Friday, January 20, 2023

Blue Star Prophecy and the Comet of Singularity?


Sailing across the heavens, a blue star has been caught on camera, in the link I am sharing with you.  I am sharing two links, one will elaborate on the Blue Star Prophecy from the Hopi Indians, (I share the Prophecy Rock on the blog, many times now).

But this is extremely interesting at the very least.

“First, the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. Then the Blue Star Kachina would physically appear in our heavens which would mean that we were in the end times.”
and it continues:

“In the final days we will look up in our heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped create this world in the birthing time. Poganghoya is the guardian of our north pole and his Brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the south pole.”

“In the final days, the Blue Star Kachina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the earth to its natural rotation which is counterclockwise. Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier – The Red Kachina, who will bring the day of purification. On this day the earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever.”

If you read the last blog, (I combined two blogs, one I had started before the last one, on 'the Singularity', if you missed that, you may want to revisit this now) Here is a link to the previous blog and Singularity: Waking The Deep: Waves of the Future Dawn in the Aquarius New Moon (

Of the nine things to look for, that herald the end of times, we have already gone through 8, the final is the blue star.  

Here is the link to the Blue Star Prophecy:

This is the Hopi Prophecy Rock

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Waves of the Future Dawn in the Aquarius New Moon

Aquarius New Moon, January 21st 2023 3:53PM EST 01*32’.

Ezekiel’s wheel within wheels

So, once I again, I turn you to this very often repeated scripture, Ezekiel’s vision, of wheels within wheels.

And as I have also often stated, this is the ‘FIXED CROSS’, which adorns many altars, without the true knowledge of the hidden meaning of which, I am only sharing parts of the mystery. I am always learning too, so the mystery is much deeper, and I am empty vessel that is being filled with the LIVING WORD TO ILLUMINATE MY BEING AND SHOW THE WAY.

Ezekiel 10
9Then I looked and saw four wheels beside the cherubim, one wheel beside each cherub. And the wheels gleamed like a beryl stone. 10As for their appearance, all four had the same form, like a wheel within a wheel. 11When they moved, they would go in any of the four directions, without turning as they moved. For wherever the head faced, the cherubim would go in that direction, without turning as they moved. 12 Their entire bodies, including their backs, hands, and wings, were full of eyes all around, as were their four wheels. 13I heard the wheels being called “the whirling wheels.”

14Each of the cherubim had four faces: the first face was that of a cherub, the second that of a man, the third that of a lion, and the fourth that of an eagle.

Beryllium (Be), formerly (until 1957) glucinium, chemical element, the lightest member of the alkaline-earth metals of Group 2 (IIa) of the periodic table, used in metallurgy as a hardening agent and in many outer space and nuclear applications.

Beryllium is found in beryl and emerald, minerals that were known to the ancient Egyptians.

The most expensive beryl is an emerald, which is distinguished by a clean green tint and no defects.

So, I share this with you now, because on this new moon in Aquarius at 1*, we again get a taste of the AGE THAT WE ARE ENTERING.

Astrology is wheels within wheels.  Aquarius is part of that fixed cross, it is the 'face of a cherub'.

The great angelic spheres are always spinning, and just as I shared with you in the previous blogs, the idea of the Chariot’s wheels, touching a speck of ground but able to turn and move in any direction; this is also what we can do using astrology.  No when to turn, move forward and in what direction. 

It is one of alignment, when the planets begin motion, changing directions, changing signs (as Pluto and Saturn do this year, and Jupiter shifted back into Aries already and will shift into TAUrus this year too.)

(See picture above with information on dates and degrees), we ready ourselves to move into the direction, our head is looking/turned.

We must also have as clear a picture of the way forward, what are we prepared for?  How much is in the tank, how far can we go?

We don’t go against the movement of the stars.

Now, I remind you that this is all a GRAND DESIGN. That is why I say to you: 26“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27“And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? 28“And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 30“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! ~ Matthew 6:26

Measure for measure.

You see, we are told how much we are valued, and just as the planet's movement is perfectly timed, this is all done in perfect orchestration, knowing that like the lilies, we cannot force them to open before it is time.

God knows us, and so we are all being prepared, and the timing is just so, to bring us into such closeness, and this new moon will be at its closest distance to Earth for the last 992 years. The next time the New Moon is this close to Earth will be 345 years from now, making this the closest New Moon in 1337 years.

