Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Luna Eclipses The Sun As The Titans Line Up For Battle

The sun will return to 25* Sagittarius on the 17th when the real buzzing starts to begin this time of the year.  He is aligned with the Milky Way’s axis of rotation, which is of course the center of our very own galaxy. The Galactic Center wobbles around 27* of Sagittarius, where the sun will align exactly on the 19th in the North East.

As we tap into to that creative fire, we can find ourselves energized, or frustrated if we have not found a way to align and manage the new energy that is working to burn off the dross of the past, readying us for the future.

Along with this, we have all the other major planetary alignments taking place, which makes for a powerful cocktail.

Just before she raises the curtain/veil…a little at a time and it has grown so very dark, She pours a little magic through the Galactic Center to help us get to the light again.

Tonight, just after 11PM, at 11:20PM, the sun enters Capricorn the Goat.

We have arrived at one of the most monumental astrological aspects of our lifetimes.  We are setting the stage for centuries to come, yes…centuries, lifetimes.

Our solar ambassador is saddling up to Jupiter/Zeus who is at 4* of Capricorn and both are making a lovely trine to Uranus who is at 2* of Taurus, bringing some positive vibes down into innovative earthly pursuits.

This adds some levity to festive occasions giving us a benefic Christmas.

This also initiates a chain of events that will transform CURRENCY in all its forms.  Electricity, finances, movement.

This of course leads up to the new moon, solar eclipse the day after Christmas, jut 12 minutes after midnight EST, lady Luna slides up to occlude the sun at 4* Capricorn.  Thus, the lineup begins in Pan the Goat’s territory.  Those who have been climbing all year will finally start to get a glimpse of the top of the mountain. 

Now, climbing out of the abyss, we begin to organize the real treasures we have discovered in the dark labyrinthine bowels of our being.  Exposed to the LIGHT our shiny selves are REVEALED.

We have found our individual torches, and if you have not quite grasped your hands around your own truth yet, that PASSION is being revealed to you too.

Next year, as we have been saying for years now, WE WILL HAVE 20/20 VISION.

The pain you have endured the past few years, is your PATHOS/PASSION.

What did you fiercely guard or defend?  What drains you?  As we reorganize our lives, we discard and cut away all that weighs us down in our lives.  That is Saturn or El, the Lord of the Rings in Capricorn, cutting away the excesses.  He knows you have to LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD to reach the top of the mountain, just like the goat, who masters the sheer cliffs as if they are walking on flat land.

They appear to be standing on nothing at times, but their well-designed hooves attach to whatever they can find as they scale to the peaks rising high above.

This is the epitome of Saturn in Capricorn, having learned the lessons along the wheel of the previous 9 houses, the Wheel of Fortune points us to the midheaven.  The times trigger us open, activating us to RISE TO THE OCCASION.

We must also remind ourselves, that as we scale the mountains rising up in our lives, the air is thinner, we must rest and take good gulps, deep breaths of air as we readjust to the new heights (new ventures, culminations of paths) so we can arrive safely at the top of our game.  This is referring to our own conscious awareness of course.

This new moon will have us focusing more than ever on GOALS in life. 
This eclipse sits on top of the south node, the tail of the dragon.  They form a T-square to Chiron, the skeleton key, wounded healer who is flying at 1* Aries right now.

This highlights what was said previously.  MMXIX had Pluto/Hades exhuming the depths of our souls like bunker buster bombs, throwing all the debris onto the shore, the curtain was pulled back, exposing so much on the world stage matching micro to macro, As Above, So Below.

Healing old wounds becomes a process that will be repeated as those who have found their own torch
lights, now shine their lamp lights for those who are still not used to seeing in the dark.

With the north node at 8* Cancer, (the head of the dragon) as lady luna occludes most of the sun (there will be a golden ring around it) we will adjust our priorities and learn new management skills, particularly as matriarch’s.

This can be a nurturing, support from behind the scenes that comes at the appropriate time (divine timing) as Pluto and Saturn line up with most of the cast gathering for this monumental shift.

So, prepare for a monumental year ahead, you have earned your place in the starting gate…prepare for the next ONE AND TWO CODING, ZERO ON THE 10TH with the lunar eclipse and then on the 12th with the Saturn, Pluto conjunction at HIGH NOON.
Prepare for ACTIVATION.

This new moon eclipse on the 26th is opening the GATEWAY for the next 6 months but passes
through the GATEWAY ON THE 10TH AND 12TH.

Think of the last decade, condense that into one and you get some idea of the year ahead…

Pluto is POWER.  He is aligning, setting the runway of energy, with Saturn/EL.  This is POWER SHIFTING.
This eclipse will have the greatest effect on the area’s of visibility:

Visible across Eastern Europe, Asia, northwest Australia, East Africa, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, it’s the path of annularity that’s important to eclipse chasers.  After an eclipsed sunrise in Saudi Arabia, the path crosses Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam before sunset.

The biggest cities that will see the annular eclipse include Kozhikode and Coimbatore in southern India, Jaffna and Trincomalee in Sri Lanka, Sibolga, Batam and Singkawang in Indonesia, and Singapore. These areas may receive the most land changes.

The major theme of the year ahead is: RISING UP FROM THE ASHES.

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