Please read part I of this blog, here:
There was evening and there was morning, a third day. 14Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; 15and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so.…~Genesis 13
There was evening and there was morning, a third day. 14Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; 15and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so.…~Genesis 13
This New Moon Eclipse
on August 21st. at 2:30 PM EDT as Lady Luna swallows the sun in her
long shadow EXACTLY at 28* 52’of Leo the Lion in what has been dubbed, “The
Great American Eclipse” because it will be visible ONLY in the skies of the USA
as they cut a path that stretches from Salem, Oregon to Charleston, South
Carolina slicing the country in half.
This also makes the first band of what I am dubbing, ‘The Great
Confederate Flag Eclipse’ since there will be another eclipse in April of 2024 whose
path will make the other band.
This is the symbology that jumps out at me. A lot of Leo’s will feel as though they can
finally kick
off their training wheels and RUN ON ALL FOURS LIKE THE KING OF
THE JUNGLE THEY ARE, or just the need to ‘RUN!’ Mostly since they are having a
hard time inside their own skin.
The Great Lioness is giving birth…
She is giving birth after travelling through all the
‘mansions’ of Leo, exposing the weaknesses as well as strengths. Leo can be too boastful, brash and sometimes
selfish. He can also be a wonderful
protector and provider of the pride/family.
He can be very generous with both beautiful things and trophy’s as well
as compliments and can be just as easily seduced by them.
An evolved Leo beaming at you can feel as though you are
revolving around the sun itself, they have rock star magnetism and charm. They are among the very best actors and
actresses…D R A M A… which can either entertain or just be a petulant demand
for attention. Some famous Leo’s: Mila
Kunis, Jennifer Lawrence, Madonna, Charlize Theron, Sam Elliot, Robert De Niro,
Lucille Ball, Robert Redford, Helen Mirren, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Cattrall, and
how about politicians? Barrack Obama,
Bill Clinton, or even Herbert Hoover?
Now we add another layer to the mix: During this
occultation, as lady Luna and her paramour conceive they will be swimming in
the powerful energy of the star, Regulus who is also in occultation at 0*Virgo and
Regulus, and is literally called: ‘the king maker’, he also represents the fall of
a king, depending on how honourable the crowned king has behaved.
Our two guiding lights, will be extinguished…no sun will
beam down, the moon will not reflect back his great light and power. No, the sky will go dark…LIGHTS OUT. Now is when we must rely on our own pilot
The Lion King represents the EGO. I find that interesting as the lights go out
in Leo, ROYALTY & LEADERS are all in a state of CHANGE.
We are living in the ‘Age of the Self’ or as one documentary
maker so aptly titled it, “The Century of the Self” which does a superb job of
outlining our human trajectory. You can
find the documentary in its entirety here:
![]() |
The Angel and the Small Scroll {Star Card: …4When the seven thunders had spoken, I was about to put it in writing. But I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down.” 5Then theangel I had seen standing on the sea and on theland lifted up his right hand to heaven. 6And he swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and everything in it, the earth and everything in it, and the sea and everything in it: “There will be no more delay!…} |

Buddha, actually taught that
desire…’wanting’…stuff or other, was the cause of human suffering.
All become enlightened,
At the end of the journey for
Leo, he finally learns what a gift he has been given to light up the world with
laughter, charm and generosity.
NOT take it all as winnings
for his vein ego…
Since this is an eclipse, the
sun and moon conjunct the head of the dragon (north node) so this is also portends
a spiritual awakening, a doorway ‘through the eye of the needle’…
Jupiter/Zeus (JeZeus) is
forming a wide trine of support for the greater good at 20* Libra and he
sextiles Saturn/EL who is getting ready to Station direct at 21* Sagittarius,
where he has been th still at
21* Sagittarius, the archer
glowering over Saggies for far longer than most of them can
handle. He is however, ready to anchor
in a noble stream, for those who have isolated their strengths and are ready to
move forward with Saturn when he stations direct on August 24 and really starts to gain speed on the way to Capricorn the Goat, as the ruler. Mercury/Hermes is Retrograde
at 8* Virgo, he is pulling back the curtain on Healthcare, Service, and the
need to take a step back and perhaps hide from the world for a time, as you
refresh, restore, renew and reconsider your approach to communication, a new
ordered universe begins to take shape.
We can also see that Mercury,
in ruler ship in Virgo and Retrograde, is also opposing Neptune/Poseidon (also in rulership in
PIsces at 13*) now too, so there is an awful lot that is going on behind the
scenes that is not in line with what is being projected and/or spoken, these
are deep dark secrets that might find a way through the darkness and return
like a Lion as the sun comes out in full glory once again.
Many of you will feel as
though you have been in a boxing match, running a marathon and should be able
to take a breath and step back now, as you don your new wardrobe with the
We can take the energy of
supportive Uranus, who Stationed Rx this month, returning to assist the sun and
moon at 28* in EXACT trine.
This is a tinder box of
FIRE. Expect FIRE to be a major subject
on the news as it was ravaging and even forced some Eclipse travelers in
Portland to have to vacate for their own safety…that is another theme…’VACATING
FOR SAFETY’….expect major earth changes in the form of Volcano’s, Earthquakes,
Major Storms and Floods, as all are activating the Earth’s Magnetic Field and
Uranus likes to make changes through…’ERATIC AND REVOLUTIONARY MEANS’.
This eclipse will set the
stage for the next decade, let alone the next 6 months to a year, especially as
we lead up to the eclipses at the beginning of 2018, on January 31st,
a lunar eclipse with Moon at 11* Leo/Sun 11* Aq and then on February 15th
with the new moon, we have another solar eclipse at 27* of Aquarius.
As stated in the previous
blog post, this eclipse is a part of the Saros cycle, and I do find it
how much George Soros has been in the news as of late, I think we
will hear of difficulty’s besetting him, possibly even leaving the earth plane by
the next eclipse…I also think the Queen Mother will leave us by February of next
year if not physically then by title.
As for America? Well, I already pointed out that it forms the
Confederate Flag, and if you have not been living under a rock, you know just
how much discord is being sewn. The next
8 years leading up to that eclipse on April 8, 2024 at 19* of Aries, will have
us coming to resolution on this matter, but not until after the whole thing
goes up like a tinder box.
This is all leading us into
Saturn’s ingress into his home base of Capricorn.
All of this is culminating
off the FIXED CROSSES, SQUARES, formed by Pluto squaring Uranus and Jupiter…and
other stellar players, so our idea’s of what we once thought, were ‘FIXED IN
OUR MINDS ON THE WORLD STAGE’, and also within our own matrix have gone through
a major overhaul as the REVEALATIONS continue to pour out the truth…(even as
Neptune is used to obfuscate and confuse).
Speaking of Pluto/Hades, he
is also still squaring Jupiter from his perch on the mountain at 17*
Folks, our government will NOT BE THE ONE WE ONCE KNEW.
Pluto in Capricorn. This is DEATH. It is the destruction of political belief’s
and dynasty’s…of government as we know it….and we will continue to see a MAJOR
Kim Jong un has some terrible
aspects to his own chart, as does Bill Clinton…Poor health may slow him down.
So, go inside and find that
light licking the walls of your inner soul, as the sun reappears, so too will
your own light be ready for the World Stage…how will you re-enter?
We’ll be here…we’ll leave the light on….
We’ll be here…we’ll leave the light on….