Everything is so ‘match-stick’ ready now; ready to be fired
up in an instant, gratuitous seconds that string life together and leave all
the waiting in the rear view mirror.
Uranus used to make random guest appearances and light up
the mind with an instance of awe.
Now, as Uranus regains his ‘sky god’ status, ruling this new
Age of Aquarius; the anticipation of possibilities has been usurped through the
constant contact the new technology (ruled by Uranus) has brought.
People string along sidewalks waiting for the latest new
gadget or phone, which will be ever ready to steal away the moments that once
gifted us with the luxury of our surroundings and the present.
Now this same new technological wizardry hijacks our spirits
into ‘being on call 24/7’ in a continuous stream of alert messages and
information that we somehow managed to do without before; before we were
mesmerized (Neptune/Poseidon in Pisces, the age we are leaving behind, as cohort in this drama) into the need for
this instant feed.
Gone is the magical silence that once wove its spell in
anticipation of that phone call from a new lover, the kind that kept us on hold
and frozen, finger tips in mouth with only the mind and heart racing at the end of the phone that was
attached to the wall. YOU COULDN'T move,
or just keep running through life, you had to wait.
Gone is the wrestling of giving up a night with friends, of
whether you should just leave instead of waiting for a call that might not
come. No more is the cauldron that
helped cook up the heady brew, the angst of wonder, the slow blooming and
budding of love that may go unrequited.
That ring meant everything.
When it came, it was the reward that would set your heart
ablaze and reassure you that your new love shared your feelings.
So too, do we see all the 'instant gratification' pseudo spiritual teachings being shared now: 'Be in the Now' 'Get more stuff if you're really spiritual'...and all of it, is really masquerading as being spiritually evolved, when you wake up and smell the burnt coffee floating over the reality of selfishness and false pride. People seem to not be able to have enough, quick enough. I myself, become very frustrated with my computer when it freezes, or I cannot open a file quick enough. Mea Culpa.
Real spirituality has NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY AND MORE STUFF! Note, Jesus in the desert or cracking the whip that He fashioned in the temple. It is an inside trip, and one will do more evolving helping someone else, being kind to others, rather than always needing to feel good and help themselves feel even better. Yes, you should take care of yourself, but what happened to the code of ethics that taught us not to be selfish? Be wary of the underbelly of URanus!
So too, do we see all the 'instant gratification' pseudo spiritual teachings being shared now: 'Be in the Now' 'Get more stuff if you're really spiritual'...and all of it, is really masquerading as being spiritually evolved, when you wake up and smell the burnt coffee floating over the reality of selfishness and false pride. People seem to not be able to have enough, quick enough. I myself, become very frustrated with my computer when it freezes, or I cannot open a file quick enough. Mea Culpa.
Real spirituality has NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY AND MORE STUFF! Note, Jesus in the desert or cracking the whip that He fashioned in the temple. It is an inside trip, and one will do more evolving helping someone else, being kind to others, rather than always needing to feel good and help themselves feel even better. Yes, you should take care of yourself, but what happened to the code of ethics that taught us not to be selfish? Be wary of the underbelly of URanus!
New Moon, July 26, 2014 at 3* of Leo.
We are entering some very ‘hot’ times, coming as the moon
squeezes out the energy of Saturn/EL/Lord of the Rings finally, going direct at
16* of Scorpio the day before UR-Anus went retrograde at 16* of Aries.

Though it brings upheaval, the cracks that form to the structures, allow the light to come through so that hidden things in plain sight become even more evident. They will definitely shake things up that were once static. Saturn as he brings up the secrets and reveals that those in power behind the scenes (Scorpio) may have an agenda that is not comfortable with preconceived notions.
See your own placement by sign and house to see how that
will affect you personally.
Picture the viscous globs of oil rending their way on shore,
the serpentine version of Pluto/Hades crawling on his belly and bringing up the
dark and odiferous muck that was imprisoned in the abyss.

We just have too much antagonistic energy in the seas we
swim in now. Luckily, on September
14th. URanus and Saturn will move even
further away from each other and no longer in the inconjunct.
The problem is, other planets are also inconjunct: The sun (ego/identity), now at 16* Of Virgo
is forming an inconjunct To Uranus; Jupiter/Zeus at 11* of Leo is inconjunct to
Pluto/Hades at 11* of Capricorn and the Moon before she turns full tomorrow at
16* of PIsces, will briefly inconjunct Venus/Aphrodite who is at 4* of Virgo.
We will also feel the wider orb of the inconjunct of
Mercury/Hermes who is at 9* of Libra to Neptune/Poseidon at 5* of Pisces.

