Taurus rules, possessions, mundane
work to make a living, and it is ‘I have’…and 22* is a Master number, so we can
see concerns over how much we have, and the people we partner with to
accumulate or buy possessions.
This may have you going out to
purchase some new items, it can also stir up the romantic aspect of the sun in
Scorpio but the tensions in this SUPER MOON, which has not been this large in
appearance, since it occurs as the Moon reaches its closest distance to Earth
since 1948.
So go out and make sure you drink
in this great big moon.
A moon this big will also bring
the earth changes as she pulls on the earth.
You may feel this as pressure inside, or nervous tension.
It has things, emotions exploding
on the world stage, especially in our own US.
Tempers are flaring and people may resort to anger, if they don’t tap
into the patience of the Taurus Bull…which we know can be quite stubborn.
Our values will be questioned and you may find yourself questioning others values. We have a lot of nervous tension with the elections that just took place, and we can see this exploding in tempers and worse right now.
Good time to take a breath, pray and meditate.
Our values will be questioned and you may find yourself questioning others values. We have a lot of nervous tension with the elections that just took place, and we can see this exploding in tempers and worse right now.
Good time to take a breath, pray and meditate.

Cap’s you are in the last stages
of this square from Uranus, all the Cardinal signs will feel this, too, and it
is bringing things up to be dealt with and find closure to move along.
All of this has dug up many deeper
buried feelings and concerns, especially concerns of security, retirement, and
many will be checking their insurance policies and Will’s to make sure that all
is in order.
Remember, go out and suck some of
that mother moon up, she is ready to fill you!
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