Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Goat Climbs Up the Mountain of the Capricorn New Moon, The Earth We Need to Support This Challenging Time of Evolution

 On December 30th, 2024, at 5:26PM EST, the Empress of the Night Sky meets up with her solar paramour, the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, at 09° Capricorn, the goat.

The Sabian Symbol at this degree: “An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor.” Albatrosses are highly efficient in the air, using dynamic soaring and slope soaring to cover great distances with little exertion.

As difficult as this time can be, this speaks of being fed by ‘a sailor’ and being able to fly great distances with ease.  They eat the food from the sea, perhaps that is another clue.  Because we have a way to go, but we truly have come so very far.  We must extend our great wings, follow the ‘currents’ (which is how I view astrology) eat a good diet, and accept help.
We must take the time to nurture, to step back, and these retrogrades, particularly the Mars retrograde (CURRENTLY, LOL at 02° Leo), for LEADERS, who many are rethinking right now, as they display a bit more of their true intentions, as that curtain is pulled back. 
But this also speaks to our own leadership within, how we guide ourselves and who we allow to guide us or show the way.
This is magnified by the opposition from that retrograde Mars to Pluto, which will oppose Pluto EXACTLY again, on January 3rd of 2025, and believe me we are already feeling this too.  Mars, action and energy, the ‘WAR’ planet OPPOSES PLUTO, the atomic energy, POWER, HIDDEN POWER, Pluto is also PLUTOCRACY, (RULE BY THE WEALTHY OLIGARCHS).  SURPISE?
Pluto also, especially in this aspect to Mars, rules the ‘mob’, so we may see the ‘mobs’ gather to object to leaders and leadership.

But back to this new moon in Capricorn, which is ruled by that goat, EL/Lord of the Rings, Saturn, Cronos or FATHER TIME.

The old vs the new...can you keep going or do you need to pivot a little?

Capricorn is ambitious, he is that goat, climbing up the mountain. 

Where is Saturn?  He is at 14°Pisces, no longer retrograde, he is moving towards Aries where he will ALMOST perfect to Neptune next year, who will also briefly leave Pisces for Aries next year, after being in Pisces since 2011.
These, along with Pluto’s recent ingress into Aquarius where he will remain for almost the next decades after his transit of Capricorn, since 2008.
Uranus is also going to finally leave TAUrus, in July of 2025, when he enters Gemini and…when that happens…EVERYTHING is going to become so ILLUMINATED ON WARP SPEED, we will barely have time to catch our breath.

These, as you can see, portend MAJOR CHANGES. 
I ELABORATE more on this in PART III, of the coming year predictions blog, as we walk out of the waters of ILLUSION AND PISCES that we have all been swimming.

There are several SQUARES in this new moon too:
RX Uranus 23° TAU SQ Venus 26° AQ

RX Jupiter 13° Gem SQ Saturn 14° Pisces

Saturn 14° Pisces SQ Mercury 18° Sagittarius 


Especially degrees between 11°-21° and 25° also, of the mutable signs, all the way into the early degrees of ARIES, THUS THE CARDINAL SIGNS, GET READY.  BUT THIS ALSO LEADS US INTO THE FIXED CROSS: AQUARIUS, LEO, SCORPIO, AND TAURUS.  RX Uranus 23° TAU SQ Venus 26° AQ

We also have Jupiter Square to Saturn., the second of three squares.  Because that square was born on December 21st, 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn met up at 0°Aquarius.
That 00°-05° is a HOTT SPOT So many planets made that conjunction to Pluto or other signs at that 0° Aquarius and This set the fulcrum point, with the entry of Pluto and this AGE of AQUARIUS, ruled by Uranus, and that is the GREAT AWAKENER, WHO SHOCKS YOU WIDE AWAKE.  He is ‘unpredictable’.

With an Aquarian moon, the common saying is: ‘Expect the unexpected’.

Pluto The evolutionary planet that rules what is hidden or ‘OCCULTED’, AND THE OCCULT, spent a lot of time dancing back and forth between 27° Capricorn and that 00° Aquarius, thus the CARDINAL SIGNS: CAPRICORN, CANCER, ARIES, AND LIBRA, at those ending degrees and up into that 00° Aquarius are also experiencing some very acute energies and endings.  Yes, this can also mean literal deaths.
 pulls in the FIXED SIGNS:
So, you see, we are ALL BEING transformed.


(Jupiter Square Saturn)

1st. Exact Aug 19, 2024, at 5:46:02 pm         (EDT +4:00)

2nd. Exact Dec 24, 2024, at 4:59:08 pm         (EST +5:00)

3rd. Exact Jun 15 2025 at 10:35:44 am          (EDT +4:00)

Saturn is asking us to mature, and he will reward those who put the time and effort into discipline and good work ethics.  Those who kept going and overcoming those obstacles, just like the goat.

Again, I remind you to do the best you can, to nurture yourself, to love yourself, as the movies are played in constant loops, making us all review and rewind the past, our paths, our choices, try to take time out, time off, and nourish the soul.
Some people take advantage, some people never can have enough, or worse, fib about things in life, making everyone else do the work, take the blame, and that makes it that much harder on everyone else.



