Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Tao of the Ages Births A New World

Taurus new moon.
The last new moon was conjunct Chiron the wounded healer. Among the many MAJOR ASPECTS we are dealing with, that opened up the deep wound in all of us, and for those who have healed more than others, it may not be as difficult, for those who came with a bigger cross to bear, it may have been a bit more challenging.  You can say: “What did I sign up for again? Are you kidding me with this?”

Truly the times are incredible, no matter how I have tried to warn people, prepare them, I guess any of us can only hear what we are prepared to hear, or as Emerson so wisely stated: “We cannot learn what we don’t already know.”
The distributors or followers of this blog are far more prepared, like it or not.
You have essential oil blends that are there to help you, ready as I was warned and shared with you.
Still, it is shocking to say the least, what is now happening. 
You would not know me, if that were not true. YOU WOULDN’T.
By now, you have experienced the stories. You have lived to share a story, to be told a story about how the blends helped you or someone else.
It is beyond me too.
I just try to do as I am guided. We are here now…
I recall sharing with people about this time, many times and they would ask me: ‘What is the good news?’
Because one of the derailments that has happened is the hijacking, or spiritual bypassing of a TRUE WARRIOR.
As if we are all supposed to be living in some Doris Day movie, and everything is simply perfect. I know, I watched those movies and I hoped that would be how things played out too.
But the truth that sets us free, is that down here on planet earth our emotions and senses that we experience, are PRECIOUS.
Push up through that dark night, that FEAR THAT MIGHT KEEP YOU HUSHED
I have seen behind the curtain a long time ago. Yes, it is horrifying. What will keep coming out will be horrifying. The truth that has been buried for a long time, yet right in front of our very eyes all around us, will continuously be revealed. Yes, there will be continuous attempts to cover it up.
But it is coming and will continue to come like a flood.
Do not close your eyes! You have climbed and struggled too far, to just close your eyes as though you are ignorant. YOU ARE NOT.
Do what you must, as far as self-care and rest. Try to eat nutritionally and take walks in the woods. Be in nature. I have quoted Mary Magdalene many, many times now, in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene: “31) That is why I said to you, Be of good courage, and if you are discouraged be encouraged in the presence of the different forms of nature.
Do you see that? “The different FORMS of nature.”
EL = God EL-e-Ments=God Mind.
Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The fifth SACRED THING IS SPIRIT.
This new moon is in Taurus at 3* and is in conjunction with Uranus who is now at 6* of TAUrus.  Read TAO R US
This is ‘I have, earth’…so planting is what we do at this time to bring forth the HARVEST.  UR ANU is the change agent.
Taurus the BULL Has been used to represent a ‘Bull Market’ though many do not have the eyes to see the magic being played all around you.  And when you do not see the symbols, they own you until you own them.  Until you know better.
Venus is in a lovely trine to Mars/Ares her paramour, this is most important considering all the havoc that Eris has been playing in the heavens.  I will send out a future informational post on Eris, but for now, realize she is greatly responsible for the TROJAN WAR.
But for us, Mars is at 16* Aquarius and Venus is at 15* Gemini both air signs of communication. 
Venus likes the touch, of which we now may know is more important than we realized before. Oh, how difficult it can be to truly learn all the power and the beauty of what we already have now on this gorgeous planet.
*Moses throws down his staff upon God’s instructions, and Pharaoh in turn as his own MAGICIANS
throw down their staff’s and all turn into SNAKES.
Moses’s snake eats the other snakes, showing he is the better magician.
Did you remember that? We are told what is happening, but do you have the eyes to see this? I DO. Saturn is squaring this new moon and Uranus, so this is the state or what we believe we were building squaring the reality.
It can make us feel, ‘boxed into a corner’. We can only build with a square.
Though we have been exposed to some perhaps frightening thoughts that have been coming up, don’t forget that Buddha who grows up inside a palace, and has no idea that people are suffering comes out into the world and sees to his own horror and sadness, that indeed, there are people suffering.
He meditates upon this, the difference between his life and their lives.
And he comes up with the ‘desire’ as the root of suffering.
But he does not HIDE FROM THE SUFFERING. He allows it to open him up and thus, he gives birth to his teachings, or ‘NEW AWARENESS THAT HE DID NOT HAVE BEFORE HE SAW SUFFERING.’
The Pali word dukkha is most commonly translated to English as “suffering.” Dukkha presents in an array of emotions — from happiness to despair. While counterintuitive, it is a central concept in the Buddha’s teachings.
Suffering was the Buddha’s FIRST TEACHING.
So, we have been sequestered in our homes, and made to stay still, to a certain extent. Some still
work, but for many this time is forcing them to visit and sit with their spirits. To think about things that they may give lip service to, but now they must come to terms with WHO THEY ARE.
Priorities have suddenly changed. And that is not a bad thing.
The truth is that somewhere inside you, your spirit knew.
When we know better, we DO BETTER.
So, in this Taurus new moon, for this is EARTH/HEART, gather some items:
Paper, pen, or pencil, (I have a pencil, gold and copper marker) pencil has carbon that is important.
Dirt/potting soil, plant, and seeds.  Choose plant or seeds that mean something to you if possible.
You can add coins, three are a charm.
Because we must do what we came here to do. It is TIME.
Cere mon ial ceremonial/serial cere Al/El Cereal Breakfast,
It is time to be magical, to awaken your deep spirit and to join in ceremony.
The magic spell is being cast; we must counteract this spell. What world do you want, what healing do you want? What dream can we create together?
Please, listen to this wonderful piece on EARTH DAY. (REMEMBER THIS IS HEART)

