Monday, January 18, 2016

Earth Moon Trine with Zeus

Earth Moon Trine with Zeus

Having just opposed Mars at 8* of Scorpio, La Luna is now forming a lovely earth trine at 16* of Taurus on the leg of the bull, she is supporting Pluto/Hades who is at 15* of Capricorn the Goat/Pan…(EL, Lord of the Rings is Ruler of the Goat/Janus, also known as the planet Saturn) and in Taurus, she is SENSUAL AND EARTHY, if you have a lover, you may not want to get out of bed, this makes for very sweet intimate relations, it can get very tasty in this earth trine.Moon trine Jan 18.16.jpg
Zeus at 23* of Virgin territory is nicely partnered with the head of the dragon who is at 24*, so as lunabelle moves through these earth decanates, she now gathers the details as she dances over the hotbed and triggers these energetic markers from 18* Virgo (Pluto/Uranus conjunction) (Saturn/Uranus opposition).
Zeus, is pulling out ‘all the stops’ so you can connect with that luminescent glow that hovers between the headstones of your eyes, as they penetrate her gleaming.  He is illuminating your divinity, your purpose that you came here, to earth EA, to impregnate her, to till her soil, to bring to life?  You have the support you need, as you review the past and how plans have gone awry and what you need to do, to better communicate your truth and what you need.  
As Luna moves closer into her trine, she moves into the sweet trine Zeus is providing to our Solar Ambassador, our own personal Star, unlike the Black Star...Zeus in retrograde is just not fast enough and she will soon cast her full gaze at 4:15 PM EST today (January 18, 2016) when they are exactly trine each other, both now at 23*3’ and moving closer into the light of the sun who remains at 27* of Capricorn.
This will help with the discomfort that Venus/Aphrodite and Jupiter//Zeus now feel, as they square each other, Aphrodite now at 23* of Sagittarius the Archer.  Details may not be so comfortable as they are disclosed, and of course, Aphrodite just wants all kinds of freedom, she doesn’t like the rough and tumble of practical reality our Virgoan friends are so fond of, she wants the luxury of Venusian ‘I Have’ , velvet curtains, soft fabrics against her skin, satin pajamas, and silk stockings...she is ‘Jeannie’s Magic Bottle’
Astrological Equity Birth-of-Venus.jpg
1.18.2016   5:55 AM
In these seasons of change, this is one moon to tap into...
Arc of the Ancient’s

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