Monday, December 22, 2014

A Solstice, a Square and Significant Changes

Finally!  The light will begin to increase now, that the Winter Solstice has taken place on the new moon, December 21, 2014 at 9:37PM (solstice point at 6:03PM EST), with the sun at 00* Capricorn and the Moon, snuggling up to her partner at 00* and 9’.
Yup, that is some good news ~eh?
Now, leading up to this point…been quite a ride hasn’t it?  When you have so much heavy aspecting going on between the planets, and this leads into the time of the year, that is always stressing over the galactic center…it is like a bottle-neck traffic jam.
With this new moon in Capricorn the Goat, fast approaching her rendezvous with Pluto/Hades also travelling in the domain of the Pan the Goat at 12*, after having just formed the 6th of his seven squares to Uranus on December 14th., all things Saturnian are now emphasized.  We add to this starry cocktail, Saturn’s entry into Sagittarius on December 24th, and we have a whole lot of pressure on the planet, to finish up all things Saturn/El related, especially in regards to Scorpio’s expressions as harnessed by the leaden Lord of the Rings.  There is no escape.  Saturn makes us deal with things.  He is karma from lifetimes ago, if that is the cargo he is bringing to you in your chart.
If you have been respectful of Saturn’s lessons, then you may enjoy rewards, and Saturn always rests on the 7th day. (Saturn’s Day/Saturday/Seth/Sabbath).
Saturn wants to teach us discipline and if we don’t discipline ourselves, and harness our ability and tasks according to his very high expectations, he will surely return to teach us discipline, by removing our freedoms.  If we cannot learn Saturn’s discipline and Mastery; we cannot access the higher energies without breaking apart.  (Insert Scotty yelling “I’m givin’ her all she’s got, captain, she’s breaking up!”.  Saturn is all about integrity, where this is lacking in your life, in your chart, Saturn will gladly show up to point that out.
As he exits his transit out of Scorpio, this is like a squeegee, all that pressure building up unto the 24th…and then for a few days afterwards as she starts to construct his new Sagittarius restrictions and boundaries.  Sag likes freedom to roam as the centaur he is, his beastly four legs connecting to the earth with a fiery thunder, thighs burning up the forward momentum, they race down the track, laughing all the way.  Does this sound like a pair of opposite mates?  Well, sort of.  Sag can use that freedom to bound up the mountain of the Goat, using their very competitive, yet jocular sports inclinations.
Now, if that freedom has got the best of the Sag, or they have taken on more than they can ‘discipline themselves enough to handle’…if we have excesses (and this is a notoriously famous ‘tell’ regarding a Sagittarius), unlike the earthy Bull/Taurus with her Venusian laid back appreciation of good things, to the point of excess…Sag races all the way down the road before she even realizes she has gone too far, this includes their candor…it is a running opine on the world around them, they feel everyone needs to know their usually highly educated thoughts.
This is hitting Scorpio’s hard, but also all the points to the square and opposition; the two squares, Aquarius and Leo and the opposition, Taurus.
What?  Did you think you were going to get a break, just because you aren’t on the Cardinal Cross, like Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are as they are transformed by Pluto as he rototills the mountain of Capricorn and Uranus breaks old static lines with sudden upheavals or at the very least, surprise turns of events.
For now, let’s just stick to the Capricorn new moon, who wants to put everything into order, and by order, we mean rule of business.  It is all serious and stern in the aegis of Capricorn the Goat.  Our emotions want something very different than just order, they want people to play by the rules we have adopted in society.   Comfort will only come by finished business and goals met and obtained.
If you have a personal planet being energized by Saturn’s authority, then you will feel the imposed restriction, and if you are someone who likes to be organized than it is something that will help you, you will see this as exactly what you wanted!  If however, you have been shirking responsibility in some way….Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn ending his energy (until next year when he retrogrades back into Scorpio on June 15, 15 for his last lesson review for those on the fixed cross that need that little bit more time to put things in order…or pay the consequences later, especially when Saturn visits on the squares, trines and oppositions (fullness of the seed planted in the conjunctions).
So, I wish I could tell you Scorpio’s and the rest of you on that fixed cross, that it is all over…but you are really in the final throws of this wrestling match.  And, it will come back as I say, next year to make sure you have completely –RE-SOL-ved the issues.
