We had Mercury retrograde pass right in front
of the sun on Nov 11th, then we had Jupiter and Venus get together
and make for some lovely bright lights in the southwestern sky at sunset on the
24th at 8* Sagittarius.
The following is an excerpt from AccuWeather:
No telescope was needed to see the two planets
as they outshone every star in the sky. Focusing
in on Jupiter with a telescope will reveal the planet's four largest moons:
Europa, Ganymede, Io and Callisto. They will look like small specks of light in
line near the bright planet. Some better telescopes may even allow onlookers to
see some of the colorful cloud bands in Jupiter's atmosphere.

Jupiter and its four largest moons as
seen through a telescope.
Saturn will be visible in the same area of the
sky and can be found by peering above and to the left of Venus and Jupiter.
Pluto, a dwarf planet, will
be located near Saturn, but it is far too dim to see without a high-powered
telescope. End of accuweather.
Ah yes, the titans move closer together! We are really going to start to feel this
within and we will see the effects without, all over the planet. We ain’t seen nothing yet…b-b-b-baby we just
ain’t seen nothing yet.
On the 24th Mars joined lady Luna
at 3* Scorpio to oppose Uranus electrifying the earth at 3* Taurus the bull. The culmination of all that secretive energy
EXPLODING onto the scene for the FIXED signs or those who have aspects in the
fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Mercury/Hermes was also retrograde, digging up the past and stimulating
some darker aspects of sexual…
Leo’s and Aquarius were smack dab in the middle
of this T-square while fortune’s creak and moan under the strain, what we VALUE
or how we MEASURE OUR WORTH can become a theme like a pressure-cooker! And they are FIXED, meaning they don’t like
CHANGE, especially when it is not adding to the bottom line.
We see our mother ship earth expressing the
stress of these planetary configurations with Venice flooding, recent
earthquakes in Japan and Kosovo, fires raging in California and Australia and
people uprising all over the globe.
Tuesday, November 26th at 10:05 AM,
Lady Luna swallows the Light of the sun as she is in her darkest phase, when they meet up exactly to start the
new cycle at 4* Sagittarius.
This is when we plan holiday travel and often
times we start thinking and planning our summer vacations too. Our consciousness comes into question, what light do we follow? How will we find that light in the middle of darkness?
This moon has us considering what is foreign
to us, countries we dream of visiting and how the outside world has shaped our
own lives. She wants freedom and this
little filly (moon in Sagittarius) does not like being reigned in, though she
will run just far enough that she can still keep an eye on you.
Thanksgiving will be another good day to step
outside after sunset and look to the Southwest as the thin crescent moon will
meet up with Venus.
The following evening, on Friday, Nov. 29, the
moon will move a bit higher in the sky and appear just below Saturn. They will
meet at 3* Capricorn. Here we see lady Luna
is meeting up with the titans who are ebbing closer and closer to each other
In early December, a different planetary
alignment will occur. Venus will join Saturn in the night sky, and the two planets
will appear nearly as close to each other on the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 11,
as Venus and Jupiter will appear on Sunday, Nov. 24. So if you missed it then, you can see a
different show of lights.
Jupiter is also preparing to leave his home
turf of Sagittarius and ingress into Capricorn on December 2nd at 1:20
Though we are now past the recent opposition
of Mars/Ares to Uranus and Venus has already entered restrictive Capricorn too.
Thoughts of expansion from the past can now
take on the cold, hard reality of paying the piper. Now it is work, work, work to pay Paul back
so he can pay Peter back.
Ever watch an old clip of someone beating the
horses in a rig to keep going, while they are foaming at the mouth, chomping at
the bridle? (of Capricorn)
Capricorn likes things in order. Well-managed. It takes the last trip through the earth sign of Virgo and now wants to turn that order into profit and everything must pay or be cut away with the sickle of Saturn.
Capricorn likes things in order. Well-managed. It takes the last trip through the earth sign of Virgo and now wants to turn that order into profit and everything must pay or be cut away with the sickle of Saturn.
These Titans, Cronos and Hades now have Venus
and Jupiter and they are dancing on the tail of the dragon, where who we are
that we may not have integrated so well, as a darker self we may want to rid
ourselves, might feel like raw nerves being exposed to the LIGHTS REVEALING
Mutable signs, PIsces, Gemini, Virgo and Sag’s
are all still trying to calm the waters of the recent Jupiter square to Neptune
and the Illusions that may have seduced them into a place they’ve never been
before and don’t necessarily want to ever go back to either.
Cardinal Signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn’s, you have been crucified for the most part, some of you may also be
reaping some just rewards for a long period of hard, hard, work.
And the ships are lining up, we can hear the
low rumble of their fog horns in the misty night air, we can feel them coming
together for this epic display, the fleet is vying for POWER (Pluto/Hades) in Capricorn and
Saturn/EL/Cronos is on his way to put ORDER into the chaos being promulgated
and stoked.
arise with global disorder, climate changes and a real outcry to begin to
crescendo as we head into the eclipse window at the end of
Having warned people to try to put off any
major decisions or moves made from the beginning of last year and into January of 2020, after the January 12th Saturn conjoining of Pluto, the struggle becomes real. Things can
last, but oh the work they will take.

As all these terrible truths we have all lived
with comes to the surface, and as I have used myth’s to try to tell you the stories that are unfolding over the
past couple of decades. Perhaps they were not so much myth after all?

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