken open, and the masks and costumes that occlude reality are torn down.

Some salient points

·       Power Struggles

·      *Relationship dominance and submissiveness

·       Ego/I want to be seen/shine

  •   New insights
  • ·       Courage
  • ·       Pulling back and breathing before responding
  • ·       Hold off sending out or signing contracts, written information, UNLESS it is agreements that are already being revised or revisited.

·       Time for a car tune-up?  Good time!

I end this blog with a story that really touched me and is a very simple way of reassuring those who may need a steadier hand now.  Is God there?  Have we taken a sponge and wiped away the sky?

This might help.
Me: Okay, God, here's the thing. I'm scared. I'm trying not to be, but I am.

God: I know. Want to talk about it?

Me: Do we need to? I mean, you already know.

God: Let's talk about it anyway... We've done this before.

God: *waiting patiently, unhurried, undistracted, never annoyed.

Me: Okay. So, I'm afraid I'll do everything I can to protect my family and it won't be enough. I'm afraid of someone I love dying. I'm afraid the world won't go back to what it was before. I'm afraid my life is always going to feel a little bit unsettled.

God: Anything else?


God: Remember how your son woke up the other night and came running down the hall to your bedroom?

Me: Yes.

God: You were still awake, so when you heard him running, you started calling out to him before he even got to you... remember? Do you remember what you called out to him?

Me: I said, "You're okay! You're okay! You're okay! I'm here."

God: Why did you call to him? Why didn't you just wait for him to get to your room?

Me: Because I wanted him to know that I was awake, and I heard him, and he didn't have to be afraid until he reached the end of the dark hallway.

God: Exactly. I hear you, my child. I hear your thoughts racing like feet down the dark hallway. There's another side to all of this. I'm there already. I've seen the end of it. And I want you to know right here as you walk through it all, you're okay. I haven't gone to sleep, and I won't.

Me: *crying. Can we sit together awhile? Can we just sit here a minute before I go back to facing it all?

God: There's nothing I'd love more.

🙏♥️ (Copied and comforted)  Copied from Sue DeRada's post  

Don't forget to make sure you have a good supply of #ArcoftheAncient's perfected Roll Ons (since 1994) 

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Eclipses this year:

Lunar Eclipse (Total): May 26,2021 05*25’45” Sag

Solar Eclipse: Jun 10, 2021 19*47’06” Gemini
Lunar Partial Eclipse: Nov 19, 2021 27*14’25” Taurus

Solar Eclipse (Total): Dec 4, 2021 12*22’02” Sag                       

Monday, January 18, 2021

2021 The Great Awakening Of The World From The Lawless One

Donald Trump has his natal sun at 22* Gemini, his north node at 20* Gemini and Uranus at 17* Gemini.

Uranus is known as the Great Awakener and the planet of revolution.
Gemini is known for its duality.
The north node is your soul’s purpose.

He was born on a lunar eclipse.  So, all of that, opposes his natal moon at 20* which is conjunct his south node at 20* Sagittarius.

Donald Trump’s soul purpose is as the GREAT AWAKENER to DUALITY, living as a LIE and as a misogynist, marshalling forces of the dying, old patriarchy against the natural rise of the balance of yin and yang, male and female principals on this planet.  He is sparking a revolution of the soul.

He is the Nightmare that literally wakes you up.

He is the LAWLESS ONE.

His devastation as the Great Destroyer that he is, will continue, through the minds and souls that he has corrupted.

They are activated as Uranian and Plutonian agents of change, though they are ignorant of this, believing instead that they are saving their precious self-righteous power over others.

The lies and the abuse that has taken place, that has corrupted so many into believing the illusion and lies being woven, will be counter-balanced by LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Vice President Harris, is a former prosecutor and Attorney General for the state of California and President Biden an attorney, long time senator and obviously Vice President with President Barrack Obama.
Saturn/Jupiter conjunct at 00* Aquarius, then both squaring Uranus and in the case of Jupiter, Mars conjunct Uranus, followed the next month by Saturn squaring Uranus.



It is control and restriction of the internet and the AIR WAVES.

It also may precipitate economic collapse, and the need for regulations and implementation of many new social programs (Aquarius/11th house Community) and participation in community.