January 21, 2023: Closest New Moon Since the Middle Ages (

So, this is the closest and therefore the largest, since the 11th century!

However, by its very nature the new moon is when she is in her darkest phase.

But this is when we seed the universe with what we want to grow.
We’ve already had several planets conjunct in these early degrees of Aquarius in the past year, Venus conjunct Mars at 00* Aquarius on March 6th 2022, and Saturn conjunct Jupiter back on December 21st 2020 at 00*29’, all heralding the coming Age and giving us a harbinger of things to come.

Look back at those dates and see where you were in your life, recall what was happening on the planet, on the world stage?

We will want to plan accordingly, lighting the appropriate candle for your ritual that is opening the Chinese New Year of the Black Water Rabbit.

So, Aquarius as I have stated in the previous blogs, needs the scaffolding of Saturn underneath, to give us the proper framework with which we can weave in and out of this world and into the other dimensions that are opening.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and this is an intelligence of the Air Waves, it is the social networks you are reading this very blog from, it can be virtual reality and all things VIRTUAL.

With Uranus in TAUrus, this ignites the possibility of electronic money, or ‘bitcoin’, I expect the government in this country as well as others to at the very least, open the dialogue about their intention to create this crypto currency, and here is where it is important, ‘backed by the government’, which is related to the recent scandal of the cryptocurrency devaluation and subsequent arrest of Anatoly Legkodymov and Sam Bankman-Fried (there have been others in the past too).  Where is this all headed?  Cashless society?  What door do we WANT TO OPEN and what safeguards do we have in place?  The TAU/TAO

How can the people still have cash as an option?  I just don’t think it is ever a good idea for the people, to hand over too much control, because even the best intentions are all too often coopted by those with nefarious plans for control.
The truck drivers in Canada who were protesting, had their bank accounts frozen and they couldn’t access their own money, for PROTESTING.

I can share many other stories like this from around the world, but we have to keep this blog down to the minimum of which is already exceeding the average reader’s ability to read past 3 minutes, I believe. 

This is an abrogation of the US first amendment right, and I believe it is a 1st amendment for a reason.
The First Amendment text reads:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

On this new moon, the sun and moon dance together infusing each other and tapping into those conjunctions of Saturn/Jupiter/Mars/Venus and they ask us to make the bed for the garden we wish to grow, how to structure this and lay the foundational stone, what we want to expand in life and gives us joy and laughter, where do we want to put our energy into the love we came to share?

What values matter to us now that we have all been through this master timekeeper’s review with Mars retrograde in Gemini, extending his stay and only stationing direct after Mercury had already stationed retrograde in Capricorn the Goat, the pyramid and the systems whose corruption and decay we are all witnessing, as Pluto has been exposing that detritus, the belly of the beast.
Because at 01* Aquarius, they are merely a few degrees away from a 28*20’ Pluto in Capricorn, so we are absolutely fusing together, the new lessons and direction, we turn our wheels to now, and they form a sextile to a 4* Jupiter newly re-entered into Aries again, so he is ready to expand this new growth with this supportive exchange.  What have you learned is no longer 'alive' or worth the investment?  Pluto always asks for this death and transformation when the sun meets up with him, as he makes his sojourn, around the equatorial heavens and asks for the powerful rebirth, the Horus sun, rising with the coming hours, bringing a new day a new birth.  The rebirth.

Saturn at 24* Aquarius is kissing a 23* Venus in Aquarius and they meet up exactly the next day (22nd) at 24*, so this is going to have a very powerful impact on building the foundation to what you love and value, that you are now ready to move into the future with, this new valuable structure and idea/concept.

This will seed much in technological advancements again, but that is getting redundant as I will state that over and over, it will be like popcorn popping and knowing when to take it off the heat, there will be so many new concepts and ways to do things, that will tap into the gravitational fields, airwaves and harvesting from the solar system.

This is exceptionally powerful for Air signs, Aquarius and Gemini, as Mars has been dwelling in the Gemini world since last October and is only now at 8*, but will move forward rapidly forming a trine to both Venus and Saturn as all move forward, and Saturn gets ready to enter PIsces in March.

