The brightest and largest full moon of 2021 is now just days away. At 6:13AM EDT on May 26th, the moon will wax into her fullness at 4*47’ Sagittarius and turn blood red, as the May flower full moon.
The moon will move into the deepest part of the Earth’s shadow causing this
blood-red eclipse, it is the first of two lunar eclipses this year, the only
full lunar eclipse of the year.
The deepest part of the earth’s shadow…
Our shadows…and the moon is gathering like a wave…this
energy builds as she moves through Scorpio and eclipses at 4*47’ Sagittarius. She will be full at 7:13 AM EDT at 05*25’ Sagittarius. Wherever this falls in your own personal
chart/house, is where you will find an ending or culmination. You will cut away or leave behind the old
patterns or situation/issue, a carcass, snake-skin, warm on the ground beneath
the sun. Look for this Gemini/Sagittarius
axis in your chart/wheel to find the action.
Surely you must feel the energy building. Wrestled with decisions, been flattened by
the wave of energy coming in like a Tsunami?
Let us retrace a bit, shall we?
We have been dealing with a world-wide PANdemic and all the fallout since the
beginning of 2020. Corona19, which as we
have broken down for you in the past, is a I and 9, the Magician and Hermit card
leading up to the Sun/19.
Corona is obviously also the sun, (only visible during an eclipse) which the virus is named after.
All of us going through this mass ritual together.
The Magician card references awareness of the
El-ements. Earth, Air, Fire and
Water. The chemistry set. He has set about the path of enlightenment.
The Hermit, must take refuge to find the inner light, the inner sun.
All of this we have shared with you in the past.
Expect the lines to blur as the universe parts her skirt and unveils this new revelational energy to catapult our own evolution.
During the pandemic we were sequestered and tasked with turning inward to find
our own internal light, the lantern of the Hermit.
We made the comparison between the Great Conjunction of Jupiter
and Saturn last December 21st which formed the Star of the Magi and
seeded a new time frame at 00* Aquarius, and the end of the Mayan Calendar on
that same date, December 21st~ NINE ‘9’ (endings) years ago.
Wonder of wonders, I happen to be searching for something else entirely different and came across this one result, that stood out.
An article discussing the Mayan/Aztec Calendar date of 2012,
written in 2013. Sergio Magaña, author
of, “The Dawn Of The Sixth Sun”, is interviewed.
Here are some excerpts, starting with Sergio’s response tof Carol Bedrosian, the interviewer when she asks him about his predictions about
this time we are now living, the ‘Fifth Sun’:
Sergio Magaña: "According to tradition things are going
to become extreme. So I think all the extreme things that are happening… are
forcing us to change. A lot of people will suffer and some of them, of course,
will die.
The main transition between the Fifth and the Sixth Sun is
that the Fifth Sun is the sun of light. What does that mean? Light and darkness
for us isn’t good and bad; it’s a completely different interpretation. Light is
the tonal, and in the tonal how are your eyes? Opened, when you are awake. So
where do you see? Outside. Where is God? Outside. Where is the medicine?
Outside. Where is satisfaction? Outside.
The Sixth Sun into which we are entering is the sun of the inside. Like open and close, like dreaming. So God goes inside again.
The medicine goes inside. Satisfaction and the conquest will be from your inside.
We see a lot of things are changing, religions are falling, a lot of things are
moving from the sun of light to the sun of darkness.
But all these external things are the first stage of the
change because the change for us started in 1991 and got to the climax in 2012.
The first stage was twenty years of external change where a lot of our
environment modified. But now comes the
nine years until we finish the transition to 2021, where our own consciousness — the inner
part humankind — will change. 2021 is the end of the transition. For us
it’s when the cycle ends. (The Total Solar Eclipse on Dec 14th, 2020 in the middle of the Great USA FIRE PYRAMID ECLIPSE & the total lunar eclipse on May 26th 2021).
There is a transition. So. for this transition, it started
in the full eclipse that happened in Mexico in 1991 and will finish with another eclipse in 2021.
The transition will finish with an eclipse and that’s when
we will be immersed totally in the Sixth Sun. It is not exactly that it all
will happen in one day; that is more like the Mayan count. For us it has been
happening and will keep happening that religions will fall, that a lot of the
medicine systems won’t be very effective, and people will begin to look at how
to self-heal, that a lot of the satisfaction that was outside will go inside.
I think we are lucky to be able to see and to experience the transition from a sun of light to a sun of darkness because the next period will be thousands of years in the other order — interest about dreaming, interest about the unconscious, underworlds, and what cannot be seen." ~end excerpt
Beyond 2012: Recreating Ourselves in the Sixth Sun - Spirit of Change Magazine
Wow! Can you imagine
how thrilled I was to have this corroboration to my own insights and astrology?
9 years =9 months a woman carries a child. Go back 9 years ago.
What were you doing? How different
do you feel now, after going through that period? What got you impregnated and what are you giving birth to now?
Do you feel as though the layers have been peeled back
exposing your true essence? Do you have
a clearer picture?
For now, all this Neptunian energy will have us floating
back and forth over this metaphorical bridge, all spiritual activities will
help lubricate this passage, once the water breaks.
