Monday, December 22, 2014

A Solstice, a Square and Significant Changes

Finally!  The light will begin to increase now, that the Winter Solstice has taken place on the new moon, December 21, 2014 at 9:37PM (solstice point at 6:03PM EST), with the sun at 00* Capricorn and the Moon, snuggling up to her partner at 00* and 9’.
Yup, that is some good news ~eh?
Now, leading up to this point…been quite a ride hasn’t it?  When you have so much heavy aspecting going on between the planets, and this leads into the time of the year, that is always stressing over the galactic center…it is like a bottle-neck traffic jam.
With this new moon in Capricorn the Goat, fast approaching her rendezvous with Pluto/Hades also travelling in the domain of the Pan the Goat at 12*, after having just formed the 6th of his seven squares to Uranus on December 14th., all things Saturnian are now emphasized.  We add to this starry cocktail, Saturn’s entry into Sagittarius on December 24th, and we have a whole lot of pressure on the planet, to finish up all things Saturn/El related, especially in regards to Scorpio’s expressions as harnessed by the leaden Lord of the Rings.  There is no escape.  Saturn makes us deal with things.  He is karma from lifetimes ago, if that is the cargo he is bringing to you in your chart.
If you have been respectful of Saturn’s lessons, then you may enjoy rewards, and Saturn always rests on the 7th day. (Saturn’s Day/Saturday/Seth/Sabbath).
Saturn wants to teach us discipline and if we don’t discipline ourselves, and harness our ability and tasks according to his very high expectations, he will surely return to teach us discipline, by removing our freedoms.  If we cannot learn Saturn’s discipline and Mastery; we cannot access the higher energies without breaking apart.  (Insert Scotty yelling “I’m givin’ her all she’s got, captain, she’s breaking up!”.  Saturn is all about integrity, where this is lacking in your life, in your chart, Saturn will gladly show up to point that out.
As he exits his transit out of Scorpio, this is like a squeegee, all that pressure building up unto the 24th…and then for a few days afterwards as she starts to construct his new Sagittarius restrictions and boundaries.  Sag likes freedom to roam as the centaur he is, his beastly four legs connecting to the earth with a fiery thunder, thighs burning up the forward momentum, they race down the track, laughing all the way.  Does this sound like a pair of opposite mates?  Well, sort of.  Sag can use that freedom to bound up the mountain of the Goat, using their very competitive, yet jocular sports inclinations.
Now, if that freedom has got the best of the Sag, or they have taken on more than they can ‘discipline themselves enough to handle’…if we have excesses (and this is a notoriously famous ‘tell’ regarding a Sagittarius), unlike the earthy Bull/Taurus with her Venusian laid back appreciation of good things, to the point of excess…Sag races all the way down the road before she even realizes she has gone too far, this includes their candor…it is a running opine on the world around them, they feel everyone needs to know their usually highly educated thoughts.
This is hitting Scorpio’s hard, but also all the points to the square and opposition; the two squares, Aquarius and Leo and the opposition, Taurus.
What?  Did you think you were going to get a break, just because you aren’t on the Cardinal Cross, like Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are as they are transformed by Pluto as he rototills the mountain of Capricorn and Uranus breaks old static lines with sudden upheavals or at the very least, surprise turns of events.
For now, let’s just stick to the Capricorn new moon, who wants to put everything into order, and by order, we mean rule of business.  It is all serious and stern in the aegis of Capricorn the Goat.  Our emotions want something very different than just order, they want people to play by the rules we have adopted in society.   Comfort will only come by finished business and goals met and obtained.
If you have a personal planet being energized by Saturn’s authority, then you will feel the imposed restriction, and if you are someone who likes to be organized than it is something that will help you, you will see this as exactly what you wanted!  If however, you have been shirking responsibility in some way….Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn ending his energy (until next year when he retrogrades back into Scorpio on June 15, 15 for his last lesson review for those on the fixed cross that need that little bit more time to put things in order…or pay the consequences later, especially when Saturn visits on the squares, trines and oppositions (fullness of the seed planted in the conjunctions).
So, I wish I could tell you Scorpio’s and the rest of you on that fixed cross, that it is all over…but you are really in the final throws of this wrestling match.  And, it will come back as I say, next year to make sure you have completely –RE-SOL-ved the issues.
So, are you too disciplined without the resting day?  (So, if we think in terms of percentages, we could easily see it is at least 1/7th of your life.)  On the other hand, if you want to break free (Uranus) of restrictions, and furthermore, want ‘freedoms’ then this shift into Sag, might just be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Response-ability…this is the easiest way to measure if you are living up to your Saturnian abilities and expectations, it is what ‘you are able to do’….any wishful thinking will get cut out and done away with for the unrealistic attitude and the wasteful energy of the productive Saturn/EL.  You cannot rule anything until you can rule and discipline yourself.