So, are you too disciplined without the resting day?  (So, if we think in terms of percentages, we could easily see it is at least 1/7th of your life.)  On the other hand, if you want to break free (Uranus) of restrictions, and furthermore, want ‘freedoms’ then this shift into Sag, might just be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Response-ability…this is the easiest way to measure if you are living up to your Saturnian abilities and expectations, it is what ‘you are able to do’….any wishful thinking will get cut out and done away with for the unrealistic attitude and the wasteful energy of the productive Saturn/EL.  You cannot rule anything until you can rule and discipline yourself.
And, with the new moon in Capricorn right now, fused with the energy of the sun, Saturn is definitely getting his ‘meal to give him energy to die with’…as in the last energy this year in Scorpio.  In Sag now, he may just squeeze out a lit bit of laughter, but freedom will be hard won, come in fits and starts and often be interrupted with the mundane, things that will need to be managed.
If you have worked hard, then Saturn will give you the break, the vacation you deserve and have earned, or perhaps that promotion, that brass ring that you have been steadily climbing up the mountain towards.
Our friend Jupiter/Zeus has gone retrograde, this won’t necessarily help the heavy leaden energy; he did so on December 8th at 22* of Leo, he will seem to move in reverse from his standstill in the heavens…all the way back to 12* of Leo when he stations direct on April 8th next year.  So, Leo’s….so sorry to share this with you, just when you thought you were finally getting things to lighten up, eh?  Now, once again, in a retrograde, the planet in question may be bringing back something you didn’t receive that the planet rules (in God’s heavens, as God’s planets, since “) My father’s house has many mansions”.  So, in the retrograde, the planet can bring back what your due is, or often times, we finally have got the lesson or the gift/insight and the return matches our hindsight/insight.
Jupiter/Zeus, rules benevolence, good fortune, luck, laughter, higher learning, foreigners, etc.  In this retrograde motion, these things will have a more difficult time moving ‘towards’ you…they are hindered, because they are moving from reverse position into forward motion…not always going to happen.  If you got your shopping done, people will likely get a more generous gift, then if you purchase now.
Moving forward, Uranus has just gone direct on December 21st, at 12* of Aries.  Notice he moved just back far enough to come crashing into the square with a forward moving Pluto in Capricorn, on December 15th., at 12* and this formed another T-square, as the moon was trying to do her balancing act in Libra.  We see the uproar and the activism as these two titans flex their muscles and give it all they have.
As I have posted many times before, this is also awakening the US chart, and on January 5th, transiting Pluto will directly oppose the US natal sun.  We will still be very much swimming in the energy of the Pluto/Uranus square and we will also be in a Cardinal Cross forming as the moon will be conjunct the US natal sun at 14* of Cancer in the Full moon on the 4th.
I wish I could say something very different here, but in truth, this could pose a very, very difficult time for the US.  The North Node always is collecting the karmic debt and in Libra, it is a question of whether we have been fair or not.  Who are our partners?  Have we lived in harmony?  Do we take advantage of others?  (a big no-no in the Libra energy)  The moon in Cancer (full no less) is in her own sign, and she is mothering the world.  How have we done with that in mind?  Are we good mothers or bad?  Here, the mother/moon opposes both Pluto/Hades and the sun as they are both conjunct in Capricorn.  Pluto/Hades wants to burn off the dross and wants the truth…period…he will transform those whose soul is just not evolving…but he also wants us to be responsible, this creates the schism we now see playing its meme all over the planet.
Those that earn, those that share, those that take and those that are caught in between, as the weight is largely on the backs of the working poor and the shrinking middle class.  Pluto/Hades also rules the mob, those who work in the dark of night, in secrecy…and Uranus also rules the community, so we shall see this clash play itself out all while Jupiter and his benevolence are playing hide and seek.
As always, there is an increased risk for planetary shifts and changes during this time, but when we add the stressors that are taking place, it is even more likely.
So, expect some very challenging times, especially when it comes to the US.  The price of oil in a free fall, is not going to be so good eventually for the US, since oil is traded by the dollar.  Expect the escalation of worldwide turmoil, the Ukraine, Iran and North Korea are hot spots, while the whole of the globe is rising up and clashing, divide and conquer.  This could definitely portend financial shifting…will this be the long predicted fall of the dollar? 
Such are the times we now will negotiate as we leave the year of the horse and prepare for the year of the sheep.  Funny, how often I read about people acting ‘like sheep’ and we are entering a year that is supposed to be similar, with the keyword being ‘docile’.

