Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Inner Visions Open The Portal AND THE WAY

Last night, I dreamt that I was in a wonderful, old, great, library, filled with raised panels and levels and levels of bookcases and grand stairways into every written thought for the curious seeker to find.

I walked up to one of the desks, talking with a young librarian behind the counter and showing him a passage in one of the antique books in which I was gloriously swimming.

He looked away, and whispered he was getting in trouble, for reading these forbidden passages.  ‘Management’ was watching.

I noticed other librarians, who in the past, reveled in my sharing of ‘ancient writings’ that were secreted away, now trying to look away, lest they be scolded again too.

I often share the Sabian Symbol’s for certain astrological positions, particularly sun or moon, but also when a planet is making a significant impact on the earth, and I want to share something that is a bit, mystically significant.
You can do a simple search about what the symbols mean and their origin, I have so much to share right now, I don’t want to segue off into yet one more tributary.

I have been studying and using astrology for over 40 years now, but my first reading was from Anne Cook, when I was just around 14 or 15 years old.  I bought the Linda Goodman’s ‘Sun Sign’ book, but that was about it at the time.
Of course, I have had many readings myself over the years, from different astrologer’s, some quite famous.
One that was also quite good, is known as an ‘astrologer to the stars.’

I too, have read for people who are very well-known.

One of the things she pointed out to me, was the position of my natal Venus, (not by sign or degree) and how it sits equidistant between my natal Pluto and Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, which she stated, she only saw in two other charts, both of whom are famous writers/movie producers.

This is the Sabian Symbol of my natal Venus:

Sabian Symbol: A man teaching the true inner knowledge.  (I've spent decades now, teaching all sorts of mystical knowledge, some of which I wrote while living in the barn without running water, during my divorce). This evolved into, 'Total Sensory Healing & Integration' which eventually became a certified course by the State Board of Proprietary Schools in Ohio.

Now, I am going to reach back in time, to when I was a young girl around the age of 5.
My aunt was watching me, my mother was off, delivering my baby sister.

I thought I would help, by setting the table and surprise my mother when she got home.

Chili was cooking on the stove, so I knew we would need the chili melamine bowls.  They were on the top shelf in the upper cupboards.

I pushed a chair over to climb up onto the counter.  I reached up, straining my little legs on my toes, and managed to retrieve a stack of bowls.

As I stepped back, I went a bit too far, slipped and hit my chin, mouth agape on the counter.   Do you know how much blood circulation is in your tongue?

I walked around the corner, my aunt sitting in the black leather swivel rocker turned her gaze to me, and screamed in horror, as she worked her plump body off that chair as quick as she could.

She shoved towels in my mouth to stop the gushing.

My tongue, literally hanging from two thin strands.

They stitched my tongue back on, but it left me with a bit of a speech challenge.

Funny, I should end up being a singer.

It wasn’t until years later, during a past-life regressive experience, that I recalled a time during the inquisitions, when they ‘cut my tongue’ off. (This may offend some sensibilities).

I could feel the metal tongs stretching me tongue out, as they burned through my tongue, with the hot implement.

Perhaps, even in this life, I was trying to keep myself from ‘sharing secret information’, that jeopardized my own safety and well-being.
My natal Venus is even in the 12th house of secrets.
I have shared in the past, experiences I have had, either before, during, or after teaching a class, in which I share mystical knowledge. I've cut myself pretty deeply during class, which eventually brought up memories from past lives too, and the need for 'sacrifice' to gain sacred knowledge.

I am always, wrestling, with how much to share with anyone.

It can be a bit too much, even like this little story can be for some people.

It can also be a burden, you cannot ‘unknow’ something.

Thus, part of the reason for this writing.

I apologize for ‘oversharing’ things that can be disturbing. Whether on this very blog, in classes, in person (I am always teaching/sharing when I am with people).

Things I may see, now or in the future, that eyes DO NOT WANT TO SEE, or are NOT READY TO SEE/HANDLE.


I have shared truths, the hidden reality, behind a lot of what became ‘popular’ in the awakening community.  I watched in horror as people lined up to willingly gulp down lies, but I had to learn, ‘they wanted to believe’.

I have watched parents deal with their addicted children, or spouses, family, and friends.  One of the hardest parts, is not being able to stop the ‘addicted loved one’ from hurting themselves.  For others, watching those that love the addict, can’t help from ‘enabling’ them.  The addict for that matter, becomes extremely good at manipulating them, they are in many cases, no longer themselves anymore, they are simply a ‘host’ for the parasite/demon that is now in control, and wants to be fed at all or any cost.

This is one of the analogies, I have been given to try and understand, my own lessons, of what to share, what to filter and how, etc.

‘Pearls in front of swine’.  Though I don’t like the ‘swine’ part, it is an apt description, not because people are swine, but they will trample the pearls of wisdom into the mud under their feet, rather than see what the light is IN-FORMING them, which often is casting shadows into an unknown, and unseen world ~ FIRST.

These very shadows are EXACTLY what is happening on planet earth right now.

The Light of the AGE is shining upon us.  It IS MARY MAGDALENE.  Apostle to the Apostles.  It is SHE who saw the RISEN CHRIST.

It was the MAGDALENE, who anointed Christ, (this very act is the meaning of the name, Christ, ‘THE ANOINTED ONE’/CHRISTENED).

I know I have been redundant in telling people, to seek within.

I also realize that we all have different gifts and tasks currently on planet earth.  For some, seeing within worlds, is not so easy.

Perhaps, it is not even meant to be in this life.

It’s just that this is such a special time, the end of one age (PIsces, the 12th house of spirituality, ruled by Neptune/Poseidon, and the LIVING WATERS OF ILLUSION.)

