Monday, August 15, 2016

The Killing Floor And the Carcasses of Dreams.

On August 2, 2016 at 1:49:59 PM EDT Mars finally re-entered Sagittarius, after boiling up all kinds of muck, with his re-entry back into Scorpio 9 weeks ago, pounding us with waves of revelations about our deepest, darkest thoughts and fears.
Now, he has pushed up the under-belly for all the world to see and is galloping away in Sagittarius, getting ready to pull back his quiver, he will take aim, you will hear the sound as your arrow flies through the skies…where oh where shall it land…What about timing? 
The full moon on August 18th at 5:26 AM EDT at 25*51’41” of Aquarius, is a lunar appulse eclipse, in which the prenumbral shadow of the earth falls upon the moon, occulting her…she will partially swallow up LaLuna…and will disintegrate that magical reflective shield that reverses our image back to us…
Already we feel the powerful undertow as she draws us out of the safety of our imaginary shells; some of us may feel the cold dark hand of the unknown, disturbing our insular field and as the illusion disintegrates, we peer out into the strange world beyond, a dark void now occluding the left-over shards of our shattered dreams and broken promises.
Saturn, or EL as we will recall, is the LORD of the Rings…and EL-e-ment (mind) wants that structure…he is LEAD.  These two planets, Saturn and Neptune started this cycle back in the late 80’s, when they were conjunct in Capricorn. They were last exact in that conjunction on March 3, 1989 at 11°53΄ Capricorn.

Old Saturn/EL is the cold-leaden grip of reality…He rules old age and now at 9* of Sagittarius he is forming his last square to Neptune/Poseidon who is now (at the time of the full moon eclipse) at 11* of PIsces.  They will square exactly on September 10th. At 10*.  Jupiter is the planet they both have in common…as ruler of Sag and traditional ruler of PIsces…Jupiter/Zeus can be implored for optimism and new expansion into the views of the future that are trying to find a way into your life, what are those? 
A cold and somber reality may now be making its way past any illusion you may have had, regarding false notions of spirituality as Poseidon’s watery dreams crash hopelessly on the banks of EL’s leaden walls.

There have always been hucksters selling dreams, but as the excesses of the 80’s closed out, Saturn and Neptune were making a rather unholy alliance ready to seduce us out of ‘tried and true’ and suck us into a ‘void of irrational and unsustainable dreams’ that had no anchor in reality, especially as Uranus was at 4* nudging us into ‘taking a bold chance’ and cut and run into the promises any angel would whisper against the cold hard reality of Capricorn.
There we were standing at the gates of the God’s…on the mountain tops and there is where you can look back to Ariadne’s thread.
You see, the Uranus to Pluto squares were all over that (11*) degree of Capricorn (and all the Cardinal signs)…and they are still tripping that open as Uranus squeezes us into their last square dance together, which will not slip inside the 3* mark and only come within 4*, but this is a highly charged lock that is being picked off by our Guardian’s.  This is not considered a part of the Uranus sq. Pluto pattern and will not reach exact square again (thankfully) but make no mistake, this is absolutely triggering closure to all they have and will disgorge as they upend anything that could not withstand the fire of this alchemical inferno.
Luckily, the God’s do know us, they see our feeble attempts at pretending the world is not what it is, if not for the very real pain and discomfort so many wish to escape.
We see this magnified in the escalating use of heroin and other opioids, which includes the very legal, but equally ravaging use of OxyContin.
On Christmas Eve, right before Uranus turns fully direct again at 20* of Aries, he picks up support from EL/Saturn who is at 20* of Sagittarius.
If you have managed to wait until this opportune moment, your dreams have crystallized and you will see clearly, the path forward that is both anchored in the reality of Saturn/EL while he is now being supported with a new force that is clearly pushing us into new ways to manage an aging population, some of us feeling this ourselves in a very up front and personal way.
My personal prediction, is that what we will see is a clearing house of candidates in the US through the eclipses which have finished the Aries/Libra axis, and will ask us to really use our imaginations to come up with wholly new ways to both assist the aging, while marrying their wisdom to a youth, who cannot see their own future, choked in the largess and excesses of the past.
