Taurus new moon.
The last new moon was conjunct Chiron the wounded healer.
Among the many MAJOR ASPECTS we are dealing with, that opened up the deep wound
in all of us, and for those who have healed more than others, it may not be as
difficult, for those who came with a bigger cross to bear, it may have been a
bit more challenging. You can say: “What
did I sign up for again? Are you kidding me with this?”
Truly the times are incredible, no matter how I have tried
to warn people, prepare them, I guess any of us can only hear what we are
prepared to hear, or as Emerson so wisely stated: “We cannot learn what we don’t
already know.”
The distributors or followers of this blog are far more
prepared, like it or not.
You have essential oil blends that are there to help you,
ready as I was warned and shared with you.
Still, it is shocking to say the least, what is now
You would not know me, if that were not true. YOU WOULDN’T.
By now, you have experienced the stories. You have lived to
share a story, to be told a story about how the blends helped you or someone
It is beyond me too.
I just try to do as I am guided. We are here now…
I recall sharing with people about this time, many times and
they would ask me: ‘What is the good news?’
Because one of the derailments that has happened is the
hijacking, or spiritual bypassing of a TRUE WARRIOR.
As if we are all supposed to be living in some Doris Day movie,
and everything is simply perfect. I know, I watched those movies and I hoped that
would be how things played out too.
But the truth that sets us free, is that down here on planet
earth our emotions and senses that we experience, are PRECIOUS.

Push up through that dark night, that FEAR THAT MIGHT KEEP
I have seen behind the curtain a long time ago. Yes, it is
horrifying. What will keep coming out will be horrifying. The truth that has
been buried for a long time, yet right in front of our very eyes all around us,
will continuously be revealed. Yes, there will be continuous attempts to cover
it up.
But it is coming and will continue to come like a flood.
Do not close your eyes! You have climbed and struggled too
far, to just close your eyes as though you are ignorant. YOU ARE NOT.
Do what you must, as far as self-care and rest. Try to eat
nutritionally and take walks in the woods. Be in nature. I have quoted Mary
Magdalene many, many times now, in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene: “31) That is
why I said to you, Be of good courage, and if you are discouraged be encouraged
in the presence of the different forms of nature.
Do you see that? “The different FORMS of nature.”
EL = God EL-e-Ments=God Mind.
Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The fifth SACRED THING IS
This new moon is in Taurus at 3* and is in conjunction with Uranus
who is now at 6* of TAUrus. Read TAO R US
This is ‘I have, earth’…so planting is what we do at this time to bring forth the HARVEST. UR ANU is the change agent.
This is ‘I have, earth’…so planting is what we do at this time to bring forth the HARVEST. UR ANU is the change agent.
Taurus the BULL Has been used to represent a ‘Bull Market’
though many do not have the eyes to see the magic being played all around you. And when you do not see the symbols, they own
you until you own them. Until you know
Venus is in a lovely trine to Mars/Ares her paramour, this is most important considering all the havoc that Eris has been playing in the heavens. I will send out a future informational post on Eris, but for now, realize she is greatly responsible for the TROJAN WAR.
Venus is in a lovely trine to Mars/Ares her paramour, this is most important considering all the havoc that Eris has been playing in the heavens. I will send out a future informational post on Eris, but for now, realize she is greatly responsible for the TROJAN WAR.
But for us, Mars is at 16* Aquarius and Venus is at 15*
Gemini both air signs of communication.
Venus likes the touch, of which we now may know is more important than
we realized before. Oh, how difficult it can be to truly learn all the power and
the beauty of what we already have now on this gorgeous planet.
*Moses throws down his staff upon God’s instructions, and Pharaoh
in turn as his own MAGICIANS
throw down their staff’s and all turn into SNAKES.
Moses’s snake eats the other snakes, showing he is the
better magician.
Did you remember that? We are told what is happening, but do
you have the eyes to see this? I DO. Saturn is squaring this new moon and Uranus,
so this is the state or what we believe we were building squaring the reality.
It can make us feel, ‘boxed into a corner’. We can only build
with a square.
Though we have been exposed to some perhaps frightening thoughts
that have been coming up, don’t forget that Buddha who grows up inside a
palace, and has no idea that people are suffering comes out into the world and
sees to his own horror and sadness, that indeed, there are people suffering.
He meditates upon this, the difference between his life and
their lives.
And he comes up with the ‘desire’ as the root of suffering.
But he does not HIDE FROM THE SUFFERING. He allows it to
open him up and thus, he gives birth to his teachings, or ‘NEW AWARENESS THAT
The Pali word dukkha is most commonly translated to English as “suffering.” Dukkha presents in an array of emotions — from happiness to despair. While counterintuitive, it is a central concept in the Buddha’s teachings.
The Pali word dukkha is most commonly translated to English as “suffering.” Dukkha presents in an array of emotions — from happiness to despair. While counterintuitive, it is a central concept in the Buddha’s teachings.
Suffering was the Buddha’s FIRST TEACHING.
So, we have been sequestered in our homes, and made to stay
still, to a certain extent. Some still
work, but for many this time is forcing
them to visit and sit with their spirits. To think about things that they may
give lip service to, but now they must come to terms with WHO THEY ARE.