When I teach astrology, one of the things I try to point out (of too many to learn or count in any one lifetime) are the symbols.

Neptune has HOOKS.  Like a ‘fishhook’.

To understand why it may seem that people are ‘hooked’ into a belief, particularly when it comes to politics, and we see people so vehemently believe a certain politician or side/narrative or another, and to your eyes, they are refusing to see any additional information, that contradicts or refutes that belief.  Yet, they don’t see it, when it is they themselves, doing the exact, same thing.  People even say that people are in a ‘cult-like’ stupor.

See the other symbol for PIsces, the two fish, swimming in opposite directions?

In the WATERS?


I repeat the imagery of the story ‘parable’ of Jesus ‘walking on the water’.

He is in this world, but not OF THIS WORLD.

He is ABOVE THE WATERS OF ILLUSION, THE ILLUSORY WORLD IN THE AGE OF PISCES, that He came to shine the light of truth into, to begin the AWAKENING’.

I watched as so many were ‘hijacked’ into alternate realities, deepening their submergence into ILLUSIONS, rather than going through the darkness, the shadows and ILLUMINATING the inner world.

PIsces/Neptune rules ADDICTIONS.

Addictions are not just drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. 

Some people are addicted to food.

Some people are addicted to shopping.

Some people are addicted to working out, jogging.

Some people use the avoidance of traveling.  Literally, going somewhere ‘else’ and ‘getting away’ rather than doing the inner work.

But it is DIFFICULT.

That is why people avoid it.

And we are in this demonsion. We do have to live in this world, and manage to find, food, clothing, and shelter.

I have myself, found many ways to avoid spending the time ALONE, and LISTENING TO THE HIGHER GUIDANCE WE ALL HAVE.

For some, it is not as ‘clear’.

I get that.

Some people don’t remember their dreams.  So blocked, is their subconscious, from some painful past, or doubt about themselves.  They don’t know how beautiful their soul is, often riddled with some obfuscation or dislike they have for themselves, most likely learned in some aberration of spiritual teachings.

This is why we make the magical blend, ‘Sleep Angel’. Sleep Roll On .33 oz. (arcoftheancients.com)

To help people to get that deep, fertile, fecund, humus, where their angelic presence is waiting at the door.  Waiting for us to open the door, a window, anything, but to LISTEN.

I have spent a goodly portion of my own life, running to and fro, needing to be somewhere, anywhere and ‘show up’ for others.

Rather than let anyone else down, I let myself down.

I promise you, we have traveled oceans of lifetimes, to arrive at this very threshold.  Yes, it can be frightening.

Every single time I prepare to go onstage and sing, or teach, I am trembling in fear.  Fear that I won’t be able to open up the vault of heaven and ‘livestream’ the enlivening light beams, that permeate the world and animate matter, creating life.

Even now, it brings tears to my eyes, just thinking about some lovely, tender-hearted, human I have happened upon, who is blocking this prolific world.

Who repeats idioms and mistruths cast upon the unknowing, another net from Neptune, for those who would rather remain in the shallow waters.

Even the very word, ‘FEAR’ is being foisted upon an unknowing mass, as something to avoid at all costs.

Yet, there is not a single thing we will ever do in this world, not one level of true achievement, that does not at some point, make one tremble.

Even when someone is lifting weights, their arms or muscles can tremble at some level, they have not been able to achieve…YET.

These are such times, my friends.

Yes, there are deeply disturbing things happening all over our good, sweet earth/planet right now.

Of course, it CAUSES US TO BE AFRAID!  We are not robots.  We are not artificial intelligence.  We are LIVING MAGICAL BEINGS MADE OF STARDUST.


Would you dismiss that first time you fell in love?

The scent of the garden and earthly delights?  Inhaling the purple delicacy of the lilac?  Watching the fragile, multicolored wings of a butterfly as it frolics from one flower to another?  Feeling the golden and amber rays of a setting sun?  The enchantment of music playing the invisible strings within you, and casting a spell that lives long into your memory?

The look of a baby’s eyes, meeting yours with that wonder and the light they bring to a new world?  The touch of a hand?

Which of these would you like to erase from your bounty of emotional gifts?

I do tremble in these times, yes it brings me to tears. 
But, as Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D., so eloquently states, ‘we were made for these times.’

We’re just about to go onto this frightful stage.

Are you ready?


Do you know, that often in dreams, when something or someone is chasing us, and it brings up ‘FEAR’, the shaman teaches that if we turn around and face the animal, etc., it turns into a GUIDE.  We must be brave enough, to HOLD THE LIGHT OF THE DIVINE.  WE HAVE TO BE TEMPERED.

I have finally learned to ‘tend to my soul’ and ‘self-preservation’ as my friend, Marcella tried to teach me, to listen to my own needs, and that I must be alone, more than others.  This is one of the lessons of the 12th house.  And as my friend, Lalei once stated: “To be alone, is to learn to be ‘all one’.”

We are all shards of light, extending from the great central sun, ILLUMINATING US THROUGH THE DARKNESS. 
The light casts a long shadow at daybreak and dusk.

Just like the dusk, the setting sun on thousands of years of this cycle, THE END OF THE AGE OF PISCES.

Yes, we have a new moon eclipse coming up on October 14th (not the 13th as I keep reading) at 1:55PM EDT when Lady Luna and our Solar Ambassador meet up at 21*07' Libra.

I'll be back...

In case you have trouble reading the sunset meme:
It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.
And in front of her, she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.
But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.
Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.
The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that’s where the river will know
it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.
                   ~ Khalil Gibran
Bless and protect us all, everyone. 💙🙏💙

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