Again, our actions will bring a return, a consequence and this can all go to a much better place based on how we respond.  Have we evolved?  What do you think?
We wish you a lovely and joyous Holy Day season and all the best for the new year ahead.
There is a lot to add to this, and I will be back to update as soon as possible, but this is the season, so enjoy!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Muddy Waters of the Mars Conjunction to Pluto

The Jewel (Soul) Lost in the Mud  Astro writing: 11.10.2014

The jewel is lost in the mud,
and all are seeking for it;
Some look for it in the east,
and some in the west;
some in the water
and some amongst stones.
But the servant Kabir
has appraised it at its true value,
and has wrapped it with care
in the mantle of his heart.

-- Kabir

"When the pearl is cast down into the mud, it becomes greatly despised, nor if it is anointed with balsam oil will it become more precious. But it always has value in the eyes of its owner. Compare the children of God: wherever they may be, they still have value in the eyes of their Father."

-- Gospel of Philip (Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt)
Now, I would add, that you always have value in the eyes of the Mother too.  Certainly, there are those on this planet, that are so damaged, they cannot show a healthy love for their children, but not so our creator. 
In these times, it may be hard to find our value.  To find worthiness that is true and goes deeper than the superficial world of physicality.  The value of our own pearls may be swimming in the muddy waters in the depths of our beings.  We cannot rescue our own pearls and bring them out to shine, without finding that light within our one true heart.  This light, will cast a soft glow at first on that pearl, your own moon.  The sun and the moon can then give birth to your Adam and Eve.  If we take that deeper look into the waters and see the reflection of the loving creator smiling through the darkness, through the illusion; the likeness and image of the Creator will be smiling back at us and we will become fully human.  We must seek to find.  This is no easy search and becoming fully human is not an easy path.  We already are spiritual beings, what we need to do is to learn to become human.
It is in the grist and the grind, the fires of life that will forge a humanity, and these are just such times.

Mars/Ares rules {WAR, action, energy, blood...and is a co-ruler (the original

ruler) of Scorpio}. Pluto/Hades is the ruler of Scorpio and is death/birth/transformation, the evolution of the soul.
They are conjunct in Capricorn at 11*; which is ruled by Saturn/El/Lord of the Rings, now travelling at 25* of Scorpio, so they are in what we call a 'mutual reception', the energy is now wide, but it is still very potent, and in fact, even more so now, since they have been cooking this up together since way back on October 6, of 2012.
Pluto/Hades had already entered the domain of Capricorn the Goat (my pet goat) on November 28, of 2008 and was waiting for his dispositor (they disposit each other when they are in the signs they rule this way) at 7* of Capricorn when Saturn/El entered the domain of Scorpio.
So, what we have is an exchange between them that has been going on for 2 years, each accelerating the others energy in this cosmic dance.  I have written pretty extensively about all of this on my blog: Look also through the many other posts on Pluto square to Uranus and the entry of Pluto into Capricorn.
This of course, is also a handle on the Cardinal Cross being activated, because the moon traversed through the 11* mark of Cancer too.  The moon is the mother, women, female issues, the homeland, nurturing, protecting children, the fluids in your body (humors) and in the earth (controlling the tide, etc.)  She is the ruler of Cancer…and she is in OPPOSITION to this Pluto/Mars conjunction.
We would say at the very least, this is a T-Square, but we also have a wide

aspect to the head of the dragon, the Moon’s N. node (spiritual destiny/purpose) going on at 18* of Libra…yes, this is 7* of separation, but the Cardinal Cross that has been forming off and on, being triggered over and over is HOT and active on this planet.
Now, we add Uranus (UR/ANU; where we get the word ‘annual’ from, the original sky god, ruler of new technology, inventions, science, change, ‘a cutting away’ even as Saturn cuts away with his sickle, and is the ruler of the Age of Aquarius, which we are in the foothills of now, as we shift from the Age of PIsces.)  Uranus is in Aries at 13* of Aries moving towards the an exact square to Pluto/Hades on December 15th. at 12*.

Now, sitting in between this square, is Neptune/Poseidon (the oceans/oneness/spirituality/horses/chariot/dreams/music) at 4* of PIsces (which Neptune rules) and Chiron (the wounded healer, Percival) at 13* of PIsces.  In the heavenly oceans that surround us, these Titans are moving towards each other and Neptune and Chiron are being squeezed together in all that watery illusion.  This will bring up all kinds of karmic patterns, deep wounds, and is unearthing what is buried, even considered dormant~ like volcano’s, both within us and on this planet.  All of this, while Neptune/Poseidon is large and in charge in his own way, as she is travelling in her own sign of PIsces which he/she rules. It could find you weepy, the floodgates can get flung wide open as the watery depths of our beings are flushed to the surface.  What we think we know, may pass before us as one illusion becomes reality and reality seems like an illusion.  Your dreams may become activated and vivid and lucid for some.  Waking state may seem more like a dream.

