Bring It on Home
The Harvest Moon, September 19, 2013 at 7:12AM EDT
Are you feeling the rush to finish projects? The harvest moon, as she fills up and lights
up the nights sky with orange and cadmium/ochre hues vanishing into the
stretching void, dotted with the night lights watching over our curious
slumber, holds back the night for us to bring in the harvest.

Venus (love and partnerships) is in a leaden embrace with El, Lord of the Rings (time, constriction, discipline) and Karma has come to call with the Moons north node (the head of the dragon, emotional baggage and way-shower) and one might suspect that all is a woeful tale, but not so quick!

The moon in Pisces at 25* opposing her lover the sun at 25* of Virgo is swimming in her emotional sea of make-believe and also her ability to love unconditionally and forgive over and over. While she is still in those last degrees, or at least the energy of the full moon, you might take that advice seriously, as you will soon see.
As Aphrodite/Innana draws away from the old man’s clutches (El/Father) she is still able to warm him up too, since Saturn is exalted in Libra, her fair and balanced mind suits him fine and he has been in a sextile which is also a mutual reception with Hades in Capricorn, this CAN create a bridge over the decadent and harsh reality as long as some truth has been spoken and revealed, dealt with and yes, even Scarlett O’Hara has rolled up her sleeves and done some digging in the fields on her own.
Venus in Scorpio is hmmm, let’s see how do we draw this
picture up for you? Oh yeah, remember
Glenn Close as Alex in “Fatal Attraction”?
She starts out all seductive, Michael Douglas who plays Dan, cannot
resist, even though he has sweet and pretty Anne Archer (Beth) lovingly waiting
at home for him. The PASSION IS SO
Guess what, they probably have.
This is the testing and tempering that Venus in Scorpio along with her
posse, Saturn and the Head of the Dragon are stirring up in that sextile to
Pluto/Hades (passion and death personified) and that square to Mars in the
Lordly realms of the lion. HE is king of
the jungle and he will have to pay, if he has played around lose and fancy
especially while the sun that LEO houses is in the saintly and austere realms
of the Virgin.
Otherwise, this equinox when things go into balance may have
you scrambling when it is too late, especially when that Venus square to Mars
in Leo hits the energy field and the worst kind of passion ends just like that
story, in a fatal attraction. Now, I AM
not saying there will be an actual death, but I will say that endings are assured;
people will sever their ties and go their separate ways. Saturn will gladly take out his scythe and cut away all that has been left to rot and decay.
All this makes me think about temptations in the first place
and a conversation with a client opened up to discussing the seven deadly sins
as they are called.
As Aphrodite/Innana draws away from the old man’s clutches (El/Father) she is still able to warm him up too, since Saturn is exalted in Libra, her fair and balanced mind suits him fine and he has been in a sextile which is also a mutual reception with Hades in Capricorn, this CAN create a bridge over the decadent and harsh reality as long as some truth has been spoken and revealed, dealt with and yes, even Scarlett O’Hara has rolled up her sleeves and done some digging in the fields on her own.
I am not trying to lay down a bed of roses~not completely
anyway. You see, Aphrodite/Venus is
pushing into a square with Mars, (action, ambition and energy/passion) and they
will be locked on that pressure point exactly at the 18th* on Friday
the 27th of this month, so the pressure is building. Mars in Leo may bring out the puerile tendencies
of your male paramour, or your own (female) desire to go out on the prowl and
be playful. That doesn’t always sit too
well if Miss Scarlett is the one at home when we know good and well how much
she loves to get dressed up for all that attention and admiration and in
Scorpio…? There is one thing everyone should
know, you don’t and let me repeat this so you understand me clearly, YOU DON’T
You know the saying; “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? That was written about a Venus in Scorpio
woman, I am sure.

