September 24th, at 2:15AM EDT; the Lord and Lady made their monthly
visit, this time in Libra at 1*. Let’s
hope that this infusion of energy in harmonious Libra will give us a nice
little push off into calmer seas, at least some tempering. Mercury/Hermes (communication/travel) has
been in Libra since the beginning of September.
We are
moving into the fullness of the ‘Hunter’s Moon’, which will be exact on October
8th, 2014 at 8:52AM EDT.
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, we will be experiencing a much colder
and snowier winter this year and she will come in with a bang and leave us in
an early spring. Well, the signs are all
around us for an early winter. The
leaves dappling the green canopies with their umber and orange witnesses of the
sun’s journey through the summer. The
winds are picking up and bringing us crisp mornings that warm to a cool 60
degrees even with a full lemony sun gleefully walking across the skies as
‘Luke’ (light).
It seems
we barely warmed up this summer before we begin our fall into the dark and
long winter nights. Pluto’s/Hades emergence as he began his movement forward on September 23rd at 10* of Capricorn the Goat doing his job of spreading dark and dour news. Worse yet, we are beginning to feel the effects of the dark lord closing in on his next exact square with Uranus, who is retrograde in his journey to square him again on December 15th when they are both at 12*.
Luna, as she moves into her fullness at 15* of Aries, saddling up to Uranus and
as the Golden one forms a T-square to Pluto in his opposition to Lady Luna and
Uranus which will magnify the Cardinal shifts, especially those at 10-15* of
the Cardinal signs, who will be given deep and profound insights if you are
paying attention.
The Moon
is once again filling with blood, this being the second of the 4 Blood Moons. She will be eclipsed by the sun, the male separated from his bride by our home/earth standing between them and this alignment with his bride is a trigger (gateway) that will impact us strongly for the next
month, but also for the next 6 months, as we travel down the rivers flowing
through this life/death/rebirth cycle.
Lord of the underworld is already actively taking loved ones from us, and we
shall certainly see more as he drags them like trophies down into his lair,
along with Persephone. I expect to hear
of more famous deaths and also, a female who will be publicly held accountable
as the fall guy, in a long running scandal that will come to light.
The good
news? The heavens are blessing us with a
very lovely grand trine in the fire signs, with Mars/Ares in Sag at 17*, Uranus
at 14* of Aries kissing Lady Luna at 15* Aries and gently moving towards
Jupiter/Zeus (optimism/bounty) who is at 17* of Leo, we will have motivation
and some happy occasions that will come out of the blue. Aries and Leo’s might find their date card is
all full, while they are mesmerized by some moonlit kissing and Uranus
magically heightens the emotional cocktail.
could get sizzling hot! (Keep it amorous
and don’t let doubts creep in and spoil all the fun, when is the last time you
felt this? Ride the magic carpet ride.)
Up until
the 14th, Pluto/Hades is on the handle of the T-Square, so our
issues of death/treasures/taxes will remain on the front-burners, with the
Solar being in Libra at 15* conjunct Venus/Aphrodite (love/partners/harmony)
pouring some caution and compassion into this mix; by the time Luna moves into
Cancer on the 14th/15th we will see the Grand Cross once
again light up the heavens (even though the Uranus/Pluto
square is not exact
right now), we WILL experience some very powerful events, some of which may
certainly be in the form of earthquakes, volcano’s and powerful storms; but
also in the form of political events and social unrest, while we may see some
interesting agreements being cobbled together in the process. Still, the drum beat has become a very loud
death rattle already, and none of this is going away until the last Blood Moon
on September 27th of next year, and who knows how benevolent the
gods might care to be?
It is
during these times, that we forge our strongest vessels, capable of holding
even deeper truths, but we are living the world of our own hands.
Hunter’s Moon, we prepare for our dark stretch, making sure we have
nourishment, we must also consider spiritual nourishment. We are being given very deep insights right
now, the noble truths that come in small steps, including in the mundane. How much does a simple look from someone you
care about, stretch down the halls of your memories?
In this
eclipse pattern, take the next five days (especially) to put things in order;
what can you cut out of your life? This
eclipse wants us to ‘eclipse’ all of the thoughts, patterns, habits, and
really, just anything that has served its purpose (clothes, furniture, etc.,
too!) physical, mental, emotional or otherwise, and FINALLY JUST LET GO OF IT! Death to the old patterns that have held us
back, personally and collectively.

We also
live in a world that has a prescription for everything. Let’s just break that word
down a bit, shall we? Pre-script-ion. A writing ‘script’ to live by or with.
What is your ‘script’? What are you writing? Don’t take the pill, the poisonous ‘prescription’ that can addle the mind and clog the body and senses, write the script that is healthy, that brings you alive.
Remember, a 1* adjustment will bring us to very different destinations.

We have Mercury/Hermes retrograde since October4th at 2* of Scorpio and will take us on a review all the way back to 16* of LIbra when he stations direct on October 24th. The last time Hermes was at 16* of LIbra was on September 14th, so what was going on? Any decisions made since then, communications and agreements may be up for review, or regret, but the lessons learned is the main gift. What insight has finally lit up your mind and taught you a wise lesson about relating/communicating? Which agreements may have been made hasty? Words exchanged that may have taken a kinder route and finally, are you bring truthful to yourself and others? Is there something you were not forthcoming about? Remember, when we are truthful to others, we give THEM THE OPPORTUNITY TO GROW AND CLEAN UP A FUZZINESS THAT FOGS THE MIND WHEN SOMEONE IS BEING DECEITFUL FOR WHATEVER REASON. Lying is another form of stealing.
Of course, there is nothing like ArcAncient’s Inner Glow © to help heal the heart and open the floodgates to L-O-V-E (Queue Al Green). Go to www.arcancient.com to get all your exquisite Aromatherapy Blends. Don’t forget our ‘Sleep Angel’ for getting deep restful sleep.
Feeling full up?????