There IS A DEEP TRANSFORMATION GOING ON, this is true.  All of this was initially triggered, or set up when we had the first URanus to Saturn opposition way back on November 3, of 2008 at 18* of PIsces and Virgo respectively.
If we look back, we can see that is when so many of the riots and political
uprisings began all over this planet.
There can be lesser and greater degrees of unrest inside of us individually right now.  All that watery energy is being shocked over and over by URanus…and finding the true source inside of you, can be like peeling back the layers and meanings of a dream, one illusion to pull down and see through after the other.
The more one has cleared their own personal world of illusions (IL- Luce-ION, not seeing clearly as the light is dancing on the walls of the ages ‘ion/aeon’, like Plato’s cave); the more the illusions on the world stage will fall, it is much like the child saying the emperor has no clothes or ‘pay no attention to the man behind the curtain’.
2 Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"
So, the Cardinal signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are all being triggered for very deep and profound changes as both the depths of Pluto/Hades and the vaults of the heavens are opened, everything comes out to haunt us…to pull us…to challenge us to the very core of our being.
This is especially so, if you are a
Cardinal sign (activators, starters ‘cardinal…
see the red cardinal popping in a blanket of white snow?...) in degrees: 9* -17* but more so if you are degrees, 11*-15*, this means any planets you have in the cardinal signs are being activated/triggered. (You have to know by sign/house what they are to know on a deeper level what this means for you personally).
Also, those people who are in the fixed signs as Saturn/El is at 25* of Scorpio are all being ‘tested’, responsibility, burdens, karma, relationships, authority, (this is for both the Cardinal and fixed signs) and of course, death/birth cycles…The fixed cross is: Taurus the Bull, Leo the LION, Scorpio the Eagle/Snake/Phoenix, and Aquarius the Angel of man (walking with a pitcher into the house we must follow him/her into (the age of Aquarius) and also the cross that has the flaming swords guarding the gates of Eden…the cross we see on most church altars (without most people understanding its true meaning)…it is Ezekiel’s’ wheel, flaming and spinning with the four heads (four directions/four rivers of life).
This is not to say the mutable signs of: Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius/PIsces are not being triggered, but we only have so much time, to go into what is a very long explanation on so many levels of what is going on here.
With this energy, expect the old witch hunts to take stage again….an active war against the feminine energy/archetype (compassion, nurturing, comfort, the ecosystem, the fecundity of the earth, deep love) which makes the whole ISIS thing very ironic, personally, I think the name/Acronym is no mistake, it is another obfuscation of a group, that we are told ‘hates women’….it reminds me of the snazzy terms politicians come up with, like Blue Skies (which is an attack on the environment and her blue skies or ‘The Patriot Act’…so we are bring triggered into the ignorance of hating the Divine Feminine).  What do we see in the headlines, but this group savagely beating and killing women (and of course others) but what is the mantra we hear? 
It is flipping the truth of what we need right now…compassion, kindness, integrity, nurturing, caring for the earth, her flowers, seed bearing fruit (MonSatan and others) her Bees!  Mary Magdalene was buried with Bees….what lasts for thousands of years and is one of the most health giving things one can consume?  Honey!  The bees are dying! 
Colony Collapse Disorder….’Colony…Collapse…Disorder...’
And all of this is building another head of steam for the next Pluto/Uranus square exact at 12* on December 14th.  That will be the second last of the 7 squares…so there was no way…we were going to find order in any way politically or otherwise during these squares, and we add to this cocktail, the Blood Moons, the next one of which is April 4th, 2015 and the last of which is on September 27th of 2015.  The last Uranus/Pluto square will be on March 15th, 2015…so none of this is going to be resolved until AFTER those major transits and aspects occur.
People may feel a nervousness peeking around the edges of their deep insides and even more so for some physically…It is both a hiding and a revealing going on…REVELATIONS.  And this is far from being over.
What we will watch on the world stage can become even more confusing in all of this soupy mix.
 3 Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you.
When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty." From the Gospel of Thomas

One of the very best things we can do…is to at least stop this war on the planets ecosystem and food supply, on her children and animals and insects.  We have major aspects to both the US natal chart and MONSATAN RIGHT NOW!

But it is up to us to make the change….PRAYER WORKS, PRAYER IN ACTION WORKS BETTER.

