Thursday, February 11, 2021

New Moon In Aquarius And A Lot of Bull

Happy New Year!

We are just shy of a month away from the beginning of spring.  I know it may not seem like it, especially if you are up in the north, northeast where it is cold, cold, cold.  Wait, let me check, yup, it is colder than even that.

The year of the Ox!

With both Mars and Saturn in Taurus, this will really amplify this energy being born.  Like the Taurean bull, he is patient, perseveres, dependable, diligent, is slow to anger, is determined.  These reflect traditional conservative characteristics.  Metal Ox (1961, 2021) characteristics are hardworking, active, always busy, and popular among friends.

Today, we had the moon conjunct Mercury at 2:21 AM at 16* Aquarius.

At 4:55AM, the moon squared Mars when she reached 18*13’ Aquarius, to Mars in

Taurus at the same degree.

At 2:05PM 2/11/2021 we have a new moon, when the moon meets up with the sun at 23* Aquarius.  This is all about community, what we are bringing into the world, mutual agreements, and concepts.  We can expect more new ideas that will combine both inventive ways, the ‘air waves’ internet and concepts in sustaining the earth.  The more the ideas do both, the better they will be received and the more traction they will gain as time progresses.

This forms a wide square to Mars in Taurus at 18*.

Yes, we do still have Mercury retrograde at 16* Aquarius also squaring Mars in Taurus, so this is going to have us reviewing and not getting things started so easily, save for those who are returning to things they began before the retrograde.  It will still make for a hard way to go with problems coming out of the blue, things spilling or falling, etc.  So basically frustration.

Good time to plan, not so much to actually try to do.  Yes, we have had a lot of this, the windows of opportunity to move forward are just not so plentiful right now, but that is just not true for all things, or all people, especially if the timing is just right.  Mercury stations direct on the 20th.

Saturn is closing in on her square to Uranus in Taurus.  They won’t perfect that square until February 17, 2021 at 2:08 PM EST, when Saturn is at 07*13’ of Aquarius and Uranus is at 07*13’ Taurus the Bull. 

Saturn is restrictive, predictable, and conservative and Uranus is progressive and unpredictable.  This is the clashing of those who want to cling to the past and conservative measures and those who want to move forward in what could be considered progressive ways.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and the lineup as well as the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was at 00 Aquarius, so who do you think is going to win?

That’s right.  You can want the ‘good old days’ but it is futile wishes.

We are moving forward into a bold new world.

If you think your old job is coming back, well…I wouldn’t count on it happening anytime soon.  Best to come up with new ways of moving forward.

Aquarius is scientific, so expect more news about why we need to rely on science as fact. 

We can see this split between the old and new, between conservative or progressive (so called) being emphasized, as well as the ongoing debate between those who want to take the vaccination and those who do not.

It is not easy, because of the squares and Pluto in Capricorn that is still chugging along transforming structures, particularly those in government.  Those are going TO CHANGE.  No matter what anyone wants, it is a GREAT RESET.  I have been telling you this for years now.  It is ASTROLOGY.  You can’t stop this reset, you can try to point it in a direction that you believe is more to your liking, but if it is not inclusive of the COMMUNITY, then you are wasting energy and time.  BECAUSE IT IS ASTROLOGY.

So, this entire lineup in Aquarius is set to take off today. 

With the new moon, this is the birthing of this wave, it will ignite all those planets in Aquarius and the square to both Mars and Uranus in Taurus.

Light your candles and prepare.

Neptune is of course, being the slow movement planet she is, in PIsces at 19* and she is squaring the north and south node that are at 17* Gemini/Sagittarius. 

So, these planets are completely trying to prepare us, through dreams, both nighttime and those of our hopes or goals, whether that is to go forward, to leave them behind, or just how much energy we should invest in them.

Are they still valid?

Now that you have been stripped to your core, leaving only your core values, are they still important, VITAL?

The winter can find us sluggish, perhaps a few extra pounds, less outdoors time and thus, we begin to find the need to detoxify and replenish our body, mind and spirit.

You should start any detox after the full moon on February 27th.  You want to work with the moon, as she wanes, not waxes.

Also, be sure to start gently, not full speed ahead.

Nature tells us it is really time for a stronger detox when the dandelions start to bloom, they are good detoxifiers all by themselves, root, stem, leaf, and flower.

Yellow is also a good antidepressant.

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