Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Oh Baby Baby It's A Wild World When Mars Keeps Squaring In Cardinal Signs, Full Moon In Pisces

Full Moon in PIsces 10*12’ on 9.2.2020 at 1:21:55AM, so on Tuesday night she will be gorgeously full just after midnight.  Howl at the moon!  She will hear you!

Venus at 25*35’Cancer has just opposed Jupiter Rx who is at 17*35’ Capricorn which she did on Tuesday, August 25th and then she met up with lord pluto/hades on Saturday, August 29th when she was at 22* Cancer, whilst Hades was Rx at 22* Capricorn.  Now, she is standing across from Saturn/EL/Lord of the Rings who is also Rx at 25*55’ Capricorn.  

We question what we love, how we want to participate in the goings on down on planet earth especially while once again, Mars is at 27* Aries conjunct an RX Eris who is at 24* Aries, so there is plenty of action being put into chaos and strife, and Mars is the handle on this Tao Cross uncomfortable as his paramour, Venus is now squaring him too.  He is in rulership in Aries, as Saturn is in rulership in Capricorn.  This is the status quo, the government aligning with the underworld and renegotiating the details of their agreements, who shall be in power, how much power anyone can have, who will wage war.

Erdogan of Turkey has been moving the boundaries further into Greece’s territory and arrogantly cruising their battleships just off the coast, in the eastern Mediterranean.  Of course, they recently found oil there, so the sabers are rattling.  

Turkey says Greece and others are denying its rights to explore for energy resources in the Mediterranean. Greece and Cyprus have recently been joined by France, Italy and the United Arab Emirates in carrying out naval and aerial war games in the region. On Saturday, Turkey began its own maneuvers until Sept. 11 (9/11 if your paying attention, which of course is IXXI, very powerful) off its south coast.

Adding to the cocktail, with Uranus Rx in Taurus also at 10* so he is having a conversation with Lady

Luna in a nice sextile and a trine to the sun/identity.  This is like a 'welcome home'.

This will also bring sudden changes in emotions and insights as we review who we really believe we are, and why we are here.  For many, that is changing now.

Neptune Rx at 19* PIsces will soon be aligned with the moon too, and the Illusions may become more blurry for some, as well as those who will choose to bury their heads in the sand, drug use, false enlightenment or belief of what is happening.  

This can make some people try to rectify what they believe and what is real.  There won’t be enough sleep to satisfy the souls seeking nurturing and nourishment, communication through our dreams and sleep time.

Meditation will be very helpful and can be very deep and profound for those who have the tools and take the time to tap into this ‘living well’.

Some people will feel forced to change, while others will feel the need to make the changes that force

others, through their own inner journey.  This has been coming for a long, long time now.

It is just fomenting into a ‘trigger’ space.  It can also mean people will be triggered as reality tries to crash through their own ILLUSIONS.

Saturn in quincunx to the head of the dragon, the north node, and is uncomfortable with the changes that are pushing him out of his own comfort zone,  the ‘way things have always been’.  But this is so necessary now, preparing us for the December 14th midpoint of the USA eclipses, and the doorway into the 'way-showers'.  Follow that woman with the pitcher.

The full Moon in PIsces wants to cleanse us, feed us and make take that deep dive into our own spirits.  It will be good to try to stay with those who are more supportive and less toxic to our own energic field.  If someone feels as though they poison the well, it is best to stay clear of them now.

This is a powerful doorway into other worlds.  
Go betwixt and between and find the way through this binary reset that is coming.  Rise above, the eagle that flies from Scorpio will be waiting, if you have plumed your coat with many feathers.

You must also watch your balance, and Mars with sharp objects, especially cardinal signs: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra as well as FIXED Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius or aspects to any of these signs.

That does not leave out the OBVIOUS, mutable signs, to whom this should be an awakening: Virgo, PIsces, Gemini and Sagittarius.

Dig deep, your own soul is calling now…’Here me, see me, I have never left your side’.  

The earth will rock and roll, but nothing like the way she will be rocking and rolling come December.

These are going to be tumultuous months, but also some very, ‘AWAKENING’ times for those who allow themselves to GROW past presumed belief’s and what they think they already know, all around the gamut of that thinking.

Be grateful as one can be, while trying to find a CENTER.

Light a candle and do not let it blow out.

The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup, I say a little prayer for YOU!

Be well my fellow travelers, we ain’t seen nothing yet.


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