Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pluto In Capricorn, The Evolution of the World Soul and Social Order

Pluto will be travelling in Capricorn until November 20, 2024.  It enters on January 26, 2008.  The last time Pluto went into Capricorn was on January 8, 1762, and he left on December 2, 1778.
The transit lasted 16 years.
So, I thought it would be a good time to look a little deeper into this, who is Pluto anyway and what does all this mean?  Let’s start with the basics.

Pluto: Greek God of the underworld, son of Saturn Or Kronos (El, Lord of the Rings, see writing on Saturn) who was known as Hades in the Roman Mythological hierarchy.
He is death, destruction and transformation.  As the ruler of the 8th house and Scorpio, he rules sex and reproduction and the wealth and riches of the earth.  In fact, the Greek word for wealth is ploutos, and rulership by the wealthy is a plutocracy.
We also find accounts of other people’s money in the 8th house.  Taxes, inheritance and alimony as well as divorce will all be found under the umbrella of the 8th house.  I also read marriages and commitment in the 8th house.
 One must cross the river Styx (water always being the medium between worlds/dimensions/birth; even a ship is given birth into the water ways she will be voyaging).

Once across the river, one will be greeted by Hades' three-headed dog, Cerberus.
But let’s back up a bit, for who takes you on that journey?  It is Hermes whom we know of as Mercury in Astrology.  Hermes/Mercury rules the crossroad, the traveler and all things related to travel and communication, he is the guardian of the journey.
We see him with winged feet and helmet, being fleet of foot.  Now in the Christian version, the Saint that helps one across the river is St. Christopher.
We can add another affiliation; St. Barbara is the Patron Saint of mining (buried treasures of the earth) so there is a relation with the god of the underworld here too; anyone working on buried treasures (we can see that this can imply the buried treasures within our earthly vessel too, mining these treasures or unearthing them, would require these rulers.)
Hades/Pluto was devoured by Kronos/Saturn when he was born; along with four of his siblings.  One of those siblings was Zeus, who caused the Saturn/Cronos to disgorge them, vomiting them up.  Together they battled the titans and drove them into the depths of Tartaros and afterward the three brothers divided up the cosmos and Hades was awarded the dark underworld; Poseidon (Neptune) was given the seas and Zeus (Jupiter) got pretty much everything else.
We can see that Pluto/Hades is the farthest planet from us and the sun.  He is at the edge of our universe, cold, barren and lonely.  He is continuously travelling farther and farther away from us, since our universe is expanding.
Either way, we can see that this is the dark underworld, and it is also POWER.
Pluto/Plutonium also rules atomic energy, POWER, which can light up the world, but it can also destroy the world.
In between, it can cause a lot of destruction, but harnessed we can see the results of power directed and controlled. 

Hades fears no other god, so he is called upon to deal with anyone abusing power, or playing god.  Pluto/Hades will bring up our deepest darkest fears, and can be quite unsettling.  He is the ruler of fear.  Saturn can bring up fears, for a different reason, he is more of a reprimander, doling out restrictions and consequences when we break the LAW or rules.  When we don’t regulate or discipline ourselves, Saturn will step into create the discomfort or punishment accordingly.

Hades wanted a wife, so he asked his brother Zeus for his beautiful daughter Persephone.
However, Hades knew Persephone wouldn’t want to willingly come with him to stay in Hades, so he kidnapped her (raped her) and this has been painted and discussed by artists and poets, such as Rembrandt, Pignoni,  and others. 
He kidnapped Persephone and dragged her into his lair and made her his wife, by force.  If it weren’t for the tenacity of Persephone’s mother, Demeter, she wouldn’t have been allowed to return topside to earth in spring to allow the blooming of spring.
This is the story and origins of why we have the changing seasons now.

Mars was the original ruler of Scorpio until we discovered Pluto and he was named the new ruler.  Mars has to do with our energy and power, our ambitions and drives and we can see how Pluto relates to all of these on a different level.  Pluto is an octave of Mars.
Some people are more aware of the undercurrents of motivations and power, some are less so.  All of the inner planets; Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are the ‘visible’ or personal planets.  Saturn is the last of the inner planets/visible planets in the sky.
This provides a good basis for understanding the outer planets; Uranus, Neptune and Pluto being the last of those; but we can see that when it comes to the outer planets they are not as easy to see or feel in our lives, but hold great potential in how they affect us and are known as the 'trans-personal' or generational planets. 

