isn’t THAT an understatement?
are at the full moon eclipse in Scorpio, while the sun has pulled into his ownership
house of Taurus at 5* opposing his mate and getting in between the earth and
the moon. This will take
place at 4:07PM EDT, Thursday April 25, 2013.
about a pressure cooker!
the Boston bombings and all the concerns about safety vs Freedoms, and the
explosion in WACO; to the 7.0 earthquake in China, we are all ramped up on
planet earth.
the middle of all of this, there is a lot of legislation both in the House and
in the Supreme Court that many might be missing with all the other headlines
hijacking the media.
is weighing the legality of corporate ownership of OUR DNA, OUR cells, once
they are no longer inside of our body.

right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.”
key provision of CISPA is that it allows government entities to acquire your
data without a warrant, should a private company holding your data hand it
Congress has quietly passed a
partial repeal of the STOCK Act, a law signed by Obama in early 2012, which
would limit the ability of members of Congress to trade based on insider
knowledge, which of course is illegal for the rest of us to do.
But hey, let us talk more about
the astrology to the whole shebang.

This is the first of three
eclipses, so this energy is the ignition to the powder keg.
Venus in Taurus, (possessions/’I
Have’) opposing Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio (restriction/discipline/authority)
on the 22nd leading up to this lunar eclipse, so we may feel the
pinch of finances, what we desire opposing what we can actually have.

The stellium of Venus, Sun and
Mars all in Taurus, opposing the Moon, Saturn and the N. Node in Scorpio, will
bring up issues of wealth and possessions no matter what. With Saturn hanging so close to LA Luna in
Scorpio, while she dips behind the male sun, it could feel very heavy and
clandestine affairs may seem more enticing or even exposed when the moon comes
back out from hiding.
We may feel our sensitivities magnified
as our nerves and emotions are laid bare, raw and exposed, it may all seem more
than we can possibly handle, but hang in there, we need to get by this wringing
of spirits, nerves and fragile pieces and go through the fires of Saturn
opposing the sun on the 28th, like two stallions circling each other
before they throw down; then we will reappear on the other side of this
channel-lock in a new clearing.
This too shall pass.

The moon in Scorpio is steaming
and just like a ‘pressure-cooker’ she will want to blow.
Your arms and backs may feel like
they are breaking, and if you have people or situations that you perceive to be
a part of that weight, you might just want to shake them lose. Especially Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius.

So the wheels are spinning! Try
and follow something back to the source, it will most likely lead you on
another goose chase!
Mercury is restless as hell in
Aries, so there is a good chance that things will come flying out of the mouth,
before it is properly thought out.
Expect people to get in their cars and simply GO. They will want to run, or this could be you,
trying to find some way of escape or hiding before you do say something you
will regret, or simply needing to RUN.
Saturn still retrograde, it will
just be spinning your wheels.
Daddy wants to possess the female
moon, take her down into the depths of Hades mistaking her for Persephone. Ownership, possession, these are key words.
The support will come in the
vivid dreams that will most certainly have people crossing the ethers and
tripping the light fantastic.
The other is nothing short of
transformation and release.
With Jupiter still in Gemini,
expect things to still come in pairs, and watch for a parallel timeline and
reality to be playing itself out.
Grab those root oils again; this
one is going to be quite the ride.