The Western mind is very preconditioned to ‘arrive at their goal’. We make lists to accomplish daily, set goals in life, set goals for the year, etc.
Now, this is all just fine, but we can get lost along the
way, missing the call of the inner voice, beckoning us, a whisper, a still
point that is ‘ENLIGHTENMENT’.
On the other end of this spectrum, people go all the way into ‘living in the moment’ which has been repackaged as, ‘The Power of Now’.
More evolved goal setting for the new age we are entering will be ‘aligning’ with aspirations and intentions, without attachments to outcome. This is almost the exact opposite of how many of us were raised. Removing the ‘ingrained’ set of goal posts, while remaining aligned with reality and purpose, having faith that needs will be met, can be extremely difficult. It is no small order.
Of course, the longer your list of needs, and if you confuse that with ‘desires’, then you can find yourself very easily frustrated and out of alignment.
We don’t live in ashrams or meditation caves and temples, so
that makes this an arduous and ‘Herculean’ journey and sometimes that can be
very daunting, and very frightening.
Fear is another thing being mis peddled and conflated.
I can tell you of the many times, my internal sensory perception of ‘FEAR’ has
saved my life, and I have shared stories with others, and their own experiences
of when that sense of ‘fear’ saved their lives too.
So, to outright dismiss ‘FEAR’ as simply some tool for evil,
is also ignorant.
Bringing up the dreaded ‘evil’ word, that is also so overused
and misinterpreted.
Last blog, I shared what I felt was a very succinct piece of
writing from Tau Malachi addressing these times.
For decades now, I have been trying to address the times,
help to forecast what was coming, what to expect and how to navigate through
the times.
So often I wished I could just put blinders on and write all
happy positive ‘mistruths’, because this again, is what the western mind has
been conditioned to seek and for some, the only thing they think they should
digest on their pallet, but this is no way to truly evolve. I’ve addressed this plenty in the past so I am
not going to expound on this, since there is just too much to share about what
is coming.
First, I would like to share another piece, that I feel is
well-written, addressing these times, and reiterating much of what I have said
over the years too. I don't agree with ALL of what he says, but he does succinctly say many things, that I felt it good to share. I try to note where I disagree.
Perhaps another perspective will help.
“The consensus/mainstream of the
masses (about 85% of humanity) is a group hive-mind with no individuated souls
by nature. Individuation [not to be mistaken with the cultural concept of
“individuality” or an “outsider”] comes at a later stage of soul evolution and
doesn’t happen for everyone within a lifetime.
This individuation process requires effort and deep psycho-spiritual inner work to resist the pull [and temptations] of the collective slumber of the masses, the social cultural programming, and conditioning in order to anchor oneself in the True Self or real “I.”
It is also an aspect of the Great Work. To become truly individuated and soul-embodied is the “way out” of the matrix. It’s an internal process. (Editor's note, I am not a fan of using the word, 'matrix' as for the most part it is just piggybacking on the movie of the same name, and often used as a 'catchy term' to grab the masses, who are as I stated above, submerged in this culture and the many layers of what is not true.)
During this dark age of the Kali Yuga cycle, we see more sexual pathologies, narcissism, & psychopathy being normalized in society & promoted as desirable & “normal.”
It is Wetiko in action. [Wetiko is a sickness of the soul or spirit where pathologies and evil become normalized]. This is how evil operates & most people are oblivious to it and instead have become unconscious agents of evil.
We can see it in the anti-divine ideologies [inverted Divine Law] of the woke cult, non-binary gender identities, neo-cultural-Marxism, normalized pathological sexual fetishes, etc., all of which can be suggestions of occult forces either temporarily working through people and/or have taken them over completely. (Editor's Note: I am not a fan of his use of the word, 'woke' here, as all through time sages would tell us that we are in a sort of dream state, not able to see reality through the illusion. Once again, vilification of a word, can cause people to reject the concept outright, rather than use a deeper ability to discern. Honestly, you would think that anyone aware enough, would see that using certain words can be like a 'grenade', the same as the word 'conspiracy' which can end any real through process and critical thinking.)
Many of these normalized pathologies have also infiltrated spiritual communities, as well as the coaching and therapy space.
However, we can see wetiko in action on the “other side” as well, with the new rise of a medieval, self-righteous, dogmatic Christianity, and a toxic manosphere that lacks psychological intelligence & maturity.
