Sunday, February 7, 2016

Prescription From An Angel, ArchAngel Gabriel Encounter

We are in the critical time, when we MUST BRING FORTH, that which we came to give birth to, to midwife, to be born through us on this planet.  No more waiting.
If something irritates you where you are or in what you do, be the change agent, or find those who will help you give birth to that place.  Which character are you in the play?  The idea?  The generator?  The structure/organizer?  The motivator?  The activator?  The person who puts it into play, action?
To answer some of these questions, I recall one of my angel visits, and that life-lesson that changed my own life completely.
It was at my third workshop with Jeannie Rose and Barbara Bobo, and some other wonderful teachers.
We were all sitting around the table, up in Barbara’s barn (about 27 women or so).
Jeannie had just finished teaching about Helichrysum… (helio’s ‘sun’ and chrysum ‘to anoint’) and she was distilling Geranium (Pelargonium Graviolens) and describing the healing properties.  Among the many healing properties, she started to describe the healing powers for internal sexual organs.
I was a gasp.
As she described the properties…I couldn’t help myself, I said out loud,
"But you can’t actually heal the ORGAN, THAT IS INTERNAL?”
(I was thinking to myself, I can understand relieving pain, helping breathing, headaches, sinus…all of that made easy sense to me.  But not an internal organ?  I already had a hysterectomy…which meant that I would not be able to heal, it was already too late for me.)

As I said that out loud, about half a dozen women turned and looked at me, and said: “Yes, you can!”….

I recoiled
I began to shake as the tears were fighting their way out of me…I got up and went outside...I began heaving and sobbing.
I was so hurt.

How could this be?  How could something over 5,000 years old be available to heal me naturally?  Yet…NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS?
What? (This was back in 1994)

I had taken other herbal classes, etc., my first being back in the early 80’s, with the Grand Dame of Herbalism, Hannah Kroeger.

But never did I completely realize that I could heal internal organs, for real, the thought was always more to keep healthy and heal lesser ailments I guess the block was in the name Aroma-therapy?
As I sobbed…a light came upon me, just like the sun coming up over the horizon.  The BRILLIANT LIGHT was the Angel Gabriel.  
I was still so hurt…I objected his urging…at first, but in a matter of seconds, all of those emotions swirled through me…I know it sounds horrid that I would reject an angel at first, but this is just being honest with you, the ache inside of me was too great, but I eventually acquiesced and I accepted the request to share. Gabriel…continued…in a very gentle voice…”Gloria, it might be too late for you, but it won’t be too late for you to help a lot of other women”…
I said, “Okay, if that is what you want me to do God”…(As I have reluctantly done so many times before, often trying to invoke the concept that; "Look at me God, I am sooo not the candidate for you"...and yet....oh well.

I put myself back together and went back into the class, slinking around the back and finding my chair.  After a few moments had gone by, a woman, “Linda Honeycutt-LeGrand” from South Carolina, walked over to me holding a paper to her chest.
She said to me, “Miss Gloria, when you came back in, the angel Gabriel, was holding you, and I drew this picture of him, and wanted to share this with you, if you will accept”…It was a beautiful drawing of the Angel.
She saw him with me.  I was witnessed.  (This same woman would witness with me several things that are extremely profound and which I discuss in my book)…
Anyway…that was it.

It is time to stop calling our life giving ability ‘the curse’…when it is our POWER. 

The blend that came, is a blend of 13 different oils.
WiseWoman was made for endometriosis and menopause, but it has such strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, it is really good (rolling it on the area) to relieve pain and swelling for almost anything.
So, thank you.
This is the story of WiseWoman, of which you are ONE or you may be the Wise Man, who is strong and protects that Wise Woman in your life, so she feels safe to create, to create and feather your nest, your castle.  We need men strong enough to empower women, who are not threatened by the creative power and juices of a woman, because we NEED YOU STRONG MEN!
That blend, became ‘WiseWoman’…because of all the wise women who I sat with that day, the healers of the old.  We have been carrying this energy for lifetimes.
What is Helichrysum oil?  Let us look a bit closer:
HELICHRYSUM (Helichrysum Angustifolium)
DESCRIPTION: A highly aromatic herb, grows up to 24in. high with a many-branched stem, the base is very woody.
Brightly yellowish coloured flowers reminiscent of daisies.
EXTRACTION: Essential Oil by steam distillation from the fresh flowers and flowering tops.
SKIN CARE: Abscess, acne - "Treating acne tissue with Helichrysum has proven more effective than any other essential oil" -Victoria Edwards. Allergic conditions, boils, bums, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, inflammation, scar tissue, skin spots, wounds, etc.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Asthma, bronchitis, chronic or whooping cough.
IMMUNE SYSTEM: Bacterial infections, colds, flu's, fever.
NERVOUS SYSTEM: Anger, depression, debility, lethargy, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, stress related conditions and disorders.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Liver congestion, spleen congestion.
CIRCULATION, MUSCLES & JOINTS: Muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, sciatica, sprains, strained or pulled muscles.
EMOTIONAL OR SPIRITUAL: Useful in keeping things from changing. To have everlasting love, faith and guidance.
PROPERTIES: Anti-allergenic, anti-catarrhal, anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitussive, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, hepatic, nervine.
PRINCIPAL CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS: Carophyllene (Sesquiterpenes), Neryl Acetate (Terpene Esters), Nerol (Monoterpenes), Geraniol, Pinene, Linalol.
ADDITIONAL: Also known as Everlasting or Immortelle. Helpful to detoxify people from drugs.