Pluto has been called the evolutionary planet by famous astrologer, Jeffrey Green, who is well regarded as an astrologer; particularly when it comes to Pluto, and he is right on when he says it has to do with the soul’s evolution.
Once Pluto is making an aspect to you, there is no turning back.  Pluto’s dog Cerberus, who is cheerful with tail wagging when he greets you upon arrival, will turn vicious should you attempt to return.  So, once you are kidnapped by Pluto and taken into his occult underworld, where the invisible and unseen takes over, until the death/rebirth process is complete, you must complete your journey into the world of Hades.

Pluto can be like a blow torch or blast furnace; he will burn off all the dross and leave only that which has integrity and is pure.  While he transforms you, he reveals the heart of who you are.
He does rule death and regeneration the Phoenix so aptly suits him.  I personally died when Pluto was conjunct in transit to my natal sun when I was just 17 years old.  Now of course there were other aspects that magnified this transit for an actual death to occur, but none the less, he does portend death.  This doesn’t have to be an actual physical death, but it may be the death of a situation, cycle, practice or the end of superficialities or insignificant or outworn habits that are no longer serving you, or keeping you from something even deeper that needs to be revealed in this life.

Now, besides the phoenix, who burns up in flames and then rises reconstructed from the ashes (alchemy) another symbol for Scorpio is the Eagle and the snake.
A lot of talk came up recently with the mentioning of Ophiuchus, who is the serpent handler that stands in the heavens between Scorpius and Sagittarius.  He is the 13th house of the zodiac that disappeared and as we have now read, Pluto represents the ‘unseen worlds’.  Now, let us add to this that what we see when we look up into the heavens when we see an eagle; consider that he flies closest to the sun without getting burned, he flies above storms, but he can also land on the ground and walk the earth.  In the mysteries, we learn that the occulted is also hidden in plain sight for clues.
The eagle holds onto the serpent, therefore he is a ‘serpent handler’ too.
Now we see how this has been hidden in the depths of the 8th house.
So too, do we want to use the POWER of the eagles talons to handle the snake, to become a snake charmer; for we must be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves.

Pluto in Capricorn

Capricorn, the goat climbs to the top of the mountain.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn/Cronus the Lord of the Rings, EL.  It is Janus, the two-headed god who can see both ways in life, he can review history and also plan ahead for the future that he CLEARLY SEES coming.  He has become wise with the discipline of Saturn/EL that he now has learned to obey without complaint, since he knows this is the only way to deliver the LIGHT THAT COMES INTO THE EARTH PLANE, THROUGH THE SOUL.  He knows the value of discipline and temperance.
Capricorn rules the 10th house of the zodiac and is also known as Pan the Goat (Pandemonium/Pandemic).  We may see this when Pluto and Saturn meet up in Capricorn on 01/12/2020 HIGH NOON in EST at 22*.
It rules ambition and our desire to stand on the world stage, or on top of the mountain.
Whatever is in the way, can become another stepping stone, depending on the rest of the influences, but as a rule, the goat wants to reach the top of the mountain, and they are very capable and agile.  Ever see a goat on top of a mountain, or just hanging out on what appears to be a flat wall?  It looks impossible to see them on those sheer cliffs with such ease but ever climbing to the pinnacle!

Briefly, Saturn rules the hierarchy, positions of power, the establishment, church, regulations, etc. He is the old man and patriarchy.  He is what orders our world.

So, we see we have Pluto the transformer in the sign of Capricorn, ruler of the mountain and all that is on top of that mountain or pyramid if you will.  This is truly when we see the rise and the fall of kingdoms, governments and the revealing of Plutocracy or lack thereof.
Picture an evolving nuclear fireball inside of a mountain, tearing it up from the inside, save for what can withstand or is impervious somehow to that nuclear fireball and you get the idea of what is happening.  We also see on our own world stage, a nuclear fireball, literally churning up the shores of the Pacific, inside the crypt of Fukushima.  FUK U SHE MA.  The universe speaks so loudly when you are paying attention.