There seems to be a revival of nostalgia to want to “return to the past” with the rise of traditionalism. This is not to say that tradition doesn’t have value, but a lot of it seems to be based on a mechanical knee-jerk reaction to the progressivism of the left, along with containing its own trauma responses and shadow projections as well.
Both Left and Right contribute to evil in their own way and are more similar than they want to admit with their dogmatic behavior and black/white thinking while each points at the other as the problem, creating a dual shadow-projection between each other. In their extremes, they are two sides of the same coin.
It’s the trap of identification. From a hyper-dimensional perspective, the occult forces feed upon the loosh created via maximizing the polarization of left vs right, playing both sides through their minds, wounds, blind spots, and shadow aspects.” ~ B. Gunther
Okay, so once again, what we are addressing here, is ‘individuation’ which for those who have managed to rise up through the cacophony of disinformation down here, you would find yourself seeing fault in any party at this point (as I have for decades now, once you see, you cannot unsee.)
When I was spinning and feeling all the pain and torment of one of the
earthquakes I predicted in the past (Haiti, Chile, and Fukushima, for starters,
and readers of this blog will have seen this) but I begged God, to please
release me from this torment, apologizing for not having thick enough skin to
feel it all. I tried to unplug from ‘evolving’
if you will, because you can see and now most of you have experienced, the
loneliness of ‘individuating’ let alone seeing what is coming, when the western
mind has been so polluted with the commercializing lies that sell so well, and
the whole ‘abundance’ sham, that as I have stated so many times, HAS NOTHING TO
It is not to say, that we don't have some ‘direction’ ability about our world, if
you are truly evolving, sorry, what you care about is the state of the
world, and your place and ‘passion’ (which I remind you again, comes from the
word, pathos meaning PAIN) and that gives you your path.
Here is another piece, I found very well-stated:
“You cannot enter the mystery of the Magdalene without entering the mystery of healing. You cannot enter the mystery of the Magdalene without entering the numb places in your bones, the places that make you most discomfited. And the mystery is, you cannot heal your own marrow without healing the earth. Are there not grottos in your body where you meet the Magdalene alone, gazing into her candle of prayer? You may not find her at the yoga retreat in Bali, in the ashram at Big Sur, or sitting on a dais in white robes before 10,000 chanting devotees. She falls dustward in teardrops, spilling from the broken half-moon onto the rubble of ruined apartments in Turkey. She flows through the lead water pipes of underground Detroit. She wades across the Rio Grande, clutching someone's baby, hoping not to be sent back. And don’t imagine that she seeks justice, for justice is not enough. Justice divides the righteous from the damned, separates white from black, woman from man. Justice is in love with blame. But Mary holds everyone accountable for everything, bearing in her flesh the wounds of all sentient creatures. Mary is the salt of compassion in the weeping of those who lose hope. Mary feels the green in darkness. And in her gentlest breath, Mary offers the Beloved all the pain we cannot carry.” ~ Fred LaMotte
So you see, those of us who can ‘SEE’ are not trying to add
more ‘abundance’ to our personal, world, while we KNOW WHERE WE ARE ON
THE PLANET, AS HUMANKIND, during this very, delicate, and precious, journey on
planet earth, and the SHIFT OF THE AGES. Once you awaken to the very reason you are here right now, you simply cannot, you know you came to serve. (Jesus washing the disciples' feet).
Tap into your ancestors, your roots, there is your power. Bring that power into this time! Where Pluto is in your chart, is your HIDDEN POWER. By the way, I had already written about trying to survive without being in an ashram, etc., BEFORE I read Fred's piece, that just happened to be the succinctness of the universe.
Again, this is to say that abundance and spirituality simply have no relationship, and those teaching this are either ignorant, or quite frankly charlatans that tell you what YOU WANT TO HEAR, NOT WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW.
I promise you to move forward, I KNOW THIS TO BE SO, AND IT
I just don’t wait for someone else to tell me what my inner light already is guiding me through and showing me the way, therefore I have shared so much that has been prescient. This is a part of my path; it is why I am here right now and was allowed to return from my trip over the River Styx.
On my walk through the woods today, in the glorious sun streaming down and the
river dancing and singing, as all this plays through my body, ready to spill
out onto the page, I am so, so, grateful.
This is my purpose, it makes me feel alive, excited to get back and share
the latest incoming composite the universe has messaged inside me, to relay to
In the last message, I also shared information about someone
Because, you don’t steal when you find who you are and why you are
here. Is there some ‘grey area’?