Priorities have suddenly changed. And that is not a
bad thing.
The truth is that somewhere inside you, your spirit
When we know better, we DO BETTER.
So, in this Taurus new moon, for this is EARTH/HEART, gather
some items:
Paper, pen, or pencil, (I have a pencil, gold and copper
marker) pencil has carbon that is important.
Dirt/potting soil, plant, and seeds. Choose plant or seeds that mean something to
you if possible.
You can add coins, three are a charm.
Because we must do what we came here to do. It is TIME.
Cere mon ial ceremonial/serial cere Al/El Cereal Breakfast,
It is time to be magical, to awaken your deep spirit and to join in ceremony.
It is time to be magical, to awaken your deep spirit and to join in ceremony.
The magic spell is being cast; we must counteract this spell.
What world do you want, what healing do you want? What dream can we create
Please, listen to this wonderful piece on EARTH DAY. (REMEMBER
As you know by now, one of the main characters creating
havoc is Pluto, so I will repost this little bit to remind you of what in part,
he represents:
Pluto: Greek God of the underworld, son of Saturn Or Kronos (El, Lord of the Rings, see writing on Saturn) who was known as Hades in the Roman Mythological hierarchy.
Pluto: Greek God of the underworld, son of Saturn Or Kronos (El, Lord of the Rings, see writing on Saturn) who was known as Hades in the Roman Mythological hierarchy.
He is death, destruction, and transformation. As the ruler
of the 8th house and Scorpio, he rules sex and reproduction and the wealth and
riches of the earth. In fact, the Greek
word for wealth is ploutos, and rulership by the wealthy is a plutocracy.
Either way, we can see that this is the dark underworld, and
it is also POWER.
Pluto/Plutonium also rules atomic energy, POWER, which can
light up the world, but it can also destroy the world.
In between, it can cause a lot of destruction, but harnessed
we can see the results of power directed and controlled.
Hades fears no other god, so he is called upon to deal with
anyone abusing power or playing god.
Pluto/Hades will bring up our deepest darkest fears and can be quite
unsettling. He is the ruler of
fear. Saturn can bring up fears, for a
different reason, he is more of a reprimander, doling out restrictions and consequences
when we break the LAW or rules. When we
do not regulate or discipline ourselves, Saturn will step into create the
discomfort or punishment accordingly.
So, I am sending out this prayer ritual, you don’t have to
do it of course, but I think we need all the help we can get right now, don’t
In fact, do you know that the Catholic Church has the same mass
together all over the planet? Yes, this is true.
The Catholic
mass is the same everywhere in the world.
The readings are the same and the mass structure is the same commemorating
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross through the Holy Eucharist. It is one of the greatest aspects of the
Church. Wherever you go in the world you can attend mass and know that it is
the same as it would be if you were at your local parish.
The parts of the mass that are different are possibly the
language, depending where you are and the Homily.
The Homily is the sermon portion of the mass given by the
Priest or Deacon. It is the segment of
the service in which the Priest celebrating the mass discusses how the daily
readings from the Bible relate to issues of the day and other moral and
religious points he wishes to make.
Let us create our own spell, our own ritual as we light our
candles together.
Tonight at 10:25PM, the moon conjuncts with the sun, and
they will procreate together. I am sharing part of what I will be doing, you
can rewrite and do as you please. It is important to both write and say aloud,
or even more powerful, to sing. This brings Neptune into the equation and music
is one of the tools used to help disarm Pluto and his destruction.
With the I am As I
_________________ let this bring relief and healing to those impacted by this
hurt. During this time, though we are isolated, we are still connected through
our heart. As we complete and pray, we know that we will have our day. The world is in our mother’s arms, and we are helping her with charms.
Now, what do you
I added some other clippings in magazines in the soil. And no, I have not done this in a while, but now it is important for us all to remember.
I added some other clippings in magazines in the soil. And no, I have not done this in a while, but now it is important for us all to remember.
Please note not to worry,
you can do this tomorrow in the AM or as soon as you can too.
Write on paper,
plant in soil. Planting spell Piece of paper, small clay pot, pencil, potting
soil, and seeds.
Wrote affirmation on paper, add drops of essential oil blend, I add Money Majik, Immune UP. These are what I want to grow. You can add what you have, Sensual Healing will work it is for abundance, Inner Glow for heart, Breathing Easy for help with our lungs and breathing, you get it?
Wrote affirmation on paper, add drops of essential oil blend, I add Money Majik, Immune UP. These are what I want to grow. You can add what you have, Sensual Healing will work it is for abundance, Inner Glow for heart, Breathing Easy for help with our lungs and breathing, you get it?
As these seeds grow, let them bring relief and healing…
Tuck that into soil,
pack down soil with paper affirmation.
Chamomile seeds are good, healing presence. Soothing.
Tuck seeds. Add water.
Repeat last portion
of phrase, as I complete and pray, I have done my part this day.
Then, add love and
attention, water, meditation daily with your newly planted seeds of
Exceptionally good to do in waxing phase, for growth and increase.
Exceptionally good to do in waxing phase, for growth and increase.
Attention daily,
grow, survive, bloom and thrive, as you sprout, relief will arrive.to those in
need and those deprived. Love and healing will arrive.