SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016
HERE COMES THE SUN, THE SECOND ONE. I share this in all good faith and the best of intentions, from my heart. The light is truly coming my friends, and you know what happens when the light is turned on? You can see what you could not see before. But do not stop seeking, don’t turn the light off and run, or cover your eyes, like a child. Do not turn away from the truth. The truth, will truly set us all free, and we are so very close now…oh yes, we have to go through a bit….but it is because of the brightness of the Lord….the light is upon us. 2. “Those who seek, should not stop seeking until they find, when they find, they will be disturbed, but they shall rule over all”. ~From the Gospel of Thomas: 76. Jesus said, "The Father's kingdom is like a merchant who had a supply of merchandise and found a pearl. That merchant was prudent; he sold the merchandise and bought the single pearl for himself. So also with you, seek his treasure that is unfailing, that is enduring, where no moth comes to eat and no worm destroys." 77. Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained.
As hard as this can be....'at
times'... We are truly being 'woken up'...spiritually. A couple of weeks ago,
my mom and dad came to me, when I was really down. They were holding hands,
outstretched and their hands were clasped in a big line of other people who
also had crossed over.... Mom was smiling...and saying: "Don't worry, we
got you"....and I was comforted knowing, that all the people who recently
crossed over, are all working for us from that side. They are helping us....
And...What is the LIGHT is getting brighter....this
is...'en-lighten-ment' and just like turning a light on, in a all
of a sudden can see what you could not see before.... You see the mess that
needs to be cleaned up in your room.... But you didn't 'KNOW' until the light
was on, that there was even a mess.
Well, that is why, we are
seeing so much more politically, what is going on...and of course, as it should
be, it is disturbing...look at the two candidates? They both say some truth and
they both lie.... Yes, some people will not stop wanting their chosen candidate
no matter how much you try to get past the cognitive dissonance, but that is
changing...there is more truth coming, especially in September...with
We see more on the world stage too....all over the planet, we see people revolting...which the planet Uranus rules revolution literally AND BRILLIANCE, AS THE HIGHER OCTAVE OF MERCURY THE MESSENGER. Some of us are more affected personally, based on our charts and how Gd designed us, to be opened up and activated during these times. This is literally...'revelations''or reveal-ations....,Which I explain fully in my book, “Alchemy of the Soul, the A-Limbic System and the Arc of the Ancients. Briefly, the word apocalypse, literally means: to reveal...or a revealing...the thinning of the veil.
So, what mom was saying, is yes, we have to go through these times, and some people will see and 'feel' more than others....we are designed uniquely this way by God, who is opening us up like a master lock.... In my experience, it is my compassion that opens the floodgates of light that fills me from the ends of heaven...Feeling all of this pain on the planet opens the flood gates.... That compassion is the KEY to the heart....where our personal compass actually is. And the heart, is the Truth, the Light and the cannot get to the Father, (Alchemically) without that doorway. The heart has to be opened....and the world is stretching that doorway in some of us...but this is exactly....EXACTLY, how God creates the SOL- (SUN/LIGHT)-UTIONS. We do what we can, and when we cannot, is where Faith comes in. That does not mean, that like Jesus, we don't fall...even Jesus falls with His cross, and He gets help, and Veronica comes and wipes his face. We need that too. For me, that is what the story/parables are, the WAY, for us. So don’t run from the pain, let it open up the HEARt/EARTH, which will release the balm that heals… I have seen angels flying towards me and coming down and assuaging me...I believe that our cries, crack open the universe and they are our personal vibration that calls in our angels. And our tears...they are the LIVING WATERS...think about it...THEY ARE! They are salt water....literally, and I think that fuels the heart, like kerosene, to make it a 'flaming heart'.....that is what ignites the heart, which puts the soul on fire, literally, the Holy Spirit. That does not mean you don’t do what you need to calm your heart…your spirit, if you need to remove yourself from the fray, we all have our jobs….the universe sees everything we do.
But, all the drugs being peddled, to make people ‘not feel the pain’….is literally creating sociopath’s and narcissistic tendency’s, that is not the way to heal…that won’t heal any of us or this planet. This is not an admonishing, we have all been doing what we can do….
But alchemically, you cannot transform until it heats up just right. I also believe, we live in a ‘necessary evil’…and this is there for us to push against, to create the dynamics and conditions necessary for the soul to bloom, flourish and KNOW THYSELF.”
Just how evil, must we make them become, before we all wake up, you see, they will grow as evil as necessary…they may need to have a cremation of care, to relieve themselves of the awful burden of becoming as evil and dark as it takes, before we wake up, and say no more, we see you… Now, I have some notes and a couple of recent stories, about evolution of the species. You see, what we do, is evolve to survive…and when we avoid the problems, No solutions are forth coming…you will see there is a story about gold fish, that reproduce like crazy, and what they learned is that they live in highly predatory conditions, so they reproduce more offspring to survive.
When placed in less predation, they stop reproducing so rapidly. We must learn to live with life, not against it. Everything has a ‘central brain’ that tells it what its job is, and what to do. Even bacteria and cancer, have a ‘head mind’ that operates in the larger scheme of the “Mind of Creation”.
EL, as I have stated many times, is God, from the Old Test a ment, and Egypt…
EL, as I have stated many times, is God, from the Old Test a ment, and Egypt…
EL-ections are for us to choose our earthly Gods….
EL-e ment, is God Mind.
Every time we use the word: The, that is the English form of EL (masculine) or La, which is feminine).
So we are always saying God when we say ….The
It is the same with the word “ALL”….Since AL and EL are interchangeable.
So, everything is from the heart of God, streaming from the Gdhead.
Whether you want to believe or not, “I am what I am”.
It is also statistically known, that families trying to live/survive in poorer conditions and poverty , will create more offspring…than someone who is middle or upper class. It is survival.
That is what we do, we compensate to survive. That pressure, is what brings the SOL utions.
You can read the stories at the bottom of this, for some validation as to what I am saying.
But I think this will resonate for most, as it is true. Remember, only dead things go with the flow. We have been hijacked with a lot of misinformation, especially spiritually. This is to keep us literally, from waking up. In 2012, President Obama and congress passed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, sponsored by Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, and Rep. Adam Smith, D- Wash., which was inserted into the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. According to John Hudson of Foreign Policy Magazine, “For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts.”

