Sunday, December 13, 2020

Eclipsing The Dawning Of The Age Of Aquarius

The much anticipated, solar eclipse happens on Monday, December 14th at 11:16AM EST that we have been forecasting about since 2017 is finally here.

Lady Luna and our solar ambassador will meet up at 23*08’ Sagittarius and the moon shall occlude the sun, where some people will get a treat and rare glimpse of the SUN’S CORONA.  It will be exceptionally bright.

I highlight that it is the CORONA, since we have all been dealing with the Corona19 virus all year.

For those who read this blog, you know how many times I have spoken about this WINDOW between the Great USA Fire Eclipse.  This is the Sagittarius doorway between the two major US eclipses.

On the world stage, expect things to get even more bizarre.

That last full moon, lunar eclipse is trying to squeeze out the TRUTH, as quickly as it is obfuscated again.

Now you see it, and now you don’t.

In the meantime, the sun just had a massive CORONAL mass ejection!!  The northern lights might be seen farther south, that includes PA and Ohio!

We also have a meteor shower on display.

Eclipses happen on or alongside the nodes of the moon, the head and tail of the dragon.  This one has the tail, at 19* Sagittarius, where what has gathered in the past 6 months since the mid-summer eclipses are now being deposited.  The past has come home to visit.  What did we teach and learn?  What has been our experience with foreigners and immigration, travel, and the law?

Have we leaned to get along?  Are we coming together or is the divide growing farther apart?

Gemini/Sagittarius axis is all about communication and travel.

A deep longing for communing with friends and family has been stoked up and the divide has some in a fever pitch, while Mars is now at 20* Aries, still swimming alongside of Eris the Goddess on a mission for justice and they are squaring Pluto who is at 23* Capricorn.
This could be a rather explosive configuration.  Those who have no skill set for diplomacy or civil discourse, can resort to physical exchanges.

The earth may also grumble and moan under this stress, as Eris asks for vengeance against a populace whose irascibility and refusal to concern themselves with our own planet’s well-being, as well as her children's has gone on for far too long.
The upcoming year will have us focusing on her health, as a planet in crisis comes fully into focus.

Neptune sitting in the middle of the nodes at 18* PIsces, is still blurring the lines between what is real and what is a complete illusion.  This can make the mutable signs: PIsces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, seriously tired of the long haul that never seems to end.  It can feel like building sandcastles with a lot of work that erodes the foundations they have been rebuilding for what seems like an eternity now.

Cardinal signs: Capricorn (hang in there, for many of you, that long hard road of feeling ‘boxed in with no where to go’), Aries, Cancer’s and Libra’s, have been organizing like crazy.  In some cases, rebuilding completely after the storm has wiped them out.

But with Saturn and Jupiter now entering the Anaretic degrees, so you are now entering MASTERY of those hard learned lessons.  You are getting your MASTER’S DEGREE.

Have you built up your foundations on a solid ‘rock’ now?  Something that has a well-thought-out structure/plan?  Not just on ‘hopes and dreams’?

Then you are about to begin to live your dream.

Responsibility and organization can bring FREEDOM.
Of course, Pluto is still at 23* Capricorn forming a semi-sextile to this Solar Eclipse, crystalizing that transformation and evolutionary path that has all but left scorched earth in its path.

The archer is pulling back her arrow, and emotions take over, as well as those that seem to get in the way becoming apparent.  Mother energy unites, to rise up and heal the great divide.  Enough is enough.

It still has a couple years left to finish evolving those cardinal degrees, even those who once were sure-footed and full of confidence in undertaking new ventures, may feel a bit reticent and a whole lot more cautious than in times past.

Of course, the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, you should feel the ground trembling underneath you, the blood beginning to rise up as though from the center of the galaxy herself as literally we have been dancing on the Galactic Center and as Jupiter and Saturn are now one week away from the Great Conjunction, of which we have also written copiously about and will visit again before that takes place, must be prepared at this point to take to the stage with that dream THAT YOU CAME TO THIS PLANET AT THIS VERY TIME TO SEED.
That doesn’t mean it has to be grandiose, it means you are ready to show up, in whatever capacity you are able, to make this world a better place.  That may mean smiling as a customer comes in, or a patient who is worried about the future, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE NOW.  Especially those in the early degrees of the fixed signs or extremely late degrees of cardinal signs.This sets up the next 6 months or more, so be mindful of the energy fulcrum you are going to seed now.


 Look to the northern horizon (this is also the bottom of your chart, 4 to 6 on a clock) where you will be ‘awakened/enlightened’.

We have planets changing signs this month especially, Jupiter and Saturn as noted.  Aquarians, are YOU READY TO DO WHAT YOU CAME TO DO AT THIS TIME ON PLANET EARTH?  All air signs, Aquarius, Gemini will be affected, as well as those who have points or planets that are being aspected during this MAJOR TRANSIT! This is of course, all the FIXED SIGNS TOO!