So, Air signs: Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra, set your sails and prepare for the gust of wind to fill them as you are pushed down the river.

These are ideas whose time has come.

For smooth sailing...

This is also pushing into that Fixed Cross: Aquarius, TAUrus, Leo’s, and Scorpio’s, preparing you all for the entry of Pluto into Aquarius at the end of March too, as well as the last two fixed cross eclipses this year, the first on May 5h when we have a lunar eclipse at 14* Scorpio and then again on October 28th when we have another lunar eclipse at 5* TAUrus.

I should add, that the Solar Eclipse on April 20th at 29* Aries, is also going to trigger that fixed cross, as well as ignite the shift of the lunar nodes/eclipses that are entering the Cardinal Cross in July of this year, the eclipses will also triggering the Cardinal Cross, Aries, Libra (who will experience this axis the most) and then also Cancer and Capricorn, all of whom have been excavated by Pluto in Capricorn, already, so the ground is laid bare for the new levels of growth or altogether new directions.

Now, yes, we have seen way too many loved ones cross over and that will sadly, continue into 2023. 
We have been warned plenty, so it is imperative we listen and change that daily routine, diet, etc., into a structure we can LIVE WITH.

Now, mutable cross, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and PIsces, you are going to get another kick in the pants (Gemini has done his job, it is not as if you DON’T KNOW AT THIS POINT, THAT YOU NEED TO MAKE THOSE CHANGES, STOP EQUIVOCATING) because Saturn will enter PIsces on March 8th and push that wheel too, Saturn can put you between a rock and a hard place, so you can either make your decisions and ‘GO WITH THE ENERGY’ or get backed into a corner, the choice is soundly up to you.

The question is, ‘is it worth it’?

Now, back to the player I feel is so important again this year, Chiron the key.

Do you know that the ankh is also considered a ‘key’?

The ankh is the most well-known symbol to come out of ancient Egypt the general meaning of the symbol In its hieroglyphic system of writing the ankh represents the concept of eternal life, The ankh or the key of life The Ankh frequently appears in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, It is known as “the key of the Nile” as the union between Osiris and Isis The ankh was associated with the cult of Isis was also the Ank depicted as a “cross with a handle” that represented eternal life. Do you see how redundant the symbols and signs are, so that we HAVE THE EYES TO SEE?  THE KEY OF LIFE, THE KEY (CHIRON) OF THE LIFEGIVING WATERS OF THE NILE!  THE SACRED UNION OF THE PAIRS OF OPPOSITES, ONCE AGAIN WE SEE THE THEME OF BALANCE, a 7.

The scales of justice.  Keeping things in a balanced perspective.

Chiron is at 12* Aries, so exposing the wounds of the head, leaders, thought processes, eyes, and what we see or thought we saw.

It is seeing things differently.  See the eyes all over the figures in Ezekiel’s wheel?  Like a peacock, whose feathers look like eyes everywhere.

Jupiter is not far behind, so we do have healing coming, we can already feel the wake of Jupiter and they meet up on March 12th at 14* Aries and that is another new beginning for how we heal our own wounded beings, lifetimes, roots, and then move forward and share that healing with others.

I was also shown, the effects of an approaching tsunami, and how the waters receded, pulling out and exposing the shores beneath, precipitating a tsunami even that would return, or a storm that is coming, to show us we need to prepare.

I think of the money that has been pulled out from under us, and how that is preparing us for the possible upcoming tsunami or storm, but who is prepared, where did it go?  Do you have it?

Either way, we should always be prepared.

Tsunami - Five signs approaching tsunami - YouTube

How do we do this?

Every single small act of kindness, is a candle we hold the darkness back with, and we are in a battle down here, make no mistake about that.

Ever watch someone with a single light, navigating through the forest?

Sounds like a scary movie, one which you scream at the actor to go back to the house!

Now, each of us alone, can have a ‘candle in the wind’ or a lantern.  You see, that was a clue we were given with the Covid 19, because as I have stated so many times, those numbers have meaning.

Walking At Night Through Scary Woods Stock Footage SBV-338961859 - Storyblocks


1 is the magician and 9 is the Hermit and the Hermit has a lantern.

And it will give off its ‘LUMENS’ to shine the light into the darkness and see the safe path forward.

However, if you have a group of people shining their light, then you get more luminaries, and a larger field is exposed, more darkness comes to light.

