Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Head of the Dragon Swallows Mars While Uranus Throws Down Bolts of Lightning

The very act of reading this, is proof of our overall privilege and how far most humans on planet earth have evolved to this date (especially in the developed countries, like the US and much of Europe, Canada, etc.)  It is still 30% or lower in countries like Africa.
But think about this.  During Jesus’s time, fewer than 2% of the average population in Israel, were literate.  Jesus quoting scripture in the temple at the age of 12 becomes more incredible, when we take this into consideration.

Most scholars agree, that the Jews in Jesus’ days had a literacy rate as low as 2-3 percent, but others estimate as high as 20%.  Very likely, Jewish literacy rates were higher than Greek and Roman societies because of training in their synagogues.  In Western Europe during the Middle Ages literacy decreased, probably to under 1%.

The period from 1982 to 2002 has seen a 10 percent drop-in literacy rates.  So, we must be aware of our past, and considerate and appreciative, as well as actively protective of how far, humanity has advanced.  We cannot become complacent; we should be actively thinking of ways to not only increase literacy but create advancements and new ways of learning and educating ourselves and others.

As usual, there is a reason I even began to ruminate over this, and more importantly perhaps, even the spoken word, which is ‘S-WORDS’ (SWORDS) in the tarot and ruled by Mercury/Hermes. This would be the 3rd house, Gemini.  The higher form of this communication is the opposite house that Jupiter rules, college level education and higher, philosophy, foreigners, long trips (as opposed to short trips) the 9th house of Sagittarius.

If you recall, I told you a little while back, that I had made what I believe to be a very interesting insight/connection that I would share.  I regret to inform you that I will not be sharing that with you, at least not anytime soon.

The reason is that I tried to share some of that with someone I felt to be ‘ready’ to hear the information, only to have a response that ‘frightened’ me, because she was misunderstanding what I began to try and share.  She took this information to a place, that I realized, many others could also and that is NOT my intention, nor do I ever want the information to be misconstrued in such a way, that it could have serious consequences.

It wrestled within me for days.  I could not ‘settle’ my spirit and was unfit company, until a very good friend of mine, that I have been on this path and we have been through some interesting struggles as well as disturbing experiences, where we learned very difficult truths about other people we know, especially some of the teachers and people we know, many look to for guidance.

Again, this is a sort of ‘witnessing’, that G-d provides us, to help ALL OF US, on our own paths.

Luckily, this all happened, BEFORE I shared, thus sparing me what would or could have become, ‘extremely uncomfortable’ repercussions and an unsettling in me, that I am not sure I could live with.

There is POWER in both the written and spoken word, that once was only held in the EL-ite, circle of the High Priests and a few Royal Family members.  I wonder how the evolution back then, the very act of Jesus to begin to preach and explain some of the deeper truths, causing great concern.  Control is not always a bad thing, when you consider this one simple truth.  What is said in public, has consequences.  Sometimes those consequences can cost people’s lives.

We can see what the current planetary situation is creating, especially what is considered ‘truth’ or not.

When we are all living in this world together, what we experience collectively is the result of all our own thoughts, consciousness, evolution.  It is not just a ‘they’, for we are all connected, like it or not.

That brings me to the current astrological climate, which is beginning to bubble and brew under the surface, and if you have ANY sensitivity or AWARE ness at all, you have already begun to feel this, sizzling under our feet.

This year, we are experiencing the ‘FIXED CROSS’ eclipses, as I and others have stated many times now.  That is the BREAKING DOWN of what we were CONVINCED, was ‘written in stone’ and ‘ABSOLUTE’.  The very structure and fabric of our society is being torn asunder, even as we watch statues being brought to the ground, of once sung hero’s most of us were taught were of great importance historically.

This is not meant to ‘take a side’ on these events, but to bring to your attention, the VISIBLE MANIFESTATION OF DEEP CHANGES.

The last time we experienced these ‘fixed cross eclipses’, was in Leo/Aquarius back in 2018/2019 in Leo/Aquarius.  In TAUrus and Scorpio was in 2013, 2014, and 2015.  When it hits TAUrus, that is EARTH CHANGING.

Leo is FIRE, Aquarius is AIR, Scorpio is WATER, and TAUrus is EARTH.

So, to get a glimpse or flavor of these times, look back to those.

We must also add some of the significant astrological factors to this mix, such as Pluto’s transit of Capricorn, which began in 2008 and then the squares to Uranus on the Jewish High Holy Days in 2014/2015.  The lineup and beginning of the ‘global reset’ (again, this is astrology, no matter what conspiracy theorists are claiming, and those who have their hands on the reigns of the EARTH’s MAAT ers, ALL USE MASTER ASTROLOGERS, THAT IS A FACT, ALL THROUGH HISTORY.  So, they WISELY align with the stars) which was on January 12th of 2020, all the new conjunctions at 00* Aquarius, of which I have written about many times now.  These are only SOME of the considerations, but they are important, just too numerous to mention in this piece.