And, with the new moon in Capricorn right now, fused with the energy of the sun, Saturn is definitely getting his ‘meal to give him energy to die with’…as in the last energy this year in Scorpio.  In Sag now, he may just squeeze out a lit bit of laughter, but freedom will be hard won, come in fits and starts and often be interrupted with the mundane, things that will need to be managed.
If you have worked hard, then Saturn will give you the break, the vacation you deserve and have earned, or perhaps that promotion, that brass ring that you have been steadily climbing up the mountain towards.
Our friend Jupiter/Zeus has gone retrograde, this won’t necessarily help the heavy leaden energy; he did so on December 8th at 22* of Leo, he will seem to move in reverse from his standstill in the heavens…all the way back to 12* of Leo when he stations direct on April 8th next year.  So, Leo’s….so sorry to share this with you, just when you thought you were finally getting things to lighten up, eh?  Now, once again, in a retrograde, the planet in question may be bringing back something you didn’t receive that the planet rules (in God’s heavens, as God’s planets, since “) My father’s house has many mansions”.  So, in the retrograde, the planet can bring back what your due is, or often times, we finally have got the lesson or the gift/insight and the return matches our hindsight/insight.
Jupiter/Zeus, rules benevolence, good fortune, luck, laughter, higher learning, foreigners, etc.  In this retrograde motion, these things will have a more difficult time moving ‘towards’ you…they are hindered, because they are moving from reverse position into forward motion…not always going to happen.  If you got your shopping done, people will likely get a more generous gift, then if you purchase now.
Moving forward, Uranus has just gone direct on December 21st, at 12* of Aries.  Notice he moved just back far enough to come crashing into the square with a forward moving Pluto in Capricorn, on December 15th., at 12* and this formed another T-square, as the moon was trying to do her balancing act in Libra.  We see the uproar and the activism as these two titans flex their muscles and give it all they have.
As I have posted many times before, this is also awakening the US chart, and on January 5th, transiting Pluto will directly oppose the US natal sun.  We will still be very much swimming in the energy of the Pluto/Uranus square and we will also be in a Cardinal Cross forming as the moon will be conjunct the US natal sun at 14* of Cancer in the Full moon on the 4th.
I wish I could say something very different here, but in truth, this could pose a very, very difficult time for the US.  The North Node always is collecting the karmic debt and in Libra, it is a question of whether we have been fair or not.  Who are our partners?  Have we lived in harmony?  Do we take advantage of others?  (a big no-no in the Libra energy)  The moon in Cancer (full no less) is in her own sign, and she is mothering the world.  How have we done with that in mind?  Are we good mothers or bad?  Here, the mother/moon opposes both Pluto/Hades and the sun as they are both conjunct in Capricorn.  Pluto/Hades wants to burn off the dross and wants the truth…period…he will transform those whose soul is just not evolving…but he also wants us to be responsible, this creates the schism we now see playing its meme all over the planet.
Those that earn, those that share, those that take and those that are caught in between, as the weight is largely on the backs of the working poor and the shrinking middle class.  Pluto/Hades also rules the mob, those who work in the dark of night, in secrecy…and Uranus also rules the community, so we shall see this clash play itself out all while Jupiter and his benevolence are playing hide and seek.
As always, there is an increased risk for planetary shifts and changes during this time, but when we add the stressors that are taking place, it is even more likely.
So, expect some very challenging times, especially when it comes to the US.  The price of oil in a free fall, is not going to be so good eventually for the US, since oil is traded by the dollar.  Expect the escalation of worldwide turmoil, the Ukraine, Iran and North Korea are hot spots, while the whole of the globe is rising up and clashing, divide and conquer.  This could definitely portend financial shifting…will this be the long predicted fall of the dollar? 
Such are the times we now will negotiate as we leave the year of the horse and prepare for the year of the sheep.  Funny, how often I read about people acting ‘like sheep’ and we are entering a year that is supposed to be similar, with the keyword being ‘docile’.

Again, our actions will bring a return, a consequence and this can all go to a much better place based on how we respond.  Have we evolved?  What do you think?
We wish you a lovely and joyous Holy Day season and all the best for the new year ahead.
There is a lot to add to this, and I will be back to update as soon as possible, but this is the season, so enjoy!

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