Now that those of us on that first wave, that was seeded during the Saturn/Neptune/Uranus conjunction are getting a cold, hard slap with reality, those ‘Ivory Towers’ are falling…we begin to rebuild a world that uses both the hEArt and the mind with an eye towards future sustainability while the illusions that once occulted our visions with lofty but unreal goals.
Notice how people don’t understand each other?  How distinctly different one reality is from your perspective?  This is Babylon falling.
Remember, we were being taught to ‘fake it until you make it’….the obvious should come screaming out in the fallacy that literally under-lies this dubious proposition, in that it asks us to disregard reality and um, that small little detail that never ever goes away….THE TRUTH.
We were told that we live in an ‘abundant world’….so ask and you will receive anything you want?  Um….that is true to a point.  A narcissist sees the world as his or her oyster, plump for the picking as long as people are naive enough to buy whatever dream they are selling…that is only their dream…you have no part in it, save for being a shoulder to step on and a pocket to pick.
And the EArth is not limitless…so asking the universe to give you more…”things” is not in line with her teachings and Saturn/EL is fully willing to come along and teach you this, should you rebuke his lessons in favour for the IL-LUCE-IONS of Neptune/Poseidon.
The earth takes work to make things…infused with the dreams born into a fertile and open mind, that is GROUNDED IN THE REALITY OF THE DOING TO MAKE A DREAM COME TRUE.
You can follow your bliss right over a cliff…you see, testing the truth to any statement, is often not comfortable territory, especially while we are in the learning curve of an OLD Man, who rules TIME squaring the seas that want to cleanse and renew, even as they hold up the mirror to reflect back to us, that dreams built up on shifting sands will never hold up to the deluge, but those built on the ‘rock’…will stand the tests of time, just look at the pyramids.
So, if you’ve managed to avoid the treble hook of Neptune, she can’t rip out your guts now, as you try and remove the hooks she may have sunk in, pulling you into the celluloid world she rules with a dose of any drug of choice, which washes down the lies.
No, if you managed to swim against the strong current of ‘wishful thinking’, then you have given birth to something that will nurture you into your old age, but if you followed, an addict’s path into nowhere, than this time might be a bit more difficult for you.
These eclipses start another cycle in Aquarius and Leo…so the fixed cross is emphasized, as we start to see the new ground the Cardinal Signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are now excavating; since the ending of their own eclipse cycle with the tetrad of eclipses last year.  This won’t have a lunar/solar ECLIPSE trigger until; the partial solar eclipse on Jul 13 2018 2:47:46 am GMT at 20°Cn41'14''.
For now, we have the ‘FIXED SIGNS’ eclipsing out old patterns, to begin again anew with a streamlined and coherent plan moving forward.
We are also still in the mutable sign eclipse patterns, which started last year, the total solar eclipse on Mar 20 2015 at 9:36:08 am GMT at 29°Pi27'19'' and which will be triggered again with the new moon solar eclipse on Sep 1, 2016 9:03:02 am       GMT at 09°Vi21'10'', so don’t be jealous, you have your own stuff that you are trying to squeeze through this opening, that does not want waste, lies or you spending time, doing the same old thing, making the same old mistakes, and it does not require deception to enter, quite the contrary, it requires your truth.
So, the cardinal signs of Aries/Cancer/Libra and Capricorn are going to go into the corkscrew ending this year, with that last close encounter with Uranus in his square to Pluto/Hades, and should be able to proceed forward with a much clearer picture of who they are and where they are going.
But, I promise you, the phat lady still has a song to sing for you…try not to make any changes until after the Saturn trine to Uranus…which will arrive all doe-eyed on Christmas Eve.
You still don’t see all the pieces to the puzzle, some have yet to arrive.
This has been brutal on some families…whether it is siblings, parent and child or both, everybody has an opinion, and the world is doing a good job of spinning us like your wash machine, with every clinging to the sides of the walls, they refuse to stop holding up…filled with their own opinions that shred the love that has fed them for so long.  How quickly they forget?
