Puff The Magic Dragon, Part IV 2023 continued.
After getting your attention in the previous blog, Part III, it is time to shine the light again on the way forward and tell you about the MAGIC of this year.
Because God WOULD NEVER GIVE US such a challenging time, without also, preparing
If you were asked to pack a small bag, to leave home and go
on an expedition, without knowing whence you would return, what would you put
in the bag?
In today’s world, there are many who warn us that we should
have a ‘bugout’ bag prepared just in case of emergency, this has been on major
news broadcasts.
So, I ask you again, what would you put in this small bag,
that you can carry with you on such a journey?
Would they be trivial matters?
You would pack ‘SURVIVAL’ items of GREAT IMPORTANCE.
The tarot deck, (though there is much debate over where the ‘le
fool’ is placed) begins with the ‘0’ card, LE FEUL.
I believe as do others, that the Fool is BOTH the ‘0’ card AND the ‘22’, once he completes his journey, and becomes a ‘MASTER’ from his lessons and travels.
You must also believe that you packed what is ‘ESSE’ ntial
for you in this life.
It is just the task to set about to unpack your soul’s gift,
spiritus, what you have brought that is individual ONLY TO YOU,
because you are alive and have arrived at just this time, is prescient. The light that you are, underneath the
garment you are wearing for this incarnation.
You can see it in your eyes.
That you are reading this, additional proof. Things that are serendipitous or coincidental
if you must, don’t happen by accident.
Only a fool would pack unimportant items ~ and yet, we see
in the Marseilles Deck of Tarot, the fool’s bag is beaming inside with a golden
(Part of the mystery to unfold)
We are all unpacking the ‘quantum
entanglement’ of our SACRED
MIND the SACRAMENT of our inception, immaculately conceived. Pairs of particles can become so entwined with each other
that one can no longer be described without the other, no matter how far apart
they may be. Weirder still, changing one will instantly trigger a change in its
partner, even if it was on the other side of the universe. The
idea, is known as quantum
entanglement. Even Einstein was unnerved by it, referring to it as
“spooky action at a distance.
discover completely new type of quantum entanglement (newatlas.com)
You may also recall that I have spoken about the true nature of genius, and the origin of the word. THAT IS WHAT WE MUST ALL TAP INTO NOW.
Look what I found from Thomas Moore, one of my favorite
“…we are made from the depths, from beyond consciousness. We are more original than we can imagine. We are driven from a place beneath awareness, and what drives us - it has been called angel, daimon, animus, duende - hurls us toward our identity and our place in time and space.”
~~ Thomas Moore, “Original Self - Living with Paradox and Originality,” p. 56, 2000
"Eros is the dynamic force that keeps us awake rather than asleep, alive rather than soul dead."
~~ Thomas Moore, " A Religion of One's Own"
“The energies that are the source of your life, the inward light you speak of, is below the level of your mental consciousness.” ~deepinsights.com
You can read the blog on Chiron here, and the vision I was
given about Chiron.
The Deep: Chiron, The Wound, The Light & The Way, The Key to Your
'Blueprint'. (arcoftheancients.blogspot.com)
Chiron pierces the veil, the leaden ring of Saturn to draw
down the higher octave of the outer planets, and in specifics, the GENIUS of
the Great Awakener, Uranus.
When Pluto makes his first penetration into the Air Waves of Aquarius this year, on March 23rd this year, Chiron will be at 15* Aries conjoining a Jupiter who will be at 17* Aries, they will form a semi-sextile to a 16* Uranus in TAUrus, and a quindecile aspect to Saturn who is only days into PIsces at 1*.
Saturn and Uranus having gone through the final (closing) squares,
the breaking apart of the energy that cannot remain. This, just like the fall leaves, is the beginning
to create ‘new growth’.
All of this, points to the road being paved, to get out your shiny secret, that is buried within you. Now, you may have already uncovered this gift, it is simply a time to take it to the next level, but in many cases, this is not so, and this year, will bring the urgency to manifest, what is within you.
“Woe to those with child”, indeed, a pregnant woman has a
gift within her, ready to come forth. But
you can also be pregnant with an idea that you have not had the COURAGE to
bring forth.
