Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Swimming into Pisces New Moon

 Lady Luna meets up with her paramour, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, who all the planetary guides rotate around, as HE is seated at the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSAL TABLE: on 02/27/2025 7:44 PM EST at 09°40’ Pisces.

Sabian Symbol: An aviator in the clouds.
How do we navigate through these times?  We need to have an ENLIGHTENED perspective by seeing from a higher elevation, seeing the BIGGER PICTURE.

They both form a trine newly stationed direct Mars 17° Cancer.  (2/22) What does HOME mean to you?  Let’s look back at the MOTHER and how much most mothers are willing to give up for their children.

Mother’s usually get all the blame, and none of the appreciation.
Mother’s also have INTUITION or GUT INSTINCT about their children.  Did you know that DNA of the baby intermingles with the mother and they both carry this their entire lives?

So too, can this new moon in Pisces open the doors of intuition, or psychic abilities for you.  This is powerful dream lessons and guidance, if you pay attention.  Ask before you go to sleep, what do you want to know?

While the world is reeling on her axis, rumours of war and peace swim in our consciousness and the ‘waters below’ in which all of us are bathing.

Now that Mars is in direct motion again, we will feel PASSION, DRIVE, MOTIVATION, ACTION, that was not so easily on tap while he was retrograde, which seems like FOREVER! 
He had us rethink our actions, plans, PURPOSE, what do we really want to do, why are we here, WHY ARE YOU HERE AT THIS VERY TIME?

Now, Mars lends his support to a NEW PURPOSE, born out of the unfathomable depths and weight of PRESSURIZED WATER.

Look at this TIMELINE OF MARS:

02/14/2024 MARS CNJ PLUTO 00* AQ

11/03/2024 MARS OPP PLUTO 29*45’ CAN/CAP

12/05/2024 MARS SR 06*09’ LEO

01/03/2025 MARS OPP PLUTO 01°08’ LEO 2:21:38 am



04/26/2025 MARS OPP PLUTO #3 03*48’ LEO/AQ

05/02/2025 MARS OUT OF SHADOW AT 06*09’ LEO

This can also bring up DEEP EMOTIONS from those depths, PAST LIVES, ancient history.  ANCESTORS, and if we pay attention, we can hear them guiding us, showing us the way.
Venus SR will review what we love and desire, can cause rifts between loved ones, miscommunications, do not take things personally.  Talk about the 'subject matter'.  Not each other.
That can take reverse when Venus Stations direct in PIsces on April 12th.

Jupiter/Zeus at 12°11’Gemini is squaring this new moon but giving a supportive sextile to Venus who is at 10° Aries, getting ready to begin to station retrograde on March 1st at 7:35PM EST when she is still at 10° Aries.

Now some of these can be the ILLUSIONS we just can’t seem to shake our heads from, like not being able to wake up from a dream, the lines can get blurred, what is real, what just happened, why can’t I remember?

For others, it will be as though a ‘Shock Treatment’ was poured into the waters of our world, and ‘CLEARED’ the way for VISIONS, SIGHT.  Especially with the help of 23° Uranus in TAUrus, forming a sextile to both 24°Mercury in Pisces conjoining a 20°Saturn in Pisces (believe me, Saturn cannot wait to get out of Poseidon’s depths either!
That 20°Saturn is also forming another supporting trine to Mars in Cancer.
More support in WATER.  Once again, we see how we can wash away the occultation of a cloudy day, if we find a CORNERSTONE, A FOUNDATIONAL PIECE that our DREAMS can infuse within us, showing us how to rebuild.

One of our tethers to EARTH, is using ADVANCED THINKING (Uranus being the higher octave of Mercury) that is helping to create A NEW EARTH out of our DREAMS AND VISIONS. 
Once again, we are asked to pay attention to the FUTURE WE WANT.

Now that we can see some issues with the old constructs, hierarchies and institutions such as government, health care, education, how would we improve this?  Rather than just arguing over who or what is right, what is YOUR IDEA TO CREATE A BETTER WORLD, FOR ALL?

