Hermes Ready to fly off the Cardinal
Cross as We Reach the Tipping Point
Our Ambassador star passed through the Head of the Dragon at
Libra on September 25th with The Lord of the Rings, just
days into the house of Zeus in fiery
On September 18th at 2:10 PM, Hermes pulled back
the veil at 15* and 52’ minutes of Libra, directly in the epicenter…this begins
the rewind and replaying of the times we so quickly rode through on this
escalating current.
Hermes pulls back the veil, just in time for The Ambassador
(our solar being, also known as Michael the Archangel) to thread the eye of the
needle, like Parsifal…who wants to ‘perceive the all’ or Pierce the Veil, that
occults our field of awareness, just beyond the normal perceptions of reality.
The universe is pouring through this portal as the Ambassador
charges through the Super Galactic Center, lighting the way for our own Cosmic
Rebirth, on October 8th, when He passes this same point at 15* of
Libra. In complete perfection, our
Master has set this clock with Hermes (Archangel Raphael) stationing direct at
00* of Libra…see the reversal here?

On October 10
th (So 10/10/15 EDT) at 4:21 PM,
Hermes, fast on the heels of his Master is the next to pass back through the
gates and soon, La Luna will thread the needle on October 11
th. At
6:52 AM, when the trio forms a tight conjunction, she reflecting in her own
window as she becomes completely empty, and longing to be filled again, she
meets up with her lover, our gentle ambassador on the new moon, October 12
at 8:05 PM when they will both be at 19* of Libra.
Think you will bring any of that excess? Think again, Black Moon Lilith is hovering,
ready to cut away the detritus of partnerships that have outlived their patterns.
The world asks us, what exactly is fair anyway? We weigh out the pro’s and con’s and decide
that what is left in the balance is what we all will build on…because this is
set against the backdrop of the Uranus to Hades/Pluto square in Aries the Ram
(head of the chart) and Capricorn the Goat, respectively. That straining backdrop, sets the stage for
the future we are all building now.
On November 4th Venus/Aphrodite joins her lover Mars/Ares
again in epic romantic fashion at 25* of Virgo. On November 9th Aphrodite is the
next to thread the needle, all warm and fuzzy, shaking in the knees from her
recent conjugal with the warrior, as she ingresses into Libra at 0*, where she
The scales of justice are tipping…on the world stage,
Vladimir Putin, has stepped into the role he was born to play, as he is a 13*
Libra. If we recall, 13* Libra is a
CRITICAL POINT, and also, one of the points accessed in the Uranus/Hades square
As I read the charts before me, I am so humbled, to watch;
“Dancing With the
Stars” as the Great Square Dance our Lord has designed, sets the stage, the
clock unwinds, and the Master picks the lock, so deftly does he open up the
cocoons each in its own time, the second hand unwinds…and the preparedness in
all God’s earthly agents is activated.
Yes, you each have your own ‘God Code’, your matrix of choice this life,
which harnesses your soul in its Grand Deliverance to the Stars.
Poseidon/Neptune at 7* of PIsces, opposing the stellium of
Aphrodite, Ares and Zeus, at 3, 11 and 13*’s of Virgo respectively. With EL’s transit through Scorpio, he may
have brought up some old bad habits too, especially the kind involving all
those Plutonian darkies, sexual perversion, drugs, getting all stuck on the
dark matters of the mind that will close in on you when you least expect. This can also bring Bringing up all those old
habits with their nasty hooks of Poseidon’s temptations: drugs, alcohol, food,
porn, all forms of escapism. She opposes
the all the good things that are lining up to go through that needle, hopefully
you have dealt with those seducers, and don’t get tangled up in that sticky web

Whatever you are bringing through this portal, you bring for
many lifetimes…unless grace is poured upon your soul. Be warned.
EL is now transiting Archer territory, so be warned
Sag’s…this is not the time for you to play around, you will have to pay the
price and it will be exorbitant, you may lose the very things you hold dear,
since this is the sun/son. It is your
The same will be true for all those mutable signs now, if
you are on the straight and narrow (what Saturn/EL likes) than no problem, you
will be rewarded, though you probably will shoulder more responsibility
now. If you have been seduced by
Neptune/Poseidon…it is all over but the crying.
Rivers of Tears. Be warned.
EL will now transit by hard aspect, the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sag and
You have days to change course, don’t wait.
Because the rest of our Guardians of the Galaxy, will pass
through the ‘Eye of the Needle’, Mars is next on October 13th and
Zeus will not pass through the eye until September 10th. 2016, when
He too, ingresses into Libra at 00* and activates and magnifies the whole pact.