The truth is, if people were able to be more honest, we have all had to watch each other make some pretty unintelligent choices, or so they seem to be from our own nuanced perspectives. 
Remind yourself, that everyone is acting out of such a high dose of fear now, it is almost like an ex-communication of sorts…and people are trying to avoid pain at any cost, and only the people we deeply hold in our hearts, can cause us the most pain, it is also where we usually end up dumping all our waste, without stoking the fires of love whose embers beg us to give them a little wind…EVERYONE IS BUILDING WALLS.
A wall big enough, to keep the boogeyman out of our lives…but is it really the right person we need to be concerned about that we are building a wall between?  Is that really where the source of our pain or is it really an illusion?
Are we really building a wall that boxes us in again, and perhaps
even keeps us from the person that assuages that pain?  The very person we need.
Have you relied on them before in the past?  Have they come through for you?
I wouldn’t discard someone so quickly, just because they remind you of who you are, and you don’t want to hear the ugly truth.  It also doesn’t mean they have the whole picture, but there are an awful lot of people being tricked into ‘building walls’ that will separate them from the very people they love and will need again in the future.
More and more people, are finding a way to be ‘alone’.
This way, they won’t be hurt, by unintentional or intentional slights, which poke through the dream of who we wish we were and ask us to take a cold, hard look at reality.
This can include: ‘How dare you live ‘my dream’…while I am suffering and you aren’t even paying attention to your responsibilities?’
What they are screaming inside is: “How come I don’t get to live my dream?”
Because most people have had their dreams shaken up, thus the Saturn square to Neptune at its most base understanding.
Queue: Eleanor Rigby…and all the Lonely People…
Remember, she is wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door…’who is it for’?  All the lonely people.
What mask are you wearing or have you been wearing?
How about: “I am so spiritually evolved, I never get angry or upset?”…
Or…”I am so spiritually evolved (Neptune Illusion/Delusion) that I only focus on the positive, because I don’t want to make the negative any bigger?”….oops, so much for cleaning up the big mess we all see… and totally lacking of Saturn’s lesson’s…that won’t go well.  Many of us, my self-included, learned that lesson the very hard and real way.
Dreams are only become real, using Saturn…and his structure, time, and the application of the will of Mars/Ares…which brings me to the next big trigger point on (AU =Gold) August 24th, 2016 Mars and Saturn, meet up in the sky and they are swimming with another interesting point, which is the fixed star Antares (Anti-Ares/Mars) will conjoin in the sky at 10° Sagittarius. This trigger point of the cycle that began on August 25th, 2014 when Mars and Saturn converged in Scorpio at 24* to kick-start the cycle as Mars/Ares infused his passion and will power (and blood-lust for war) and the Lord of the Rings collared that energy into uprooting the detritus that Scorpio is comfortable with.
Let’s not forget, that Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn were in mutual reception, so the trigger to the Uranus / Pluto squares was like a daisy–chain, set to this hair-trigger just ready to go off, and off it has gone now in bigger and littler explosions of humanity rising up against the state…all over the planet.  Click, click, click the explosive energy as the shots were fired from a very hot barrel.
Fallen, fallen is Babylon falling all over the world.
At the end of chasing dreams, usually people want to find their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow…for many, the pot is not so full of gold, and their dreams are all but dust in the wind.
Many will do an about face in life now, move in entirely new directions.
How will you marshal the energy of Mars/Ares into the newly forming structure that Saturn is now asking you to consider?  This aspect to Antares, can make the newly forming drive a bit obsessive.
You see, now that Neptune has all but pulled the curtain down on the emperor and showing us he has no clothes, he is also showing a lot of people, they don’t have a plan that is realistic.
We are about to see the world go to work and work very hard.  This time, it won’t be for some ‘future world’, but the reality of here and now.
Saturn in Sagittarius, means we will have to take into account, a global world that does not have boundaries, though that will be a continued struggle to negotiate.
We have to make education sustainable for as many as possible (which is very doable now, with the internet, but there are those who will not take their hands off the till…). 
