The sun will return to 25* Sagittarius on Dec 17th when the real buzzing starts to begin this time of the year. He is aligned with the Milky Way’s axis of rotation, which is of course the center of our very own galaxy. The Galactic Center wobbles around 27* of Sagittarius, where the sun will align exactly on the 19th in the North East.
As we tap into to that creative fire, we can find ourselves energized, or frustrated if we have not found a way to align and manage the new energy that is working to burn off the dross of the past, readying us for the future.
Along with this, we have all the other major planetary alignments taking place, which makes for a powerful cocktail in Capricorn.
Now it has grown so very dark and just before she slowly raises the curtain/veil…She pours a little magic through the Galactic Center to help us get to the light again.
Tonight (Dec 21st) at 11:20PM, the sun enters Capricorn the Goat.
We have arrived at one of the most monumental astrological aspects of our lifetimes. We are setting the stage for centuries to come, yes…centuries, lifetimes.

Our solar ambassador is saddling up to Jupiter/Zeus who is at 4* of Capricorn and both are making a lovely trine to Uranus who is at 2* of Taurus, bringing some positive vibes down into innovative earthly pursuits.
This adds some levity to festive occasions giving us a benefic Christmas.
This also initiates a chain of events that will transform CURRENCY in all its forms. Electricity, finances, movement. We will look back on this time in the future and see the origins of a new currency exchange as the old forms die away with Pluto being reborn with Uranus in Taurus.
He is
causing us to find the core of our values.
This of course leads up to the new moon, solar eclipse the day after Christmas, jut 12 minutes after midnight EST, lady Luna slides up to occlude the sun at 4* Capricorn. Thus, the lineup begins in Pan the Goat’s territory. Those who have been climbing all year will finally start to get a glimpse from the top of the mountain.
Now, climbing out of the abyss, we begin to organize the real treasures we have discovered in the dark labyrinthine bowels of our being. Exposed to the LIGHT our shiny selves are REVEALED, as well as some of our own dark specks we need to face.
We have found our individual torches, and if you have not
quite grasped your hands around your own truth yet, that PASSION is being
revealed to you now too.This of course leads up to the new moon, solar eclipse the day after Christmas, jut 12 minutes after midnight EST, lady Luna slides up to occlude the sun at 4* Capricorn. Thus, the lineup begins in Pan the Goat’s territory. Those who have been climbing all year will finally start to get a glimpse from the top of the mountain.
Now, climbing out of the abyss, we begin to organize the real treasures we have discovered in the dark labyrinthine bowels of our being. Exposed to the LIGHT our shiny selves are REVEALED, as well as some of our own dark specks we need to face.
Next year, as we have been trying to prepare you all for so long now, WE WILL HAVE 20/20 VISION.
The pain you have endured the past few years, is your PATHOS/PASSION. That can be traced to Chiron the wounded healer.
He is the
skeleton key in your chart.
What did you fiercely guard or defend? What drains you? As we reorganize our lives, we discard and cut away all that weighs us down. Saturn or El, the Lord of the Rings in Capricorn, cutting away the excesses with his sickle. He knows you must LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD to reach the top of the mountain, just like the goat, who masters the sheer cliffs as if they are walking on flat land.
What did you fiercely guard or defend? What drains you? As we reorganize our lives, we discard and cut away all that weighs us down. Saturn or El, the Lord of the Rings in Capricorn, cutting away the excesses with his sickle. He knows you must LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD to reach the top of the mountain, just like the goat, who masters the sheer cliffs as if they are walking on flat land.

This is the epitome of Saturn in
Capricorn, having learned the lessons along the wheel of the previous 9 houses,
the Wheel of Fortune points us to the midheaven. The times trigger us
open, activating us to RISE TO THE OCCASION.
We must also remind ourselves, that
as we scale the mountains rising up in our lives, the air is thinner, we must
rest and take good, deep breaths of air as we readjust to the new heights (new
ventures, culminations of paths) so we can arrive safely home. This is
referring to our own conscious awareness of course.
