Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Riding the Cosmic Bull

Full Moon October 27, 2015 @ 8:05AM
Under a big fat harvest moon riding the bull at 3*44’, lady luna stood opposed to our ambassador, who is now flying through Scorpio seas after recently opposing Uranus, the planet of change and brilliance.
Can’t seem to get it all done almost?  So much now flowing in your life?  Well, you wanted things to ‘break free’?  Hang on…
Venus/Aphrodite at 17* Virgo, has been rising in the morning with Jupiter/Zeus at 15*, hot on her tails, but all she sees is her paramour, Ares so close just ahead at 20*….and the threesome is cooking up some good mojo in Virgin territory, making us all want to clean up and organize, with the energy we need to actually accomplish our tasks (unlike the beginning of summer, when nothing could get started) and Poseidon at 7* is forming a nice little sextile to laLuna, so we are ‘shedding’ now….good time to start to ask for what you want to ‘rid yourself of’ in life as the moon begins to wane…some of us will feel as though we accomplished much, excited for the future.
So many new things have opened up in our lives, whether that took the form of death at first (Pluto/Hades) along with the grim reaper, Saturn/EL…who was a DARK LORD in Scorpio.  So, as our hearts filled up, with the pain, with the loss, with the struggle, breaking…and getting up and starting all over again, in what often may have felt like a tangled up mudslide.  Getting nowhere fast, but communications taking us just as fast, into complete hurt and confusion.
Well, as Uranus stands opposed to Mercury/Hermes now, it may feel some frustration bubble up here and there, and at times, absolutely overwhelming again, especially for Virgo’s and PIsces…and of course, all planets being aspected by the Cardinal Cross, that forms over and over…we have to have deaths…we have to rise again…WE ARE WALKING OFF GOLGATHA, THROUGH THE DEATH’S, THROUGH THE CAVE, TO BE REBORN AGAIN, AS HADES HOLDS US LONG
Venus/Aphrodite in the Virgin and amorous as she dances with Ares…and Jupiter/Zeus beaming in the background (taking credit as usual) but magnifying the whole passionate embrace…they stand against Chiron/Parsifal, the ‘key’ to the chart as we have explained for many years now.  See, he wants to ‘perceive the all’, but that only happens through the wounding…what wounds have been brought up for you to heal?
Where do you take charge in life?  Uranus at 17* of Aries the Ram, is lightening on any ivory tower that you have in your life, he wants you to break free and FEEL THAT WOUND...LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT YOU LOVE.  That is your doorway.  Your portal…Chiron is a centaur…a mystical teacher.
As Saturn/EL moves into Sagittarius the Centaur/Archer…now at 3*, he wants us to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for all that dark matter that was brought up to the surface, like a bad BP oil spill that forms a reflection of your dark self.  We all have that side.
Who loved you even with that dark matter exposed?  So much of what we are going through, is excavating us on such a deep level, we need the people who REALLY LOVE US…those who are still with you even when you are not the ‘perfect’ person, spouse, partner, lover, child, parent, friend, teacher, student, boss, employee, whatever that is, someone has come along and exposed you, and you them…now as Mercury/Hermes speeds along and away from his opposition to Uranus, communication will clear up and you should feel lighter now that the boil has been lanced.
Because, we are not, none of us are ~‘perfect’.  Some people, have been hiding in their ‘shells’ for so long, trying to be ‘perfect’ with the fear, that when the ugly slips out, we will be abandoned, and to be sure, there is a lot of teaching and trite little sayings about a silly little love, that is actually non-existent.  The kind where everyone is always nice and nothing goes wrong…maybe in a cave on another planet.  Or in a movie, like the ‘Stepford Wives’…but real love, the kind that connects the heart…doesn’t abandon.
It cannot…because it is eternal.
Nonetheless, we are having our ‘small deaths’ and big deaths…and some things will last, and some things will just not, because the tether is just not strong enough to handle the hurricane forces that are increasing…in our world, both on the planet, and in a spiritual way, we see it playing out all around us.
I hope this full moon, finds you counting your blessings, with those you love around you, knowing what you truly ‘VALUE’.
We are also feeling the opening of the big door, All ‘Saint’ Day…All Hallow’s Eve, get out pictures of the loved ones who have passed, and light some candles, think fond thoughts and get in touch with them.  I like to pray, so that is also what I will be doing.
Happy Full Moon!

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