Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dante's Inferno Cracking Open the Depths

At 12:11PM EST the sun seemingly slows to a ‘standstill’ and we arrive at the golden gates of in-between as sun shines for the least amount of hours and we are covered in darkness, yet in many parts, the sparkling snow will blanket the ground and the stars will appear to have fallen to the ground.

Yes, we have arrived at the time of the Winter Solstice, which officially marks the entrance to winter, but in a few days, we shall see the return of the sun…finally!  Enough of the dark days already!

The sun has reached its southern-most position and will start its course northward in the early degrees of Capricorn, the goat.  He is starting his trek towards an alignment with Pluto/Hades and will meet up with the Lord of the underworld on New Year’s Day, which also happens to be the New Moon at 5:15AM.

But on his way towards his rendezvous with La Luna and Hades at first 10* then 11*(with Pluto/Hades) he has some powerful points that will open the depths of the universe; already the turning spiral of stars has been buzzing with powerful if not crushing energy, especially as the moon went into her full light in Gemini at 25* on December 17th.

For many, it may have felt as though we were navigating Dante’s Inferno, with powerful emotions being triggered as Mars (drive/passions/motivation/energy) motored forward at 4* of Libra, beginning his T-square  as he squared Pluto (death/sex/taxes)and began his opposition to Uranus (Lord of the sky/community/genius/aha moments/sudden changes).  With the duplicitous and frenetic energy of Gemini, the moon becomes scattered, emotions are like a windstorm, and opposing the sun in jocular Sagittarius, with the cardinal cross looming, the sense of dread, of doom and of frustration emerges.  Sag the Centaur wants freedom to roam and move forward.

With Uranus newly gone direct with the new moon too, it is hard to keep things in your hands, as they seemingly fly out and crash onto the floor, papers, pens, whatever it is, wants to be heard and irritate as the static energy bursts open, computers, cell phones all things technological do their darndest to go haywire and not run smoothly.

Gemini rules children, and Mercury the messenger guarding the crossroads of temptation can be a very alluring trickster, with all the bells and whistles tempting the child in us to ‘break free’ of restrictions and climb down the stairway all bedazzled and sweetly scented for the descent into the inferno, though they are completely unaware of the dangers that lie ahead.

Yes, Dante’s Inferno has all but cracked open, and we still have yet to hit the harder aspects forming…because Jupiter has reversed his course, his Sagittarian realms of joy and abundance are being sucked into the Grand Cardinal Cross which we will surely feel on Christmas day, even though the degrees are a bit wide, Mars/Ares will be pairing up with LaLuna in Libra bringing the energy of the square to Jupiter/Zeus as they squeeze the heavens together.  For anyone who has planets in these Cardinal signs, especially in the degrees between 8-13*, you will surely feel the weight of these great changes even more acutely.  A change is going to come, and we haven't even hit the next big square in April, let alone the culmination in 2015, so set your sails with the right winds NOW!

So, Cerberus may seem as just a playful ‘two-headed’ (as this theme is rampant with Gemini/Janus) dog when the children approach the lair, but returning is another story altogether.  Who can cross the river Styx?  Saint Barbara will be called upon many times during these days by those who are wise, and Saint Christopher would be a wise bet too, for if you have ventured into the time of no time, of the dark swallows, best you have the tools of the Arc with you, or a lament with the sweetness of Hermes lyre playing in the background, might be more like the wales of the gallows, tormented by the ravaging wolves returning hungry and cold.  One can only hope you have fed them, lest your cries be hope rising from the depths.  We can expect many to transition now, and this is said with the heaviest of hearts, but we cannot always be laughing on the sunny side of the street.
There will be sickness, we will see the first of what will become more and more predominant as we fight back the ravages of technology gone wrong on our planet, and deal with the doorways that have been opened through genetic manipulation, and the real cost of nuclear power (ruled by Pluto/Hades) as it casts its pall across the blue ball of Gaia, will we wake up in time?

And where is Jupiter/Zeus retrograde?  He is in Cancer which is ruled by the moon, so this square is potent, and the grand cross in Cardinal signs of: Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries are like flint-stones ready to start fires, instigate and they will burn down the house that Cancer rules if you don’t watch the tempers or fuel the flames with ‘the spirits’ of sorts.

Questions such as ‘what is home’ and being as it is the wanderlust Jupiter/Zeus, ‘where is home’ will also be tugging at the heart-strings.

 ~Because if we aren’t grounded and rested, we won’t have the energy necessary to deal with the onslaught that keeps coming and coming.  And we will need plenty of Breathing Easy © to help us keep breathing and fight off the nasty bugs floating around, that will surely overtake us if we let our systems run down too far, trying to keep up with the hectic pace that is spinning in all directions.

Now, the new moon on January 1, 2014 at 5:15AM has the royal wedding of the sun and la Luna hitching their lights to Hades with Mercury the Messenger (one of the few God’s that Hades will entertain) all having a party in the cave of the underworld, we can expect some depraved thoughts and worse to swallow and entice us, should we ‘break’ our own moral compass and step out of the safety zone of the heart.  Expect some of the most unusual stories to emerge on the big screen, as the theme of what is perverted permeates the celluloid world and begs us to have the conversation about right and wrong and what is LOVE?

With Venus/Aphrodite leading the line- up, as if she is running away, being chased by daemons at 26* of Capricorn, what Pandemonium may ensue or Plutocratic blanket will cover us, perhaps sympathy for Persephone as Hades drags her down for company will lap over our darkened spirits and heart, as our own hearts break under pressure and we all commiserate, there but for the grace of God go I.

Saturn/El, the Lord of the Rings, (structure/hierarchy/establishment) now at 20* of Scorpio, is no longer ready to assist Hades, as their mutual reception has widened we will no longer feel the firm ground beneath us, and floor may seem as it has fallen out from under our feet.  Watch your step, your knees as they buckle under the immense weight of the watery depths of Scorpio, look to the firm anchor you may have created (hopefully) in the home, as only Jupiter/Zeus will support his disloyal father in a trine, yet even he is moving away, as he seems to move backward, stepping deeper into the crab’s clutches, and not wanting to let go of the treasures he has buried there.

And to think, all of this is only the foothills of what is to come, when the end of Janus turning her head like Medusa on January 27th, we can only hope and pray that we are on the right side when she turns her head towards us…

The energy is like pop rocks inside, bursting and buzzing with both anticipation and trepidation…something very big is about to happen…Fasten your seatbelts!

Better take some nice baths with ArcAncient’s ‘Inner Glow’ for the heart:

Happy HolyDays.

 "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5



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