If we look just at the colour, that beautiful sun spinning on the tops of their green stems, we see it

relates to the sun.  The colour yellow, is associated with the 'Solar Plexus' chakra, with FIRE, digestion and what we can 'stomach', our ego, and our 'gut instinct'...
It represent the liver, which is our major clean up organ...helping us to heal wounds and to regenerate. 
So, in cases of IN-FLAMMATION, we want something that relates to FIRE, and this is one of the best to reduce inflammation and deliver amazing pain relief, IMMEDIATELY USING ESSENTIAL OIL, BUT MOST SPECIFICALLY IN THE WISEWOMAN © BLEND FROM ARCANCIENT, it contains 13 essential oils in the magical blend as it was given by Archangel Gabrielle, to share and help ‘a lot of other women/people’.
Is it only for women?  NO, it is for anyone who suffers from pain and inflammation.  It has provided almost instant relief for sciatica sufferers, carpal tunnel, and of course, neck and shoulders that are tight and sore, also find that wonderful relief, just from rolling it on and massaging into the skin.  It is simply lovely.
Obviously, it also does wonders for Endometriosis sufferers too, which it was initially created for, simply roll on the abdomen and back, massage into the area affected, and without even getting out of bed, you can alleviate that pain and discomfort, and start the day on a much better note.
So, if you have swelling, pain, etc., this is your go to blend.
In the meantime, you are naturally attending to your own essence, your ‘esse’…which of course, means to be or to exist, so where are you?  Where do you come alive?
As the stone is rolled out, that Christed being is baptized into the world anew, after ‘dying to this world’…so what are you prepared to leave behind that no longer works for you?
The 3rd Chakra also relates to anger…all that fire trapped inside the body, looking for a way out…and the body feels that distress and sends out the body’s natural chemicals to help heal and protect the body.
I am also a believer, that depression, is ‘trapped information’ that is so depressed back into the body/system, it weighs u down.  The same as a gift, that is stored in the vault of your being, bring out that gift.  It is life-giving and so as it happens, I can look back and see how amazing a blend is, much more so than its original design, but the Angelic and Devic Livingdoms, desire to help us, to mid-wife our beautiful spirit and that unique signature that is ours alone.
Once, that stone is finally rolled away from the crypt, and we birth into this world, an anointed light-being, and the river of life flows through us again, and we bless the world with the MUSE-IC of our soul.  Only you have that blue-print.
Once we give birth, to the dream that birthed us, we move back into the flow with new life and our evolutionary being realizes itself…this brings true awareness.  Awe of RA, aw Ra ness.
The other major problem we face on this planet, is the extra-ordinary amounts of pollutants and heavy metals…Helichrysum is THE BEST DETOXIFYING OIL, helping to cleanse the system.
So light up your world, anoint that essence within you, and COME ALIVE, WE HAVE BEEN WAITING LIFETIMES FOR YOU!           
Sufferer’s from Fibromyalgia and Lupus have found great relief, using the WiseWoman for specific
points of pain, and using the Arthritis & Fibromyalgia Cream © on the entire body.  In addition, the use of Sleep Angel © will help you finally get that good deep sleep, to rejuvenate and heal.  We have so many testimonials over the past 20 years, but each one brings tears of joy to my eyes.
All those blends and creams as well as the individual pure, highest available grade essential oil on the website too:
If you need specific blends made up, all you need to do is contact us, we will be happy to help you!

I am giving birth to my dreams, ARE YOU?  WHY DID YOU COME HERE?  WHAT ARE YOU?

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