Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Sensual Taurus Full Moon Is Dreaming Passionately

As we look back over the past few years and more specifically this year and last year, think of how many people have been pulled into the narrative exposing a world that previously remained unknown.

No matter the belief, people are being exposed more and more to a world that has darker corners than the one they previously thought.

We now have the world wide web, connecting the grid and opening doorways and tunnels into heretofore unseen worlds.

One can wonder just how all this ‘positive thinking’ and discussion of ‘creating the world around you with your thoughts’, has perhaps been even more detrimental, as banshees screamed through the universe and dark winds blew in death and decay, those creating ‘vision boards full of summits and dreams’ may take the recent blows even harder, since our collective has been experiencing such a stark contrast to typical goals.

Now, we parse through all that is being drudged up, are we not discerning ‘good and evil’? 

Genesis 2:1616 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

…” The knowledge of good and evil” …

All traditions recount some version of human entry into this physical world and with it, temptation.

Here is another view:

In the Kabbalah, the sin of the Tree of Knowledge (called Cheit Eitz HaDa'at) brought about the great task of beirurim, sifting through the mixture of good and evil in the world to extract and liberate the sparks of holiness trapped therein.[12] Since evil no longer had independent existence, it henceforth depended on holiness to draw down the Divine life-force, on whose "leftovers" it then feeds and derives existence.[13] Once evil is separated from holiness through beirurim, its source of life is cut off, causing the evil to disappear. This is accomplished through observance of the 613 commandments in the Torah, which deal primarily with physical objects wherein good and evil are mixed together. Thus, the task of beirurim rectifies the sin of the Tree and draws the Shechinah back down to earth, where the sin of the Tree had caused Her to depart.

~ From Wikipedia

I repeat, ‘The knowledge of good and evil’.  Let’s add to this, the word ‘enlightenment’…literally, ‘lighting up the ment/mind’ we have the same path, a ‘revealing’ to see what you could not see before.

You have ‘the knowledge of good and evil’.   Omniscience. 

Pluto does this.  He exhumes and peels back the layers to expose the source, the integral core or ‘essence’.  This is part of his serpentine symbology.  He is ‘TRANSFORMATION’.  REBIRTH AS THE PHOENIX.

On April 26th Pluto stationed retrograde at 26* Capricorn the Goat.
Hopefully you have watched this little video we made; you can do so here:

To give you a better idea of the big picture.  This is the first of a series.

Here we have Pluto putting his foot down and drawing the line.  The stationing planet raises the issue, and the following retrograde cycle brings the committee’s together to RE-view the issues that the planet governs and is triggering or activating.  DECODING AND DECLASSIFYING FOR YOUR AWARENESS AT THE DESIGNATED TIME.

Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, starting back in 2008.

Pluto will be travelling in Capricorn until November 20, 2024.   He entered on January 26, 2008.

Capricorn is the government, rules, regulations, leadership, and restrictions. 

On April 27th, Pluto came within a degree of returning to his position in the US chart.  We can see the turmoil that our government is experiencing, more so than it has seen internally since its founding.  The Capitol insurgence living proof of this civil unrest.

Pluto then stationed retrograde as previously stated.  He won’t get close again until the beginning of next year.  That still leaves us with 2 more years until Pluto finds his way out of Capricorn and ingresses into Aquarius and at that time, a very different theater will have emerged.

For now, Pluto will continue to finish the work he came to do, as he dismantles governments and the traditional corporate structure, we have grown accustomed to, giving birth to a Pluto ready to rebuild corporations in the community when he enters Aquarius at the end of 2026.  This will put the finishing touches on the cardinal signs, clearing house, leaving only the bare bones.

This is true for wherever Pluto is transiting in your own personal chart.  Where is 26,27,28 degrees, indeed all the way into early Aquarius in your own chart?

Now, Saturn who is at 13* Aquarius and will be at that degree the entire month of May (Perfect for the May CROWNING/CRONING) is rebuilding.  Where has 00*Aquarius come splashing into your own chart to push you like a paddle boat, where you can ride that wake?
On May 3rd, the sun at 13* Taurus squared Saturn who is at 13* Aquarius.