We also have the subject of student debt coming up and there are idea’s being tossed out to completely pay off that debt for those students… (This is not Saturn’s idea at all btw) for them…a very slippery Neptunian promise.
No responsibility is never an answer, the argument that it will put spending back into the economy may have merit, but that is true for anyone with debt then, is it not?  You know what people do?  They rack up more debt, until they go through enough pain, to make more responsible choices, tough lessons.
Surely we should be able to find a middle ground, forgive interest and penalties for starters, we did this when we bailed out the banks that were too big to fail, and we see that when we bailed them out, they have merely done the same thing, what were the consequences of their actions?  No Saturn there?
All of this will lead up to the New Moon eclipse on September 1, with the sun and the moon at 9* of Virgo, and she will ask us to again, make cogent plans that have the ‘details’ worked out.
I see a light at the end of the tunnel, and as my friend Nancy reminded me through another good friend Cathy, and my parents were telling me from the other side, the light is increasing.  Yes, we see a lot of stuff we didn’t see before, and it is uncomfortable and frightening at times, but we couldn’t see it, if the light was not growing so very bright.
Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius closely conjoins Mercury and Venus in Virgo at 26* while Mercury/Hermes is at 27* and Venus is at 23* and they are all dancing with the head of the dragon at 13* if Virgo:

while Mars conjoins with Saturn/EL and Antares.  Zeus is benefiting all matters of Virgo, details, service, health and health care as he magnifies what needs to be seen, some of the details may become uncomfortable reminders if we haven’t tended to them in any significant matter.  Not to worry, this will help to bring it all up front and center.
So, there is a lot of frustration out there, how can you blame people for seeking a heaven they are promised, when the heat is turned up so high on earth, they begin to believe they are in hell?
It is going to take work and co-operation, respect for elders and concern for our youth and the world we are leaving them.
Listen to them, they are already making their own new way and it is not the same road that many of us took.  They aren’t buying homes, they are living in vans and makeshift campers.  Many don’t drive, they take public transportation, they don’t want to invest in vehicles whose worth rusts shut any other real opportunity they have to create value in their lives, while trying not to sacrifice life itself in the process….in other words, they don’t want to save to start to live.  
How will that work out for them?
I have no idea, but it is these new trends we must keep our eyes on, if we are going to know how best to navigate our own future trends and somehow, aging gracefully without being abandoned…with all the lonely people.
Oh, where do they all come from?
Watch them walk upon the carcasses of dreams, left on the Killing Floor of Reality.

Important Dates
March 3, 1989 at 11°53΄ Capricorn; Saturn/Neptune conjunction.
August 25th, 2014 when Mars and Saturn converged in Scorpio at 24*
August 2, 2016 at 1:49:59 PM EDT Mars finally re-entered Sagittarius
August 13, 2016 Saturn stations direct at 9* of Sagittarius
August 18th at 5:26 AM EDT at 25*51’41” of Aquarius, is a lunar appulse (full moon) eclipse
August 24th, 2016 Mars and Saturn, conjunct with the fixed star Antares (Anti-Ares/Mars) at 10° Sagittarius.
August 29, 2016 at 9:03 AM Mercury Stations RX at the anoretic degree of 29* Virgo…he will plow back into her earthly construct to make sure we get this right before we move forward when he goes direct on September 21, at 14* of Virgo.
September 1, 2016 New Moon Eclipse at 9* of Virgo.
September 10th. Saturn squares Neptune exact (last time) at 10* Sagittarius and PIsces respectively.
September 16th. 3:05 PM EDT Full Moon eclipse at 24* PIsces.
September 21, Mercury Stations Direct at 14* of Virgo.
September 22, 2016 Autumn Equinox
September 23, Mercury Direct at 2:03 AM 14* Virgo
December 24th. 2016 at 4:59 PM EST Saturn Trines Uranus at 20* of Sagittarius and Aries respectively.
December 28th. At 4:29 AM Uranus will station Direct…at 20* of Aries…get ready to run, the locomotive is moving forward again…with a quickness.