This is an extremely potent new moon, coming on the heels of all the other
major aspects that opened the month of July.
Mars the activator, warrior opposed Saturn EXACTLY on July 1st
at 12* Leo to a 12* Saturn in Aquarius. Like
lighting a fuse, he Martials in the energy literally ‘spinning’ the
Saturn/Uranus squares, the second of which we are now under, the last will be
exact at the end of the year in November.
This ‘middle doorway’ in the squares brings up the sediment of Saturn’s karmic
work, hitting the wall and pushing into the boundaries everything that hot Leonine energy
being focused on this new moon in Cancer, the mother, HOME/FAMILY.
This theme is prevalent throughout the month, and extends to the country you
call home, what is family to you?
This is the FIXED CROSS. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
This square is a contentious energy to be sure, and all
blooming what it seeded back at the end of March 2020 (last year) when lo and
behold they hit the magical, ‘00*’ Aquarius.
The same degree as the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in
December last year.
The results of that conception (look back to that time and reflect on what you
were concentrating on, what actions were you taking back then?) In Aquarius, it wants COMMUNAL ENERGY FOR THE
New ideas regarding internet, inventions, CONTROL, will just like the full
moon, now EXPOSE THE WEAKNESS and/or results.
Saturn retrograde is giving his review of the situation and the possibility to
change course, or proceed forth happy with the decisions made back then.
This will also bring up issues of ‘self/other/community’,
when does the rights of the INDIVIDUAL end and those of the COMMUNITY begin?
Venus, hot on the heels of Mars also added to the mix, opposing Saturn exactly
on the 6th adding in the ‘VALUE SYSTEM’, when she reached 12* Leo to Saturn’s
12* Aquarius. These two started this
cycle back on February 6th this year, when both were flying at 5*
Aquarius. This brings a clash of these
values, of MONEY, ‘how much will it all cost?’, reviewing plans laid then now
that some of the results and issues have become visible/apparent.
We take to the hard task of revising or reassessing and deciding things may
have ‘sounded good’, but the workshare in the COMMUNITY, may need
revisions. Who is paying for it all? Now, what do you VALUE?
What is it worth to you, these plans you made?
Is everyone on the same page with you?
He wants to ‘alchemize’ solutions.
Notice all of this is taking place in the ‘FIXED CROSS’? Taurus, Leo, ‘missing leg’ Scorpio where he is dumping the collective shadow and Aquarius, where he wants the purest constituents pouring into a new world, a new earth.
Fixed energy that will not give, can be ‘BROKEN’ by the
stress. There is no CONTROLLING this erratic
energy that Uranus is DEMANDING, he is shattering what is left of the systems
that Pluto in Capricorn and all the acting players transiting through Capricorn,
making their way into the NEW TERRITORY OF AQUARIUS. Cardinal signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are all being 'TRANSFORMED' and this new moon in Cancer also taps into the Capricorn stellium that formed at the beginning of 2020 (yes, the harbingers of what was to come, PANdemic and all, (as you would have read right here back in 2013...warning you!) at 22* Capricorn. Pluto will still be travelling through Capricorn until 2024, and the final degrees will be the 'gulps'...most difficult as they complete the death and rebirth cycle.
Mercury, now out of his shadow has collected what was hidden
in the darkness, behind the façade of DUALITY.
‘And the two shall become one’.
He faced his own shadows, reviewed what has been written, said, or promised and
is now revising those decisions. ‘Life
review’ is very prominent for many during these transits.
At 27* Gemini, he also just squared (and that energy is also
pouring into this soup) Neptune who is retrograde at 23* PIsces. Talk about communication mix-ups! Before you jump to hasty conclusions, get
You are not the only one who is feeling ‘FEAR’, after all
the shakeups and debris/chicanery being exposed.
No one is getting off the ship alive…
This energy is precisely also the same type of tide coming in with good news
All the while, Eris, sister of Mars is heating up that cardinal square to
Pluto at 24* Aries. She will shake things up,
exposing the truth that has been buried in the ‘elite’ club, when she throws her
golden apple. Vanity takes the bait and for some still trying to get away, it can be too late after they are hooked into Neptune’s celluloid web of deceit.