This new moon will have us focusing
more than ever on GOALS in life.
This eclipse sits on top of the
south node, the tail of the dragon. They form a T-square to Chiron,
wounded healer who is flying at 1* Aries right now.
This highlights what was said
previously. MMXIX (2019) had Pluto/Hades exhuming the depths of our souls
like bunker buster bombs, throwing all the debris onto the shore, the curtain
was pulled back, exposing so much on the world stage matching micro to macro,
As Above, So Below.

With the north node at 8* Cancer,
(the head of the dragon) as lady Luna occludes most of the sun (there will be a
golden ring around it) we will adjust our priorities and learn new management
skills, particularly as matriarch’s.
This can be nurturing support from
behind the scenes that comes at the appropriate time (divine timing) as Pluto
and Saturn line up with most of the cast gathering for this extraordinary
So, prepare for a monumental year
ahead having earned your place in the starting gate…prepare for the next ONE
AND TWO CODING, ZERO ON JAN 10TH (01/10/2020) with the lunar eclipse
and then on the 12th (01/12/2020) with the Saturn, Pluto conjunction
Prepare for ACTIVATION.
This new moon eclipse on the 26th
is opening the GATEWAY for the next 6 months but passes through the eye of the
needle on the 10TH AND 12TH.
On the 27th,
Jupiter/Zeus is Cazimi at 1:14PM EST. The two align, putting Jupiter at
the heart of the sun.
“I am the Lord Thy God, thou shalt
not have strange God’s before me.”
Clearly, our own sun is beaming at
us with the infused power of Zeus the magnifier behind him.The sun is the center of the our solar system.
The Holy Grail is the Sun sitting
at the table with all the disciples/DISCIPLINES/planets surrounding HIM.
So many
endings, so many people who are using this doorway to leave.
Think the last decade, condense
that into one and you get some idea of the year ahead…
Pluto is POWER. He is
aligning, setting the runway of energy, with Saturn/EL and Jupiter close behind.
This eclipse will have the greatest
effect on the areas of visibility:
Visible across Eastern Europe,
Asia, northwest Australia, East Africa, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean,
it’s the path of annularity that’s important to eclipse chasers. After an
eclipsed sunrise in Saudi Arabia, the path crosses Qatar, United Arab Emirates,
Oman, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the Northern Mariana
Islands, and Guam before sunset.
The biggest cities that will see
the annular eclipse include Kozhikode and Coimbatore in southern India, Jaffna and Trincomalee in
Sri Lanka, Sibolga, Batam and Singkawang in Indonesia, and Singapore. These
areas may receive the most land changes.
The major
theme of the year ahead is: RISING UP FROM THE ASHES.
We are
being exposed to our own darkness, the universe is sharing her secrets and
truths long hidden, yet there for a millennium are being REVEALED.
The heart
of the sun is infusing us with his eternal umbilical cord in its darkest nights.
Now is the time to call upon your better angels and the guardians of the planet
to assist us as we clear away that which occludes us, to reveal our own shiny
soul light.
collective light, is what will shine the way through the darkness for us all.
Saturn in
Capricorn has us rolling up our sleeves individually and collectively to climb
those final passages, scaling the cliffs. We can look back at our old,
discarded and outworn selves that no longer fit the coding upgrade, like the
discarded clothing we are also concurrently clearing.
0 1 2
0 1 2
particle and the wave are increasingly becoming one, that is leading up to the
Jupiter/Zeus conjunction to Saturn at 00* Aquarius in December of 2020. The last time these two got together in
Aquarius was in January 1405.
Do you
feel that current of energy taking you to your destination?
Are you
riding the river of life by doing what you are individually called to do at
this time, what is your own creative fire, your personal skill set that is
necessary at this time? How can we serve? Each other? A
greater good?