To add to the transformational energy of Pluto retrograde, we have the upcoming TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE on May 26th at 5* Sagittarius.

So, as the past month has had us all in review mode, reviewing our restrictions and limitations this eclipse will help us close the door as we watch old parts and pieces of ourselves, sucked away in the currents and undertows in the wake behind us.
This new moon on May 11th at 2:59PM EDT, lady luna meets up with her solar paramour at 21*17’ Taurus.  Here she is sensual and lusty, excited as the winds blow across the skin, Taurus rises to meet the touch.  Taurus ‘I Have’…is all about worth and on the other extreme end, Scorpio (Pluto’s rulership) is about old age, retirement, wills, investments.   Many are navigating through these waters, issues with Pluto adding to the ‘FEAR’ AND SATURN threatening that there is never going to be enough.

These are running themes.

Corporations are finding that they like having people work from home, for several reasons, not the least of which is saving money on overhead.  Imagine a city like New York when the need for office space continues to evaporate?  See the dominos? 
This is part of Pluto in Capricorn and the Capricorn lineup in January last year, as well as the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at 00* Aquarius on December 21st last year.

While the planets are getting ready to kick it into high gear with the upcoming eclipse window we have just entered, it would be good to re-right and correct course infusing those brilliant strokes your imagination is blooming, so you can manage the ballast as the river picks up steam and the current gets a little wilder.

Taurus sinks us into the body…she wants you to take it slow and appreciate how it all feels.  A deliciously prepared and dressed meal, Taurus is like the south of France on a warm day, bursting with pleasure, colour, and sensuality.  Taurus wants to wrap herself in luxury, so she knows she is successful. 

The sun and moon at 21* Taurus also form a lovely sextile to Neptune at 22* PIsces. 

Time to catch up on some sleep, take an afternoon nap and wake with  pen and pad within reach to journal the gifts being given to you, open them up with a fragrant cup of hot tea and watch the dimensions unfold as the deeper meanings both to you personally and spiritually are revealed.

Mutable signs as well as fixed will feel both the allure and magic of Neptune’s charms and the desire to realize using Taurean’s earthly stability.
Saturn at 13* Aquarius is also still in the energy of the square to Uranus who is at 11* Taurus.  The sun activated Uranus when they met up 10 days ago.  This will continue to trigger both brilliance, genius, inventions, and earth tumult in the form of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, etc., this will increase during this eclipse period and remain of concern throughout the rest of 2021.

On June 14th we will experience another exact square from Saturn to Uranus at 13*

AQ/TAU and the final square is on Dec 24th when they are at 11* respectively.

Jupiter at 29* of Aquarius, is giving us our second to last chance as he magnifies the issues and meaning of community and what our future holds, as the world explodes with technology and innovations whose consequences we may not have fully considered; squares Venus who has entered Gemini and is now at 3*.
On May 13th, Jupiter ingresses into PIsces where he will remain until after he stations retrograde at 2* PIsces on June 21st and re-enters PIsces on Dec 29th after stationing direct on October 18th at 22* Aquarius.  This will give us the first run through of Jupiter through PIsces, of which Jupiter formerly/traditionally ruled.

This will expand the dream world and reconnect that spiritual world that may have eluded some of you for a while, or so it seemed.

On May 21st, the sun will square Jupiter and this energy, and with Neptune also in rulership at 22* PIsces.  Turn on the MUSE IC!  Get out the paint and turn up the romance, this is magical.
On May 24th, Saturn stations retrograde at 13* Aquarius, just in time to set the stage for the Total eclipse.

Take advantage of this time running up to the Full Super Blood Moon Eclipse on May 26th at 4* Sag occluded by the shadow of the earth as she sails in front of the sun.
On May 28th, Mercury stations retrograde at 24* Gemini which is ruled by Mercury, making this a double whammy.

Taurus will help us to love ourselves whole again, Mercury can assist writing that letter that we have been putting off writing.  The one to ourselves where we forgive, telling us how much we appreciate and VALUE the life we have managed to live this far.

When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are,





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