Let me put it this way, if you are doing something and you
don’t want to get ‘caught’ doing it? The
lesson from childhood has not sunk in, and the universe is ready to teach you
that discipline, that IS THIS TIME.
It can be very uncomfortable at times.
It will bring up fears.
The truth will set you FREE.
Not pretending.
Now, back to the astrology and reminding you that planets have
anatomical relationships, so the planet Mercury, represents the analytical
aspect, it is your arms and hands, communication and ‘DEXTERITY’, or the left
side of your brain, that rules the right side of your body, in relationship to your
How you ‘THINK’.
The right side of the brain, is ruled by Jupiter or ‘JeZeus’, it is the
dreaming ability (Jupiter is the original ruler of the 12th house
and PIsces), it is accessing the intuitive world, and moving forward (thighs) on
YOUR PATH. This left side of the body is related to synostra.
OR UR ANU, ANU…’those who from heaven came down’. It is the ‘AHA’ moment, when you finally ‘SEE’
or comprehend something, usually that was right in front of you the whole time,
you just couldn’t see it before, or comprehend the mystery or deeper
Ancient Sumerian texts define the Anunnaki as "those who from heaven to Earth
came" described as royal blood descending from the heavens and in certain
contexts, the fallen angels or Nephilim.
Now, let’s add another layer, shall we?
Recall that the orbit of Uranus is after Saturn’s/EL’s and we’ve
shared with you that the ‘key’ to accessing the higher planets after the leaden
ring of Saturn is through this key, or CHIRON, the wounded healer.
Do you see again, the PAIN/PATHOS connection?
Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, so it is the RULER OF THE
To access this higher knowledge, you must go through the
So, if you still haven’t found your ‘PASSION’ look to Chiron, by house, position, and aspects.
In the cognitive sense of ‘what to do’, follow your heart. When you flow through your HEART, rather than just the rational mind, you find your inner staircase, up to the Queen’s Chamber, where you can ‘marry’ the pairs of opposites, and as I have shared, this is the HOLY WEDDING OF JESUS AND MARY MAGDALENE, the RETURN OF THE FISHER KING.
Having written about all of this pretty extensively, I won’t go any further into these details and all the relationships to this very time we now navigate, but please read in reverse, you will see it is all laid out for you.
You should also be able to see, that by looking into your
own Mercury placement, you can see where you access your own HERMETIC
KNOWLEDGE, and how you THINK.
The same with Jupiter, finding this planets placement, by sign, house and
aspect, shows you how you can access your dreams, it is the musical entry into
far more nebulous Neptune’s world without boundaries.
BEFORE you access Uranus, you will want to make sure your scaffolding is sound
of structure, again as we have shared with you before, that is Saturn’s
world. Where is Saturn in your chart, that
is where you MUST learn discipline, it sets the CORNERSTONE in place, so you
can access the higher dimensions, without losing your mind, here is where
madmen make their misstep, where people confuse themselves as being ‘Jesus’ or ‘Mary
Magdalene’ or some other famous individual, and it is not to say we are not all
developing on that tree, or roots, blooming right now, but people can lose
sight of reality, and will NEVER BE ABLE TO TRULY ACCESS THE HIGHER WORLDS, without
first, having this discipline, which brings FREEDOM.
Now back to the astrological currents we are now navigating.
On February 15th at 7:25AM, Venus will meet up
with Neptune at 24*04’ PIsces, speaking of dreaming! They set their own river of energy as they fuse
Just 5 days later, Venus will ingress into Aries, taking those dreams into
ACTION at 2:55AM EST, right after the New Moon at 2:05AM occurs at 01*22’
PIsces, you just have to love how finely tuned God’s perfectly designed clock
is, waking us up, little by little.
The other day, my little sister reminded me of a time during
the winter, when we were younger (she was around7 or so and I was about 12) and
we used to go to a place we had called, Bay Point. I was told to go find my sister and niece
because we were going to eat. (Back then, especially on private property, kids
were allowed to just go off and play, we didn’t have ‘helicopter parents’, lol)
So, I am walking down the beach and I see the two girls out on the lake ice, about
100’ or so from shore. I walk out to see
what they are looking down at, and the EXACT MINUTE I GET THERE, my niece slips
into the hole in the ice they are playing in, and I manage to grab her, JUST IN
A second later, and she would be gone, under the ice, and that would have been that.
