January’s WOLF MOON!
The Night sky Empress now filling with her tempestuous waters
of strife, of concern, distraught with the cinnabar inferno she overseas below,
on the west coast of the U.S., the cries of her children, animals, forests and
Amidst this hellish landscape, the Empress in her most maternal sign, at 23°59’
of Cancer, just shy of 24°. How could
she not weep?
Cancer is also the sign of home, nurturing and suckling children, homeland, patriotism,
security, foundations, security, and FEELINGS from the watery moon, EMOTIONS.
As the world is rumbling into the end zone of a confluence
of cycles, she sizzles, her Magma boils, her tectonic plates buckle and moan
and the ‘TERRIBLE WINDS’ become a TURBINE fanning the flames into FUROR.
It’s palpable. So
many tremble inside, unable to stem the tide of overwhelming TERROR.
FEAR, it creates the FIGHT OR FLIGHT SURVIVAL mechanism.
Side note attention: Notice
the bar code on his third eye? Nothing
but a commercial ‘thing’.
Identity reduced, much like those in Plato’s Cave, resigned to be prisoners as
the ‘shadow’ dancing on the walls project the LARGE IMAGES OF GODS.
First, he is a ‘pet goat’ or KID. He
wears a bell, so you always know where he is.
He is trapped in a ‘box’ where only is head and neck are just free
enough to see the barbed wire that restricts him and EVERY OTHER KID, Caught
inside the outdoor pen, in the middle of winter. Brief description.
This speaks of ‘programmed, owned, and captive’ children/kids.
Continuing, our Empress is
also aligned just several degrees away from a still retrograde Mars at 27°
Cancer, emboldening her with the passion of a mother, to stand up against the
Capricorn sun, who is widely conjoining Pluto at 01° Aquarius, the POWER of
getting support by the sextile to 27° Neptune in Pisces, while the other duo in
Cancer is in a supportive trine to that 27° Neptune who by the way, is also
the head of the dragon who has just regressed into Pisces at 29°.
Sitting inside this trine, is a supportive Uranus who is retrograde at
He also supports the sun with an EXACT trine for CHANGE.
Meanwhile, Lord of the Rings, Saturn/EL at 15°Pisces is linked up and ‘bound’ religare to 11° Venus. The Goat-fish is in the waters he swims freely and easily in, alongside the embryonic world of Venus, ready to rise up in her famous ‘shell’, glistening and gleaming.
Do we love our ‘yoke’? (RELIGION)
This blog tries to open the deeper truths and mysteries that connect us to ourselves, the higher power, each other and this world.
Religion was supposed to help
the ‘masses’.
Are people awakening enough
to throw off the shackles and make the connections themselves? Do they still need someone on a pulpit
I think we do for now, we may be finally leaving the descending Kali Yuga and starting the newer ascending cycle, entering the Age of Aquarius, the entry of all. the outer planets switching signs (within the next two years, Pluto ingressed into Aquarius last November ‘2024’) and some major transits forming aspects to all the conjunctions that were seeded. (see those charts in previous blogs)
But those who swim upstream
to give birth to this new world, are very few at this point. They do make the ‘wake’ that is easier to
follow in, and
the egregore that people inhale and attune into these shifting frequencies.
We still have to go through such major shifting, people who still don’t see the
bigger picture, and while this is happening, the watery world below can
be very frightening.
Thus, we have men growing beards and turning on the ‘alpha male’ role that they are programmed to embody in times of danger. This is not a ‘feeling/compassionate’ energy but a protective suit of armor.
Women can develop a stronger skin too; it is called SURVIVAL
This skillset, though protective, can shut down
conversations and the ability to hear someone else’s viewpoint. That is something few can do In the best of
circumstances, but when you add these further components, almost impossible for
Thus, the divide grows even wider.
We can add to this, Venus is also sesquisquare the moon from her perch in Pisces, where she will also swim forward and then retrograde after reaching 10°Aries on March 1st. Though Venus is comfortable in Pisces, bathing in the womb of her mother, and Luna is comfy as can be in Cancer, this can create a difficult energy exchange, not quite able to reach the mark, the target.
Can make people work a bit harder to get to those feelings I
was talking about. Compassion. That
Piscean energy might just help more people realize we are in this together,
what happens in one part of the water below (one end of the pool) effects the
other end, the WAVES travel ALL THE WAY, poison in one end, is poison in the other
Ultimately, we CAN use this EMOTIONAL NURTURING ENERGY, to
mother the world, each other, and to get really corny, ‘to love one another’.
But, alas, this Libra still wants to find a happy place for all of us to play
together, even though I know we still have to deal with a necessary evil, and
the poor monsters who must continue to strain and chomp at the bit of playing
the villain.
How long can they hold up the sky?
This can create tension for Cardinal Signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra between 20° and all the way into 30° or into the Fixed Signs: Aquarius, TAUrus, Scorpio, and Leo...as both this full moon pushes waves into you, and as we know, Pluto has entered Aquarius to create destruction and rebuilding, or just rearranging the order of things for you, depending on how other aspects, signs and houses play out.
Mutable Signs: PIsces: You are getting some loving, good news with Venus now, and she will hover back and forth, as she moves into Aries and comes back to you with more gifts.
She is even going to conjoin Neptune in PIsces, that can be the wand of make a wish and have it come true.
Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini, you have some good mojo coming, you also have Jupiter bringing that expansion and growth, so this could be a very fortuitous time for mutable signs!
When we add that north node of destiny now entering your seas, PIsces, this could be the jump off the diving board time, set sail, launch, GO FOR IT!
Virgo, you have the tail of the dragon entering your world, past lives, what you have been working on, can come to fruition or make you want to do an about face. Is this truly what you wanted?
Take care little ones.
The seas are unpredictable, be sure to have your life vest ready.
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