Hang on, take deep breaths if necessary, walk in the woods or a garden if possible, find ways to discharge the energy build up taking place.
We are in the midst of very powerful astrological transits. Most people know that we are headed for the Great Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn coming on January 12th 2020.
We are feeling this energy internally and witnessing this on the planet externally.
Pluto/Hades the Gd of the underworld. Death and Regeneration/rebirth. POWER. Think Plutonium. He rules that which is underground. He is death and taxes.
Saturn/EL/Chronus/Lord of the Rings is structure, government, hierarchy, EL-ites that we EL-ect, he is the SQUARE, L, 90*, the MASTER BUILDER, the Gd of the Old Testament. He is the old man, RESTRICTION, conservative, FORM.
He SQUARES the circle.
Right NOW, Mars/Ares is pushing into a square to Pluto and is squaring Saturn. He is currently at 19* Libra. (Libra’s learn how to handle the energy that an Aries has to handle all the time, pushing them.)
Mars is the planet that rules your DRIVE. He is the Gd of War. He is energy and ACTION.
At the same time, Eris is around 23* Aries right now.
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are the arms of the ‘CARDINAL CROSS’.
So, those planets are now forming a T-Square or Tao Cross.
People can react too quickly (over react) or harshly and hastily. You may feel as if you are 'on the
cross' or falling under the weight of your own cross.
We need to pray that a MAJOR WAR DOES NOT BREAK OUT DURING THIS TIME on the planet.
This can cause major earth changes.
We are only in the foothills of this energy which is going to continue to intensify, especially when Jupiter enters Capricorn in December.
Venus will also have entered into Capricorn (she enters on November 25th),
This can make you feel EXTREMELY ANXIOUS. It will be propitious for a select few.
We have to adapt to this since it is only going to increase as the two Titans approach each other. I picture planets as ships in a great ocean and feel the waves they push into each other. They are all living bodies/angels in the heavens.
Though the square from Mars will ease up around November 8th, that will help the pressure-cooker somewhat.
Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Ceres, and the Sun will all conjoin on January 12th and square Eris in Aries…THIS IS POWERFUL! MAJOR CHANGES THAT WE SEE BREWING AND ERUPTING ALL OVER THE PLANET are forever changing the landscape and INSTITUTIONS. How we govern both ourselves and in governments.
Pluto/Hades and Eris are throwing up all the boogeymen that were hiding in the closet, OUR DEEPEST FEARS AND SHADOWS. The shadows on the cave walls will loom larger. He is exposing the underbelly and REVEALING THE MYSTERY’S. That which was hidden is coming into plain sight.
The less aware someone is, or for those who have been seduced into the ILLUSIONS of Neptune Square Jupiter hiding from the truth and burying their heads in the sands, PRETENDING, etc., the more difficult this time will be.
The more you have visited the darkness, your own darkness or shadow self (we all have darker aspects/shadow selves) the more competent and prepared you will be to navigate these powerful times.
If you have kindness, SHARE THAT and help others with any form of generosity you may be fortunate enough to be blessed with.
Many people will have a very difficult time now (thus you see so many people leaving the planet, and eruptions everywhere with people taking to the streets to protest, forming mobs (Pluto) to stand up against OPPRESSIVE governments or rulers (Saturn).
The last time these two TITANS met up in Capricorn was 500 years ago…when they met up at 4* on January 3, 1518.
Thus, they are finishing up their last trip together and we feel things ‘ENDING’.
Mercury has also retrograde and is at 27* Scorpio. The new moon in Scorpio also is triggering the FIXED CROSS: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo’s.
Uranus is in Taurus now too, so he is lightening striking out of the blue and shaking the earth and what we ‘HAVE’ or VALUE.
Venus/Aphrodite has entered Sagittarius and Neptune is still LARGE AND IN CHARGE IN HER OCEANIC PISCES RULERSHIP.
That effects the ‘MUTABLE CROSS’: PIsces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, though Sag’s will feel a bit of love coming their way, Or those planets or points being triggered in those signs as listed.
So, we can see this is A MAJOR TIME to navigate, steady your ships as we

Try to be gentle to yourself and others. Call your spirit back with a kind heart and welcome those aspects of yourself that you may have not been appreciative or kind to, BE KIND, EVERYONE IS FIGHTING A MIGHTY BATTLE. ~PLATO.
“Have you found the ending? Good than you have found the beginning also.”
~From the Gospel of Luke
Please also remember, that we are not in this alone, we have help, many angels are here to help us with this darkness we are releasing. Perhaps you are ONE?
(c) 2019 Sangreal
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