As you know by now, one of the main characters creating havoc is Pluto, so I will repost this little bit to remind you of what in part, he represents:
Pluto: Greek God of the underworld, son of Saturn Or Kronos (El, Lord of the Rings, see writing on Saturn) who was known as Hades in the Roman Mythological hierarchy.
He is death, destruction, and transformation. As the ruler of the 8th house and Scorpio, he rules sex and reproduction and the wealth and riches of the earth.  In fact, the Greek word for wealth is ploutos, and rulership by the wealthy is a plutocracy.
Either way, we can see that this is the dark underworld, and it is also POWER.
Pluto/Plutonium also rules atomic energy, POWER, which can light up the world, but it can also destroy the world.
In between, it can cause a lot of destruction, but harnessed we can see the results of power directed and controlled.

Hades fears no other god, so he is called upon to deal with anyone abusing power or playing god.  Pluto/Hades will bring up our deepest darkest fears and can be quite unsettling.  He is the ruler of fear.  Saturn can bring up fears, for a different reason, he is more of a reprimander, doling out restrictions and consequences when we break the LAW or rules.  When we do not regulate or discipline ourselves, Saturn will step into create the discomfort or punishment accordingly.
So, I am sending out this prayer ritual, you don’t have to do it of course, but I think we need all the help we can get right now, don’t you?
In fact, do you know that the Catholic Church has the same mass together all over the planet? Yes, this is true.
          The Catholic mass is the same everywhere in the world.  The readings are the same and the mass structure is the same commemorating Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross through the Holy Eucharist.  It is one of the greatest aspects of the Church. Wherever you go in the world you can attend mass and know that it is the same as it would be if you were at your local parish.
The parts of the mass that are different are possibly the language, depending where you are and the Homily.
The Homily is the sermon portion of the mass given by the Priest or Deacon.  It is the segment of the service in which the Priest celebrating the mass discusses how the daily readings from the Bible relate to issues of the day and other moral and religious points he wishes to make.
Let us create our own spell, our own ritual as we light our candles together.
Tonight at 10:25PM, the moon conjuncts with the sun, and they will procreate together. I am sharing part of what I will be doing, you can rewrite and do as you please. It is important to both write and say aloud, or even more powerful, to sing. This brings Neptune into the equation and music is one of the tools used to help disarm Pluto and his destruction.

With the I am As I _________________ let this bring relief and healing to those impacted by this
hurt. During this time, though we are isolated, we are still connected through our heart. As we complete and pray, we know that we will have our day. 
The world is in our mother’s arms, and we are helping her with charms.
Now, what do you want?
I added some other clippings in magazines in the soil. And no, I have not done this in a while, but now it is important for us all to remember.
Please note not to worry, you can do this tomorrow in the AM or as soon as you can too.
Write on paper, plant in soil. Planting spell Piece of paper, small clay pot, pencil, potting soil, and seeds.
Wrote affirmation on paper, add drops of essential oil blend, I add Money Majik, Immune UP.  These are what I want to grow. You can add what you have, Sensual Healing will work it is for abundance, Inner Glow for heart, Breathing Easy for help with our lungs and breathing, you get it?