We started this piece with the last time Pluto went into Capricorn which was on January 8, 1762 and he left on January 27, 1778. 
Here is what was happening with the other outer planets including Saturn during that same timeframe:

Neptune/Poseidon was leaving its transit in Virgo and entering Libra.
Saturn and Uranus were in the sign of Aries. On May 13, 1761 they were conjunct
at 7°38.  With Pluto in Capricorn, we automatically infer the square to Uranus and Aries, we see the tense aspect through history.

Neptune has recently entered Pisces (opposing Virgo) on February 3, 2012.  She will remain there for the next 14 years.  She is in rulership in PIsces.  Poseidon is the mystery of the deep seas or our subconscious.  She is the seahorse, our hippocampus in the limbic system, where we feel, fight or flight.  This is the Charioteer of the Tarot.
Saturn was in Virgo  when Pluto entered Capricorn this time ~ and Uranus was in Pisces as they danced back and forth in their oppositions.  Uranus is now in Aries at 5*47’.  We can expect some interesting changes when Uranus reaches that 7* placement again, dredging up that energy from 1761/1762.

What happened back in 1762?  (which would equate to 2008)
January 4, England declares war on Spain and Naples.
May 5, Russia and Prussia sign peace treaty.
June 28, Russian tsarina Catharina II grabs power.
November 3, England and Spain signs Treaty of Paris.
The French Indian War is still raging, but…

Doesn’t sound so bad, does it?
What about 1763? (2009)
We have the Proclamation of 1763; Feb 10th - Treaty of Paris ends French-Indian War, surrendering Canada to England.
Initially, this lead to great celebration in the colony’s, since they felt the ceding of the land by the French would open up the territories for further expansion and easy access.
The proclamation, in effect, closed off the frontier to colonial expansion.  King George III, who became King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain on 25th October 1760 and reigned until his death on 29th January 1820; presented the proclamation as a measure to calm the fears of the Indians, who felt that the colonists would drive them from their lands as they expanded westward.  A lot of the colonists feared that King George III was trying to pen them into the seaboard, so they would be easier to REGULATE.

This is important to point out, since the words fear and regulate have a lot to do with Pluto in Capricorn.
Let’s move onto 1764 (2010)
Jul 23rd - James Otis publishes views on taxation without representation.
We see the people, are beginning to really become vocal in standing up to the state/establishment which at the time, is King George III.
Edward Gibbon’s begins working on “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”.  Many people make the case that the Roman Empire never actually fell, it just went underground and all roads still lead to Rome.

In the following year, 1765 (2011) we see things start to really become revolutionary (Pluto in Capricorn square to Uranus occulting Saturn/EL) when The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765.  This new tax would be levied on all colonists; for every piece of paper they used; newspapers, licenses, legal documents and other publications ~ even playing cards would be taxed!  This, like most collected taxes then and now, was to be used to defray the cost of defending the Appalachians which required 10,000 troops.
Though it was actually not a substantial amount of money, it was the standard that was being set, the colonists found objectionable.
Patrick Henry steps in with his outline on objections to address the King and England.
Henry, at a meeting of the Virginia House of Burgesses, proposed seven resolutions against the Stamp Act. The first four resolutions were adopted and passed by the House of Burgesses.
We can see the beginning of our own Union, when we read the following:
Resolved, that by two royal charters, granted by King James I, the colonists aforesaid are declared entitled to all liberties, privileges, and immunities of denizens and natural subjects to all intents and purposes as if they had been abiding and born within the Realm of England.  And further:
Resolved, that the taxation of the people by themselves, or by persons chosen by themselves to represent them, who can only know what taxes the people are able to bear, or the easiest method of raising them, and must themselves be affected by every tax laid on the people, is the only security against a burdensome taxation, and the distinguishing characteristic of British freedom, without which the ancient constitution cannot exist.

This is Pluto in Capricorn at its finest.
Now watch this resolution:
Resolved, therefor that the General Assembly of this Colony have the only and exclusive Right and Power to lay Taxes and Impositions upon the inhabitants of this Colony and that every Attempt to vest such Power in any person or persons whatsoever other than the General Assembly aforesaid has a manifest Tendency to destroy British as well as American Freedom.
That is powerful!
  ***Pluto and the 8th house represent TAXES!***
On Mar 17th, 1766 (2012) - Britain repeals the Stamp Act.  But the stage was set for what would follow.  Britain and King George III was not done, on Jun 29th, 1767 - British passes Townshend Revenue Act levying taxes on America.

