Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A Coat Of Many Colours Welcomes The Dark Night Of 20/20 Hindsight

Today we fall into autumn, the sun ingresses into Libra and out of all the issues Virgo brought up in health in our little animals, careers. Now we move back into finding the balance, we begin to put away the summer and ready ourselves for the long dark nights. We begin to turn inward even as Jupiter has stationed direct in Capricorn and is moving forward judiciously. All of the world wonders what other countries are doing, just 6 days before Saturn, old EL, the Lord of the Rings gets ready to finally station direct too, at 25* Capricorn. You can be sure there is much going on behind the scenes as the rings of power now move their players like pawns on this great chess board, calling in favors and threatening to expose anyone who stands in their way. Though most people can barely keep up with the blow by blow day, the constant onslaught of dueling narratives meant to confuse and perplex anyone beginning to truly wake up to the bigger picture, these plans were laid long ago. 
The heavenly stars portend the times we are living in, and all record keepers knew of this great time shift, when the lineup of stars in Capricorn would make their great entry to collude and set the time frame for hundreds of years to come. 
Others dismiss the weight of the Great US Fire Eclipse Doorway that opened in Leo (Lights of the Leaders) back in August of 2017. Even though people came from all over the world, to see this eclipse that was only visible in the US. So many people travelled all over the planet and then this country, that it created traffic jams along its path. We come to the center, the eye in the middle of this Fire Pyramid (PYRE=Fire, amid, just like what is on your dollar). On December 14th in the eclipse in Sagittarius. That is the last chance doorway, and yes these royal astrologers know this too. You can be sure that a very dark power will do all it can to maintain the icy grip it has planned for so long. All is not as it seems. 

In the meantime, prepare your own inner light, and ready your fires that will need to keep you warm
through a very, very cold winter. Saber rattling all over the planet, as the players shuffle to have a seat at the table being set, of rulers and kings. We see the rise of fascist rulers taking over democracy's and bullying their way into lifetime positions of rulership, and there is a reason for this. Do not be fooled, look behind the masks being worn, who are they, what is their legacy? What will be your own? Pluto may well decide to put a great display of 'the nuclear option of power' to show who's boss. What will Saturn and his son Jupiter do when they meet up on December 21st, at the Great Reset coding of 00* Aquarius? 
Will we come to the table as equals and for the greater good of community, or be disbanded and torn apart by the dark arts? Will we use the power of balance to negotiate a place at the table for all? What partnerships can come together now, in the name of shared responsibilities? It is still up to US.

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