So, with all of this unearthing and revealing, we must seek to know ourselves. 
We may not be in positions to affect change on the world stage (if you are, by all means this is your time) and can feel powerless in the face of all of this.  We CAN make sure that we are aligned and in our integrity, spiritually, physically and economically.  We can take care of our own health.  We can tie up loose ends in our lives.  We can remedy any old karma we have not dealt with.  We can act and become a living prayer, and prepare ourselves through our own excavations, tidying up our own lives.  Put your house in order. 
We must bring the dark into the light of day.  Start with our own darkness.  Face your fears as best you can, as you can.  Take things one step and one accomplishment at a time.
This means change on an individual and global scale.
What has true meaning for you?  Pluto wants to know what we value along with Taurean Venus, which moves from Scorpio and into Sagittarius on
Monday, November 17th
So, we will move from the depths of Plutonian Scorpio (at least with Venus/Values/partnerships and what we love) into fiery Sag the archer.
Prepare for moving forward, especially as the sun moves closer to his new moon alignment on November 22, 7:33 A.M at 0* of Sagittarius.  These are magical numbers: 11:22 and 7:33.
Finish up old business matters as best as you can and prepare for to shoot your arrow straight and far into the future you came to live.
For now, try to console yourselves on any dark night, knowing that so many feel they too, are in this darkness, the muddy waters and they too, may be having a difficult time finding the pearls, the value. 
Jupiter/Zeus is at 21* of Leo the lion.  He will bring laughter and a sense of play and fun without trying too hard.  Laughter is a wonderful medicine and he will also find courage, he can cut open Saturn’s belly or head (depending on the version) and release his brothers and sisters, the titans that are trapped inside of you.
Compassion will lead you to the living waters. 
We will need this as we move forward where everything ‘dark’ is being cast upon the airwaves, dark holes, dark horses, dark matter, dark polar vortex, dark shadows.

So, go into your dark world and do some excavations, help someone else find their pearls, go for a walk and let the air fill your being as nature soothes the soul.  Expose the light that is under your lampstand. 
This will also expose a lot of that sticky-sweet goo that inhabits a lot of new age belief’s…which are really ego strokers that like a drug, feel good at first but leave you spinning in all directions, without the true light shining, but the illusion of light.
This is not to say that amazing truths are not there to be found, but all the sages of the past, teach us to have compassion, to care for one another, not abandon those around you because ‘they are negative and bring you down’….Caring about people is the foundation for the souls evolution, the key is compassion and the doorway is in the heart.
The universe already knows who you are.  Your vibration is already a siren call into the universe.  You cannot fake who you are.  You cannot wish a world into existence.  In integrity, you expose your soul as the illusions fall; the truth does indeed set us free.
Remember, the squares cause tension, but you cannot build anything without them.
Get some sleep, and I mean a good night’s sleep as often as possible.  Use ArcAncient’s Sleep Angel © to help you with that sleep and for dream work.

Use ArcAncient’s Courage © blend; anoint your solar plexus and wrist’s. Inhale and see the sun within you.
To help you get moving, use ArcAncient’s Bone Lover, Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Miracle Cream © and Roll on ©, this will help you feel better physically so you can accomplish those tasks that you might have been avoiding.  And finally, use ArcAncient’s Re-Member ©, to help you focus and accomplish paperwork that is being neglected and roll on the tummy to help upset stomach and aid in digestive issues.

Pray, prayer works, prayer in action moves mountains.
Go to: to order and f
or more information.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Blood on Our Hands, Full Moon Eclipse October 8 2014

On September 24th, at 2:15AM EDT; the Lord and Lady made their monthly visit, this time in Libra at 1*.  Let’s hope that this infusion of energy in harmonious Libra will give us a nice little push off into calmer seas, at least some tempering.  Mercury/Hermes (communication/travel) has been in Libra since the beginning of September. 
We are moving into the fullness of the ‘Hunter’s Moon’, which will be exact on October 8th, 2014 at 8:52AM EDT.  According to the Farmer’s Almanac, we will be experiencing a much colder and snowier winter this year and she will come in with a bang and leave us in an early spring.  Well, the signs are all around us for an early winter.  The leaves dappling the green canopies with their umber and orange witnesses of the sun’s journey through the summer.  The winds are picking up and bringing us crisp mornings that warm to a cool 60 degrees even with a full lemony sun gleefully walking across the skies as ‘Luke’ (light).
It seems we barely warmed up this summer before we begin our fall into the dark and