This is what we are each tasked to do, to individually become the light, to find your light, and then collectively to search out the way forward, TOGETHER.

The more we are disparate, the less chances of success we have and the more we guarantee failure, and who wants that?

We can walk alone, only so far:

Or, we can create the COMMUNITY, which Aquarius also represents and gather our candles, our lights together to light up the world, one space at a time.

How do you show up for your community?

That is the path forward, follow the light.

1970s, 1980s Nighttime Search Party in Woods, 35mm - YouTube

What is this all leading up to?

I have stated in the past, that I believe that all the electrical devices that connect everything and everyone, are only serving as examples of 'wireless' technology that we have already within the body, and just as I can hear and see what is not there in the physical, so too will you be doing this and yes, some of you already are.
Yesterday, I saw that Einstein talked about this too.
All of a sudden, we may find ourselves in that SINGULARITY, and INSTANTLY CONNECT.

Sorry, some of this repeats above:

Working on this, for now, please know that the FIXED CROSS SIGNS: TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO, AND AQUARIUS, will face some major challenges, to finish the EVOLUTION that really got into motion last year during the ECLIPSES AND THE SATURN SQUARES TO URANUS. (AQUARIUS AND TAURUS).
As you can see in the picture below, there is a Lunar Eclipse on May 5th in at 5:33PM Scorpio at 14*58'.
Then in the fall, on October 28th we have a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 8:23PM at 05* 09' TAUrus, this will have a major impact on both these signs, but also on Aquarius and Leo's.  (Many have had health issues, and some have left the planet.) 
Please be advised, so that you will take the necessary steps and precautions to live a healthier, happy, life, and to go inward on that journey enough to make the connection to the Divine Light.  Please.
Pluto will dip into Aquarius in March, and this will begin a MAJOR TRANSFORMATION AND EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS.
Aries and Libra will begin their journey of continued EVOLUTION, as they have been on the receiving end of the Cardinal Cross of Transformation with Pluto in Capricorn since 2008, well now you simply must find that gleaming diamond within you, Cancer is on this square cross too.

There is just so much more to say, I am not leaving you out, mutable signs, I just need more time to write, in between my clients and packaging products.
But you will see and experience a great thrust, as Saturn shifts into PIsces in March.  What are you ready to build upon, to lay your foundation stone?  The Cornerstone of your life?  Unlike Aquarius, where Saturn is the co-ruler, the original ruler, Saturn is not so happy in PIsces, because Saturn likes boundaries and PIsces does not.  They are opposites.
This will cause people to really plunge into the depths of what can be very dark, almost as if they may drown, but it is purifying.
It gives boundaries that PIscean worlds need, it finds the wall to identify and define your belief's.
It restricts the oceans of wonder and asks for form, to present the gifts the 12th house has in her fathomless seas, and to give them to the world as MAGIC.  The very magic the world needs now.
From out of the depths, the dimensional doorways and into this physical plane.
Sinking into the depths, makes one learn how to breathe underwater, quickly.
By getting thrown into the water, that is much deeper than you thought.
Here, we grow, by learning everything is the OCEAN.
I'll be back...

Tuesday, January 10, 2023



Working on this, for now, please know that the FIXED CROSS SIGNS: TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO, AND AQUARIUS, will face some major challenges, to finish the EVOLUTION that really got into motion last year during the ECLIPSES AND THE SATURN SQUARES TO URANUS. (AQUARIUS AND TAURUS).
As you can see in the picture below, there is a Lunar Eclipse on May 5th in at 5:33PM Scorpio at 14*58'.
Then in the fall, on October 28th we have a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 8:23PM at 05* 09' TAUrus, this will have a major impact on both these signs, but also on Aquarius and Leo's.  (Many have had health issues, and some have left the planet.) 
Please be advised, so that you will take the necessary steps and precautions to live a healthier, happy, life, and to go inward on that journey enough to make the connection to the Divine Light.  Please.
Pluto will dip into Aquarius in March, and this will begin a MAJOR TRANSFORMATION AND EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS.
Aries and Libra will begin their journey of continued EVOLUTION, as they have been on the receiving end of the Cardinal Cross of Transformation with Pluto in Capricorn since 2008, well now you simply must find that gleaming diamond within you, Cancer is on this square cross too.

