Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Fall Eclipsing Out Old World LEAVES 2024

Solar Eclipse (over the Pacific Ocean mostly/Easter Island: see diagram),
Closing out the CARDINAL BALANCE, one last solar eclipse on the Cardinal axis at 09* Aries on March 29th in 2025, but this one is a doozy…for sure.  The sun and mercury align with asteroid Helene.  See picture below.

The night sky empress meets up with her solar paramour on October 2nd at 2:49PM EDT, when they are both at 10*03’ Libra and just one degree away from Mercury at 11*32’ Libra, while the Tail of the Dragon (Ketu) swims behind them at 6* Libra, but just to add a little more ‘darkness’ Black Moon Lilith is also at 10* Libra too.
Relationships you say?

This gut punching eclipse is dragging the Great USA Solar Eclipse along with it, and literally defecating out all that Aries identity and I AM from Rahu in Aries.
Harmony? Libra wants this most of all…EVERYTHING HANGS IN THE BALANCE.

Lilith?  She has had enough of anything ‘pretend or phony’ and she is taking that sickle and ‘cutting it all away’.
Lilith, if we recall, didn’t want to take any ‘s**t’ in the first place, so as the story goes, she split.  Talk about tipping the scales.
So the lights in the heavens, drag the waters above and whatever cannot pour through that little eye of the needle in the full moon eclipse, is churned up in rough waters and the wind that comes sweeping through, in the AIR of Libra, and the Grand Water Trine Air and Water

Water Grand Trine:
Sag 14* Pisces, Mars 15* Cancer, Venus 11* Scorpio and the Libra eclipse
Sun, Moon 10*03’ Libra, Lilith at 10* Libra, Mercury 11*32’ Libra, South Node 6* Libra.
Washed away and wind dried, the past is no more.
This shakes me deeply.
Some of us will do better than others, swimming through these deep waters.
There is what is being called a 'second moon' coming into our orbit, that may or may not be seen, as it is only about 33' in diameter.
We shall see.

The last time we had an eclipse at 10* Libra was back in 2005 on October 3rd, so you can look back to that time, and see what was going on in your life, knowing that 19 years later, we have circled back to revisit those lessons.
How have you faired?  Made the changes, shifts or clinging to the muddy walls that this water trine will wash away for good?
The other thing to consider that is really huge, is Pluto RX at 29* Capricorn is also giving us our LAST CHANCE to make those EVOLUTIONARY LEAPS considering the landscape of our lives and adjust.

We can see in the 'kite chart' above, Neptune was conjoined witht hat full moon and we will not see or experience Neptune in PIsces conjoin a full moon eclipse again IN OUR LIFETIMES.
Whatever it is you may have started back then, it is time to either finish it up or move on for good.  Mars will go retrograde in December at 06*10’ Leo, Jupiter is getting ready to station retrograde within the week at 21* Gemini (AIR) and Neptune RX at 29*11’ Pisces, along with Uranus also retrograde at 26* TAUrus round out the outer generational planets whose longer transits around the sun, mean they remain in a sign for a longer period.

I add this chart I have posted in previous blogs for you, for reference.
Don’t forget, Saturn is also going to finish up his transit in Pisces too, though he is here for another year, so that is the ONLY thing giving you a slight amount of time, but don’t slack, because this is really more like the clean up crew, rebuilding after the devastation of ENDINGS.
We are also in the heavy energy of the semisquare from Saturn to Pluto that just took place on September 25th, so this is NOT comfy and cozy, especially while Venus at 11* of Scorpio is not happy…that intensity is a lot for fluffy Libra, who just wants everything to look nice, and not have to deal with heavy Scorpionic skullduggery.
Ultimately, some freedom and clarity can come from this, once that realistic observation and awareness comes screaming onto your minds eye, the field is laid bare to take proper assessment and with the realism of the upcoming Scorpio energy, GET REAL.
Identity of the SELF and the OTHER.
Where do you fit into that mix?  Are you being authentic with yourself?

Are you considering the OTHER?  It is not an either/or…but an US.
I have been writing many blogs about the ‘division’ and the ‘marriage’ and I am currently putting together a more explanatory piece on this too.
People stuck in BINARY thinking as I have called it out so many times over the years, MANY TIMES.
What is worse, is just how ‘dug in’ people are who cannot possibly open their locked mind (because of fear and ignorance and that creates a stronger desire to cling to lower energy of a ‘side’ hanging the sandbags on the balloon inhibiting someone to JUST CONSIDER OTHER POINTS OF VIEW THAT MAY CONFLICT OR DISRUPT THEIR OWN ‘ORDER OUT OF CHAOS’ they have created.

Anyway, that is for another day.
For now, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD IS ALSO DOING HIS FINEST WORK, PAINTING LANDSCAPES OF ORANGE AND RED HUES, carpeting the earth in a blanket of LIGHT that has been returned.  Some gave all…
This tale/tail of the serpent is exculpating and excavating our inner earth, and REVEALING our true nature.  Finally disgorging the TRUE SOUL OF THE DIVINE WITHIN.
No more hiding, no more pretending…this eventually will set you free and give you the harmony you seek.
Look to that house, where is 10* Libra for you?  What are you holding a CLEARNING HOUSE ON?  ESTATE SALE?
LEGACY…this will be brought more clearly into view in Scorpio land, but Venus in Scorpio is holding that uncomfortable energy, birthing, and with all that water in that Grand Water Trine, nothing will be able to cling to the past, it will be caught up in the current and carried downstream.

We won’t even know the eventual fallout, for years to come.
But believe me, this is the CLEARING
What is your HEART SAYING?  (Without you trying to talk over with some mumbo jumbo ‘but this is what has to be’…).
Talk about not holding the water but being the water carrier.
Water signs: Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer, you will be MOVING ON. FINALLY.
Cardinal Signs: Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, and Aries, you have a little more time, but believe me it will become more and more exigent, so do what you can as you can to PREPARE for CHANGE.
Fixed Cross: TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius…you are really holding a lot of weight, your shoulders might ache, the knees grow weak, and one can wonder, just how much longer can we hold out?  Unless you have made the changes, this can reach a breaking point.  Don’t forget, Pluto is on its way again for the long haul in November, and he DON’T PLAY.  
Mutable cross: Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini’s, you are in the weirdest energy of all, with both Saturn and Neptune, the lover of order and boundaries (Saturn) and the dissipater, boundaryless one Neptune who wears away the hardest elements over time) swimming in the deep and shallows, the recesses of your very CALLING, DEEP SOUL DIVING into the dark abyss, and calling all angels when the dark enfolds them longer than they have ever experienced before, questions everything.  The bolts rattle under pressure, the rivets crack, and the ship lurches as the metal of the being buckles.
A little water leaks, an eruption, but some of you, gulp that air from Jupiter at 21*Gemini, hear the words spoken into your canals, down your hallways and rush down the vasculature as the floodgates are literally pushed open for the very good, the bad, and the ugly.
Where you stand, depends on your karma, where is Jupiter transit in your chart at  21* of Gemini?  What new philosophy or knowledge has he and will he unlock to tell you the tales of old that shine the light onto the paths into the ew world?
The homeland…eclipsed, bothered, and bewildered.
Until we meet again…the autumn leaves begin to drift by our windows, and the layers remind us that nothing stays the same.
We are going to go through so much more…recalibrate, recalculating route.
Connect your onstar satellite now, it may the only light you have…


From the beginning...