But, back to the Canvass of the Stars, that Canopy that
holds us, we have Hades squaring our vaulted minds; the Lord of the Underworld,
is kicking out the old models, an inferno blasting away the sands of time into
new horizons. Uranus, will NOT ALLOW US
Thus, the Cardinal Square, lays the new matrix for constant
and continued change, with advancements transforming us and how we perceive
things (Parsifal again) as sudden insights burst forth, lighting up your field
of consciousness, leaving you questioning how you never saw it before.
All of this, often comes out of rivers of regret. The detritus left on the killing floor must
be dealt with, cleaned up and properly organized. All of those emotions flying around, rising
and falling like the heaving mounds of this sometimes painful earth; she
swells, we moan and groan under the strains, just like she does. To say this can be tiring is an insult to the
pain that often comes in equal m ‘ea’ sure.
Old EL, is bringing up a lot of ‘structure/responsibility’
issues. This is causing discord between
parents and children and Hermes is adding fuel to the fire, confounding
communication between siblings. It can
seem like there is nowhere to turn.
Finding your core and remembering who you are when everything seems as
if it is changing and nothing is as it was, can be overwhelming, so remember to
keep whatever ritual in place that connects you to God.
For me, that is prayer and of course, using ‘esse’ntial oils. Meditation, nature, gardening, etc., all help
to keep me connected and helping me to refill, almost in time for the next wave
of ‘terror’.
The new moon on October 12th, at 8:05 PM at 19* of Libra, is
a good time to help push your clear, focused intention and PLAN OF ACTION into forward
motion. This is a very heavily
Cardinal chart, so it is time to put things into play. Start your engines.
Hermes will be at 1* of Libra and Aphrodite having just gone
direct, is retreading through virgin territory at 3* and this puts them into mutual
reception. This makes for good
vibes to finally clear the air on that miscommunication that may have heated up
in the cauldron of the stars. Hopefully,
the runaway ‘wildfires’ that torched the west coast (and the western mind of ACTION
AND FIRE, hasn’t burned down the bridges completely. If so, it will take a lot longer to
reconstruct, if it is at all possible.
The torrents will rip us all apart, like a centrifugal force
spinning us, without a tight grip and acknowledgment in the heart connection,
it will break up upon re-entry just like returning space rocket.
It may seem very hard to find any sort of permanence, Uranus
just isn’t too fond of stationary concepts, and he has to keep things changing
to open up the goodies locked inside. He
is doing that to all of us in this square to Hades…so as uncomfortable as all
of this is… (Births usually are, blood, fluids and all…)
This New Moon brings Uranus (the maverick planet of change,
genius, invention) at 18* of Aries now just one day past the exact opposition
to our central star, now at 19* Libra in his conjugal visit with La Luna and people
are reaching their limit and many just want to “cut and run” and leave the ‘mess
they created’ behind.
With Mars/Ares at 11* of the Virgin opposing Neptune/Aphrodite at 7* adding to
the ‘cutting floor’, people will end many relationships, but be warned, if you
are leaving, make sure you are not being seduced by the illusion of Neptune…or
the tears will surely flow later when you wake up and realize that what you had
was the real thing, with blood, spit, guts and all the uglies that come with a
REAL RELATIONSHIP, that exposes the soul.
It bears repeating, that the most beautiful angel was Satan,
and just like the seduction of drugs (also ruled by Neptune) they will make
you feel wonderful at first…all warm and fuzzy…but soon you are hooked into the
illusion and as you follow that illusion, it will take you further and further
away from your true self.
We can also see that at 19*, the sun and moon are in the
second decanate of Libra, adding to the Aquarian energy of this time and sure
to add change on the world stage. Here
too, we see the ILLUSION of a Putin who some people believe is some sort of compassionate
leader that wants to heal the world into a peaceful place and stop the bully’s
on the planet. Right…think again. What is exposed by any action on Putin’s
part, is purely selfish. He knows he has
to put a stake in the ground if Russia, let alone Putin, will have any real
voice or power in the world again.
So the battle lines are being drawn. The
pope visits the US on the last blood moon and blesses the ‘World Trade Center’? Interesting.
But back to Putin…
With his sun at 13* of Libra, he is firmly nailed to the
Cardinal Cross that is being activated with this New Moon and all the planets
transiting 9-19* of the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The US natal sun is at 13* of Cancer, so we
see the square immediately. The only
thing that can stop his ascendency on the world stage, would literally be his death. When we remind ourselves, that EL as God, and
ment as mind, we see that all of the EL ements, or the mind of God, is blooming
from the central heart that matches exactly, your own heart code when it is ‘aflame’
with the Holy Spirit.
Use just a dab of ArcAncient’s, time-tested Sleep Angel © to
remain firmly rooted into Mother Ship Earth, and liberally apply on soles of feet
for a good, restful night of deep sleep.
Ready for blast off?
If you want to know how these times are effecting you
personally, get a personal astrology consultation with over 30 years of amazing
intuitive experience.
September 13th New Moon 20* Virgo
September 18th at 2:10 PM, Hermes RX at 15* and
52’ minutes of Libra
3. September 23rd. Sun Enters Libra
25th The Sun Con N Node at 01* Libra
October 8th, Sun at 15* of Libra
October 8th. Mercury Direct 00* Libra
at 10:57AM
7. October 10th (So 10/10/15 EDT) at 4:21 PM,
Hermes at 0* Libra
8. October 11th La Luna will thread the needle
on. At 6:52 AM 0*Libra
October 12th, at 8:05 PM New Moon at 19* of
10. October 13th Mars in Libra 0*
11. November
4th Venus/Aphrodite joins her lover Mars/Ares again in epic romantic fashion at
25* of Virgo
12. November
9th Aphrodite is the next to thread the needle, she ingresses into Libra at 0*.
13. September
10th. 2016, Jupiter ingresses into Libra at 00*.