long winter nights.  Pluto’s/Hades emergence as he began his movement forward on September 23rd at 10* of Capricorn the Goat doing his job of spreading dark and dour news.  Worse yet, we are beginning to feel the effects of the dark lord closing in on his next exact square with Uranus, who is retrograde in his journey to square him again on December 15th when they are both at 12*.
Lady Luna, as she moves into her fullness at 15* of Aries, saddling up to Uranus and as the Golden one forms a T-square to Pluto in his opposition to Lady Luna and Uranus which will magnify the Cardinal shifts, especially those at 10-15* of the Cardinal signs, who will be given deep and profound insights if you are paying attention.
The Moon is once again filling with blood, this being the second of the 4 Blood Moons.  She will be eclipsed by the sun, the male separated from his bride by our home/earth standing between them and this alignment with his bride is a trigger (gateway) that will impact us strongly for the next month, but also for the next 6 months, as we travel down the rivers flowing through this life/death/rebirth cycle.
Pluto, Lord of the underworld is already actively taking loved ones from us, and we shall certainly see more as he drags them like trophies down into his lair, along with Persephone.  I expect to hear of more famous deaths and also, a female who will be publicly held accountable as the fall guy, in a long running scandal that will come to light.
The good news?  The heavens are blessing us with a very lovely grand trine in the fire signs, with Mars/Ares in Sag at 17*, Uranus at 14* of Aries kissing Lady Luna at 15* Aries and gently moving towards Jupiter/Zeus (optimism/bounty) who is at 17* of Leo, we will have motivation and some happy occasions that will come out of the blue.  Aries and Leo’s might find their date card is all full, while they are mesmerized by some moonlit kissing and Uranus magically heightens the emotional cocktail.
Things could get sizzling hot!  (Keep it amorous and don’t let doubts creep in and spoil all the fun, when is the last time you felt this?  Ride the magic carpet ride.)
Up until the 14th, Pluto/Hades is on the handle of the T-Square, so our issues of death/treasures/taxes will remain on the front-burners, with the Solar being in Libra at 15* conjunct Venus/Aphrodite (love/partners/harmony) pouring some caution and compassion into this mix; by the time Luna moves into Cancer on the 14th/15th we will see the Grand Cross once again light up the heavens (even though the Uranus/Pluto
square is not exact right now), we WILL experience some very powerful events, some of which may certainly be in the form of earthquakes, volcano’s and powerful storms; but also in the form of political events and social unrest, while we may see some interesting agreements being cobbled together in the process.  Still, the drum beat has become a very loud death rattle already, and none of this is going away until the last Blood Moon on September 27th of next year, and who knows how benevolent the gods might care to be?
It is during these times, that we forge our strongest vessels, capable of holding even deeper truths, but we are living the world of our own hands.
This Hunter’s Moon, we prepare for our dark stretch, making sure we have nourishment, we must also consider spiritual nourishment.  We are being given very deep insights right now, the noble truths that come in small steps, including in the mundane.  How much does a simple look from someone you care about, stretch down the halls of your memories? 
In this eclipse pattern, take the next five days (especially) to put things in order; what can you cut out of your life?  This eclipse wants us to ‘eclipse’ all of the thoughts, patterns, habits, and really, just anything that has served its purpose (clothes, furniture, etc., too!) physical, mental, emotional or otherwise, and FINALLY JUST LET GO OF IT!  Death to the old patterns that have held us back, personally and collectively.
With the blood moon, is the life giving power to also give birth, we do this when we clean old those old patterns that makes room for the upgraded YOU.
We also live in a world that has a prescription for everything.  Let’s just break that word

down a bit, shall we?  Pre-script-ion.  A writing ‘script’ to live by or with.
What is your ‘script’?  What are you writing?  Don’t take the pill, the poisonous ‘prescription’ that can addle the mind and clog the body and senses, write the script that is healthy, that brings you alive.
Remember, a 1* adjustment will bring us to very different destinations.
We have Mercury/Hermes retrograde since October4th at 2* of Scorpio and will take us on a review all the way back to 16* of LIbra when he stations direct on October 24th.   The last time Hermes was at 16* of LIbra was on September 14th, so what was going on?  Any decisions made since then, communications and agreements may be up for review, or regret, but the lessons learned is the main gift.  What insight has finally lit up your mind and taught you a wise lesson about relating/communicating?  Which agreements may have been made hasty?  Words exchanged that may have taken a kinder route and finally, are you bring truthful to yourself and others?  Is there something you were not forthcoming about?  Remember, when we are truthful to others, we give THEM THE OPPORTUNITY TO GROW AND CLEAN UP A FUZZINESS THAT FOGS THE MIND WHEN SOMEONE IS BEING DECEITFUL FOR WHATEVER REASON.  Lying is another form of stealing.
Sexual issues will come up now as Mercury/Hermes slips out of Scorpio and slides into Libra’s partnering skills of harmony and fairness.  The universe will now deliver to you, some real gems to help you build a life of love and integrity.
Of course, there is nothing like ArcAncient’s Inner Glow © to help heal the heart and open the floodgates to L-O-V-E (Queue Al Green).  Go to to get all your exquisite Aromatherapy Blends.  Don’t forget our ‘Sleep Angel’ for getting deep restful sleep.
Feeling full up?????