By 1768 (2014)
Pluto is now at 11* Capricorn and on July 21st opposes Saturn exactly when they are at 11*, with Saturn in Cancer at 11*.
Feb 11th - Samuel Adams letter circulates around American colonies, opposing Townshend Act taxes.  This leads to:
1769 (2015)

Merchants in Philadelphia join the boycott of British trade goods.  George Mason writes a set of resolutions that George Washington presents to the Virginia House of Burgesses. Virginia Resolves oppose taxation without representation and British threatens to send American

Agitators to England for trial.
Franciscan Friar Juniper Serra founds territory in California.

1770 (2016)
Violence erupts between the Sons of Liberty and 40 British soldiers in New York over posting of broadsheets by the British.
March 5, 1770 the Boston Massacre occurs that ends with 5 deaths and the arrest of the British captain, Thomas Preston who is charged with murder.  Preston is successfully defended by John Adams.
Townshend Acts are repealed by the British, all duties are eliminated except for the tax on tea.

1771 (2017)

1772 (2018)

In Boston a 21-member committee of correspondence is appointed to communicate with other colonies, after several weeks 3 radical proclamations are written, asserting the colonies right to rule.

1773 (2019)

Virginia House of Burgesses appoints an eleven-member committee of correspondence to communicate with other colonies.  Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry are among those members.

May 10, the Tea Act takes effect, that maintains an import tax on tea arriving in the colonies.  This gives the almost bankrupt British East India Company a virtual tea monopoly allowing them to sell directly to colonial agents, bypassing middlemen and underselling American merchants.
October, colonists hold a mass meeting in Philadelphia opposing the tea tax and the monopoly of the East India Company.  A town meeting held in November endorses the actions taken by the Philadelphia colonists.
Several weeks later, three ships with their cargo of tea make the fateful sail into Boston harbor.

December 16, the Boston Tea Party occurs.  342 containers of tea are dumped into Boston harbor.

1774 (2020)

The Intolerable Acts were passed by the British Parliament that includes 5 laws against the American colonies.

1775 (2021)
On April 19th, the first shots were fired against the British who were hastily retreating on a 16-mile trek back to Boston by militiamen.  300 British soldiers were killed, wounded or missing in action.

The Revolution had now officially begun.

The Dawn of the American Revolution, 1768-1776

This only took Pluto in Capricorn 6 years to foment the dissolution and the coalescence of a new order; one created by the people over a king they felt was abusing his power.  All of this is the epitome of Pluto in Capricorn, and the square to both Saturn and Uranus during this transit of Pluto further activates the evolution.
A difference I might point out now, is that with Saturn conjunct Uranus in Aries in 1761, we had the container and discipline of Saturn controlling and putting order into Uranus (change and the people).  Saturn and Uranus were in opposition this time in 2008, the first opposition was on Nov 3, With Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces, they moved into Libra and Aries respectively; Pluto entered Capricorn, squaring both of them in that opposition, also known as a T-Square.
This is exemplified by the division we see and feel in congress and in the people, most are in one of two camps either Republican or Democrat.  Essentially we have the people vs. the people which is a division that takes away the energy of the square to Pluto/the state or corporations.
As that opposition wears off between Saturn and Uranus, we will start to see a coalescing again, though with deepened wounds.  Uranus takes some people and moves them forward, while Saturn holds the rest hostage to a bygone time and usually, one in which people feel they had more control of the power they feel they are losing.
In the meantime, Pluto ruling the underworld also means that there can be a lot that is going on behind the scenes that is only in the open for those who have eyes to see.
No-one likes giving up power and usually will not do so willingly.
Thus, the power struggle can ensue.

I would add that with Saturn moving into Libra after that, where Saturn is dignified, he is exalted in Libra, and we had some desire for balance and fairness. This also came onto the world stage as we saw people all over the globe, demanding their rights and trying to use peaceful means to do so.  (Saturn opposition to Uranus, T-Square to Pluto).