The inaugural date of January 20th, when the sun ingresses into Aquarius, there are highly contentious energies at play, including the aforementioned Jupiter (7* Aquarius) square to Uranus and Mars conjunction at 6* in Taurus.

The moon is also adding to this square and will catch up to Uranus and Mars just after midnight on the 20th.
All this happens while the sun, having now entered into Aquarius is fusing IDENTITY, The GREAT LIGHT ILLUMINATING the square and on its way to catch up to a 3* Saturn in Aquarius, after having just been infused by the planet of EVOLUTION, Pluto, also the planet of death and rebirth, ruler of sex and drugs, and other peoples money and resources.
Resources (Re-source) will be front and center the coming year, with those who have, being regulated to share with the many who do not have at all.

Uranus is Ezekiel's 'Angel of Man' the Water Bearer/Aquarius in his 'wheel within wheels', the fixed cross that adorns most church's. 
We will be forced to finally contend with the resources on the planet, and their ownership, distribution, and management.

All of this will begin to take center stage and increasingly so, for all the years to come.

This will also spark great inventions, and most likely unearth many inventions from the past or those that were buried by the current and past managers of commodity’s, such as oil, water, gold, and other precious minerals.

In April, Pluto comes very close to his return to the US natal Pluto before he stations retrograde on April 27th at 26*48’ Capricorn.
On April 19th, relating back to when the country was undergoing its founding, (Because we are entering that Pluto return and Pluto represents, birth, life, death.) in 1775 the first shot was fired against the British soldiers, many died and there were over 300 soldiers who were injured or disappeared on their trek back to their ships.
Next year marks the actual return or 1776.
We already see the uprisings happening, expect this to come to a head again at this time.

People will not like many of the new regulations and will fear the worst.

By May, the sun will square both Saturn and Jupiter when he journeys through Taurus and activates the energy of the earth, her possessions and ‘I have’.

Saturn squares Uranus three times this year.

It will be a tumultuous year with highly charged emotions, and very likely literally explosive consequences.

Pluto will make its return landing to the US foundational chart in February of 2022.
Because we literally SPIRAL through the universe, circling around the sun.  That is also representative (In my view/theory) of our own lifetimes.  I also believe that pillars in temples and cathedrals are representative of this, as I have stated in previous blogs.

We leave the corporal body, the mortal coil in death and return in most cases to live another life.

So the majority of us have lived many lives, to return at this very time, with whatever gifts, memories we have, to hold the light of truth, learn and activate others as well as be activated by others and the evolution of the planets, which in turn aspects us triggering open the evolution of the soul.  (And why the word ‘trigger’ is such a popular word now), but many people are stuck in a lower level of awareness, not always seeing the magnitude and truth of what that word actually means, on a soul level.

This year equates to the World Card according to the system I was guided to use starting in the year 2000.  Card 21.  We are literally navigating how we will evolve with the world, or have her evolve without us.

There are many minor aspects, as well as lunar and solar squares, trines and sextiles, inner planet activity that I have not gone into the specifics of in this writing at this point, I will in the coming monthly blogs.
As a reminder again, the Great Conjunction that took place on 12/21/2020 at 12:00 EST, is the EXACT date that was projected in 2012 as the end of the Mayan calendar.  Did we fall into this time warp for 8 years or is this the actual end date?  One can only wonder.




Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Great Awakener Powers Up Change On The Capricorn New Moon

A beautiful world is on its way.  You may not see it yet, you may feel the fear and anxiousness permeating the planet right now, but it is the energy and agents of change, clearing and opening the way for the new world that is coming.  It will take time; it won’t come tomorrow or even this year.  We will see snippets of it, some of us can see it clearer and clearer, it is coming.

As Martin Luther King Jr., said: “I may not get there with you, but I want you to know, that we as a people will get to the Promised Land.”
On January 13th seconds after midnight in EST, Lady Luna will have circled the earth and met up in her darkest phase with the sun at 23* Capricorn the Goat.

They will be one degree away from a 24* Pluto in Capricorn.
They will also be only one degree away from that fateful 22* conjunction of Saturn and Pluto that triggered open this cycle of shadows on January 12th of this year.