Monday, September 8, 2014

Full Moon In PIsces, Dreaming the Fire

Everything is so ‘match-stick’ ready now; ready to be fired up in an instant, gratuitous seconds that string life together and leave all the waiting in the rear view mirror.
Uranus used to make random guest appearances and light up the mind with an instance of awe.
Now, as Uranus regains his ‘sky god’ status, ruling this new Age of Aquarius; the anticipation of possibilities has been usurped through the constant contact the new technology (ruled by Uranus) has brought.
People string along sidewalks waiting for the latest new gadget or phone, which will be ever ready to steal away the moments that once gifted us with the luxury of our surroundings and the present.
Now this same new technological wizardry hijacks our spirits into ‘being on call 24/7’ in a continuous stream of alert messages and information that we somehow managed to do without before; before we were mesmerized (Neptune/Poseidon in Pisces, the age we are leaving behind,  as cohort in this drama) into the need for this instant feed.
Gone is the magical silence that once wove its spell in anticipation of that phone call from a new lover, the kind that kept us on hold and frozen, finger tips in mouth with only the mind and heart  racing at the end of the phone that was attached to the wall.  YOU COULDN'T move, or just keep running through life, you had to wait. 
Gone is the wrestling of giving up a night with friends, of whether you should just leave instead of waiting for a call that might not come.  No more is the cauldron that helped cook up the heady brew, the angst of wonder, the slow blooming and budding of love that may go unrequited.
That ring meant everything.
When it came, it was the reward that would set your heart ablaze and reassure you that your new love shared your feelings.
So too, do we see all the 'instant gratification' pseudo spiritual teachings being shared now: 'Be in the Now' 'Get more stuff if you're really spiritual'...and all of it, is really masquerading as being spiritually evolved, when you wake up and smell the burnt coffee floating over the reality of selfishness and false pride.  People seem to not be able to have enough, quick enough.  I myself, become very frustrated with my computer when it freezes, or I cannot open a file quick enough.  Mea Culpa.
Real spirituality has NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY AND MORE STUFF!  Note, Jesus in the desert or cracking the whip that He fashioned in the temple.  It is an inside trip, and one will do more evolving helping someone else, being kind to others, rather than always needing to feel good and help themselves feel even better.  Yes, you should take care of yourself, but what happened to the code of ethics that taught us not to be selfish?  Be wary of the underbelly of URanus!

New Moon, July 26, 2014 at 3* of Leo.