What might make this path clearer and calm the agitated Olympian gods?  Orpheus used the power of love and music (Neptune/Poseidon) which is an octave of Venus; when he descended into the depths of Hades to plead for his wife's (Eurydice) release after she was bitten by, what else? ~a serpent.  Here is where it is interesting; Venus (Aphrodite) seduces Aries according to mythic lore.  Ares was not easily seduced, but it is the beauty and love of Aphrodite that causes Ares/Mars to put down his weapons.    They make love and are caught by Helios who proceeds to inform Aphrodite’s husband Lord Hephaestus.  Hephaestus created a trap with his metalworking of which he was a master, he ensnared the couple.
He implores the gods to give him back all the gifts he has given in courtship.
It is only through Poseidon’s (Neptune who is lord of the Sea) offer to pay the adulterer's damages if Ares defaults that softens Hephaistos up enough to loosen the bonds.  So we see how Neptune/Poseidon’s charms are very necessary when it comes to dealing with lord of the underworld, Hades/Pluto.  Neptune/Aphrodite also rules illusion/delusion and have you seen those hooks on her symbol?  Jesus 'walks on the water' because He is above the illusion of the water.  He separates the waters...
Making music, singing, creating art and especially and only if one is creating that art from the heart is one of the secrets to opening the depth of magic that Neptune rules.  Orpheus's playing was so sad and melancholy, Persephone and Pluto were so deeply moved, it was as if Orpheus was playing the strings of their hearts and they couldn't help themselves but to release Eurydice.  (Though, once again, Eurydice's looking back proves to be fatal, just like Lot's wife).
Orpheus played and seduced everyone who could hear the melodious and melancholy song, drawing the birds in, attenuating the movement of the rivers and bringing the beasts to a complete standstill, all desiring to listen to the muse.  Even the unhearing realms parted to listen to the magic of Orpheus's music.
"[Orpheus'] wife Eurydike died from a snake-bite.  (the snake again being under the rule of

Pluto and the 8th house, Scorpio.)

At the end of 2019, we will really start to see things become crazier on the world stage.  Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are all forming conjunctions to each other that have not happened in Capricorn for 500 years or more.
Back then, we saw the American Revolution as this post elaborates, but we also saw the rise and fall of other nations.  With the USA Pluto Return, if we don't wake up to each other and become the MOB, then the rise of the dictators will divide and conquer.
Security and surveillance will increase and become dystopian, IF WE DON'T WAKE UP TO EACH OTHER.

These are some charts for some powerful events that we are entering...both on the planet as a whole and for the USA as we will surely shed some old skin, reopen wounds, visit our shadows and collectively bring about a change of the country and government as we know it.  Pluto will have the rich working hard to keep more and more of the wealth and 'power' and stirring up the pot against the people, dividing them up amongst each other.  Will we see through this division or will the martialing agents have war distracting us from each other once again?
The eclipse pattern coming starting in August of 2017, will provide a 'TOTAL ECLIPSE' that divides the north from the south triggering a possible powder-keg of the old Mason-Dixon line all over again.  Then in April of 2024, the pattern comes across from the south to the north to create a large X across the nation...what version shall emerge from this celestial warning in the sky?  The rise and fall of nations, men and even the physical earth itself shall surely be a part of this major spectacle.
1771=2017, 1772=2017, 1773=2019, 1774=2020, 1775=2021, 1776=2022, 1777=2023, 1778=2024 when Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius.


  1. Orpheus played his music at the Olympic game ceremony they stated as a celebration of Zues'. Zues celebration of winning the World Kingdom over his father Kronus. Orpheus played and seduced everyone who could hear the melodioius and melancholy song. The Program stated that "music" will be emphasized in the new culture and was seen as such with all participating nations at this opening given plays of the Program. Orpheus' wife Eurydike died from a snake-bite. (the snake again being under the rule of Pluto and the 8th house, Scorpio.)

    So does the Serpent followers/believers, again, gives their poisons, the Burgher System controls destroing the Earth people? The Olympic Game program plays show a destruction of people, Witches, Devil, destruction of the Tree of Life, people locked up in prison compound, building of the pyramid, about a 400 foot Serpent mound across the field, ending the Program with a very hug flaming Phoenix and Altar.

  2. Yes Richard, Euradice died from a snake-bite and that is the Scorpionic signature, she was never quite released from Hades was she?
    As for the controls, that will depend on enough people waking up and controlling themselves, and not necessarily as world citizens, just becoming their own Charioteer. Are humans capable of becoming their own leader? We shall see. Thanks for the input.


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