Hey, we had a new moon in Leo on Friday. That followed something even bigger, the Mars
conjunction to Saturn on Wednesday. That
is big because it is the start of a 29-30 year cycle. The conjunction of planets is always like a ‘new
moon’ cycle, what we seed in the conjunction or conjunctivo (marriage/yoga) is
what we plant that will grow into offspring come the full moon of that cycle,
and the waning period is the falling away of the detritus of the cycle, or that
which we find is not authentic or necessary for our journey after all.

He rules the pyramidal structure, corporations, government
and as El, rules the Sabbath and Saturn’s day, which is the 7th day
of the week, for rest. He teaches us to
govern ourselves or be governed by that which we haven’t learned to rule
ourselves. That preparation and work
bring freedom, or freedom will be taken away.
They have teamed up in Libra where Saturn has been
travelling back and forth since October of 2009. Libra wants to balance things, and it rules
partnerships, relationships and harmony.
With Saturn transiting Libra, many lessons have been pulled up regarding
partnerships and what a relationship should mean, what is the responsibility of
each partner and is it ‘fair’?
This is also true of all relationships, so it is not just
about marriage, but each person in relating.
If you are a Libra, you may have gone through a serious
amount of struggle, resistance or difficulty of some sort. Depending on where this is in your own natal
chart, would be where the emphasis is in your life. It could bring a strengthening or structure
to ‘YOU’ and who you are. If you are an
Aries, Cancer or Capricorn, this would have also affected you in a larger
degree, or if you have planets in those signs.
(If you are Christian, and find this worrisome because it is
astrology, then you don’t really know what Christ was teaching and you are
missing out on the deeper meanings of scripture. Read what Josephus has to say, or just think
about the 12 tribes, the 12 stones in Aaron’s breastplate, the 12 sons of
Jacob, 12 loaves of bread, 12 stones, the 12 major systems of the body, the 12 cranial
nerves, the 12 months of the year, etc.)
Saturn being resistance (Ohm’s Law, is the measurement of
resistance, and Om is the eternal sound of God;) He has been holding back the
energy in Libra, removing the ability to move forward with much ease. A restraining order so to speak. He wants you to be sure, that you will move
forward in a purer sense of who you are, newly disciplined (disciple) and ready
with integrity.
Now Mars comes along and starts ‘ramming’ into the leaden
shield of Saturn and pushing him, pushing back the resistance…..and this is the
beginning of a new cycle of action together.
The last cycle began in July of 1982 (also in Libra but at
15*), so think back to that time frame and what you were doing, plans you were
making into the fullness of that cycle which was in July of 1997.
Now you are starting that cycle again, but with renewed
clarity. You will see over time, within
months or sooner that you will begin to move forward again in a new way. So pay attention to what you envision for
yourself now. Just remember, if you are
thinking in terms of ‘things’ you are putting thought and energy into that
which turns to dust. Climb the ladder
(Jacob’s) a bit higher.
Saturn will enter the sign of Scorpio on October 6, no
longer in Libra…..the task master will visit the Scorpion to harness the truth
and unbury what has been obscured.
Even though ArcAncient © blends and creams relieve pain,
reduce swelling and inflammation, help you to sleep or focus and even assist
you if you have the flu or pneumonia (I have healed myself twice from Pneumonia
using Breathing Easy©, I go through 1 bottle in 2 days and it takes about a
For me, the most amazing part, has always been the light
that is found within using the light that is liquid in the essential (esse: To
be or to exist) oils.
This act of anointing helps to find the Christ within, to
truly become more Christ-like, and this is what we are each called to do. If you add intention and purpose to anointing
yourself, or client, you are ‘witnessing’ each other.
There is no special other than the call to do what is
right. You can be assured that all
ArcAncient oils and blends are of the highest quality available, bar none.
Just remember, you use them and have your own stories of
success of how they have helped you.
Share those, the more you share the more you help people in ways that we
will never begin to imagine, since it is their own light that is being called
to service.
So help people find their light, we need it now.
New classes will start at the end of October. You don’t want to miss them, always new
information and relationship to the body and working on the body.
All the best to all of you,
ArcAncient, Inc. ©