But this is a challenging time, to put it LIGHTLY.
Can we forgive others, ourselves?

None of us are perfect.

All we can do is try to do our best and sometimes, I know for myself, being truly knocked down, you just can’t get back up, your back hurts, your knees hurt, your heart hurts, your SOUL ACHES, AND IS TIRED.

Squares are difficult, they form those CROSSES I have talked a lot about, and how Jesus falls with his crosses.   But we also need that builders square to construct a home.  To make the form that can hold our path through time, this world, safety.

We are all being asked to be stronger than we ever have before, as we enter a challenging year ahead, 2025…2+0+2+5=9.  A nine year is ENDINGS.

I have a lot more to share about this, and the end of the yuga, which I have shared for the past decade and this upcoming year, and I remind you one more thing before I go.
That is the WARNING I SHARED WITH THAT GREAT US ECLIPSE 2017-2024, that we need to make amends, we need to adjust our DESIRES and GOALS, AND YES, FORGIVENESS.

We also have PROJECT 2025, which is something everyone should read.

There are a lot of MAJOR CHANGES taking place.

Try to be kind.

I see a lot of positive changes that can come also, not the least of which will happen from gathering, especially women’s circles, which my friend Linda and I talk about a lot, and both of us have done many things to make those healing awakening circles for decades now.

Here is something to put on the calendar: 6 planets in the planetary alignment on January 21, 2025

The next planetary alignment will take place on January 21, 2025. In the evening, just after sunset, six planets — Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn — will align in the sky. Four of these planets (Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) will be easily visible to the naked eye. You'll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune and Uranus. Now, let's take a closer look at the conditions for observing the planets.

Reddish Mars (mag -1.3) will shine on the eastern horizon, in the constellation Gemini.

Bright Jupiter (mag -2.6) will be positioned a little higher, in the constellation Taurus. If the sky is dark enough, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful Pleiades, Hyades and yellow Aldebaran that surround the planet and complete the picture. You can easily identify all these objects with the help of the Sky Tonight app.

Get high-powered binoculars to see Uranus (mag 5.7). It will be in the constellation Aries, near the border with Taurus.

The next three planets will be located closer to the western horizon. Neptune (mag 7.9) will be in the constellation Pisces, but you’ll need at least a pair of powerful binoculars to spot it. Yellowish Saturn (mag 0.6) and the "evening star" Venus (mag -4.7) will be easily visible. They will shine close together in the constellation Aquarius.
You can read more about this here: 
Parade of Planets 2024 | Planet Alignment | Planetary Alignment Today | 6 Planets Align | Star Walk

I will post that chart in upcoming blogs.
Now, some of you will recall the ‘Red Tent’ gathering I wrote on the brochure, for the ‘ARC’, which also means a ‘female vessel’ bearing seeds or fruit, to rebuild a new world, out of the destruction and chaos of the old.
Gather Reiki, we did many different kinds of healing classes and gatherings at the ARC, and we have some classes and retreats we are being guided to create this upcoming year too.

For now, this is all I have for you…I’ll be back with ‘walking on water’.

Be well.

And this from Jean Shinoda Bolen:
When women come together and make a commitment to each other to be in circle with a spiritual center, they are creating a vessel of healing and transformation for themselves, and vehicle for change in their world.

As the calendar year comes to an end .. let’s get excited for the many women’s circles that will be birthed and widened in 2025.. contributing to an evolutionary change in human culture.


WHEN WOMEN COME TOGETHER by @donnaashworthwords

When women come together, something magical happens. It’s science, the mystical kind, and it’s an unstoppable force, to be reckoned with.

When women come together, they connect, on a deeper level, both spiritually and cellularly. Souls nodding in alignment, I see you.

Put women together for long enough and their cycles will sync. If that is not an example of the wondrous, connective majesty of womanhood, what is my friend, what is?

When women come together, an unseen wall is fashioned, built from the wisdom of the breaks,
we have all endured, and the passion to scream louder, so that those beneath us can hear, and need not suffer the same.

When women come together, and tell their stories, the good and the bad, the power created is a tsunami of strength and intuition. Washing us all on to better things. A wave of majesty, wisdom and connection.

When women come together, we are, quite frankly, intimidating. So watch out for those who will keep us apart. They are afraid. We are not.

-Donna Ashworth
🎨artist unkown(please help me give proper credit)

If you are inspired to form a circle or deepen one, my little book The Millionth Circle may be a roadmap for you and is my contribution to accelerating a process and a movement already in motion. you can find it at
Happy New Year!

#widercircles #womenscircles #jeanshinodabolen #millionthcircle #author #jungiananalysis #goddessesineverywoman #circlingwomen @jeanshinodabolen #goddess #gatherthewomen #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #whenwomengathermagichappens #mystical #divinefeminine #spiritual #spiritualgrowth #transformation #vessel #commitment #alignment

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