Saturday, April 4, 2015

Blood Moon opening up the Dimensional Doorways

Just as most of us will rise tomorrow (April 4th), a lunar eclipse will be taking place, starting at 6:16 EDT, total eclipse begins at 7:58AM and will last until 8:03, with the greatest eclipse at 8:00AM.  The whole show will end by 9:45AM.
The moon will be in Libra as she waxes into fullness at 8:07AM at 14*.
She will be standing in front of the radiance that illuminates her, but she will be blocking us from that male solar energy, as our fiery star pours his every light into her waiting embrace at 14* of Aries the RAm, and Mercury/Hermes tries to catch up at 8* of Aries and they are both following closely behind Uranus at 16* of Aries, as he squares Pluto/Hades at 15* of Capricorn.
So, insights and inspiration should be pushing at the throttle a bit now…wanting that release, like a great thoroughbred in his gate, just waiting for the sound of the starting gun.
We have been spiraling through the galaxy, and as we do, we make certain transits, that allow us a view, of both the road we have traveled, the decisions we have made, the course we have been on, and this is all culminating in this time.
This is the 3rd of the 4 tetrad blood moons, which I have written extensively on, and drawing the
comparisons, so many others have, to previous periods of blood moons, that fall on High Holy Days.  (Passover/Pesach in April and the last one blood moon falls on Sukkot, September 27th. At 4* of Aries, culminating the Libra/Aries polarity.
Here, I will make a comparison for you.  Consider the Yggdrasil, world tree and the upper, middle and lower levels; or Dante’s Inferno, and the 9 levels of hell, or even Stadium Checkers, and all those layers and the different perspectives, those layers or levels present in each of those examples.
This is what we are doing…we have been on a journey that has become so intense, so fast moving, sometimes it has become just too much for some to continue on, in marriages, relationships, jobs, homes, and spiritual beliefs.  Even, to simply continue…there are many people, who may find a smile when they travel outside, but once they return to the sanctuary of their own residence, the walls to their façade falls down, the heavy weight they feel once again can swallow them up, and they begin that descent into the levels…
Since this is an eclipse, the head of the dragon is aligned with La Luna at 10* and he wags his tail between the Sun and Hermes at 10* of Aries.  We are consuming everything that is being dissected on the world stage, and the dragon is eating all that feminine energy and we see too, the discussion about fairness.  Are the Police being fair?  Was the suspect acting appropriately?  Are people paid enough?  What is a fair amount of income?  HOW AM I VALUED AND HOW DO I VALUE? 
Venus/Aphrodite at 21* of Taurus, so this will emphasize this aspect, because Taurus is ‘I Have’…so we are talking about ‘VALUES’.
Now, can you look back over the past 20 years, and see how you have been challenged on what YOU BELIEVE?  Have you adjusted those beliefs and are you now coming to a more clear and focused picture of what you believe, value on all those levels?
The path you choose now, sets the course for the next 19.5 years in very personal ways.
Once we travel so far down, what I will call a life tube, that reality is what envelopes us, and we play out that role for the duration, as we again learn and adjust and grow.
This will create intense shifting for the next 6 months too, riding on the back of the new moon eclipse
we just had on March 20th. At the anoretic degree of 29* in PIsces and quickly moving into that 1* zone, in the very first house of Aries…so we see that we have traveled through the many mansions of the house, and we were put into the lock to wait our move, even as we began to peak out in our new garments.
We always read the last degree’s and in particular the 29th degree, as the beginning of the next house/sign…but there are those things that need to be tied up, hopefully you have done that work, so you can move forward.
Now, imagine climbing up a spiral staircase, and you can look down the center of the well, and see the floors below…this is the kind of perspicacity that we have been given, to see ourselves, and this world, with more clarity as those veils fall down.
But, let’s get back to those blood moon tetrads, and the relationship to Israel.
Back in 1948, we had blood moon tetrad, and Israel became a nation recognized legally, following the (חרור "The War of Liberation"), in Eretz-Israel to be known as the State of Israel.
The next blood moon tetrad came in 1967, and we had the The Six-Day War (Hebrew: מלחמת ששת הימים, Milhemet Sheshet Ha Yamim; Arabic: النكسة, an-Naksah, "The Setback" or حرب ۱۹٦۷, arb 1967, "War of 1967"), also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought between June 5 and 10, 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (known at the time as the United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria. ~ excerpt from Wikipedia.
So, we can see this is very powerful indeed, and what do we see on the world stage right now?  The escalations again of conflict in the middle east, but we also just had the announcement, that we have renegotiated our relationship with Iran, discussions of Nuclear capability have been on the table, and this is being heralded as a great success from the White House, while at the same time, some believe it is exactly the opposite, and is only a mask on the impossible.
The point for this article right now, is to illustrate the importance of these blood moon tetrads and their historical past.
And we see, it is also about ‘values’…what people are willing to do, go through for their values and

the home…
By now, you feel a clearing has taken place, you may feel similar to how you felt in some ways back in 1996/1997 as we entered that time cycle.  The difference being, a more profoundly solid you, even as the more defined model, is perhaps a bit more flexible?  Sliding Doors?
You may also feel that as you clear those grey or more ignorant beliefs up, this makes room for the heart energy to fill you back up, and this is coming from the heart of the galaxy.
This all forms a T-Square, as the stellium of the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus, oppose the moon and the Dragon’s head and both square Pluto in Capricorn sitting in the middle at 90* between the two.
Sit with your being, connect with the Divine and find gratitude for all you can now, truly we have found so many new levels that we may have had a bit of a time, negotiating as we newly entered, but now some of that has settled down and we have much deeper and profound yet gentle appreciation and love.
Use your ArcAncient Ascension © blend, to elevate yourself and connect both deeply into the core of the earth, your own core and then extend out your aura, in joy, as you look around and see how you partner with others.
You can see through other people’s eyes, and find new heart-space for their path and their own battles.
So, we move forward now, in gratitude, as I am grateful for all of you.
We are in a Libra/Aries energy, who do you partner with, how do you see yourself through their eyes?  Partner with the Earth first, then you will always have firm ground to walk upon.

Before you push off, make sure you are going in the direction of your heart…but go ahead, push off…it is time to test our sea-worthiness and spin the stuff of dreams.

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