The lights illuminate the issues that were being revealed, especially regarding government and

regulations, privacy and security.

This is not just on the world stage, but in our own private worlds.

This will drudge up those energies and memories for a revisit, clarifying thoughts, concerns and insights that were revealed to you at that time, and in the months following. 
Expect changes both personal and internal, and also on the world stage in the form of possible earthquakes or volcanic eruptions this month.

You may find yourself putting things in order, cleaning out the excess again, and organizing.  Purging.

This new moon will emphasize how order, responsibility and discipline can bring freedom, the resounding theme being hammered into our psyche’s over and over, especially since Saturn entered his own rulership of Capricorn on December 19th, 2017.
When someone is not responsible, he calls the outside world in to bring that discipline (discipleship) and authority that the individual has not become sentient enough to manage themselves.

Pluto is POWER.  It is extremes.  People already think in very opposite positions and beliefs.  It is stunning how the same issue or event (such as the recent sad day at the Capitol while the senate and the house were meeting to make the presidential vote for Biden/Harris, official.

Mars at 2* Taurus is flying up to meet Uranus (The Great Awakener) who is at 6* Taurus and begins to station direct mere hours after the new moon.
That is like a sling shot of energy as Uranus stations, the waters are electrified, rippling into tides of change.

Both Saturn at 3* Aquarius and Jupiter at 5* Aquarius, both still in the energy of the conjunction are now pushing into the square to both Mars and Uranus.

Are you ready to be AWAKENED?

The square will have people feeling boxed in or cornered.  It can be a highly contentious energy where people in fear cling rigidly to what they perceive to be reality.
This energy will be especially true or more acute, personally affecting Aquarians and Taurus, between the degrees of 0*-9* and to a somewhat lesser extent, also to the other signs on this fixed cross, Scorpio’s and Leo’s.
Leo’s will feel the seeding taking place, because the full moon will bloom into Leo on January 28th at 9* Leo.
That will bring up issues of self-esteem and security.  A longing to play may be a healthy outlet, as well as creative ventures.
We are being asked to move forward and integrate the waves of the new energy of Aquarius.

Change can be scary for people.  This divisiveness is a taught rope, fraying and in some cases, there is reason to be concerned.  It is good to use rational judgment in considering whether changes are good or bad.

I urge you all to use evidence, not hyperbole or confirmation bias as we move forward.

These powerful squares, along with the sun and moon’s conjunction to Pluto the power player, and that square to Uranus the Great Awakener, means that POWER WILL BE USED TO AWAKEN PEOPLE from the slumber of comfort they may have found a cozy corner to hide inside.

Mars is going to push it all into ACTION and the resulting CONSEQUENCES.

Mercury has also joined Saturn and Jupiter, moving into his own shadow on the 15th, as he stations retrograde on January 29th at 26* Aquarius.
This adds fuel to the fiery communication as people all feel they have so much to say.

Mercury will tell us what is coming if we listen now.  Listen to what others say, pay attention, they are foreshadowing events to come.

Many people feel disempowered and this can feel like a further attack on their power, provoking some into acting out in the next 2 weeks.

Especially when Jupiter is exact square to Uranus on January 17th.

This can make many people feel like they have nowhere to go, cornered they may act out in ways previously unheard of, contrary to past actions, or inactions.

The Cardinal new moon might provoke, the cardinal signs: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra’s into action to thrust forward out of any rut in which they may have been struggling.
We do build with squares.

Be cautious over words and ACTIONS you may regret later.

Mutable signs, Virgo, Sagittarius, PIsces and Gemini are in that square from the nodes of the moon to Neptune, being pushed into 'what is my passion' and 'why am I here?" and quite possibly escaping through any means, drugs, dreams, music or even through binging TV.  Pay attention to those dreams, ask the questions before you go to sleep, write them down.  Have pad and pen to write down quick notes upon arising, you will get your answers.

People will make BIG decisions right now.

Walk gently and reach out to those who can be weak at times, or who suffer from depression, some people will feel as if the times are darker than others.

Whatever positive thing you can do, know that it goes a long way, it is MAGNIFIED in dark times.