As these seeds grow, let them bring relief and healing…

Tuck that into soil, pack down soil with paper affirmation.  Chamomile seeds are good, healing presence.  Soothing.  Tuck seeds.  Add water.
Repeat last portion of phrase, as I complete and pray, I have done my part this day.
Then, add love and attention, water, meditation daily with your newly planted seeds of affirmation.
Exceptionally good to do in waxing phase, for growth and increase.

Attention daily, grow, survive, bloom and thrive, as you sprout, relief will those in need and those deprived. Love and healing will arrive.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Passover The Bardo As The Full Moon In Libra Finds New Balance

The Arc of the Ancients
What may seem a long time ago, I had two Great Angels part the waters of the heavens and down came the words: “Arc of the Ancients” to me.  They slipped through the veil of the heavens and in through the top of my head, my CROWN chakra, the CORONA.
It shook me from head to toe and deep, deep into the earth as the words poured through my being.  I had to investigate further, to understand what that meant.
An ‘ARC or ARK’ is the female vessel that bears fruit or seeds from the destruction and chaos out of the old world into the birth of a new world.
At the end of the Age of PIsces, we begin to lift our heads out of the water, get glimpses of CLARITY of what has been happening around us for a very long time.  The method of control, since its inception, over 2000 years ago.
Because, as I have stated many times now, Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is the Age of Illusion.  Neptune also known as Poseidon, rules the oceans.  And just like water, it can blur your vision, a beam of light striking water from directly, vertically overhead, will not refract, but the more the angle increases, the more the refraction increases too.
Jesus walks on water, because He is above the ILLUSION, ‘I am in this world, but not OF this world.’ Fish in net, 153 (PI)
          The "153" is highly significant as a symbolic number in the canon of the Greek geometers. It is the denominator of the ratio used to represent the square root of 3 (265/153) and is a numerical abbreviation for the "vesica PIsces" () --the "Vessel of the Fish" or "Measure of the Fish." This shape is the shared space when two circles are drawn together so that the edge of one pass through the center of the other.
Neptune also rules drugs.  We see at the end of the age, the epidemic of drug addiction and death
from overdose, more than 67,000 people died from drug overdoses in 2018, making it a leading cause of injury-related death in the United States.
Suicide has increased dramatically, the pain just too much to bear for many, especially with soldiers and veterans, it was the 10th leading cause of death in the US in 2019.
Whales and dolphins, beaching themselves in increasing numbers, trying to show us what we are doing to ourselves and the health of the planet and especially her WATERS/OCEANS.
Whales maintain ocean frequencies in higher light and consciousness, they carry in their fields the key of light and codes of pure love.
Dolphins maintain the crystal/chrystal consciousness of the entire planet in harmony and love, they are masters of telepathy, radial frequency and sound vibration of the earth's etheric network.
We wonder, will our fear have us casting our bodies on the shores, looking for an exit, but also who will be the caregivers, those who help us back into the water to keep swimming?
When you see an object, it is because light rays reflect off the object and shine into your eye, creating an image on your retina.  The signals to the brain allow the brain to re-create the picture in your vision.
A convex lens bends the rays inward and a concave lens bends light rays outward.
Water can also magnify the size of an image.  It is a conductor of waves of both light and sound.  The human body is made up of more than 80% water, as is the surface of the earth.
Turning water into wine.
The collective fear will either inhibit us from growth or cause us to grow.
The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. The cornea, with the anterior chamber and lens, refracts light, with the cornea accounting for approximately two-thirds of the eye's total optical power.  Cornea/Corona/Coronation/Crown = VISION
Now, the other day I realized that once again the visions are coming, connecting the dots in the matrix of my being, I learned that what is also happening is that the seeds that were planted when I had my Last Rites and died are blooming.
Then I realized a deeper meaning to the chakra’s, which all have numbered petals, until you get to the CROWN chakra, which is an ever-blooming lotus or rose.  When flowers open, they absorb more light as well as give off more light, the pollen bursting forth attracting the honeybees.
Bees were also buried with Mary Magdalene.  Once when meditating, my third eye began to itch as it does sometimes and I could see the oval shape of the bee and its wings fluttering, opening my third eye to have the light pour in, as thine eye must be singular.
A few days ago, a musician friend of mine called me and he said he had to tell me something that has been on his mind since we first met, and I sang with him.  That was at least 10 years ago.  He said that when I entered the club, he thought a camera crew was coming in behind me, with their lights on.
He is used to seeing camera crews, he has played with many famous musicians.
But there was no camera crew, he realized it was my aura.  He also said he saw 4 angels around me.  Now, he does not know of my death experience.
‘God drove out the man and He placed cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden, and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life’ (Genesis 3:24).