Out of Poseidon/Neptune’s waters rise the Sea Horses, our
Chariot’s racing into the whirlwinds and waves. It is our spiritual development that will
tether us through these shifting evolutionary times.
Jupiter squares the sun on 5.21.2021 when Jupiter is at 0* PIsces and the sun has ingressed into Gemini also at 0*. I cannot
emphasize enough how much this time can also sew delusion, misunderstandings (especially with Mercury ready to station RX at the end of the month in GEMINI!) and the square from a 22*Mercury in Gemini to Neptune at 22* PIsces. CH CH CH CH CHANGES!!!
In the meantime, we also just had a lovely supporting trine from Venus at 13* Gemini to a 13* Saturn in Aquarius.
This generates compromising energy, softens the vice grip some people may have had on their beliefs and can help moving forward with at least the possibility for solutions.
Utilizing all Piscean gifts, nature, music, meditation,
yoga, prayer, dream work, rituals, can make for powerful shifts and huge leaps
This powerful full blood moon will also have equal power on the tides/waters, tugging at magma’s and
putting pressure on both our earthly vessels and the earth herself. This could be a time of volcanic/earthquake activity as well as wind damage, cyclones, tornadoes.
Saturn is also stationing RX on Saturday, May 22nd at 13* Aquarius.
He will keep square dancing back and forth and exactly square Uranus in Taurus two more times this year, June 14th and lastly on December 24th.
The key word for this eclipse cycle, is IMAGINATION.
This is preparing us for the Age of Aquarius that we will fully enter in 2026.
After watching a podcast discussing human origins and how some may have been controlling the planet…since
the dawn of mankind on a pretty mainstream source, I was really stirred. Yes, this conversation takes place on
alternate formats, but that this conversation was taking place in this mainstream format took me aback. It made me think
that something is definitely coming soon on the world stage, and to expect a lot more out of the box conversations. Two days later there was a
special on 60 minutes, discussing UFO’s, now called, UAP’s I think, and showing
footage, never released to the public, documenting ‘Lights they cannot identify’.
Feel as though you have been in some sort of ‘parallel reality’ for the past 9 years? Spiritually adrift? You may feel as though you are being dropped back off, where you left off before, only a few rungs higher in perspective...hopefully! This new view will be brought by all the changes. We had to go through these REVEALING TIMES.
Now, we are far from through it all, but know that the false garments are rapidly falling, and nothing will stop this from happening as our own vestments of light are being prepared.
Expect some major breakthroughs in science, melding with the
natural world. What we VALUE about life, is going to become another major topic of discussion.
As we have been sharing now for a few years, that Magi Star
(Jup/Sat) would open dimensions. This is
the field I expect to open up exploration, more and more, as we learn to navigate between the
veils, without losing our earth cord.
(KEY/HEART). Our very humanness, what
makes us such a precious and beautiful being shining brightly in the entire
Literally shining! Our vibration beams from our own crystal chalice. A Royal Cup. We are nearly 80% water, and we are carbon based, silica or crystal, just
like our earth. Walk the beach and pick
up a handful of silica/sand. Magnified,
you will see a tiny world of crystals come to life. We of course, use crystals to transmit signals in cell phones and other technical devices and maintain perfect time in a watch.
We already transmit energy through the air, channel frequencies,
record experiences and share them in zero time instantaneously.
We can expect this to be the gift that keeps on giving, the
more we unpack vibration, waves, dimensions and increase our pursuit solving the
energy situation. It (energy) will become one of the most investigated concepts in the coming
years as crisis drives solutions and ideas.
I believe that within the year, we will begin to have public discussions about 'the other worlds/dimensions' and exchanging energy.
'For we deal not with flesh and blood, but of the things in high places we cannot see, the powers and principalities of darkness.'...Darkness being a word used to describe what you cannot see...through the dimensions that EVERY SINGLE SPIRITUAL AND INDIGENOUS TRADITIONS/STORIES ACKNOWLEDGE EXIST.
So much has cleared for you by now, the eclipse will simply continue to slowly
release whatever is left, but so much has been painfully excavated from the
depths of your many lives, that at this point, you can almost get in the boat
and ride the current. The water has broken... That is if…IF
you have shewn the wood and crafted your new vessel. Look to the house where this eclipse shows
up, watch the axis.
Air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius get a boost to help them through this
time frame, good word, old friends might show up with just the right message at
just the right time.
For Libra’s, this is most welcome of these signs, since Cardinal
signs, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra’s might not have any skin left to
From this? EMERGENCE.
Watch for that new moon partial solar eclipse coming next
month on June 10th, when a 19* New Moon in Gemini, is fertilized by
a returning Mercury in Gemini, with fresh news, seeding the eclipse energy with
the missing ingredients, and a worldwide event, or event that captures the
world sealing the deal.
Oh, say…can you SEE YET?
"We must become so alone, so utterly alone, that we withdraw into our innermost self. It is a way of bitter suffering. But then our solitude is overcome... We are no longer alone, for we find that our innermost self is the spirit, that it is God, the indivisible. And suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the world, yet undisturbed by its multiplicity, for in our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being."
~ Hermann Hesse