So as
stunning as the road has been, revealing one intolerable truth after another,
Next year
we must have our TEMPLES in order. The one you would rub if I asked you
to rub your temple.
what is being prepared.

energy is INTENSE to say the least.
As the
year progresses, we will increasingly find the need to become as organized and
streamlined as we can.
can find major explosive energies with the eclipses, especially since the July
4th full moon, lunar eclipse at 13* Cancer/Capricorn, forms a T
Square to Putin’s natal sun in Libra at 13*…we will see a crisis form with him
involved. The US natal Sun is at 13* Cancer. Heaven help us with the kind of fireworks we may well experience this 4th of July.
The world
will not be the same world, we all once knew.
Not by a
long shot. I remind you that transiting Pluto
is also returning to his natal position in the US chart at 27* in 2022. REVOLUTION.
leads to the shift of the balance of power on the planet which I am writing an
article on now.
Take the
actions you can to be mindful of your inner witness and the steps and time
necessary to come to this altar as much as possible. It will prepare the
temple for the times we are entering.
You ain’t
seen nothing yet, bbbb baby you just ain’t seen nothing yet.
signs: Capricorn’s, Cancer’s (the very axis of this lineup that is setting the
stage) Libra and lastly Aries, you have been in many cases, almost burnt down
to the ground. Because you literally
have been, ‘on the cross’. The Cardinal
on the tale of the dragon (Ketu) will accelerate the dispensation, you will
want to be careful as so much can amass into the ‘home’ and pressure mounts on
the mother/female to be an anchor during this purge and change. Family issues and matters rise like dragons
from the deep past to be dealt with and fall finally back down into the ashes
of history.
The light
of awareness renews and restores the bonds without the baggage. Kind hearts make for soft landings.
The time
has finally arrived, things you have worked so hard for suddenly will start
sliding into your life like butter on a warm skillet. You see the light; a new day is literally dawning
as your path becomes a shining beacon of light to follow.
Now that the
past has laid waste and excavated the ground, It is time to take the square and
build those platforms and foundations to creative ventures that use innovative
methods while walking softly and kindly with each other and the earth.
You also have
found your new tribes. Some people just
won’t make the cut into your new energy fields.
Don’t worry, they have found their own new tribes too or will this year.
I remind you
again, that after carrying that cross, and falling 3 X’s (very important key in
this mystery) having His face wiped clean by Veronica, He dies to this world
and then rises.
We find Him
as a ‘GARDENER’ in the GARDEN.
The Magdalene
is the One who KNEW THE ALL who finds Him.
Here again lies a mystery.
Next is
stated previously.
So you have
been prepared as all of us have, for our tasks at hand as we open the starting
gates into a BRAVE NEW WORLD.
signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and PIsces, your brave navigation of what can
be described as torture at times, has brought you to the shores you now find
yourselves resting upon. Literally
putting yourselves back together after what may seem like a bad dream at times.
may have already found higher ground and a resoluteness they did not have
might finally find true love or at least a passionate partner to discover the
adventure or just hide together reading your chosen books or painting some new
Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, prepare for CHANGE AHEAD.
Yes, even
though your world keeps forcing you adapt, let’s face it, that is not your
favorite phrase, you like your world CONTROLLED, IN ORDER, IN ITS PLACE.
The only
person allowed to change your life is you, and that has not been the case for
quite some time for many of you, and THAT IS NOT COMFORTABLE AND SAFE.
What you
VALUE, like all of us is being MEASURED and shifted as you DISCOVER THAT ALL YOU
You only
The changes
that life brings, open new avenues for light to enter and help you to bloom in
ways that develop only through chance and even CHAOS. Don’t worry, once you put things in order,
you can help to RESTORE ORDER. The universe
might have something even better in store for you, oh ye of little faith.
Politically we are headed into a powder keg that will not be resolved easily and that is an understatement. It is up to us to recognize that we are in this together and none of us are getting out alive, we will meet our creator and FINAL WITNESS.
Signs and
Wonders, coming next...