On 8/8/2023 Venus will be retrograde at 23*22’ Leo the Lion,
she has already entered the underworld, (she is so close to the sun, we cannot
see her anymore, when she leaves the nighttime sky and remerges as the (MORNING
underworld and is putting back together the pieces of her lover to reemerge and
reassemble a NEW WORLD, to seed the ‘DAWNING’ of the new AGE.
No matter (MA’ATER) what is ‘dis-spelled’ as stories/myths,
they emerge from the CREATION myths, encoding a FAR DEEPER TRUTH than some do
not see, let alone believe.
Venus will be at greatest elongation – farthest from the sunrise – on October 23, 2023. Look for Venus in the sunrise direction before dawn breaks as the sky is lightening.
Venus in her retrograde period, will set at 7:27PM EDT on
the day of the new moon, August 16, 2023.
She will remain visible in the morning sky until May 2024. She will conjoin Jupiter in TAUrus and square
Pluto in Aquarius, and this will take place after the final doorway of the GREAT
USA FIRE ECLIPSE, that takes place April 8th, 2024. That is guaranteed to be a very POWERFUL TIME
This is an inferior conjunction to the sun, and Venus retrograde will not disappear as long as the superior pass, which is more closely associated with Inanna’s descent because it is a longer period of time before she reemerges.
I credit Gary Caton for making this connection back in 2011, grateful for his acquaintance, and the chance to read for Gary.
This is still considered a very powerful time because Venus,
will be widely conjoined to this new moon, Venus retrogrades at 18*39’ Leo,
while Lady Luna and our personal star, the sun meet up at 23*17’ Leo August 16,
2023, 5:37AM.
Venus stations direct on Sep 3, 2023, 9:19:53 PM when she is at 12*12' LEO.
This new moon will also square Uranus who is at 23* TAUrus EXACTLY.
Expect the unexpected as they say. This is a SHAKE UP, of your belief’s and VALUES again, (we can see this is the running theme of these times), especially as Pluto retrograde at 28* Capricorn is still very much squaring the head and tail of the dragon, at 26*55’ Aries/head and Libra/tail.
Once again, our CREATOR is masterfully burning off the dross, wiping the sleep from our eyes, EXPOSING us to our place in the universe, who we really are, and our individual roles on planet earth, as the dimensions open and the veil falls/thins.
As stated so many times in these blogs, the very same way we see orbs and objects, spirits, unaccounted for lights showing up in digital images and pictures now, as well as the James Webb telescope sending back images from the depths of our universe that we have never seen before in this lifetime, so too do we reflect upon our own conscious exploration and relationship to all that is.
This is like a machine that vibrates and shakes off the rust or excess debris.
Well, we are being shaken alright.
Can you feel a difference in yourself? In how you ‘self-love’ and create or draw
boundaries with others in your life, and those you love, how you love?
This is happening to everyone, but now the Cardinal signs;
Aries (N. Node & Chiron), Cancer, Libra (S. Node), as well as the Fixed
Signs: Leo where we see the HEART OF THE MAA’TER, Sun, Moon, and Venus,
Scorpio, Aquarius (with Pluto breathing his dragon breath from the hidden worlds,
and TAUrus, with Jupiter at 14* squaring Venus retrograde, really bringing up
these questions of self-worth and Uranus at 23* in that exact square to this
new moon on the 15th.
Tomorrow, Mars at 23* Virgo will form a lovely supportive trine to the changes
of Uranus in TAUrus.
This can give you the energy and desire to make changes,
organize, polish treasures, clean jewelry, and put affairs in order.
Virgos in particular can finally feel as though the changes
they have been considering but putting off, are finally finding a clear runway
to put new plans and ideas into the next stages of planning.
Mercury at 19* of Virgo will emphasize this matter, forming a wide opposition
to retrograde Neptune at 27* and Neptune is also forming a sextile to Pluto,
this is going to once again magnify our DREAMS, the hidden messages coming into
instructive Jungian communication.
Here, we can see flashes in our periphery, and time can seem to slow down,
especially as Mercury gets ready to station retrograde himself on August 23rd
at 3:59 PM EDT at 21*51’ Virgo.
Now, both Venus and Mercury are retrograde opening up the
big review and revision of this very period of flashes of reality trying to
overtake the Dream World and ILLUSIONS we may have been refusing to SEE
12 DAYS after Venus has stationed direct, Mercury will also
station direct Sep 15 2023 4:20:58 PM EDT at 08*00' VIRGO.
We begin to tie up our gardens and gather some of the final harvest.
Saturn still retrograde at 04* PIsces (will station direct at 0*PIsces on
November 6th so we have plenty of time to plan, to revise our plans,
and listen to the LUCID REVIEWS we are being given, literally INSTRUCTIONS are
creating virtual realities so VIVID for us now, that if we are not journaling
our dreams, there is no one to blame but ourselves, the UNIVERSE IS PLAYING LOUD
AND CLEAR if we are paying attention.
Ultimately, coming to terms with the way we take care of
ourselves, draw boundaries, and learn a STRENGTH IN KINDNESS, TO OURSELVES
that can extend out to the universe, in ways that are so desperately needed
from us all, to help heal this division and contentiousness, this JUDGMENT.
When we learn to stop judging ourselves, we all make
Be kind.
As you can see in the illustration below, Venus’s greatest
morning elongation in 2023 from the Northern Hemisphere as viewed through a
powerful telescope. Greatest elongation will come on October 23. The planet
images are at the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month. Dots show the actual
positions of Venus every day. Chart via Guy Ottewell’s 2023
More information on the Lion’s Gate (8/8)
Sirius A and Sirius B orbit each other every 50 years at a
distance between 8.2 and 31.5 astronomical units, which translates into an
angular separation between 3 and 11 arcseconds. At periastron (the closest
approach), the two stars can only be resolved in a 12-inch or larger
telescope. As they have been moving away from each other since the last
periastron in 1994, Sirius A and Sirius B are easier to resolve. The average
separation between the two stars is about 20 astronomical units, which is
roughly equal to the distance between the Sun and Uranus. The stars have an
elliptical orbit. They were the farthest apart in 2019 and will come to the
closest approach again in 2044.
Sirius A and Sirius B orbit each other every 50 years. Sirius A and Sirius B are in periastron (closest) in 2044 and farthest apart in 2019, the last periastron was in 1994.
The date opposite the Lion’s Gate is February 4th.
thank you, once again // a blessed` new moon evening and night!