We also ‘spiral’ around the sun, EVOLUTING, and each time we do, in this life and in previous lifetimes, we are PROGRESSING.  We draw charts for just such an evolution in astrology too, based on your natal chart and the current time, which we draw comparisons with also.

Anyone can look down the stairwell of a spiral staircase, to see where you have climbed, where you are, and how much farther one must go to reach the apex.  (Saturn/Capricorn)

Well, this year has all the ‘snap, crackle, and pop’ one would expect (and predict, as many of us have) as we are experiencing the 2nd Pluto return in the US, the last will be at the end of the year, exact on December 28th, after the last Uranus square to Saturn that will come within minutes of exactitude this fall, as well as the eclipses in October and November.

What you are ‘CURRENTLY’ feeling, is Uranus at 18*23’, just minutes away from the position he will station retrograde at, 18*55’ on August 24th, and days away from conjoining the North Node (head of the dragon/demon/Rahu) July 31st at 18*31’, just 3 days after the new moon in Leo at 5* on July 28th and the very next day, Mars joins this trio, ALL IN THE FIXED SIGN OF TAURUS.

This will become personal, for those with planets and points/aspects in the fixed signs; Leo, Aquarius, TAU-rus and Scorpio, between 0*/1*to 09* and 14* to 17*/21*.   Que, Carol King, “I feel the earth, move, under my feet, I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down.”

The Leo new moon on July 28th at 1:54PM EDT, at 5*28' Leo, will be like lighting a match, to a fuse that could set off, TNT.  This is not just personal, this is planetary.  Mars RULES WAR.

His sister, Eris goddess of strife and discord, is still riding in her own chariot of fire, retrograde at 25* Aries, squaring a retrograde 27* Pluto in Capricorn.
Oh, and Lady Luna will oppose Neptune the day after that Uranus/N Node conjunction when Mars hits up that party too.
This will most likely be another EXPLOSION of CORONA and the related viral storms accompanying that poisonous cocktail, now pouring over the country and elsewhere, so take precautions.
YOU CANNOT HAVE ENOUGH ARCOFTHEANCIENTS BREATHING EASY AND IMMUNE UP RIGHT NOW.  YOU CANNOT.  Please, go over the list I sent out several times already, and take the necessary precautions.  Hey, you think I want to be the bearer of bad news.  www.arcoftheancients.com  See one of your local distributors.

NO, I DO NOT.  There are also many long-term consequences that will also become more prolific and hit the news in more ways than we have seen so far.

Remember, this is tapping into that Pluto/Saturn line up at 22* Capricorn, from the full moon!  That will strongly affect the Cardinal Signs, who just about can’t take one more minute of tumult; Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

…And now, I must take a moment to cry…because this is hitting my own 1* Leo Moon and my 3* Neptune and 5*Jupiter in Scorpio, that widely conjoins my Ascendant.  The moon, is family, (EMOTIONS) HOME, COUNTRY, Jupiter is Zeus, who EXPANDS EVERYTHING, can add OPTIMISM AND JOY, but also be a stern taskmaster and rebuker, and Neptune?  She can be SUFFERING AND ILLUSIONS, ESCAPISM (YES, I want to escape, but there is no where to run to baby, no where to hide) and she is also DREAMING/NIGHTMARES, MUSIC, ART, MOVIES.

So, I don’t just write this, I FEEL IT DEEPLY TOO.



But we will NEED EACH OTHER, because this could get very difficult, and it is all leading up to the fall fun and games, as I have already stated.

We will feel this most acutely the closer to the 28th-5th of August, but it won’t be going away, since

Uranus is dragging half the waters above with him, as he slows down to idle, creating a whirlpool in the heavens above, that will rock the entire OCEAN and send SHIVERS THROUGH THE EARTH.

This is not just the strong potential for the ESCALATION OF WAR-s-, but any number of planetary cataclysms, such as: EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS, HURRICANE’S, TORNADIC WEATHER, FIRES, etc.
This may bring bad news regarding the Petro Dollar, as this squabble with Putin and his ruble and oil, may end up tipping the balance of powers even further, and this deeply disturbs me, for economic reasons that are too far reaching, to even begin to enumerate.  I wouldn't want to get on a plane during this time...that is certain.

For now, we can at least be grateful that gas prices have come down, lower than just a month ago.  That food continues to be stocked on shelves and local farmers and food circles have sprung up and people have gone back to gardening themselves in record numbers.

Things are coming tumbling down, what are you BUILDING NOW, that is in SERVICE to others and this EARTH/HEART?

If you can help, help…if you have something that someone you know needs, share and you can afford it, or you have enough yourself, DO THE RIGHT THING.  This is all about the way forward.


We better get used to this because none of this will shift anytime soon. 
It’s an inside job.  Use box-cutters and cut yourselves out of the conformity and belief that once governed your world/mind.  This is a time for NEW IDEAS TO SHOW THE WAY FORWARD.

“Nothing is too wonderful to be true.” Michael Faraday


His disciples questioned him and said to him, “Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe?”  Jesus said, “Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered.”

Jesus said, “Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man.” 

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