That mirror casting a spell for all who avoid the truth. This will only get worse for those who play
in deceit when Saturn and Uranus finish square-dancing, that energy will
flood over the edge of this year, like a mud slide into 2022.
Politics especially will still have volatile eruptions as the divide
unfortunately causes most to hunker down in their perceived ‘PRIDE/FAMILY/PARTY’.
Neptune has been both blessing and messing with the MUTABLE SIGNS, especially when Jupiter entered PIsces, PIsces, Gemini (who just got a major review from Mercury) Virgo and Sagittarius.
From the heights of idealized, romantic love to coming to terms with addictive behaviour or allowing it to drown you, you might feel somewhat anesthetized at this point. Depressive behaviours can also get triggered. Do the things that lift you, dance, yoga, nature!!!
…Even though the EAGLE who flies higher than all the other birds, the closest
to the sun and from that height, sees ‘BOTH SIDES CLEARLY’, many still don’t
get the ‘necessary evil’ that is creating the alchemical chamber…putting the
entire planet through ‘SACRED RITUALS’ to elicit the very ‘ESSENCE’ OF YOUR
Otherwise, you are living in the ‘shadows’ of Scorpio. Crawling on your belly as the serpent who CONSUMES, that coil must rattle and rise the ‘seven hills’ the wheels of light, through the HEART/EARTH, and unite with your LOVER IN THE WEDDING CHAMBER.
You see, the OLD EARTH IS FALLING AWAY. The old systems are breaking down. They cannot make it into the new world/order.
Yes, so much of this has been demonized, keeping you outside
the Golden Gates, suffering.
Lady Luna will OPPOSE Lord Hades/Pluto on Saturday around noon when she hits 25* Cancer and the sun will do the same on July 17th as we head into the energy of the full moon 6 days later, on the 23rd at 1*Leo. Jupiter slips back into Aquarius on June 28th. What might he be bringing back? We know it will influence both alternative and old habits of energy sources, that can mean lower prices for oil again, we shall see.
We are all creating a ‘new earth’.
As hard as it may be, try to see ‘the other side’ of the
issue or story.
Perhaps, just perhaps the truth will be found somewhere in betwixt and in between.
- Baptism.
- Confirmation.
• An increase and deepening of baptismal grace. ...
- The
Holy Eucharist. • An increase in the communicant's union with Christ.
... union with the divine/yoga.
- Reconciliation
or Penance. • Reconciliation with God: the penitent recovers
sanctifying grace. ...
- Anointing
of the Sick. ... (This is where ArcAncient’s ‘distilled essences’ come
in handy…you got this one!
- Holy
Orders (Have you accepted your
CALLING?) r-r-r-ring!!!
- Matrimony Mother/Moon/Money.
Remember, everything is written as a MYSTERY TO BE REVEALED.
Just not to the profane. Seek and ye shall find.
Don’t forget, with every clearing,
the new earth emerges. We shall not pour
new wine into old wineskins! See the new
earth? See your beautiful new gown? Keep clearing the layers off your lens…it
will get clearer and clearer…hint: ‘it is not ‘out there’. It’s all been an inside job.
I can too, feel her breath on your shoulders yet?
If you would like further assistance, please go to:
Passing this along:
Something sacred is coming this way.
That is how my ancestors would have said it. In the midst of
all this turmoil and confusion, when we cannot clearly see the path before us,
when we feel trapped in a situation we cannot control, then I believe the wise
elders of my holy heritage would climb to the high place of the heart, draw the
circle of reason and faith around them, and stand to sing their prayers into
the open sky of the history to come. They would not shrink into a corner
afraid, but rise up to catch the first light of what was coming into being all
around them.
We are living in a time of emergence.
We are the witnesses to a great renewal.
The world is full of the fear of birth and change, but that
transformation will one day be our blessing.
Do not be afraid, but be believing.
Come to the place where the ancestors are already standing.
Come and see.
Something sacred is coming this way.
~ Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston
[Art: Dawid Planeta Mini
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The Spiral Staircase DNA Jacob's Ladder Do you see how we are spiraling up and into full consciousness and connection with SOURCE OUR RE SOURCE |