There is just so much more to say, I am not leaving you out, mutable signs, I just need more time to write, in between my clients and packaging products.
But you will see and experience a great thrust, as Saturn shifts into PIsces in March.  What are you ready to build upon, to lay your foundation stone?  The Cornerstone of your life?  Unlike Aquarius, where Saturn is the coruler, the original ruler, Saturn is not so happy in PIsces, because Saturn likes boundaries and PIsces does not.  They are opposites.
This will cause people to really plunge into the depths of what can be very dark, almost as if they may drown, but it is purifying.
It gives boundaries that PIscean worlds need, it finds the wall to identify and define your belief's.
It restricts the oceans of wonder and asks for form, to present the gifts the 12th house has in her fathomless seas, and to give them to the world as MAGIC.  The very magic the world needs now.
From out of the depths, the dimensional doorways and into this physical plane.
Sinking into the depths, makes one learn how to breathe underwater, quickly.
By getting thrown into the water, that is much deeper than you thought.
Here, we grow, by learning everything is the OCEAN.
I'll be back...

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Puff The Magic Dragon 2023 Part IV

 Puff The Magic Dragon, Part IV 2023 continued.

After getting your attention in the previous blog, Part III, it is time to shine the light again on the way forward and tell you about the MAGIC of this year.

Because God WOULD NEVER GIVE US such a challenging time, without also, preparing us.

If you were asked to pack a small bag, to leave home and go on an expedition, without knowing whence you would return, what would you put in the bag?

In today’s world, there are many who warn us that we should have a ‘bugout’ bag prepared just in case of emergency, this has been on major news broadcasts.

So, I ask you again, what would you put in this small bag, that you can carry with you on such a journey?

Would they be trivial matters?

You would pack ‘SURVIVAL’ items of GREAT IMPORTANCE.

The tarot deck, (though there is much debate over where the ‘le fool’ is placed) begins with the ‘0’ card, LE FEUL.

I believe as do others, that the Fool is BOTH the ‘0’ card AND the ‘22’, once he completes his journey, and becomes a ‘MASTER’ from his lessons and travels.

You must also believe that you packed what is ‘ESSE’ ntial for you in this life.

It is just the task to set about to unpack your soul’s gift, spiritus, what you have brought that is individual ONLY TO YOU, because you are alive and have arrived at just this time, is prescient.  The light that you are, underneath the garment you are wearing for this incarnation.  You can see it in your eyes.

It is the light that is your own projector through your lens and onto the canvas of life.

That you are reading this, additional proof.  Things that are serendipitous or coincidental if you must, don’t happen by accident.

Only a fool would pack unimportant items ~ and yet, we see in the Marseilles Deck of Tarot, the fool’s bag is beaming inside with a golden light.
(Part of the mystery to unfold)

We are all unpacking the ‘quantum entanglement’ of our SACRED MIND the SACRAMENT of our inception, immaculately conceived. Pairs of particles can become so entwined with each other that one can no longer be described without the other, no matter how far apart they may be. Weirder still, changing one will instantly trigger a change in its partner, even if it was on the other side of the universe. The idea, is known as quantum entanglement. Even Einstein was unnerved by it, referring to it as “spooky action at a distance.

Physicists discover completely new type of quantum entanglement (

You may also recall that I have spoken about the true nature of genius, and the origin of the word.  THAT IS WHAT WE MUST ALL TAP INTO NOW.

Look what I found from Thomas Moore, one of my favorite authors.

“…we are made from the depths, from beyond consciousness. We are more original than we can imagine. We are driven from a place beneath awareness, and what drives us - it has been called angel, daimon, animus, duende - hurls us toward our identity and our place in time and space.”

~~ Thomas Moore, “Original Self - Living with Paradox and Originality,” p. 56, 2000 

"Eros is the dynamic force that keeps us awake rather than asleep, alive rather than soul dead."

~~ Thomas Moore, " A Religion of One's Own"

“The energies that are the source of your life, the inward light you speak of, is below the level of your mental consciousness.”

You can read the blog on Chiron here, and the vision I was given about Chiron.
Waking The Deep: Chiron, The Wound, The Light & The Way, The Key to Your 'Blueprint'. (

Chiron pierces the veil, the leaden ring of Saturn to draw down the higher octave of the outer planets, and in specifics, the GENIUS of the Great Awakener, Uranus.

