Friday, October 11, 2019

The Full Moon Exposes the Crux and the Crisis As We Find A Balance

The Full moon is on October 13th at 5:07PM EDT at 20* Aries the Ram, when she will stand across from our Solar Ambassador (the sun) who is in Libra at 20* Degrees.

She is bringing her new moon cycle that started on September 28th at 5* of Libra.

The full moon is the midpoint of their cycle, and after this intense revealing/exposure she begins to wane into her darker phase.

The emphasis is on relationships, partnerships, finding the balance between work and play and ultimately HARMONIZING THE ELEMENTS in life.

While the moon forms an exact trine to Jupiter now at 20* Sagittarius the Archer, the sun is in a lovely sextile to Jupiter too.

This is very kind and brilliant on our creator’s part, giving us the assistance and support of Jupiter/Zeus (Christ energy) to expand our horizons and show us EXACTLY where we are on our soul’s journey.  As the moon pushes past fullness, she releases all the toxic and unhealthy elements in our lives that we no longer need and shines the light into our innate gifts that we are here to share and assist with our transformation as well as our earth’s evolution.



   “That is why I said to you, be of good courage, and if you are discouraged be encouraged in the presence of the different forms of nature. 32) He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

   “The Savior said, All nature, all formations, all creatures exist in and with one another, and they will be resolved again into their own roots. 23) For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone. 24) He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

  ~ From the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Chapter 4 (found in the Nag Hammadi texts) Mary
Magdalene has been helping me along with the Angel Gabriel to write my book, She brought me into the world of nature, healing and ultimately the world of Aromatherapy.  She called me…and I listened.  She is also the patron Saint of Aromatherapy.

The Bain Marie is named after her.  (Double boiler)

So the squares/Cardinal Crosses forming can pressurize (like a pressure-cooker) with contacts forming to Saturn/Pluto and the Nodes.  I remind you again, that even Jesus falls Three (3 X’s) times with His cross.  If you are doing well, support those who are not, be kind and try to remember everyone is fighting a mighty battle right now.

Even on the world stage, we see events unravelling and EXPOSING the EL-ite at the top of the pyramid (PYRE-A-MID=FIRE IN THE MIDDLE) and so many fraudulent actions it is hard to keep up with them. 

The Jupiter square to Neptune is finally releasing their web of Illusions that was confusing many, occluding and seducing people into a sticky mess, thus the people so convinced on either side of the equation, wishing their truth is THE TRUTH.

Pluto in Capricorn is rototilling the earth, bringing what was hidden up onto the shores of our awareness and exposing deception particularly in government and big businesses. 

The recent court cases resulting in major fines and in some cases imprisonment is the direct result of this astrological disclosure, like the Monsanto/Bayer Roundup case, the Big Pharma cases with the revelation that they KNEW they were getting people addicted to OxyContin, etc.  The REVELATIONS of Adderall being the chemical equivalent of Meth.

Saturn in Capricorn where he rules as EL/Pan…flying up now so close after their 500 year cycle with each other.   (Last conjoining in 1518)

So just like the cycle of the moon and sun, planets also having their own ‘cycles’ when they have their ‘new moon period’ and begin that seeding, we now find ourselves in the end stages of that long cycle.  These great ships are pushing those waves into each other, and we are being pushed down here, by the waves of their energies finishing their long trek in that spiraling journey.

We are also in the end of their last mini-cycle when they met up in Libra in 1985.  Jupiter will also enter this trio next year as well and this is why we are seeing such world events, such endings both in governments, corporations and in our own person lives.   What hierarchy overrides your thoughts and lives?

What baby gods have fallen in your eyes?  What do you allow to rule over you?

The moon in Aries is HOT.  She can be short tempered and impetuous.

The anchors on the rest of the cross will create long lived foundations for lifetimes to come.

You build with these squares and though I tried to tell people that most of them, especially with any of these aspects in their wheels/personal energy grid/matrix, should wait until AFTER the big conjunction in January or you could find yourselves in constant rebuilding, repair, remodeling and may never feel ‘restful’ in your foundations.

