Sunday, December 5, 2021


The New Moon eclipse December 4th at 12*22’ Sagittarius is at 2:42AM EST, so it will not be visible in
North America. Mercury is combust at 15* forming a wide square to Neptune who is at 20*PIsces, so communication matters can be tricky at best. What may have seemed obvious at first, may prove to be far more complicated and nuanced.

Jupiter is flying at 25*Aquarius which squares Mars at 23*Scorpio while Saturn at9* Aquarius is getting closer to his exact square to Uranus who is now Retrograde at 11* Taurus.  Venus at 22* Capricorn is saddling up to 25*Pluto in Capricorn tightening up the budget for some and bringing calamity to others.  We will see fortunes rise and fall during this cycle, especially piggybacking on the previous solar eclipse, giving us a 6-month period of upheaval for many, including countries and governments.

Mars is also getting support from Neptune in the form of a trine, so if ever you wanted to ignite your dreams, this is just the energy to do so.

Watch for increasing Corona19 ISSUES/CONTRACTIONS... When will IMMUNITY finally increase enough to push back this eclipsing parasite?  Light those CANDLES TO THE DARKNESS.   Pray, as we make islands/beads of safety, like Rosary's or Mala beads throughout the earth connecting community's that will spring up everywhere in the next decade.

Much like the spark created with enough friction, these times will create huge fires of destruction that will also ILLUMINATE OUR DESTINY.  The long shadows cast from the inferno frightening even the most intrepid spirits among us.

While we are looking at the heavens for the ‘signs and wonders’ that will guide us, inside the window of the Great USA eclipse of 2017/2024, we have a once in a lifetime comet making an appearance in December too, we will be able to see Leonard with the aid of a telescope just after December opens, by December 12th he will become visible to the naked eye.  Comet Leonard should put on quite the show, coming closest to the sun as we head into 2022.  Yes, this party is just getting started, hang on.

We’re leading up to Venus RX on December 19th at 26* Capricorn after conjoining Pluto just 1* earlier.

Full Moon on December 18th on the Galactic Center at 27* Sagittarius from this new moon eclipse, preparing us for the final exact square from Saturn to Uranus on Christmas Eve at 11* Aquarius to Taurus respectively.

Jupiter makes his ingress into PIsces on December 29th.

“The coincidence is god’s way of remaining anonymous”

-Albert Einstein

The comet of the century, Leonard, is heading toward Earth. Some believe it heralds the end of the world. | by Call me V | Nov, 2021 | Medium


The comet was discovered in January 2021 and designated C/2021 A1. The discovery was made by G.J. Leonard at Mount Lemmon Observatory. It is currently located in the vicinity of Jupiter. The object is heading towards our Solar System at an unimaginable speed (254399 km/h). On December 12th it will come close to Earth and will be visible to the naked eye. However, a week earlier it will be possible to admire the comet with optical instruments.

The comet will then fly towards the Sun, which it will approach most closely on January 3, 2022. It will probably be the first time that this object appears in our Solar System.

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