Mars will finally begin to station direct on January 11th at 8* Gemini and less than a week later, Mercury will begin to station direct on January 18th at 23* Capricorn, we will all become much more restless and ready to TRAVEL, to put things into motion, just as the Chariot Card symbolizes.
So, as we have stated so many times now, to find your gift,
you need to look to where Chiron is in your astrology chart, for there inside
the wounded healer, is where the body releases the gift. Through the wounding.
"When you find unexpected strength in your voice or in your work, that is the daimon empowering you." ~~ Thomas Moore, Dark Nights of the Soul, p.17
More on the Chariot Card:
According to the Eddas, the chariot of the sun was drawn by the horse Arwaker (Early
Waker) and driven by the Goddess Sol, or sul, or Sulis the same whom the Celts
honored as Lady of the Sun. Her vehicle
was probably derived from ~ The Sun Chariot that esoteric Buddhism called the
Great Vehicle, or the CHARIOT OF FIRE. ~ Barbara Walker Secular Sacred Objects
Plato’s Phaedrus envisions the human body as the soul’s chariot. (I agree)
Crowley related The Chariot astrologically to Mars in
Cancer. We just had the full moon in
Cancer on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th, this again is
another layer to the clues being given. Cancer
is a cardinal sign which is one of the four directions, and all cardinal signs
signal the new season. Even though it is a sign that is not usually related to
being forceful. Cancer represents the path which leads from the great Mother
Binah to Geburah.
The Charioteer has complete control of his ‘solar vehicle’ or ‘soul’s vehicle’.
He uses his ‘rod/stave or crozier/clubs’. (FIRE)
As the ‘trefoil’ = three flowers
Trefoil Definition
A trefoil is a pattern of three
interlocking circles, popularly used as a symbol in church architecture to
represent the Holy Trinity (which is the Christian idea that
God is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). In the
Christian tradition, these three overlapping rings depict the interconnected
and inseparable nature of God.
Trefoil stems from the Latin word for "leaf,"
since its shape often resembles a leaf. As such, people use this leaf-like
design in architecture to symbolize ideas or messages of interconnectedness.
There are multiple types of foils: trefoils (three leaves), quatrefoil (four
leaves), and cinquefoil (five leaves). In modern day designs, people still use
these different combinations of interlocking circles as symbols representing various
ideas. ~Trefoil
Symbol, Shape & Design | What is Trefoil in Architecture? | Study.com
Its original French name is Trèfle which means "clover" and the card symbol depicts a three-leafed clover leaf. The Italian name is Fiori ("flower"). The English name "Clubs" is derived from the suit of Bastoni (batons) in Italian-Spanish suited cards. ~ Wikipedia
VII = 7
“The seventh numbered major trump is called Le Chariot, the Chariot, and portrays a victorious warrior crowned and riding in a chariot drawn by black and white sphinxes or horses. The starry canopy of the chariot is upheld by four columns. This card signifies the Exalted One who rides in the chariot of creation. The vehicle of the solar energy being numbered seven reveals the arcane truth that the seven planets are the chariots of the solar power which rides victorious in their midst. The four columns supporting the canopy represent the four Mighty Ones who uphold the worlds represented by the star-strewn drapery. The figure carries the scepter of the solar energy and its shoulders are ornamented with lunar crescents--the Urim. and Thummim. The sphinxes drawing the chariot resent the secret and unknown power by which the victorious ruler is moved continuously through the various parts of his universe. In certain Tarot decks the victor signifies the regenerated man, for the body of the chariot is a cubic stone. The man in armor is not standing in the chariot but is rising out of the cube, thus typifying the ascension of the 3 out of the 4--the turning upward of the flap of the Master Mason's apron. In the pseudo-Egyptian Tarot the warrior carries the curved sword of Luna, is bearded to signify maturity, and wears the collar of the planetary orbits. His scepter (emblematic of the threefold universe) is crowned with a square upon which is a circle surmounted by a triangle.”
~ Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Analysis of Tarot Cards (sacred-texts.com)
Clearly, we can see this is a very special year, do you have your scepter, are you ready to rule?
Oh, and don't worry about your gift, you packed it...I'm sure of this.Where is your natal Chiron? Where is Chiron transiting in your chart now? Where is Saturn and Uranus? There is a map...
To be continued...
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