Friday, May 8, 2020

You Are Everything, Scorpio Full Moon Illuminates The Soul

Lady Luna waxes into her fullness at 6:45 AM EDT on May 7th of the year 2020.  She will be fully pregnant at17*20’ of Scorpio when she stands across her paramour the sun who will be at 7*20’ of Taurus the Bull.
Mercury who is flying alongside the sun has just crossed his path reporting to him of all his findings that traveler’s whispered to him at the crossroads and he is now at 20*23’ of Taurus.
That is the essence of the Scorpio moon, divulging secrets, revealing what has been buried, as Scorpio’s ruler is Pluto who rules the underworld.
If you have been following along then you know just how much Pluto/Hades un-earthing has been and blowing up on the world stage as he has NUKED everything in his path in Capricorn/Pan, the Goat.
Pandemic, Pandemonium, Pandora’s Box, Panorama, Panacea, Panoply: NOUN, a complete or impressive collection of things. "a deliciously inventive panoply of insults" synonyms: array · range · collection and this: a full suit of armor, Knights in panoply were ready for battle. b: ceremonial attire. The nobles were in panoply for the coronation. 2: something forming a protective covering; ‘faces dim in a panoply of smoke.’ — William Baucke
Is not panoply a delicious word?  All the words are wonderful descriptors for the times we are now living.
And so, with this full moon, she discloses so much of what has been buried.  Scorpio also rules sexual reproduction and this may bring up the past assaults and we see some of the detritus of this Corona/Crown/Coronation/Coronary virus has magnified abuse of POWER in so many ways, in homes between partners, lovers and on the world stage we see the fight over power, and CONTROL.  FEAR.  No human has the right over another, not to control, not to force, and certainly not to abuse anyone.
You may also find yourself releasing the build up of highly-charged emotions running up to and after this full moon, the tears may surge like a river of darkness, trying to wash away all the hurt and pain that is ‘overflowing’ the banks of our hearts, the walls of our memories breached.
How could we drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What were we doing when we unchained this earth from its sun?” ~Nietzsche
And so, we go on, we light our candles to stand back the dark pall, and the moon shining is our reminder that even in the darkest of nights, we are given a light to find our way home.
And find that light we must.
We do not have another option, we must go inside, find the INTEGRAL HUMAN we may have lost?  What/who do you love? Husband, wife, partner, child, dog, cat, neighbor, boss, friend?
Let that energy you feel for those you love, rekindle the lost self and let that help you find your way home now, to that INNER LIGHT AND LIFE.
Let that resonate.
Pluto just went retrograde on April 26th at 24*50’ of Capricorn, so this is time to review that power, intensity, secrets, thoughts about sex, wills, health care, taxes.
The sun is starting to form a nice trine to Pluto, Jupiter and then Saturn, so that will give us a little help, to put a little light on matters and identify issues.
Mercury is too, and this will give us the words to say, speaking truth to power and he is also squaring Mars so this could get harsh or even physical, be careful.
Luckily, Venus is also forming a lovely trine to Mars her paramour too, so this kind of energy can make for nice heat in the boudoir. And help to calm down that square from Mercury to Mars.  Better to put that passion into something that will help you both feel good if possible.
th at 21*50’ Gemini, so we will definitely be reviewing past loves, where we went wrong and what we did right.  It is also money, but a lot more about communications about money, or buying and selling. 
Good time to review why you need to love yourself, first.  Self-talk, write yourself a letter, even a past you.
Venus is also in shadow, she will station retrograde on May 13
Jupiter is still conjunct Pluto, that is a lot of expansion on this whole Plutonian concept that I listed above.

Hang in there, what a ride we are on, eh?
Well, we are heading into an eclipse cycle next month, so...yeah...things are going to start heating up.  Hey, I am just the messenger!  PRAY, MEDITATE, YOGA, REIKI, WALK IN NATURE, do what you got to do!

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