When Pluto makes his first penetration into the Air Waves of Aquarius this year, on March 23rd this year, Chiron will be at 15* Aries conjoining a Jupiter who will be at 17* Aries, they will form a semi-sextile to a 16* Uranus in TAUrus, and a quindecile aspect to Saturn who is only days into PIsces at 1*.

Saturn and Uranus having gone through the final (closing) squares, the breaking apart of the energy that cannot remain.  This, just like the fall leaves, is the beginning to create ‘new growth’.

All of this, points to the road being paved, to get out your shiny secret, that is buried within you.  Now, you may have already uncovered this gift, it is simply a time to take it to the next level, but in many cases, this is not so, and this year, will bring the urgency to manifest, what is within you.

“Woe to those with child”, indeed, a pregnant woman has a gift within her, ready to come forth.  But you can also be pregnant with an idea that you have not had the COURAGE to bring forth.

Mars will finally begin to station direct on January 11th at 8* Gemini and less than a week later, Mercury will begin to station direct on January 18th at 23* Capricorn, we will all become much more restless and ready to TRAVEL, to put things into motion, just as the Chariot Card symbolizes. 

So, as we have stated so many times now, to find your gift, you need to look to where Chiron is in your astrology chart, for there inside the wounded healer, is where the body releases the gift.  Through the wounding.

"When you find unexpected strength in your voice or in your work, that is the daimon empowering you." ~~ Thomas Moore, Dark Nights of the Soul, p.17

More on the Chariot Card:

According to the Eddas, the chariot of the sun was drawn by the horse Arwaker (Early Waker) and driven by the Goddess Sol, or sul, or Sulis the same whom the Celts honored as Lady of the Sun.  Her vehicle was probably derived from ~ The Sun Chariot that esoteric Buddhism called the Great Vehicle, or the CHARIOT OF FIRE. ~ Barbara Walker Secular Sacred Objects

Plato’s Phaedrus envisions the human body as the soul’s chariot.  (I agree)

Crowley related The Chariot astrologically to Mars in Cancer.  We just had the full moon in Cancer on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th, this again is another layer to the clues being given.  Cancer is a cardinal sign which is one of the four directions, and all cardinal signs signal the new season. Even though it is a sign that is not usually related to being forceful. Cancer represents the path which leads from the great Mother Binah to Geburah.

The Charioteer has complete control of his ‘solar vehicle’ or ‘soul’s vehicle’.

He uses his ‘rod/stave or crozier/clubs’.  (FIRE)

As the ‘trefoil’ = three flowers

Trefoil Definition

trefoil is a pattern of three interlocking circles, popularly used as a symbol in church architecture to represent the Holy Trinity (which is the Christian idea that God is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). In the Christian tradition, these three overlapping rings depict the interconnected and inseparable nature of God.

Trefoil stems from the Latin word for "leaf," since its shape often resembles a leaf. As such, people use this leaf-like design in architecture to symbolize ideas or messages of interconnectedness. There are multiple types of foils: trefoils (three leaves), quatrefoil (four leaves), and cinquefoil (five leaves). In modern day designs, people still use these different combinations of interlocking circles as symbols representing various ideas. ~Trefoil Symbol, Shape & Design | What is Trefoil in Architecture? |

Its original French name is Trèfle which means "clover" and the card symbol depicts a three-leafed clover leaf. The Italian name is Fiori ("flower"). The English name "Clubs" is derived from the suit of Bastoni (batons) in Italian-Spanish suited cards. ~ Wikipedia

VII = 7

“The seventh numbered major trump is called Le Chariot, the Chariot, and portrays a victorious warrior crowned and riding in a chariot drawn by black and white sphinxes or horses. The starry canopy of the chariot is upheld by four columns. This card signifies the Exalted One who rides in the chariot of creation. The vehicle of the solar energy being numbered seven reveals the arcane truth that the seven planets are the chariots of the solar power which rides victorious in their midst. The four columns supporting the canopy represent the four Mighty Ones who uphold the worlds represented by the star-strewn drapery. The figure carries the scepter of the solar energy and its shoulders are ornamented with lunar crescents--the Urim. and Thummim. The sphinxes drawing the chariot resent the secret and unknown power by which the victorious ruler is moved continuously through the various parts of his universe. In certain Tarot decks the victor signifies the regenerated man, for the body of the chariot is a cubic stone. The man in armor is not standing in the chariot but is rising out of the cube, thus typifying the ascension of the 3 out of the 4--the turning upward of the flap of the Master Mason's apron. In the pseudo-Egyptian Tarot the warrior carries the curved sword of Luna, is bearded to signify maturity, and wears the collar of the planetary orbits. His scepter (emblematic of the threefold universe) is crowned with a square upon which is a circle surmounted by a triangle.”

~ Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Analysis of Tarot Cards (

Clearly, we can see this is a very special year, do you have your scepter, are you ready to rule?

Oh, and don't worry about your gift, you packed it...I'm sure of this.

Where is your natal Chiron?  Where is Chiron transiting in your chart now?  Where is Saturn and Uranus?  There is a map...

To be continued...

Friday, January 6, 2023

Puff The Magic Dragon Part III 2023 A Darker Look


Part III

This year, Pluto finally takes a brief reprieve from his transit through Capricorn and dips his tail into Aquarius.

This will be the harbinger of what is to come, for the next two decades as Pluto makes his way through Aquarian Air waters (the waters above in which all celestial bodies swim) he has not swum in since 1778.  He made his transit (with periodic retrogrades back into Capricorn, as he will do now) from January 8, 1762, and he left on December 2, 1778, to enter or ingress into Aquarius.

Watch how the doors to ‘other worlds’, extraterrestrials, dimensions, and new technology, intelligence begins to burst wide open during this transit in Aquarius, from March 23rd, 2023-January 19th, 2044.

We are about to see the world open up, with the help of all those who came to prepare for just this time.  Beginning with the baby boomers that were aware and doing the work, those born with Pluto in Leo, and then those born with Pluto in Virgo.

You will finally start to truly walk into the time you were born to create.

There has been a concerted effort to beat you back into the dark ages, increasingly attacking you at every turn, to keep this earth and her children in bondage to ignorance.  Hostages to an old age, that the galactic world will NEVER ALLOW into true GNOSIS.  (The origin of this 'concerted effort' is the ancient energy that has been here long before any of us, but that is another blog altogether.)

It is time to turn weapons into plowshares.

Or face our extinction, once again.

This is NOT about living forever in a body that is constantly changing its external appearance. 

Of course, I am someone who doesn’t even believe in an IQ test, that is not designed to measure what in my opinion, is the true measure of intelligence, that would involve the depth of the soul and one’s ability to tap into the soul and its infinite fathomless, boundless, universe, that throws open the doors to unlimited creative potential.  That creativity is stitched in the pathos of living, and the origin of the word pathos, is pain.  Does a computer or can a computer or an IQ test ever really feel pain?  Passion?  Love?  Compassion?  How would you measure that in any test, designed by someone who doesn't feel the depth of compassion, or feel period?  Some people throw 'feelings' to the dustbin as being irrelevant and illogical and therefore, not worthy or valuable.  Psychopath's.  We've had people taking psychotropics for decades, so THEY DON'T FEEL THE PAIN.

There is no measure, for the numinous, for wonder, for the exquisite feeling of your HEART being played by a song that instantly replays a life review of someone you've loved and lost, the ineffable, the wonder of the body responding to a quiet stream, a bumblebee flitting from flower to flower, a child discovering a new ability or knowledge, awareness, the majesty of a mountain that forces you to your belly, in awe.

A song that has never been heard before, that must be put to paper and played in real time for others, the unwritten book or play, the unspoken word.

The list is endless, and yet…how do you/we measure any of this?

One mind or a hundred, a thousand, cannot encompass, all that has never been yet.

I am quite fine with crossing over and leaving this body, this mortal coil behind when I change robes, and dive into the embrace of the infinite CREATOR.

But some people down here, are clearly not, they would rather play God, then swim in God.  Do they really not know this creator exits, or are they afraid to actually meet this maker?

Understand, that in our current state of consciousness, only a very limited number of humans at the top of the food chain, in EL-ite circles who also want to eliminate 7/8ths of the world’s population, will remain to experience this dark experiment with artificial intelligence, those who believe they have the right, by wealth and power, to play god.  To have dominion over the earth, AND YOU. 

