Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Reflecting Luna Revealing the Emotional Seas Rising In Cancer

On June 28th at 10:52PM Lady Luna meets up with her shining ONE, our sun at 7*22’ Cancer, who the moon rules.  The moon represents the MOTHER, and she rules Cancer and the 4th house of FAMILY.

They form an EXACT square to Jupiter at 7* Aries the Ram.

This heightens the tension for NEW BEGINNINGS to EXPAND.  While Jupiter in Aries asks us who ‘I AM’, this creates fertile ground to create new beginnings for the NEW YOU that is being born in the tempestuous seas, the heavens are symphonizing to REVEAL YOUR INNER LIGHT.


What has the revolutions around our solar light, REVEALED ABOUT YOU?  What have you learned?  What WISDOM can you now impart to others?  What is HOME to you?

Now is the time to nurture and mend and create your own MOTHER AND HOME, where you can EXPAND YOUR KNOWLEDGE and learn whatever it is, you feel you don’t know about yourself and your HIGHER KNOWLEDGE AND PHILOSOPHY ABOUT LIFE, as well as your place in the order.

Mars at 25*40’ of Aries conjoining a 24*58’Eris (his sister, bearer of the GOLDEN APPLE LEGEND) is once again riding in his chariot with him, and the two are squaring a 27* Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, which can rattle the sabers and ready the siblings for BATTLE/WAR.

Pluto has been REVEALING THE TRUTH OF OUR SOULS.  He has devastated and imploded anything that does not have the INTEGRITY of the TRUTH in the hierarchies, as well as the ORDER OF THINGS, that includes our own order in life, priority’s and what we believe about those in positions of leadership, the EL-ite and the Elect.  Who have you elected in your own life as ruler, what is YOUR OWN GUIDING LIGHT? 

Luke (LIGHT) mentions this when he talks about the Coming of the Kingdom:
22Then He said to the disciples, “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. 23 People will tell you, ‘Look, there He is!’ or ‘Look, here He is!’ Do not go out or chase after them. 24For just as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other, so will be the Son of Man in His day.…~Luke 17:23

For the kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU.

This has been especially personal for the cardinal signs, Capricorn and Cancer, as Pluto has EVOLVED through Capricorn since 2008, and then those epic squares to Uranus in Aries in 2004/2005 all leading to his fruition when he will leave Capricorn (FINALLY) and ingress into Aquarius in 2024, leaving a trail of destruction behind him, for the new earth to be born.

This has also squared the other cardinal signs, Aries, and Libra.

Pluto is readying to return for the second time to the natal US Pluto on July 11th, the second last square, the final being on December 28th at the end of this year.

Now Saturn/EL/Lord of the Rings is retrograde at 24* Aquarius and this forms a lovely and supportive sextile to Mars/Eris, so while the dynamic duo can create some internal and external strife, EL is asking us to hold onto VISIONS OF THE FUTURE. 

Everything is conspiring to REVEAL to us, our own INNER LIGHT, TRUTH AND STRENGTH, by showing us our weaknesses, all while Neptune who just stationed retrograde now at 25* PIsces, has been pulling back the curtain and EXPOSING EVEN MORE hidden truths, HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT FOR THOSE WITH INTEGRITY AND THE EYES TO SEE.

Neptune is forming a supportive trine to this new moon, smoothing the waters and soothing the spirit of tumult.

She seduces us into a slumber and asks us to flow in the natural currents, trusting the steady hand of the goddess, who will balance this great division and wipe clean the slate.

Cancer is a cardinal sign of new beginnings, while PIsces is part of the mutable cross, where we also find Mercury at 18* Gemini where he is also in rulership and stimulating our THOUGHTS/THOTH’s and mind, though not necessarily in a comfortable way, since he is forming a semi-sextile to Uranus at 17* TAUrus, Uranus the GREAT TRANSFORMER rules the UNEXPECTED and also brilliance, genius and ideas and THOUGHT out of the blue.  He is the higher octave of Mercury.  This discomfort stimulates us to find answers, questioning what we thought we knew, to find the new EARTH in TAUrus, of what we truly VALUE.