But, God had me walking out there, at JUST THE RIGHT TIME.
That is what everything is tuned to, not ‘our time’ but the
Saturn rules time by the way. And there are so many stories I could tell
you, that are also, ‘just at the right time, life or death’ situations.
Now, this Venus/Neptune conjunction is preparing us for Saturn’s
entry into PIsces that will take place on March 7th.
I am just trying to show you, this is all a GRAND CLOCK and
though you may not know the timing, it is perfectly timed.
That does not mean we don’t get nervous, even Jesus looks up
and says: ‘My God, why have you forsaken me?’, so try not to get too
disappointed in yourself if you lose hope/faith at times. It happens.
Speaking of fears, on February 10th at 12:15PM, Mercury conjoins Pluto at 28*58’ Capricorn, becoming in-FORMED, about concerns, things to watch for, to be aware of, especially with Pluto about to enter Aquarius after his long trek through Capricorn (exposing the power behind the scenes, the hierarchy’s, that which is corrupt and will not make it into the new AGE, in its current formation, health care, education, government, etc. and Mercury is there as the ‘MESSENGER’ (Got to love the balloons in the airspace during this time, lol) who can cross the River Styx, pet Cerberus and speak with Hades/Pluto.
This is the planning behind the scenes too, and it should be
a time where YOU ARE ALSO MAKING YOUR OWN PLANS, to set forth on the new moon.
Saturn will be reigning in the watery world of PIsces, of spiritual beliefs, we may see certain FREEDOMS of thought, of worship, of religious beliefs, being threatened with a governmental control, you may feel your own dreams being ‘threatened’ or the world you once imagined as possible, feel threatened, or a thing of the past.
You may feel an urgency to bring forth what is in you and hear
the faint ringing of an alarm going off, a timer that threatens the ability to
make that dream a reality. Perhaps
reality is encroaching upon your dreams?
On this upcoming new moon on February 20th at
2:05AM Lady Luna the Governess of Lights, meets up with her solar paramour at 01*22’ PIsces and they are
just over 2* away from Saturn/EL who is now at 28*10’ Aquarius.
Once again, the universe is infusing MAJOR changes into our
spring into 2023, showing us that this year will be one for the books. The history books.
Ever watch those movies where the ship is leaving the dock,
and the protagonist is running to catch it before it is too late?
That is what I am shown, it is nighttime, they are curling
up the huge mooring lines, as the great vessel slowly begins to churn the
This represents those fixed signs, Leo, Scorpio, TAUrus and
especially in this case, Aquarius as the sun and moon create a light bridge
into the mutable world of PIsces, where there is music, people are praying,
meditating, creating art in all its forms and tending to one another with
loving care.
This is true for all those points towards the end of
Aquarius and the beginning up to around 4* of PIsces.
Think about what house or planet needs this beautiful,
mystical energy to span that once ‘fixed’ belief, or some place you had drawn a
determined line in the cement, thinking you could never, ever, soften your
stance, perhaps you couldn’t find forgiveness in your heart? Can it be that you judged a situation or
someone too harshly?
Now, do you see how this ties back to that 16* Leo full moon
that was squaring Uranus in TAUrus, creating the cross, that we can literally
hang ourselves and others on, as if we have no sin of our own to nail the
‘Judge not lest ye be judged’ as the famous quote goes.
‘Harden not your hearts’.
Oh yes, people can hurt us deeply. There are those walking on this planet
wearing a human jacket that can seem very heartless, and that is a very hard
lesson to navigate, we can assume other people are like us, and they may be
brought up to ‘take advantage’ of others, as if entitled to do so.
But we are a nation of laws, and without those laws, we lose
I am amazed when I see or hear people make excuses for their
political candidate’s improper action, and then condemn the other side for the
same thing, and say: ‘I don’t care, he does what I want’.
Isn’t that a bit of convenience?
So, making little excuses is okay, if it appears to go along
with what YOU think is right?
Humans of a certain stature in life, enter a chamber of
rules, because they know the moral frailty of mankind. Therefore, those rules should never be
broken. We need them. We need them to maintain a civil world, in
the dimension that Adam and Even have ‘fallen’ to, because all of us, have
eaten the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. ALL OF US, or we wouldn’t be here.
