Thursday, May 9, 2024

Night-Sky Empress Illuminates Manna From Heaven


Ezekiel 2:6 But you, son of man, do not be afraid of them or their words. Do not be afraid, though briers and thorns surround you, and you dwell among scorpions. Do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their presence, though they are a rebellious house.

On Tuesday, May 7th at 11:21 PM EDT The night sky Empress is her darkest as she joins the solar ambassador at 18*02’ TAUrus the BULL, one of the FIXED CROSS signs. 
We can quickly see that this ties back to the Total Solar Eclipse that was at 19* Aries, in semi-sextile (which is not exactly comfortable) and I view inconjuncts and these semi-sextiles like a plug that one grasps for and can’t quite plug it in for the POWER to surge through the wires.
This still makes for an EARTHY grounding for that potent eclipse energy, which we will be seeing the WAVES AND RIPPLES from for the next 6 months and even up to a year from now.

There was a lot that took place in the darkness of that eclipse.

Hopefully, you did your part, praying, lighting candles, etc. to mitigate the shadow work.

Recall that eclipse was also exactly conjunct Chiron, bringing up old wounds, even from lifetimes ago.  You may have had dreams that brought up the past, symbolism, friends show up from the past, anything that rang the bell for you, as the slideshow played, frame by frame, for your review and healing.

Things might have made sense in ways that just didn’t add up before, or the gnawing feeling that something just wasn’t right, but not exactly what.
Hopefully, now you have made some peace, and find yourself a bit more whole, or even a more connected and stronger version now in TAUrus.

Even the Sabian Symbol for this new moon, puts this perspective on this:
A new continent rises out of the ocean.

I keep seeing pictures of the Russian Nesting Dolls, indeed, we all can keep going deeper inside our own MYSTERY, until alas, we find that INTEGRAL SELF, the one buried like an old car in the barn.

Shine her up, and crank that starter, you might just find that TAUrus will bring you some LUXURY, especially as this also taps into the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that perfected on April 20th at 21*49’ TAUrus.

"All the planets are still lined up within 4 Houses, with Pluto bringing up the rear at 2*Aquarius and Jupiter leading the way at 25*TAUrus."

Jeff Green called Uranus, “Freedom from the known"

Many astrologers call Uranus, “The Great Awakener"

We all know that A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is making deeper and deeper incursions into our lives, taking over more tasks, jobs, airwaves, etc.
We also see brilliant ideas and inventions, some stellar, great gifts to humanity, at least at this point.  Some, perhaps not so much and it concerns me too.

Mostly, I just want to see us more spiritually connected during this process.

These two meet up every 14-years in their dance together. This can help us find the gold, and again, we tap into OUR VALUES.  We have that equation we’ve given so many times now, ‘how much TIME do you want to give up or exchange for VALUABLES?’

This new moon also forms a lovely sextile back to 17* Saturn in PIsces.

That can give us some added substance and SCAFFOLDING to actually build the firmament, like the bones of the body to attach some muscles and nerves to, so BRILLIANT AND ELECTRIC URANUS can easily find directed pathways for that LIGHTENING that both Uranus, and grandfather of Jupiter are known for.
Here we have Jupiter, ruler of the left brain and traditional ruler of PIsces and Uranus, the messenger god that connects the two hemispheres for that advanced thinking, the AHA!
Mercury has stationed direct and is now at 21* Aries is re-igniting that eclipse energy too, gathering the INTEL and bang on Chiron also at 21* now, so it is primo time for healing and bringing the message.
We also have Neptune at 29* PIsces who is only 6 degrees of separation to Mars at 05* Aries, birthing that new spiritual energy, after their recent fusion of energies on April 29th at 28*52’ PIsces, so clearing out that anoretic urgency, ACTIVATING the past again, and our SPIRITUAL HIGHER ORDER AND CONNECTION.  This also brings up the MIDDLE EAST dilemma, just as the Total Solar Eclipse and our spiritual origins are all tapping into our past, ORIGINS ~ GENESIS.
What agreements have you returned to, what depth have you plumbed, what unfathomable journey have you returned from to see a brilliance that emanates from those very depths?  Do you now see why you have taken the path you are traversing?

This can bring both introspection and extraversion as we bring the outside in and the inside out.  The doors may swing open out of the blue, as surprises generated from Uranus being blown up and expanded by Jupiter has lit the fuse and the daisy chain of unexpected events and activities, even surprise gifts and announcements both from deep within your soul and on the world stage, continue to ILLUMINATE the PATH we didn’t even know existed at times.

Jupiter will find his way into Gemini on May 25th where he will burn up the communication wires, and put urgency into the mix, out of solid and steady, if not somewhat reticent TAUrus.
The lights turn green and the petal to the metal will have people picking up and traveling on a moment’s notice, as well as following through on previous plans or trips that were postponed.

Pluto at 2* Aquarius, began to station retrograde on May 2nd, and will return to the Cardinal signs when he enters Capricorn for one last time (in any of our lifetimes, btw) on September 1st.

Now let’s return to the opening line: “Be not afraid”
That is taken from Ezekiel’s account of the ‘Flaming wheels within wheels’.


TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius (the Age we are entering in 2026, and are now experiencing the initial TRANSFORMATIVE EVENTS,
We see the world being EXPOSED in these REVELATORY TIMES.
The old structures are crumbling around us, and yes, this can be DISTURBING.

You are just opening that ‘SINGULAR EYE’ and SEEING for the first time, what has been happening our entire lives.

But don’t forget the rest of that Gospel from Thomas:
“But then shall you rule over all”…

BE NOT AFRAID, as the voice of the Lord says to Ezekiel, even though he was being shown a remarkable vision, ‘wheels within wheels’…the four FIXED CROSS SIGNS, Bull, Lion, Eagle, and Angel of Man.

You see, as the Angels/Messengers/Stars that rule ABOVE, dance in the heavens, they make WAVES that move us BELOW.  There is a reason all the great minds of the past and civilizations create the GUIDANCE SYSTEMS IN STONEWORK, PYRAMIDS, STONEHENGE, even the VATICAN, that directly mirrors the stars guiding us from above.

When they make these powerful aspects, we feel the WAVES from these TITANS for months, years, and far longer.  Much like seeing a large cargo vessel move in a canal, like this video below: 

Ships making waves in a canal.


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