A PIscean moon is emotional anyway, but she is home to the
dreamers. She may confuse you as she
glides by Neptune, ruler of PIsces. She
will be dreamy though, they could be doozies in tonight’s ocean of deep wonder
(And the next few nights). You can tap
into this creative soup, but be careful about decisions made during the allure
Neptune casts in her soulful sister.
If they are decisions to change what you have, to trade in for something ‘you think’ is better, be very careful!!!
If they are decisions to change what you have, to trade in for something ‘you think’ is better, be very careful!!!
All that glitters is just not gold, but you will wake up as
the afterglow of what was really just a one-night stand, and realize you just
had one too many. This can also bring deep spiritual insights, and even a connectedness to the source, or God.
If you can enjoy the buoyant effects Of Jupiter/Zeus who is at 11* of Leo and is sextile to Mercury/Hermes and in a nice trine to URANUS right now, (especially Capricorns and Virgo’s) you might get a lift out of the heavy Plutonian aspects and find your place in the sun.
If you can enjoy the buoyant effects Of Jupiter/Zeus who is at 11* of Leo and is sextile to Mercury/Hermes and in a nice trine to URANUS right now, (especially Capricorns and Virgo’s) you might get a lift out of the heavy Plutonian aspects and find your place in the sun.
All The fear-mongering going on, we can thank this heavy
Plutonian energy. I will write later on
the usage of the word ‘ISIS’ and how that is actually a very sly way to
denigrate the Divine Feminine, and derail that balancing energy of the strong,
loving, nurturing feminine God-head that loves the earth and the EL-ements. This is exactly what is needed on this planet
right now!
We are and will be, in the upheaval of the Blood Moons as
noted in previous posts, see:
until September of 2015 and all the while, we are still in the other tumult of
the Cardinal Cross/Uranus square to Pluto that will also not be over until
April of 2015.
Change is going to come.
I expect that the next hit, Mars conjunct Saturn at 17* of
Scorpio on August 25th will bring some major agreement being etched
in stone, at least formulated on the airwaves, and since it is in Scorpio,
probably already written and just kept secret.
Now, I am not fond of sharing difficult news...but since
these Blood Moons are falling on the High Holy days of the Jewish calendar, and
history showing us that unrest always happens in these particular cycles, we
knew something was going to boil over as the Blood Moons spilled into the
streets. This leaves most of us with a
heavy heart.
The universe always gives us something to help us through
such times, and this is no different.
This new moon on July 26th, was in Leo at 3* AND it was in
conjunction with the benevolent Jupiter/Zeus at 2*. This bodes very well for Leo’s, giving them
some joy to help with the Saturn in Scorpio square they are experiencing.
Find some laughter, enjoy children right now…all of us can
find a lighter heart through the innocence of children, their smiles, their
curiosity and we can become child-like, and enjoy playing ourselves.

This culmination full moon, started with the New Moon in Virgo at 2*, so had lots of organization happening…and if you got that done, then you can revel in the newly organized space, that is rid of clutter. If not, so much to do now, confusion will reign.
The other major thing we see with Pluto coming to the
surface and Mars conjunct Saturn, is the volcanic explosions, lightening
(Uranus square to Pluto) and airplane incidents as well as earthquakes. I wouldn’t want to fly now, but with that
inconjunct from Uranus to Saturn/EL easing up, that should help.
This full moon in Pisces, will wane into the darkness of the
new moon on September 24th which will be at 01* degrees of Libra. Let’s hope that a bit of fair-mindedness and
harmony will be seeded, and love will reign supreme? A bit of kindness from this Piscean full moon
energy filling the planet and caring for the underdog. Enough with the thug behavior and the
bullying already!

So, let’s lean towards the Joy of Jupiter in Leo and seed the earth and each other with kindness, shall we? We are all here, swimming in this same energy and we can change that…kindness goes a long way.
Use the ArcAncient Wisewoman ™, to help with the inflammation that the full moon can bring, and the subsequent aches and pains. Use ArcAncient Ascension blend ™ to help lift those spirits to a Holy place,
Go to: www.arcancient.com to order

And if you want to know how all of this affects you
personally, get a personal chart done, from someone with over 30 years
experience, we can help you navigate towards your best self.
Sending kindness….