If they have past the special points in your chart than you are building on solid foundations, but that would be after that 10* mark/point.

This is true for businesses too, major restructuring is going on.  New Partnerships forming and old ones dissolving or going under great changes.

Power struggles are also a major theme.
Ur-ANNU-s travelling through Taurus that earthy BULL is bringing shock waves that will continue through the economy and all that we believe ‘we have’, especially as he opposes Venus and Mercury at 6* and 13* of Scorpio respectively across from his 5* Taurus.

Thoughts will come ‘out of the blue’ and many hermetic truths are being revealed in a flash of insight.  Dreams are certainly speaking through the dimensions to awaken and enliven our soul’s calling.

October 26th, Mars and Moon conjoins @14* Libra and we will be feeling them both so much more intensely as they square the nodes and Saturn/EL.  The following day, Mars EXACTLY squares Saturn/EL, once again we see the Tao/T cross with nodes/Saturn.

Heads up for those with planets or points in Cardinal Signs: Aries, Libra, Capricorns and Cancers between 9* (because of Nodes) through 23* (Pluto is at 20* Capricorn).

This is also why we see so many leaving the planet now.  They have volunteered to help from the other side and often just cannot handle this extremely INTENSE ENERGY flooding the planet right now.

This INTENSE ENERGY won’t ease up until November 9th/10th when Mars reaches 23* and 24* of Libra.  Libra’s will feel energized, perhaps anxious for change and experience what Aries ALWAYS feels, pushing the little energizer bunnies all the time.  Lady Luna will also have rotated into Aries and will oppose Mars…again the cross.  She is on her way to energize Uranus who is at 4* Taurus.  (Earth changes)  Extreme weather forecasted for this period leading up to the Cardinal eclipse window in December, which is going to really open the gates of energy on the planet, expect MAJOR CHANGES/TURMOIL boiling up all over the planet and especially internally for everyone, with the Cardinal Signs bearing the brunt of this shifting time, catalyzing and activating your SOUL’S PURPOSE.
   “Have you found the ending, good then you have found the beginning also.” ~The Gospel of Thomas

Old loves that have been straining for some time, may indeed just break off during these crises and new ones can come out of the blue.  Many past lives will reconnect at this time, fulfilling their promise to each other to meet up at this time and love and work together through these stormy times.

I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH, how extremely important and CRITICAL it is to be using a really good salt blend for detoxing, colds, flu’s and pain relief, please see ArcAncient’s Salt Blends for the perfect recipe all made and ready for you to prepare your ‘TEMPLE’S’ at this most critical time.  There are 84 minerals in just one of the salt blend in ArcAncient’s salts.

Potassium is one of the most important minerals needed by the body for proper functioning of all cells. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in the body and is required to keep the body in good health. You have more calcium in your body than any other mineral. Calcium has many important jobs. The body stores more than 99 percent of its calcium in the bones and teeth to help make and keep them strong. The rest is throughout the body in blood, muscle and the fluid between cells.  These three alone, are VITAL for good health, balance and STRENGTH during these challenging, changing times.  This also helps balance the body because of the strong alkalizing content.  It clears pathogens and yeast buildup.  The blends are also charged with pure, organic essential oils of the highest quality available on the planet.

Bactericidal, Anti-infection, cleansing, anti-inflammatory for starters.

Follow this link:

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Seriously, pull out those toxins and get the much needed MINERALS that most people are not extracting out of food sources and preparing your body for this CRITICAL ACTIVATION.

Just when you think the ride is slowing and coming onto the platform to get off, life will take a quick turn and we will find ourselves barreling down an even steeper hill, hanging on during a sharp embankment.

So many will remember who you are now…Good Morning! 

We are going to be wide awake after that stone is rolled away…hang on we also will be in the garden down the road (especially after 2024 eclipse window).

Smell that coffee yet?

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