So you see, as we wake up, they have been busy trying to put us back to sleep. Don’t fall for this! The WORD is powerful….cursive, is “I’ve cursed”…vow-el’s…EL Vow…God vow. Consonant…is literally…’with sound.

So you see, as we wake up, they have been busy trying to put us back to sleep. Don’t fall for this! The WORD is powerful….cursive, is “I’ve cursed”…vow-el’s…EL Vow…God vow. Consonant…is literally…’with sound.
So, we take a vow with sound, every time we utter a word. This not hiding from the truth, it means speaking it. The truth will set us free. There is another line of spiritual bs being passed along too, and that is this: ‘If you pay attention to it, you give it energy’…and the reverse logic to this is often used…’to avoid what is uncomfortable.’
Yes, it is true, we put energy into where we focus, but only a child thinks they can cover their head with their hands and disappear. It’s a real problem when a pernicious myth subverts reality. If you cut your arm, you don’t ‘ignore it so it will go away, and certainly looking at the blood gushing out, is not going to make the blood increase, no, a sane, logical approach is to absolutely pay attention to the deep gash, that may end your life, and FIND A SOLUTION! What in life, have you been able to avoid, and it goes away? This is the same in all of life. We ABSOLUTELY MUST PAY ATTENTION, OR IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE! For those who have eyes to see. The same as turning the light on in the room. Now, we also should be dreaming of the world we want, and putting energy and focus on those positive things, but it is not a question of either/or, but both. The more you avoid looking and seeing the harder it will get for you, for all of us.
The light is coming my friends, in FULL GLORY. HANG ON, IT IS GOING TO BE A BUMPY NIGHT.
Now make the sign of the cross, earth, air, fire and water, the Cardinal Directions….EL-e-mentary my dear Watson, what son? We make a sacred circle around the God mind, whenever we make the sign of the cross, but most have no idea.
Ready for your wings? Because we will soar… There is no death…absolutely no such thing as death…we are eternal beings, unless of course you made a bad trade, lol?
The light is coming my friends, comes the sun...the second one.
only dead things go with the flow,
salmon swim upstream to give birth...and create new life.
only dead things go with the flow,
salmon swim upstream to give birth...and create new life.

In peacetime about 105 boys are born for every 100 girls. During and just after wars the ratio mysteriously increases to about 108 boys for every 100 girls. For the first time in World War II, this phenomenon has appeared in several warring nations of Europe, according to reports from Sweden last fortnight. Many doctors and scientists dismiss the phenomenon as mere illusion and folklore—perhaps because they cannot explain it. But Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. statisticians call the changing ratio "an established fact." It did not occur in the Franco-Prussian War, which lasted only...,9171,773794,00.html “I was hanging my career on the idea that you could change the environment and see things evolve significantly in time to get tenure,” Reznick says. “People thought my thesis was cute, but doubted I would live long enough to see the results.” He found that within four years — a mere six to eight generations — male guppies had significantly changed their reproductive patterns. Those transplanted from a high-predation site to a stream without predators were larger, matured later and reproduced more slowly. Where Reznick had introduced predators, the guppies adapted by maturing at an earlier age. Survival became a race to produce more babies.
“The risk of death alters the ways organisms allocate resources for survival,” Reznick says. Many of the extraordinary adaptations happening around us may be because of us. As human activity disrupts climate patterns and modifies habitats, rapid evolution appears to be an increasingly common strategy for survival. Speciation is the process of becoming incapable of breeding with members of the preexisting species.... ( ) and thus creating a new species, which is exactly what part of the article talks about.... that is precisely how evolution works Total fertility rates (average number of children a woman has during the life time) In developed countries total fertility rates have declined to an average of 1.6 (exception is US with rate of 2.0). In developing countries total fertility rate average is 2.9. In some countries it is 4 or more. Population growth rates In developed world the population growth rate is 0.1% per year. The remaining countries it is 1.5% per year.
Read more:<3 a=""> 3> Two factors consistently correlate with high birth rates: poverty, and poor education. It has long been known that when living standards rise in a community, birth rates tend to decline; this widely-documented phenomenon is called the "demographic shift" (Henry George referred to it in 1879). Recently, however, another kind of demographic shift has been observed. Where women have had access to education and media, birth rates have showed significant declines — even when income levels had not increased. It is instructive to note, in the table below, the correlations between lower life-expectancy and literacy figures for women, and the standard measures of poverty.
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