As the moon waxes into her full LEONINE MAGESTY, know that what we do now can become very public in a couple of weeks.

Light your candles and pray, pray for a nation undergoing some dark days, but one that is on her way into the LIGHT, and we will walk into her full glory…it is just over the horizon.

Working on the connection between that end of the Mayan calendar date of 12/21/2012 and the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction on 12/21/2020
More to come:

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Epiphany Of Illusions

Uranus in TAUrus, is like grounding lightening into the earth.  Uranus rules Aquarius, and with the recent Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at 00* Aquarius we now have another CONTAINER/SATURN creating the VESSEL/VASE, for Jupiter’s expansion making the container as voluminous as necessary to hold those who are evolved into the ‘ANGEL OF MAN’ which is Aquarius.

This is all about YOU learning why you came to this earth now, and how to be of service, and angel to others.

When first Jupiter 6*(1/17/2021) and then Saturn (2/17/2021)7* SQUARE Uranus (along with visiting traveler Mars when Jupiter squares) these titans are FORCING the energy of Aquarius into BUILDING THE CHANGE.

If you are conscious of this light finding a vessel (the Water Bearer/Aquarius) is so, because she is pouring out the water and Illusion from Neptune’s Piscean world into the AIR (AIRWAVES).

The Magi (astrologers) followed the Great Conjunction back in their day, to the birth of the Christ Child. (We are supposed to be birthing our own Christed/Illuminated Child).  Remember, He is born from the Immaculate Conception (this alone is part of the mystery to unravel, He is begotten not made, one in being with the Father and is born of the VIRGIN (you haven’t given birth to this light yet) who was IMMACULATELY CONCEIVED from Anna/Hannah which literally means GRACE.

Hail Mary, ‘FULL OF GRACE’.

Another important prayer to recite is the ‘Magnificat’, which is when Mary learns from the Angel Gabriel that SHE will carry the Christ Child, which we learn in Luke 1:46-55.  It is one of the prayers I say throughout the day.

Now you may ask yourselves, how can He receive Israel?

This is where your search in the mystery leads you to the first time we hear the word Israel.

That is when Jacob wrestles or ‘contends’ with God.

Israel is a biblical given name. According to the biblical Book of Genesis the patriarch Jacob was given the name Israel after he wrestled with the angel. The given name is already attested in Eblaite and Ugaritic. Commentators differ on the original literal interpretation. The text of Genesis etymologizes the name with the root śarah "to rule, contend, have power, prevail over": שָׂרִיתָ עִם־אֱלֹהִים ‎, but modern suggestions read the el as the subject, for a translation of "El/God rules/judges/struggles", "El fights/struggles". ~From Wikipedia

When does a child begin to struggle with their own parents?  When they think they are now 'old enough' to question who they are, instead of who their parents want them to be.  

Meaning of Israel: Israel is the Hebrew name Yisra'el, meaning God contends, or one who struggles with God. God gives this name to Abraham’s grandson Jacob after he spends a night wrestling with God (Genesis 32:28). Later, Israel is the name given to Jacob’s offspring and to the nation that they eventually form.

El as I have stated so many times now, is the God of the Old Testament that came out of Egypt, it is Saturn.  The Lord of the Rings, ruler of time as the chronocrator.  

Therefore, speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which saith,

By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand;
and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
for this people's heart is waxed gross,
and their ears are dull of hearing,
and their eyes they have closed;
lest at any time they should see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and should understand with their heart,
and should be converted, and I should heal them. Is. 6.9, 10 

Harden not your hearts…

The Great Chronocrator

I believe that one phrase and this:  “The Greatest of these is love” from Corinthians, is like a master key to knowing the TRUTH, THE LIGHT AND THE WAY.

Because it is through the heart that one can see, feelings can get in the way, but if something can get in the WAY, they hold the key to the WAY.

It is true in my own experience.  I bet it is also true in yours.

I have recounted many times now, how painful experiences in my life, opened the doorway to knowing a greater insight about myself and thus, the universe.

Indeed, I have a very large scar (of many scars) that runs the length of my torso, that was my doorway out and back into this world when I had my Last Rites.

People loving me and not letting me go, masses being said, candles lit, all helped to find my spirit and bring me back, along with my own choice and willpower and of course, the Grace of God allowing me to return.