The Sabian Symbol and part of the body for the New Moon degree:
Part of Body: Left calcaneum (the calcaneus is where people often develop heel
spurs, and this is common in people not just on their feet a lot, or runners,
but in those who have dug in and refuse to budge).
Sabian Symbol: A squirrel hiding from hunters. Are you hiding? Are you worried you will be found, or found out?
Speaking of ‘digging in’, we can see the astrological currents ripping the earth open with that T square, where we had two major events that I am aware of, several major earthquakes, starting with a 7.9 and then counting downward, 7.8 then a 7.6 and multitudinous aftershocks recorded, right on the border of Turkey and Syria. Thousands of people have been found buried, wounded, and dead (as of this writing, there are 7,200 in the death count) so far and the search continues.
Turkish president declares emergency as Turkey-Syria quake death toll passes 7,200 (
The same day, right here in Eastern Ohio by ‘Palestine’ we had a major train accident carrying hazardous, toxic materials, causing an evacuation for miles surrounding the area.
This is Pluto, Lord of the underworld and since we began the last moon cycle with Pluto conjunct the sun and moon at 28* Capricorn and sun and moon conjunction at 01* Aquarius.
Eruption and EXPOSURE, the faults displaying the buildings
that were not built following strong building codes (Saturn) and crumbled with
the shaking.
This is EXACTLY what will happen to anything that has been
built, without using integrity, truth, and proper (recall I used the word
scaffolding and infrastructure) it will crumble as we move into the Aquarius
energy and AGE, since the energy will be so powerful. Pluto is also REVEALING THE TOXIC CHEMICALS
that we are all being exposed to, and how we as custodians of the earth, need
to do a better job.
Pay attention,
secrets are revealed right in front of our
very eyes.
There is plenty of steganography used to hide the truth in
plain sight or bury it inside the computer and technology we all use daily.
You know how sometimes in some esoteric movie, there can be
a book that someone reads and under a certain light, if it is burned, etc.,
another page (hidden message) is revealed? Well, that is
also alluding to looking at ANY INFORMATION and being able to SEE information
that is already right in front of your eyes.
Wonder how many ‘rabbits’ we might pull out of the hat in
Finally, I just want to remind you, especially those of you
with FIXED CROSS planets, aspects; TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, that we
have two more fixed cross eclipses this year and Pluto entering Aquarius at the
end of March, is going to heat up the TRANFORMATION OF YOUR EVOLUTIONARY
PROCESS this year. If you have not
already done a very good realignment with your VALUE’S, this could be really
rough on you, as it will FORCE THAT PROCESS.
CARDINAL signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, you are
about to get pushed even further in knowing your PURPOSE, you can no longer put
off doing that inner work and tapping into your inner process, that will REVEAL
The nodes are going to start playing on the eclipses in Aries
and Libra, so TIMES UP! No more putting
off until tomorrow, what you have been dancing around or avoiding, time to punch
the clock and get to work.
Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and PIsces, you
have that Venus/Neptune conjunction and Saturn making that ingress into PIsces,
time to put the structures to your dreams, YOU ARE ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH, TAKE
Returning to the connection of the two hemispheres, and finding the balance, do you know what connects the hemispheres? SMELL.
Use your ArcoftheAncient blends, and the latest inspiration,
knowing what we all need to do right now, is become our own ‘Royalty’. Not in an 'entitled' way, in a 'servant of the people/humanity' way. Let your higher self, become your master, by way of the heart.
Here is a link to the roll on, there is also a 1/4oz blend
Both are specially priced now:
.33 oz. Roll on (
To connect with the divine, for meditation, prayer, or in a
moment of need. These pure essential oils are known throughout antiquity to be
the prized oils of royalty, they are the oils brought to the Christ child and
one of them is the oil Mary Magdalene used when she anointed Jesus at the
Sacred Wedding Feast.
Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, & Spikenard. They will
connect you instantly and raise your vibration and your prayers on the wings of
Angels and frairies to the Highest Orders, and the universe is attuned to these
frequencies, opening the channel for divine guidance of the Holy Spirit.
No more playing victim, no more blame, it is time to step into THE VERY REASON WE ARE HERE, RIGHT NOW.
You can apply on pulse points and inhale, go back and do the Tree Meditation, or just hike, meditate and tap into the SOURCE.
Need more help or guidance?
We are glad to be of service, and if you are having a hard
time financially, let us know, we will do what we can do to work with you.
& Bodywork (
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