Ezekiel shows us the 4 beings in his wheels within wheels, this is the Angel of man (Aquarius), Bull (Taurus), Lion (Leo) and Eagle (Scorpio) which is also known as the fixed cross in astrology.
He did not know that angels have lifted me up through the ‘waters’.
The Living Word of God:
I tell you this, to give you faith and hope.  To implore you to lift-up your heads and hearts and to know God has a plan.  We can fall, I fall too.
Jesus falls three times with His cross.  This is just such a time where we may fall, but also have Veronica come and wash our face with her VEIL, (who is your Veronica?) and get help with our own cross.  (Who is your Simon of Cyrene on the 5th station of the cross?)  Perhaps you are helping someone else with their cross? 
One thing we know, is that the three Mary’s never left Jesus’s side.  NEVER.
Mary Magdalene prepares him for his burial.  She uses spikenard, (it is referred to as ‘nard’ oil.)
She finds him, after He has ‘rolled away the stone’, which I see as the Pineal, the soft spot on a baby’s head that becomes hardened.  Jacob wrestles with God and renames the place ‘Peniel’.  “Jacob named the place Peniel (which means “face of God”), for he said, “I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared.’”  ~ Genesis: 32:30
After he fell asleep on a rock, that rock is now under the ‘coronation throne’ of the queen of England.  It is represented in the Kaaba, which is the ‘black cube’ (Saturn) in Mecca.
He saw the angels ascending and descending up and down the spiral staircase (your DNA).
This time we are now ALL JOURNEYING THROUGH IS A MASS RITUAL, A RIGHT OF PASSAGE.  It is a collective.  All because of the ‘unseen’ virus.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ~ Ephesians 6:12  What is unseen.
We are now in the HOLY WEEK.  Tomorrow, Passover starts.  Sunday, Jesus rises from the dead.  Will we rise?
I have been telling you all for a very long time now, that we need to prepare our own temples, the temple that is within us.  Harden not your hearts. 
I made this in 2015, wrote many pieces on this blog about the time we were headed into, astrologically.
I know through my vision of 911 in 1997, that Mary Magdalene or Mary the Mother was walking on the planet now, or put another way, the rise of the Divine Feminine to balance out the over-abundance of Yang/Male energy, that is killing the planet, does not respect women or girls, rapes both of them, commodifying the earth, burning her, poisoning her, and her children. She had tears in her eyes in the vision, and she was 1000 feet tall in the plumes of smoke rising up to the heavens that day.
She as all the sages before her kept saying, basically the same thing: 'All you have to do is love one another'.
In Roman numerals you also see XX.
Girls are born with two X chromosomes.
The year brings 20/20 vision with many astrological components also confirming this.
I have also been using the Major Tarot for all the years since 2000, starting with the fool.
They all line up as well.
Do you see the cross on the judgement card?
That is also the way the Great USA Fire eclipse cycle, that began on August 2017 and ends April of 2024 'draws and quarters' the US.
All the numbers are 'coding' numbers.
Saturn entering Aquarius, gives us a glimpse of the new age, but at the end of the year, she meets up
with Jupiter (JeZeus) at 00, after recently meeting up with Mars at the same degree.
We are watching systemic collapse.
We must build a new world together, that honours the earth and ALL HER CHILDREN.
Don't hoard, take too much, you don't need great big houses, we can all have gardens and every school should be built with gardens as classrooms and places to play.  The chemical content of the soil teaches chemistry, the yield from seeds/bulbs, is math/algebra, health can be taught through the nutrition each plant provides as well as anatomy, etc. 
We must help children both connect and dream new worlds.
That can be created through hubs, and houses/buildings/schools can plug into these alternative energy hubs, solar panels, wind turbines, water turbines in all sewage pipes. 
That should be a clarion call to all university students, RIGHT NOW.
Instead of investing in stock, we should use local credit unions to hold all the mortgages and we/the people should be given the same returns and investment ability that banks now enjoy.  That is, for every 10% invested, they can loan the other 90% out and they CHARGE COMPOUND INTEREST RATES.  Wouldn’t that be a better return while also being fixed assets for the PEOPLE?
The end of the Age of PIsces, people begin to poke their heads above the 'ILLUSION OF NEPTUNE'S WATERS' little by little, but the people who like you sleeping, keep making waves/air waves/5G to cover up that natural cycle.
As I stated earlier, I have also been literally pulled up 'through water that was not wet' by two Great Angels, who showed me something I could not see before with my two eyes, it must be singular. It felt every bit like water, like lifting your head out of a pool.
We are NOT returning to ‘normal’, that was NOT NORMAL.
We must create new worlds of support and realize how interconnected we all are and rise to the occasion that has been collectively created.
Look outside, have you ever seen the skies so blue?  I don’t recall seeing this since my childhood.  The grey film that covers that ‘Mary’ blue as Gina put it, is gone.  Can we become better stewards of our little blue ball?  She is healing!
What idea’s do you have?  How can we make a better world for all of us to live, for our children and grandchildren and THEIR GRANDCHILDREN TOO?
We should all be meditating and praying.  Light your candles.  Anoint your being and your door for Passover.
But let’s not have children and grandchildren look back and say, ‘what were you thinking?’…’what do you mean all you did was meditate and pray?’