If you are stuck in some fear based, US vs Them paradigm, (seriously, how obvious does God have to paint this for you?) YOU ARE STILL SLEEPING AND NOT HELPING.


How long must they tempt us with worldly goods and competitiveness, winning’ at the expense of others? 

WATER, nourishes, cleanses, and CONNECTS US ALL, ALL OF LIFE.


Do you want to swim in a pool, that someone has relieved themselves?

We all must do what is right to the best of our ability.  A CIVIL SOCIETY.

So, for water signs: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, you are going to get a new boost, however, Mutable signs: Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo, you can get overwhelmed with all the CH CH CH CHANGES, and the need to shift and on a dime.

Both Saturn and Neptune are finishing up their first swim through Pisces (they leave this year and return at the end of the year again)
Like a clean up crew.  FORCING YOU TO SHOW THE POWER OF YOUR GIFT, YOU KNOW HOW TO TAKE SOMETHING AND THEN REALIGN, SHIFTING LANES, ADJUSTING AS IF NOTHING EVER HAPPENED.  YOU ARE THE PRO’S AT THIS! Jupiter is still bringing you gifts, but also expanding things so fast, you may not be able to handle this INFLATION.  Or can you?
This new moon is all for you, Luna will meet up with Saturn and the North Node, your soul’s purpose within days of this new moon.

Do not put things off, you must try and harness this energy, because YOU WILL NEED IT.

CARDINAL SIGNS: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.  You are going to need that energy from Mars in Cancer stationing direct! Especially as Venus gets ready to begin her station retrograde at 10° Aries on March 1st, and she will be taking back some of her gifts, perhaps some overdue bills, or just random hands out, asking to be paid, or help.  But hey, you won’t have to ever deal with Pluto well, younger folks will in another 44 years or so. 

She may also bring back to you, money owed or earned during this time depends on your past and other aspects and points in your own personal chart.
Cashing out stocks, returns, insurance claims, retirement, etc.

Finally, FIXED SIGNS; TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

You are still dealing with the Great Awakener, Uranus in TAUrus, shock value, while Pluto is now added to the fun, yes, he will tear down and burn off all the detritus, anything that was not built on solid ground or is on shaky footing.
Anything that was not dealt with truthfully before, or being covered up, will be revealed as Pluto makes this transit.  He can be extremely unforgiving.

This can also affect the entire globe, as the earth stretches to try and manage all the distress, both the economy and the earth herself, can suffer physically.

This may be nothing compared to the March eclipses coming, and Neptune’s ingress into Aries at the end of March.

As a reminder, because this is so POWERFUL right now, and will be until the end of April, Neptune is still in close conjunction to the North Node in Pisces.  Even as Neptune makes her ingress like bringing fiery water onshore when she makes her ingress into Aries at the end of March, she will still be within several degrees of the North Node, the head of the dragon, RAHU, which is our SOUL'S PURPOSE.
This is also why I keep reminding you to pray, meditate, be in nature, use the positive, higher octave versions of Neptune, which is lovely (not angry music, which is another trick that has been used on people, who have no clue, that musicians in many cases, have been pushed and directed into this angry, and debasing version, beats, of music.  All you have to do is see what is happening to Sean Combs, P Diddy, he was being funded and PROTECTED by people much higher than him).
No, I am talking about dancing, art, music of the soul, that lifts you).
This is A DIVINELY CREATED GIFT to tap into.  In your dreams as stated before.  Believe that there are people who have crossed over, trying to help you, that angels are also real, (pay attention to what they are guiding you to do, is it love?), etc.

Use this time to help guide both you and others.
We need this manna from heaven.
It can save and absolve, dissolve, the past hurts, the past choices we may have made that got us to this point, but we now know we would not do again.
Want some control?
PRAY, do this.  PLEASE.

Keep a vigil, keep up your prayers and keep asking both for guidance and assistance from the Holy Spirit.



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