This is the closest conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, since 1623!  That time they were at 8* Leo.

But the last time Jupiter and Saturn were conjoined in Aquarius was in 1405 when they were at 23* Aquarius and coincidentally, the New Moon eclipse coming up on the 14th?  Yeah, that will be at 23* Sagittarius.  This forms a hidden connection called a sextile.

I have already informed you about the 1405 Aquarius Saturn/Jupiter conjunction.  I only remind those who forget here.  So much information to hold onto!

Are you READY?  12/21/2020 Opening wave of the Age of Aquarius. 1:20PM EST

See the binary equation changing?  It is time to get past the 'we/them' scenario and energy.  The this OR that.  Right vs Left.  It is no longer energetically sustainable.  Therefore, we see the polarity so blatantly now.  How many people have lost friends, or stopped talking to relatives?  You were TRAPPED in an unsustainable BINARY equation.  The very computer you are reading this on, uses a binary sequence, 01010101.  So does the I-Ching.  64 Trigrams, just like a chessboard, where all will die for the king.

It is what is known as a magic square.  See the dimensional pattern?  But when you move a player into 'space-time', (chess players can play and move pieces in their heads, extrapolating out many moves ahead by moving the players mentally in different possible scenario's.  Thus, we have the popularity of the recent hit series; The Queen's Gambit" as I have mentioned before.

Once you successfully do this, you are moving beyond this dimension into a future of possibilities.

This is the world we are now entering.  But you must build upon the SQUARE, and then use CIRCLES, LOOPS, SACRED HOOPS to weave a new world, a SACRED BLANKET.

Otherwise, you might get caught up in a 'web of illusions'.


When the men on the chessboard, get up and tell you where to go...

Where this Great Conjunction takes please in your own chart, is KEY to your direction.


December 14th is that EYE (yes, repeating so you don’t forget).  In that eclipse.

December 21st is the Great Conjunction.

August 2017 was the entryway Remember when people came from all over the world to see the Great Solar Eclipse?  The closing doorway is in April of 2024.  We are now entering the center doorway of this GREAT ECLIPSE CYCLE.

These two TITANS, Saturn (EL, Lord of the Rings) and Jupiter (Zeus/jeZeus or Jesus, which is the beginning of the New Testament, that rises out of the stricter, Old Testament and EL, it is astrology, it is planetary, that one gave birth to the other), will 'CLASH' OR CONJOIN AT THE VERY BEGINNING, LITERALLY 00* AQUARIUS.

See the shining city on the hill yet?

Also, we have been in a GLOBAL RITUAL, with people literally fighting for their lives, to catch their BREATH.  Why?  Because of the CORONA19 VIRUS, (IT WENT VIRAL) CORONA IS CROWN.  Do you know what has a CORONA?  The sun.  But you cannot see it until it is ECLIPSED BY THE MOON.  Then, it's corona flares out of the darkness.  This is the crown of saints you see.  They have lit up their night's sky, becoming, EN LIGHT ENED.  EN LIGHT EN MENT, LIGHTING UP THE MIND'S EYE.  Let thine eye become singular.

Your HEART HAS A CORONA, it is the CROWN OF THE HEART, WHERE THE BREATH OF LIFE EXCHANGES AND POURS INTO THE HEART.  HEART IS AN ANAGRAM OF EARTH. HEARTHEARTHEART EARTHEARTHEARTH.  You see how long I have been telling you all this?   I was shown all of this in meditations and visions.

I think in part, it is because my dad taught me how to play chess when I was very young.

Now, we add to this, that 19, is the SUN in the Major Tarot (TAROT/TORAH/ROTA/ROTATION) and it is composed of a 1 (the MAGICIAN/MAGI) AND THE IX THE HERMIT.  We have all had to sequester and become HERMITS.  Why?  To go inside and turn on the LIGHTS.


Because it is up to YOU, to what degree will you turn your own vessel/ship and to what direction, are you pointing it to the SHINING CITY OF LIGHT ON THE HILL?


How obvious does Gd/creator have to make this?  If you only had the eyes to see what is right in front of you, you would see all the SIGNS.

Welcome to the new AGE.

When do we fully enter this Age? When Neptune leaves her rulership of PIsces.  See charts below.

Partial eclipse begins: 13:33:48 UT

Total eclipse begins: 14:32:28 UT

Maximum eclipse: 16:13:23 UT

Total eclipse ends: 17:54:13 UT

Partial eclipse ends: 18:53:00 UT

VISIBILITY OF ECLIPSE: It will be seen from the Pacific to the Atlantic via Chile and Argentina. The partial eclipse will be visible over southern South America.

For the Great Conjunction 2020, they are livestreaming at Exeter!  You can follow this link:

The Great Conjunction 2020 (


Waking the Deep: Eclipsing the Other Half A Full Moon In Gemini (

And here:


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