In the present framework of greed and consumerism, extending the life-expectancy of humans would accelerate the depletion of the earth and her life-sustaining ability for all humankind at a completely unsustainable, rapid rate.

People are still, far too externally oriented in a competitive field, to allow this to happen, (because of the consumption of natural resources) so only the chosen few would be allowed to do this, and they could still live in the manner to which they are accustomed, without giving anything up from their privileged and self-righteous, entitled perches.  (OR, the serious restriction of what people can have, do, travel, consume, etc. or some combination.)

The rest would have to go…and quickly.  (I am just the messenger, this is NOT my idea, AT ALL).

The population of the earth, jumped from 3 billion in 1960, to nearly 8 billion in 2023.

So, would that mean that people could keep procreating and stay alive into their hundreds and beyond?

Do the math, that is unsustainable.  And again, before someone jumps on this and says there is enough to sustain everyone, reread what I stated: ‘live in the manner in which we are accustomed’.  We cannot keep inhaling the natural resources of the planet, at the current mindset of piling up the toys.  Having more, bigger houses, more cars, etc.



That is why it is a mindset that MUST CHANGE.

Oh, we are being watched alright.

There are beings that travel through dimensional doors, I have experienced them myself and thankfully, I was witnessed in some of them.

So, it is not just ‘in my head’.

There are portals to other dimensions and worlds.

They require no spaceship either.
As Artificial Intelligence, ‘EXPLODES’ this year, it can consume so much of human thought and labor, humans may not be able to keep up with it.

What safeguards are in place?

What will protect humankind, from becoming IRRELEVANT?

How can an Artificial Intelligence System that learns quantumly and exponentially, be controlled, by the same consciously stunted development that is currently insatiable in its desires for control, and still so completely morally bankrupt; manage this development of artificial intelligence in a safe and conscious way?

What fulcrum point, anchor, spiritual core is tethering any of this?

We are all riding in a car, that is rapidly removing any control we may have over the levers, of this CHARIOT.  Here for those who have not read all the blogs, I remind you that Hippocampus, means: Sea Horse.  This is Neptune, and the ability to hold wonder, create, and this is the ruler of music, MUSE-IC.  That is the Chariot card.  That is anatomy.  In a darker descent into Artificial Intelligence, this is MIND CONTROL.  We don't get to hold the reigns, someone (or artificial intelligence will do this for us, for our own good of course).
With Artificial Intelligence and Pluto in Aquarius (Aquarius rules the 'air waves'/internet and community for starters, it is also COMMUNITY AND MAKING SURE ALL HAVE ENOUGH), AND UR ANUS, in TAUrus, this is RULING THE MIND, THE HIPPOCAMPUS.


Are you aware of the ‘social credit system’ China has?

Do you know, there is almost no way, to change your score that is calculated on a growing list of markers, that the majority of people cannot even examine for themselves?

Do you know that the people running this country (it is not your politicians, it is the chosen Elite CEO’S who run the banks and corporations.) are in COMPETITION WITH THIS CHINESE CREDIT SYSTEM USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE?

Just as there is no humanity, heart in corporate governance that has become all but ruled by the bottom line, PROFIT FOR SHAREHOLDERS, who is coding in the humanity and heart of artificial intelligence?

When the MACHINE decides what is best for all of us, just how much space and resources do you think it will decide any of us need?

Perhaps, it might be like us, deciding to ‘cage wild animals’ and how much they need, simply to remain alive and breathing, is that enough?

We’ve been here before.

We didn’t do so well.

The doors that we open, must be chosen very judiciously.

And it better begin with the HEART/EARTH OF HUMAN-KIND.


OTHERWISE, there is no horror show that can compare, with the design that may be coming.

Pluto dips back into Capricorn on Jun 11, 2023, wonder by then, just how participatory we’ll decide we need to be, and what kind of govern-ment (mind control) we will awaken to the need to create too?


What dream lay sleeping in some beautiful child, that will never be awakened?

Oh, what a year…fasten your seatbelts…this is a ride we have prepared for lifetimes.  Are you ready?

As you can see, there is a lot to write about that is coming this year, I will return with more, as fast as my fingers can type and find the time to do so.

Mathew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:  ~For what does that mean?

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

To be continued in Part IV