The entire universe is CONSPIRING TO EXPOSE OUR HIGHER TRUTH, OUR CHRISTED BEING, that is gestating in the birth canal, the waters of PIsces, filling the vase/jar of AQUARIUS THE WATER-BEARER, to give birth to our CHRISTED/ANOINTED BEINGS as we enter the Age of Aquarius in 2026.

Aquarius is an air sign, but SHE IS THE WOMAN WITH THE JAR THAT WE ARE TO FOLLOW INTO HER HOUSE.  This is none other than Mary Magdalene, who is walking this EARTH, right now and SHE WILL NOT BE DENIED HER RIGHTFUL PLACE ON THE THRONE, ALONG WITH HER FISHER KING CREATING THE BALANCE OF THE DIVINE FEMININE AND MASCULINE, after 2000 years of the energy of dominance, aggression, competition to climb the mountain and rule over others, she is asking us to COOPERATE and LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

She is the MASTER ALCHEMIST; she is the Patron Saint of Aromatherapy.

The bain-marie (double boiler) is the original form of distillation that we make Her DIVINE ESSENCES/aromatherapy, that have captured and become intoxicated with the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

It is precisely why aromatherapy has become so prominent now, and those of us CALLED TO HER SERVICE have faithfully served Her, to share this light, the truth, and the WAY, through our HEARTS.  THE ONLY WAY.

As usual, the overly yang energy has once again usurped the true servants, who have toiled and worked for HER, and commercialized and corrupted this light to control and corporatize for financial profit.

That is why any real servant, aromatherapist, absolutely will NOT USE THESE CORRUPTED VERSIONS OF THE TRUTH.

One of them, even ‘trademarked’ the term: therapeutic grade, which does not make them better, it is a trick, a trick of THIEVES.

These people have no idea that they are OCCLUDING the light within, by using a FALSE LIGHT.  They become ‘fake’ and superficial, not REAL/GENUINE, and often mutter words about ‘prosperity and abundance’, showing their own disparity and exposing their true selves.

We keep faithfully carrying our PASSION.




This world will seduce you into the ILLUSIONS OF EXTERNAL COMMODITIES, drawing

you and your energy away from the true light, that is shining, waiting for you to tend to your own light and inner guidance, for you to become the leader, not seek one externally.

While Saturn continues to square the north and south nodes who are at 21*TAUrus and Scorpio respectively, they are breaking up the ‘status quo’ and will continue to do so into the fall eclipses.

This can be stressful to say the least, as the OLD ORDER CRUMBLES, for the new ORDER.  THIS IS ASTROLOGY, we must create the NEW ORDER WE WANT, not just tremble (even as the earth will be trembling during these dissonant energies) in fear at what is being done, WE MUST ALIGN WITH THE STARS TOO, CREATING THE WORLD WE WANT. 
This is not about being ‘victims’ but BEING WHO WE CAME HERE TO BE RIGHT NOW.

That fixed cross: TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are feeling the powerful shift of energy, realigning them onto their true path, and DEMANDING THEY RISE TO THEIR TRUE LIGHT, OR CRUMBLE AND IMPLODE WITHIN.

This is where we see Jesus on the center cross, which is the FIXED CROSS/Ezekiel’s wheel, as we have shared with you so many times now.

It is the cross on the wheel of fortune in the tarot and on the World Card. We see the attack on the right of selfhood, and the mother/moon/cancer as Pluto and Mars create the warring factions of oppression, and all matter and means will be used to try and maintain the dominance of the masculine energy to subvert the rightful place of the divine feminine as equal partners, so necessary to balance this earth and US.


We must rise like the Phoenix from the ashes, as SHE CALLS US TO ORDER, TO SERVICE, WHERE WE MUST WALK THE PATH OF TRUTH AND FAITH.





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