Oh no, this won’t play out well at all if you have been
playing either character, Dan or Alex, even though the seduction and the heat
were intense, this can only end in an explosive cataclysmic event and the truth
will spill out all over the place.
The best you can do is to come clean, and start making nice (using the Venusian charm and gifts of Libra) and while that sun is still in Virgo, humble yourself.
The best you can do is to come clean, and start making nice (using the Venusian charm and gifts of Libra) and while that sun is still in Virgo, humble yourself.

So, measure up what is important in your life and put in the
energy and effort to maintain the good part of passion, and of course, there is
a lot to love about passion that has controlled fire, measured heat and steamy
embraces in the cooling and crisp air of autumn. I am also not disparaging all of you with
Venus in Scorpio either, that comes with a lot of heat to control, and YOU KNOW
And think of the beautiful possibilities that exist, just like the beauty of the natural world giving off its brilliance in burning colours of cranberry and citrine, the last of the fire of the sun that has been thirstily drank all summer is now ready to return the favor and dazzle the landscape; so too can a relationship that has been tempered and stood the test of time.
And think of the beautiful possibilities that exist, just like the beauty of the natural world giving off its brilliance in burning colours of cranberry and citrine, the last of the fire of the sun that has been thirstily drank all summer is now ready to return the favor and dazzle the landscape; so too can a relationship that has been tempered and stood the test of time.

Here they are, with Pride at the top, since it supposedly
begat all the rest:
Pride, envy, anger, sadness (sloth), avarice (greed/ covetousness), gluttony, and lust.
Pride, envy, anger, sadness (sloth), avarice (greed/ covetousness), gluttony, and lust.
Those are the little tempters that one might pay attention
to with this kind of stellar configuration.
Hey, I am not saying anyone is perfect, just trying to give
a guideline and a road map to help us use the stellar lights as a guiding force
from the Great Divine Mind for our own good and evolution.
As far as the Uranus (UR/people/change/brilliance) square to
Pluto/Hades that is ongoing, the changes that we make now, will ultimately
prevail if they are formed by a larger vision or perspicacity in mind, and a
unifying field created by the strength of our individual gifts and strengths,
and all of this will finally coalesce way down the road in 2016, but my how
time flies when you are having fun…oh and getting older. (Cough)
Because it won’t be until then, that Saturn is finally
making a nice sextile to Uranus after they have opposed one another; which
started this whole divisive field we now live in back in November of 2008.
That’s right, we simply MUST find a common ground, a unifying field to meet up in, or let ourselves continue to be torn apart in the violent opposition of the We/They, Red pill/Blue Pill meme that is being stoked and poked along much to the unawares of those buying into the angry (Seven deadly) warlike drumbeat lulling us along into a far worse scenario, if we allow ourselves to be victimized by the old played out versions of reality that are practically ripping their emperor clothing line off themselves.
That’s right, we simply MUST find a common ground, a unifying field to meet up in, or let ourselves continue to be torn apart in the violent opposition of the We/They, Red pill/Blue Pill meme that is being stoked and poked along much to the unawares of those buying into the angry (Seven deadly) warlike drumbeat lulling us along into a far worse scenario, if we allow ourselves to be victimized by the old played out versions of reality that are practically ripping their emperor clothing line off themselves.
Store up a bit, use the time as it was meant, for
preparation and moderation, and with a bit of discipline and hard work (Saturn)
you can reward yourself with a good night out, as long as you are not using it
as an escape valve and you haven’t actually done the ‘home-work’. Otherwise, use the steamy energy to alchemize
your partnership into a deeper shade of blue, royal purple becoming the amalgam
of love, a true Venus in Scorpio reward saved only for the worthy and intrepid
Try using ArcAncient’s Sensual Healing © TM, add this
luscious fragrance to the bath, light those candles, turn on the music that
will remind you of how far you have come and reignite the passion that brought
you together in the first place.
Anoint yourself and one another and if you are single, make
your temple fragrant too, and worship at the altar of your Divine Partner, in
the Sacred Flaming Heart, and find someone worthy of a royal embrace.
Follow this link:
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So, get ready, time for the HARVEST!