It was a WOUND.

When I died and crossed over, I experienced everything, I ‘float walked’ could SEE WITH MY THIRD EYE, my HEART HAS NEVER FELT THAT KIND OF LOVE IN THIS WORLD, and yet it feels that great love, I returned to great physical pain of this REALITY and the open wound and sickness.

The Holy Spirit is a fire that does not burn, it is water that is not wet.

But it is our feelings that that help to expose the HOLY SPIRIT.

Heart cords reach across time and space and connect us to those we truly love whether they are here in this world or have crossed over.

Recently, I have had many who have crossed over, coming to me in my dreams again, every night.

I have spoken to others who are experiencing the very same thing, LUCID DREAMING.

Astrologically, we are currently under a very hard transit of Neptune In PIsces squaring the head and tail of the dragon (the nodes of the moon).

These are WATERY PLANETS and aspects so it is all about REFLECTION.

Narcissist, can’t find anyone to love, until he sees his own refection in the water.

A narcissist reflects back to someone, what the person wants to see, what they WISH WAS REAL.  The narcissist plays this in people, their victims.

They take on the ILLUSIONS someone wants to believe and reflect them back to the wishful thinker.

And just as you look into the mirror the image is reversed, so too is the power of the narcissist.  They make you believe they are all about you, when the only person they care about, is themselves.

This is a very hard lesson to learn.  But one that keeps coming up now.

We have been seduced down a road of narcissism for many, the American Dream.

We adulate (collectively) the hero archetype. 

This time has been all about ‘leveling’ the playing field, by something you cannot even see, the exact opposite.  Yet, this unseen world has taken over the whole world stage.

Several versions of the myth have survived from ancient sources. The classic version is by Ovid, found in book 3 of his Metamorphoses (completed 8 AD); this is the story of Echo and Narcissus. One day Narcissus was walking in the woods when Echo, an Oread (mountain nymph) saw him, fell deeply in love, and followed him. Narcissus sensed he was being followed and shouted "Who's there?". Echo repeated "Who's there?" She eventually revealed her identity and attempted to embrace him. He stepped away and told her to leave him alone. She was heartbroken and spent the rest of her life in lonely glens until nothing but an echo sound remained of her. Nemesis (as an aspect of Aphrodite[4]), the goddess of revenge, noticed this behaviour after learning the story and decided to punish Narcissus. Once, during the summer, he was getting thirsty after hunting, and the goddess lured him to a pool where he leaned upon the water and saw himself in the bloom of youth. Narcissus did not realize it was merely his own reflection and fell deeply in love with it, as if it were somebody else. Unable to leave the allure of his image, he eventually realized that his love could not be reciprocated and he melted away from the fire of passion burning inside him, eventually turning into a gold and white flower.[5][6]

An earlier version ascribed to the poet Parthenius of Nicaea, composed around 50 BC, was discovered in 2004 by Dr Benjamin Henry among the Oxyrhynchus papyri at Oxford.[7][8] Unlike Ovid's version, it ended with Narcissus who lost his will to live and committed suicide. A version by Conon, a contemporary of Ovid, also ends in suicide (Narrations, 24). In it, a young man named Ameinias fell in love with Narcissus, who had already spurned his male suitors. Narcissus also spurned him and gave him a sword. Ameinias committed suicide at Narcissus's doorstep. He had prayed to the gods to give Narcissus a lesson for all the pain he provoked. Narcissus walked by a pool of water and decided to drink some. He saw his reflection, became entranced by it, and killed himself because he could not have his object of desire.[9][5] A century later the travel writer Pausanias recorded a novel variant of the story, in which Narcissus falls in love with his twin sister rather than himself (Guide to Greece, 9.31.7).[10][11] In all versions, his body disappears and all that is left is a narcissus flower.


