Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Releasing the Pregnant Heart

Orpheus plays his lyre and sings for Hades and Persephone, the lament is so powerful,  Hades has mercy.

Cry out, wail into the grey fog so cumbersome on the pregnant heart.  Release the imprisoned broken pieces harbored and hanging inside the battered life.

The sound....that clarion call that cracks open the universal code.

Unbinding the Cimmerian world, her children burdened with blindness.

Tears, their salty goodness; the living waters cleanse us and release the soul; the incendiary moment giving wings to the spirit…we watch her finally break free and soar. 

Like Jacob, wrestling with God, we wrestle with the divine; hanging on to the sheer cliffs above the abyss, the echoing past slinking itself around our ankh-les.

What greatness do we hide from?  What caliber awaits us if we dive into the inner chamber of our aching heart and simply surrender to something unfathomable but tenacious and ever listening?

Don’t look back and don’t look down; even to savour a precious memory one might lose sight of the way and fall like Eurydice or turn into a pillar of salt like Lot’s Wife.

So lest you lose the way, rest if you must; float on Lilly pads in a warm spring, but don’t look back.  Don’t let your mind take you into the remorse of what you might have done or regrets of what you did.  Take your rest and then fill your sails and run; run into the wild and frightening forest and come alive. 

Dare to go straight into the Dragon’s lair and rescue something you have neglected far too long; that unshackled beastly creature you have hidden in the recesses of your mind.

Go…fly to her now and break open that chrysalis, you no longer fit inside of your torture chamber, release the Kraken!  There, there is your God screaming in want of affection!

There is that noble nature breathtakingly designed and yearning to be held.

What comport deigned you to divest yourself of such power?  What candied and overplayed song cast its spell on your desire?  How now will the faulty lines crack your wings and break your covenant that brought you here?

Go meet that ravenous beast and slake your soul with the comforting gaze of your own eyes, the tenderness of your kiss, the softness of your touch and burst forth the being that empowered your birth and thrust you into this world crying for attention!

No one else came to do this for you, so harken to the Gods and the Terrifying Angels.

They are standing in awe and waiting to bow before the majesty of your presence.


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