New Moon October 30. 2016 7* Scorpio.
Asking the deep questions, we probe and contend with the more sobering aspects of relationships, commitments, and what we are willing to endure, for what we love or wish to possess.
Asking the deep questions, we probe and contend with the more sobering aspects of relationships, commitments, and what we are willing to endure, for what we love or wish to possess.
This may being financial or relationship strains, but it may
also being appreciation for someone who soldiers on and is responsible and
Even with Neptune still commanding the skies in her ruler
ship of PIsces, this Scorpio new moon will have us contending with far more
serious matters that will help us drop anchor and find our moorings.
Neptune/Poseidon is also in an exact trine to Mercury/Hermes
who is at 9* of Scorpio, Mercury is part of a lovely little stellium, with La
Luna at 7* conjunct the sun at 7* of Scorpio, we have serious visionary
capability now and dreams will be like walking into a virtual reality of
vibrancy now too.
Mars/Ares at 23* Capricorn is also square to Uranus at 21* Aries
now, while Venus/Aphrodite at 15*Sag is also forming a nice fire trine to
Uranus so the atmosphere is electric and sizzling with passion for change.
A sudden romantic romp might come bursting out of the blue,
or even out of an argument creating the heat in the moment.
Saturn/EL is also still widely squaring Neptune/Poseidon, so
we are really morphing between the past, the present and the future while
shifting ladders swing in and away, we will at once be desirous of taking the
leap of faith onto some form of ladder that appears for us to move upward and
out of this energy, while also wanting to drop anchor or become more organized
and concrete in our newly birthing belief’s. The head of the dragon is on the other end of this T Square at 9* of Virgo, let the healing begin once the exposed wound has found the light of day.
We are transforming ourselves into adjustable, movable
vessels, lighter than before all of this really started getting serious back
around 2012 with the Uranus square to Pluto, and we are still in its wake.
Another huge influence is the newly formed Venus conjunction
with Saturn/EL, which happened when both were at 14* 10’ Sagittarius on
Saturday, October 29, at 8:38 PM EDT.
We want to know that where we pour our love into is worthy, and we will either invest into allowing this deeper commitment or realize that it is just not worth the time, or we may question what we possess in a more profound way, and certainly ascertain how much it takes to keep that possession/commitment in your life going?
We want to know that where we pour our love into is worthy, and we will either invest into allowing this deeper commitment or realize that it is just not worth the time, or we may question what we possess in a more profound way, and certainly ascertain how much it takes to keep that possession/commitment in your life going?
We may question how much our other investments keep us
immobilized or give us the freedom we wish to have, to travel or investigate
other areas of life, even if it is in investing in some higher education at
this time, realizing we are investing into our own being, at a much more
profound level than we may have understood in the past, as time has done a great
job of opening the doors of the past, to show us the future.
This is a fertile new moon indeed, so plant your seeds,
thoughts and ideas into new earth, as the shadow of the eclipses falls and
seasons the brew and the walls between worlds become paper-thin now, we howl in
the dark with our newly forming instincts razor sharp, we prepare for our loved
ones who have crossed over to pay us a visit, and we create the altars and take
the time to thank them for all they have done and continue to do for us in our
immediate world as well as the hallways we will travel down tomorrow, each column
a lifetime past, collectively we march towards the Eternal Light that calls us
all home.
Get ready for even more fireworks, as both candidates do their best to stand straight on the greased skids of their pasts, we are reminded of our own choices that may come to haunt us too.
Get ready for even more fireworks, as both candidates do their best to stand straight on the greased skids of their pasts, we are reminded of our own choices that may come to haunt us too.
Our Native American’s from both the south and the north,
dancing and praying together for water for life, for the earth, for their
sacred grounds to have the same respect we give our own temples, once more
their treaty’s violated, but this is significant.
Remember, Dakota literally means: Friend.
There is a saying, that when the Eagle of the North and the
Condor of the South, fly together, there lies the road to peace on earth.
That is the great gathering in North Dakota.
Our prayers are needed, if you have something to donate do
so, and if you can go participate, do so, you can call and write your Senator’s
and congressional representatives and make sure your voice is heard.

This is a major sign, so please pay attention.
To this end, we add our own prayers and intentions of the
Highest Order for healing, for peace and protection for our Native brother’s
and sister’s standing up for all of us and our host/earth, that we are so
fortunately allowed to walk upon and share her bounty.
Add your own and dream big, while we find concrete ways to
make our dreams a reality, and seed fortuitous blooms for the days to come. It is time to be reborn!!