Let’s be the world we want to see and live in, together.
Now, we must all pivot and create new paths, a higher order in life.
Let us rise to the occasion and this time.  TOGETHER.
We all have our adaptive personality, it is time to adapt, shift and THRIVE.

Me? I am following the woman with the pitcher into Her house.

At 10:34 PM on April 7th, the moon waxes into her full being when she will be at 18*43’ Libra, the balancer, the scales.  She stands across from the sun who is at 18* Aries the LAMB/RAM.
Do you think that March returned like a LION?
They are going to trigger the planetary line-up that happened in Capricorn the Goat, as Pluto and Jupiter are still there at 25* and 24* respectively.  They both just conjoined on April 4th.  That starts another new cycle.
The moon will soon also align with Eris, the destroyer.  The sun in Aries will meet up with her.  They square the head and tail of the dragon and Mercury/Hermes also just conjoined with Neptune, making communication very watery and emotional.
Saturn is at 1* Aquarius now, and Mars/Ares has moved on to 5* Aquarius and both are still forming squares to Uranus who is at 5* Taurus.
Do you see then that the cardinal signs: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra are in complete death/rebirth transformational cycles?  This can be difficult but also bring about profound rebirth and changes, the final order as they must let go of the past that no longer serves them, as the new world is being born through them too.  I am not making light of this process, nor am I being glib, it can be daunting at best, navigating this bardo, and some won’t make it through the portal, they would rather serve from the other side.
While the Fixed Cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius is obviously being forced into submission at times too, they are also re-inventing themselves and coming up with new ideas, as their creativity is on high power now, they can also seem as if the old person they once were, is no longer there to serve them either.
The mutable cross: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and PIsces has been submerged for quite some time and they too, are starting to catch glimpses of their new future as well.  Venus at 3* Gemini how highlights this process and brings new love for the self, new admiration as the ‘birth of Venus’ rises out of the deep waters, along with Mercury the messenger communicating what is important to bring into the world we are now creating.
So, you see, these are POWERFUL TIMES.  But we were made for just these times, our lives have led us and prepared us for just this time.
One more clue along the way, it was Navy Captain Brett Crozier that was let go, for writing a letter trying to help the men under his watch.  A Crosier is a staff to guide with...What is YOUR CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT you have been preparing for all your lives?
I did tell you it was coming…

The angel Gabriel gives me a prescription, WiseWoman Roll on: