The moon waxes into fullness, just after midnight tonight,
on November 23 at 12:39 A.M. EST. She
will be at 0* Gemini/Twins/Mercury Ruled, opposing her paramour, our little sun
who has now entered Sagittarius, and is also at 0*. This is also known as the Beaver Moon. Beavers are very industrious, as are many of
us right now, trying to get a lot accomplished, in the hustle of bustle of the
season and cleaning and preparing for our winter blanket.
Things are certainly, snap, crackle and popping in the air
and the earth, which is roiling with a lot of earthquake activity right now.
In Gemini, Luna is activating the earthly mind and mundane
things, culminating in this full moon, while the solar guide is activating our
higher purpose, thoughts of career, education, foreigner’s and travel.
Jupiter now happily ruling in his own sign of Sagittarius,
is hanging right with the sun, magnifying that solar energy/power while Mercury
RX at 10* is coming back to join them, and bringing back old memories and
thoughts of friends from the past too.
In fact, it is during these times, we run into old friends, and of
course, may

This can ask you, are you sure about this love relationship? Remember, in Aries, Uranus can be rash and even more sudden than he usually is, so try and refrain from rash judgments, comments or actions, which you may very well regret later. Venus in Scorpio can magnify this too.
Venus may have either brought back some lovin’ to your
relationship, or dug up the old wounds that can still smart a bit, and Mercury
RX on her heels can make us think of previous loves, and particularly affairs. In Sagittarius, he might make us think about
foreign lovers and certainly is bringing up the whole topic of Immigration and
the spotlight on the Caravan coming up from The Honduras, fleeing dire
situations looking for the American Dream.
We will end up returning some of our purchases and gifts,
and definitely be ‘re-gifting’ if the exchange falls before Mercury is Direct on
December 7TH, where he has travelled back to 27* Scorpio, in search
of the truth.
Neptune is also in her rulership of PIsces at 13* PIsces,
and squaring Mercury who is at 10* Sagittarius, adding to the ILLUSION that is
so hard to see through. Think of the
term, FAKE NEWS.
The waters are murky indeed, so anchor yourself. (This is where, ArcAncient’s,
Sleep Angel © comes in handy, or Stress Xtra.
While Saturn/EL is loving his own world at 7* Capricorn the goat, we have a lot of heavenly spheres/beings all wanting to be in charge, at least in their own domain. This is also a good thing to keep in mind for us, to stay in our own lane, and be the best we can be, at what we are good at, not what or who we are not.
So, we have grounding rods during these transits, including the newly shifted Head and Tale of the Dragon, who has made the change from the Aquarius/Leo axis where they have been eating and releasing the past, and have the yang, outgoing energy. Now, they are in Cancer/Capricorn, so that head is digesting where she wants to go, and considering the energy of the moon/mother and causing us to release the past of Capricorn…so this is a NEW ENERGY TO WHAT WE VALUE AND WHAT WE WANT TO SEE ON THE WORLD STAGE, POWER-WISE. Yes, this activates the overly charged and potent Cardinal Cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
We might find it easier to release the ‘illusions’ of what
success mean to us, and stop that need to climb the ladder to the very top,
having gratitude to what we have NOW.
So, curl up with a good book, good friend and nurture yourselves, make that comfort food and play some games by the hearth. This new 18 month period should feel more comfortable internally, than the past 18 months.
So, curl up with a good book, good friend and nurture yourselves, make that comfort food and play some games by the hearth. This new 18 month period should feel more comfortable internally, than the past 18 months.
Happy Holy Days! The
night increases, Pluto/Hades is happy in his lair with his consort (by force)
Persephone. Make yourselves comfortable
and hang out in bed a little longer…great time to do some dream work. Wake up and write down the vivid images you
experienced through the night.
Will go over the stars that are forming a very powerful aspect pattern
in the coming year and also into 2020, that period will be more powerful than
anything we have experienced so far. I
will look at your own personal chart too, for a small snapshot on how it will affect
you and what you can do to prepare. It
is BYOB, we will have some snacks. We
will laugh and learn, some deep, secrets.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Here is the short list of predictions I have made that have
come to pass:
Predictions made by, Gloria O’Neil-Savage ‘Sangreal’.