We are entering some very ‘hot’ times, coming as the moon squeezes out the energy of Saturn/EL/Lord of the Rings finally, going direct at 16* of Scorpio the day before UR-Anus went retrograde at 16* of Aries.
So, do we see they are both at 16*?  They are exactly INCONJUNCT one another in their synodic dance in the heavens.  This is not a comfortable place for them (or any planets in aspect) and the energy becomes very difficult to work together.  Saturn/El being structure, form, control and time in dissonance with UR-anus (former time keeper ‘anus is where we get annual from’) just a longer clock concerned with the bigger picture.  URanus is also ruler of Aquarius, electricity, computers, community and co-ruler of lightening and sudden, ‘out of the blue’ events).  So, when these two are in such distress with one another, they will bring upheaval with their rulership subjects.  Saturn/EL took his sickle and cut us off from the heavens of Uranus, and as he did so, Uranus (cutting off Uranus’s penis) his semen flowed into the seas of Poseidon, and we had the birth of Venus (beauty/love) spring forth. 
Though it brings upheaval, the cracks that form to the structures, allow the light to come through so that hidden things in plain sight become even more evident.  They will definitely shake things up that were once static.  Saturn as he brings up the secrets and reveals that those in power behind the scenes (Scorpio) may have an agenda that is not comfortable with preconceived notions.
 All this while we are feeling the gurgling revelations of the licentious acts that have taken place while Pluto/Hades was retrograde, now getting ready to station direct on September 23rd, 2014 at 10* of Capricorn after having been retrograde since April 14th. at 13*.  Remember, when a planet is in its shadow phase, our own shadow side of that planet’s energy often is revealed.
See your own placement by sign and house to see how that will affect you personally.
Picture the viscous globs of oil rending their way on shore, the serpentine version of Pluto/Hades crawling on his belly and bringing up the dark and odiferous muck that was imprisoned in the abyss.
We had Mars conjunct Saturn in this process, just below Saturn on the horizon (Horus son) at 17* of Scorpio exactly on August 25th, the day of the new moon.  We saw agreements between warring factions try to etch themselves into binding form.  
We just have too much antagonistic energy in the seas we swim in now.  Luckily, on September 14th.  URanus and Saturn will move even further away from each other and no longer in the inconjunct.
The problem is, other planets are also inconjunct:  The sun (ego/identity), now at 16* Of Virgo is forming an inconjunct To Uranus; Jupiter/Zeus at 11* of Leo is inconjunct to Pluto/Hades at 11* of Capricorn and the Moon before she turns full tomorrow at 16* of PIsces, will briefly inconjunct Venus/Aphrodite who is at 4* of Virgo.
We will also feel the wider orb of the inconjunct of Mercury/Hermes who is at 9* of Libra to Neptune/Poseidon at 5* of Pisces.  
What an emotional cocktail fomenting this building full moon which happens On September 8th at 9:39pm E.D.T. at 16* of PIsces.   She opposes her mate, but she is bringing into full view, all that she has filled herself with (Or you have seeded during this time) to reflect back to us who we are and who we are becoming.  Remember the old commercial?  Maj, I think I can ‘see myself’?
A PIscean moon is emotional anyway, but she is home to the dreamers.  She may confuse you as she glides by Neptune, ruler of PIsces.  She will be dreamy though, they could be doozies in tonight’s ocean of deep wonder (And the next few nights).  You can tap into this creative soup, but be careful about decisions made during the allure Neptune casts in her soulful sister.
If they are decisions to change what you have, to trade in for something ‘you think’ is better, be very careful!!!
All that glitters is just not gold, but you will wake up as the afterglow of what was really just a one-night stand, and realize you just had one too many. This can also bring deep spiritual insights, and even a connectedness to the source, or God.
If you can enjoy the buoyant effects Of Jupiter/Zeus who is at 11* of Leo and is sextile to Mercury/Hermes and in a nice trine to URANUS right now, (especially Capricorns and Virgo’s) you might get a lift out of the heavy Plutonian aspects and find your place in the sun.
All The fear-mongering going on, we can thank this heavy Plutonian energy.  I will write later on the usage of the word ‘ISIS’ and how that is actually a very sly way to denigrate the Divine Feminine, and derail that balancing energy of the strong, loving, nurturing feminine God-head that loves the earth and the EL-ements.  This is exactly what is needed on this planet right now!
We are and will be, in the upheaval of the Blood Moons as noted in previous posts, see: until September of 2015 and all the while, we are still in the other tumult of the Cardinal Cross/Uranus square to Pluto that will also not be over until April of 2015.
Change is going to come.
I expect that the next hit, Mars conjunct Saturn at 17* of Scorpio on August 25th will bring some major agreement being etched in stone, at least formulated on the airwaves, and since it is in Scorpio, probably already written and just kept secret.
Now, I am not fond of sharing difficult news...but since these Blood Moons are falling on the High Holy days of the Jewish calendar, and history showing us that unrest always happens in these particular cycles, we knew something was going to boil over as the Blood Moons spilled into the streets.  This leaves most of us with a heavy heart.
The universe always gives us something to help us through such times, and this is no different.
This new moon on July 26th, was in Leo at 3* AND it was in conjunction with the benevolent Jupiter/Zeus at 2*.  This bodes very well for Leo’s, giving them some joy to help with the Saturn in Scorpio square they are experiencing. 
Find some laughter, enjoy children right now…all of us can find a lighter heart through the innocence of children, their smiles, their curiosity and we can become child-like, and enjoy playing ourselves.
Find your roar, your joy, your inner strength and bask in the summer sun. 
This culmination full moon, started with the New Moon in Virgo at 2*, so had lots of organization happening…and if you got that done, then you can revel in the newly organized space, that is rid of clutter.  If not, so much to do now, confusion will reign.
The other major thing we see with Pluto coming to the surface and Mars conjunct Saturn, is the volcanic explosions, lightening (Uranus square to Pluto) and airplane incidents as well as earthquakes.  I wouldn’t want to fly now, but with that inconjunct from Uranus to Saturn/EL easing up, that should help.
This full moon in Pisces, will wane into the darkness of the new moon on September 24th which will be at 01* degrees of Libra.  Let’s hope that a bit of fair-mindedness and harmony will be seeded, and love will reign supreme?  A bit of kindness from this Piscean full moon energy filling the planet and caring for the underdog.  Enough with the thug behavior and the bullying already!
That new moon will culminate with a lunar eclipse, and the next of the 4 blood moons on October 8th.  She will be at 15* of Aries, so once again, the Cardinal signs; Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra will be activated, since this is also right on the Uranus/Pluto square cycle.  Thankfully, it is not on the critical 13*, but it does ignite the final square that will happen on March 16, 2015.
So, let’s lean towards the Joy of Jupiter in Leo and seed the earth and each other with kindness, shall we?  We are all here, swimming in this same energy and we can change that…kindness goes a long way.
Use the ArcAncient Wisewoman ™, to help with the inflammation that the full moon can bring, and the subsequent aches and pains.  Use ArcAncient Ascension blend ™ to help lift those spirits to a Holy place,
Go to: to order
above the clouds where the sun is always shining.  (The midnight sun)
And if you want to know how all of this affects you personally, get a personal chart done, from someone with over 30 years experience, we can help you navigate towards your best self.

Sending kindness….