The story of Narcissus gave rise to the term "narcissism", a fixation upon oneself and one's physical appearance or public perception.[12][13] In 1898 Havelock Ellis, an English sexologist, used the term "narcissus-like" in reference to excessive masturbation, whereby the person becomes their own sex object.[14] In 1899, Paul Näcke was the first person to use the term "narcissism" in a study of sexual perversions.[citation needed] Otto Rank, in 1911, published the first psychoanalytical paper specifically concerned with narcissism, linking it to vanity and self-admiration.[14] Sigmund Freud published a paper exclusively devoted to narcissism in 1914, called "On Narcissism: An Introduction".~ From Wikipedia

Back to the astrology: The head of the dragon is at 19 Gemini, (Castor and Pollux) but this is also Mercury/Hermes and unless you INTEGRATE the two, he can be the trickster.

Mercury also co rules the unseen leg of this which is 18/19* Virgo.

The tail is at 19* Sagittarius, asking us to purge the detritus of ignorant thinking about what is foreign, and plain IGNORANCE, which is just not having learned the truth.  The archer wants to shoot straight into the heart of the matter.

This will take the wrecking ball to old and archaic forms of learning/education.

It is time for new ways of learning which I have been preaching about for decades.

We need children to learn in gardens and the woods.

We need to bring back the EL-e ments to elementary schools.

The Sabian symbol for 19* Virgo:

Swimming Race you may find yourself in competition over emotional issues or working your way through shared emotions and hoping to win, or to come out on top. It is through training and practice and the controlled use of your emotions that success can be achieved. It is this experience that you must call on now. Work hard at achieving the win for rewards in the larger picture (club, school, country) or for winning the race leaving purely personal gains behind may be the answer.

Have you determined your outcomes? Have you got goals in mind? Are you competing in the race? Do you feel like you’re on the sidelines? Are you feeling the heat of competition? Are you sticking to your ‘lane’? Do you sense that others are ‘competing’ with you, even though you just want to get on with your own race? Are you tired from having to push yourself? Do you, perhaps, need more physical, emotional or spiritual training?

Looking sideways to see how others are coping with the strain of competition. Competing with one’s emotions. Wanting to be first at everything.

Virgo represents all those on the front lines of this epidemic.  THEY WILL RECIEVE THEIR RIGHTFUL CROWNS FROM THE CORONA.  They are the HANDMAIDEN'S.

It all leads up to, an EPIPHANY.

Feast of the Epiphany January 6th, 2021

Epiphany is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ. In Western Christianity, the feast commemorates principally the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, and thus Jesus' physical manifestation to the Gentiles. It is sometimes called Three Kings' Day, and in some traditions celebrated as Little Christmas. Moreover, the feast of the Epiphany, in some denominations, also initiates the liturgical season of Epiphanytide.

Epiphanytide is a season of new beginnings .

What very real way, can you give birth to your own sacred being/your christed self?  What can YOU do on this planet to help a season of new beginnings?

What light can you shed?

And I must clarify, that if you don’t feel this, it is okay too.

You must meet yourself wherever you are.  You cannot push, if you are in a dark place (and this dark time of the year, is very hard for many) don’t beat yourself up.

The last blog I sent out, I asked you to think about NOT trying to make someone better when they are in a hard place, but just being able to sit with them in their darkness, which is one of the hardest things for any of us to do.

It’s like being mad and someone saying: ‘Don’t be mad!’… it usually makes someone even angrier.

You cannot change HOW SOMEONE FEELS.  It is their right to feel that way.

You cannot direct it.

That doesn’t mean it is not also a good thing to be able to make people feel good or better.  Wisdome is knowing the difference between the two.

Virgo is a servant, not a master.  They free themselves by serving others.

So as we try to get CLARITY in this TIME OF ILLUSIONS.

Go to the earth.

Here, I share the wisdom of other elders:

Advice  from María Sabina, Mexican healer and poet - 

“Heal yourself with the  light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river  and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of  birds. Heal yourself with mint, neem, and eucalyptus. Sweeten with  lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a  hint of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar and drink it looking  at the stars. Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and  the hugs of the rain. Stand strong with your bare feet on the ground  and with everything that comes from it. Be smarter every day by  listening to your intuition, looking at the world with your forehead.  Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier. Heal yourself, with  beautiful love, and always remember ... you are the medicine.”

It is time for AN EPIPHANY!
We have had the star come out to show the way.  And now, Jupiter pushes into square Uranus.


Pay attention to your dreams and insights!