Predictions made by, Gloria O’Neil-Savage ‘Sangreal’.
Death of Dianne Murray (Witness, Denise Z.)
Parent’s house being robbed, and the girl who
was in charge of robbing the house.
(Told my little sister it was robbed, nothing was missing, but I know,
because ‘I felt it’ when I came home from school to get ready for work. I was interrogated, by the police, because
they wanted to know, how I knew, if I was not in on it.)
Later in the week, while at my school locker, my
friend was also at hers next to mine, when a friend of hers came up and said:
“Hi, Gloria”…in that moment, a voice inside started to say: “She robbed your
house”. I tried to dismiss it, but it
only grew louder and louder, so loud, that by the time I sat down in study
hall, I was worried, everyone else could hear it coming out of my body. I went down to the office to find out what
class, Tammy was in, my friend, and Debby Somerville was behind the desk. I asked her if she could tell me what class
Tammy was in, and she said: “Yes, I can find that out for you, Gloria”. She went to the card files and pulled out a
card that said she was in Biology class.
I went up to the class, the teacher was out of the room. I peeked in and saw Tammy. I asked Tammy if she could come out so I
could talk to her for a minute.
I was a pretty small person back then, probably not even 100lbs, and
pretty short. Tammy, was much bigger,
taller. But, when she came out, I said:
“You robbed my house!”…She recoiled, looked like a trapped animal in her
eyes. She said: “No I didn’t, why would
you say that?”…I repeated it, my rage growing, “You robbed my house!” and with
that, I was banging her into the lockers, raging at her about robbing my house,
crying the entire time, I was white-hot mad!
Of course, that brought the kids out to the halls, and they started
exclaiming, O’Neil is beating up Stewart!
Then the doors down the halls started swinging open, and teachers came
down and brought us down to the office.
I was told the police were handling it and I needed to let them do their
job, it was not my job. I was given
detentions. It came out days later, that
she was the one who robbed my house with the rest of the kids, and it was HER
idea. I also found out, they knew at the
time I was sitting in that office, and yet, I was given detentions.
Transformation of street, new buildings built,
before they were built.
Calling friend Loraine, seeing her in ‘new’
building with glass front and glass on the front of building across the street,
in RR. Einstein Bagels opened up with
glass front, two glass fronts appeared, one of the front of Heinens and on
front of other coffee shop in Rocky River.
Building on Sloane and Detroit, where I saw a
door on the side of the building a coffee shop inside with tables outside. (All came true)
Haiti, Tuesday, 12 January 2010, Chile, February
27, 2010; and Fukushima Earthquakes, ( could only get a few days close to the
Chile and Haiti quakes, but was spot on (by actual Date: Mar 11, 2011) for
Fukushima. (All of those were posted on
FB as predictions, I was harassed by some people, saying I was fear-mongering,
earthquakes happen all the time!) Then
they all happened. Major earthquakes.
Crash of 2008, (by date, October, 2008) successfully
negotiated out of the last 2 years of my lease, to close my center, ONE MONTH
BEFORE IT HAPPENED. (Witness, actual Carol
Zung, Dag, Nanda, all at Dagmar’s table, while I nervously told them about what
I saw happening, (Senate doors closed and the senators, all being forced to
sign a deal for bail-outs) I wrote an 8 page paper on how we could avoid the
mortgage crash and brought it to my congressman in April of that year, but they
rejected it, since ‘the economy is doing great!’; legal records leases, and
Mickey, the landlord.
911 (dreamt it) then wrote a letter to President
Bush, warning him, and that he should not invade Iraq, because we would get
bogged down there for decades, and they would not so easily extract the oil
because of constant saboteurs, and that there would be a major hurricane to hit
New Orleans, bringing too much water and flooding the levy’s. All written in letter that was dated BEFORE
IT HAPPENED: Witness: Carol Z.
Donald Trump, winning the EL-ection, the day he
through his hat in the ring. I KNEW THE
WIN. A lot of ‘psychic’s’ and
astrologers I know personally, said Hillary would win, after the fact, claiming
they knew too.
to go during that time. Witness: Tina M.
10. Personal predictions, far
too numerous to mention.